Isaiah 57 Bishops' Bible 1568

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(New page: Isa 57:1 The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart; and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil `to come'. Isa 57:2 He ent...)
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Isa 57:1 The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart; and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil `to come'.
Isa 57:1 The ryghteous perisheth, and no man regardeth it in his heart: good godly people are taken away, & no man considereth it, namely, that the righteous is conueyed away from the wicked.
Isa 57:2 He entereth into peace; they rest in their beds, each one that walketh in his uprightness.
Isa 57:2 He commeth into peace, and godly men rest in their chaumbers, and before the godly man goeth peace.
Isa 57:3 But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the harlot.
Isa 57:3 Come hyther therfore ye charmers children, ye sonnes of the adulterer and the whore.
Isa 57:4 Against whom do ye sport yourselves? against whom make ye a wide mouth, and put out the tongue? are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood,
Isa 57:4 Wherin take ye your pleasure? vpon whom gape ye with your mouth, and bleare out your tongue? Are ye not children of transgression, and a seede of dissimulation?
Isa 57:5 ye that inflame yourselves among the oaks, under every green tree; that slay the children in the valleys, under the clefts of the rocks?
Isa 57:5 Ye make your fire vnder the okes, and vnder all greene trees, and ye offer children in the valleys and dennes of stone.
Isa 57:6 Among the smooth `stones' of the valley is thy portion; they, they are thy lot; even to them hast thou poured a drink-offering, thou hast offered an oblation. Shall I be appeased for these things?
Isa 57:6 Thy part shalbe with the stony rockes by the riuer, yea euen these shalbe thy part: For there thou hast powred meate & drynke offeryng vnto them: Shoulde I delyght in that?
Isa 57:7 Upon a high and lofty mountain hast thou set thy bed; thither also wentest thou up to offer sacrifice.
Isa 57:7 Thou hast made thy bed vpon hye mountaynes, thou wentest vp thyther, and there thou hast slayne sacrifices.
Isa 57:8 And behind the doors and the posts hast thou set up thy memorial: for thou hast uncovered `thyself' to another than me, and art gone up; thou hast enlarged thy bed, and made thee a covenant with them: thou lovedst their bed where thou sawest it.
Isa 57:8 Behynde the doores and postes hast thou set vp thy remembraunce, when thou hadst discouered thy selfe to another then me, when thou wentest vp and made thy bed wider, and with those idols hast thou made a couenaunt, and louedst their couches where thou sawest them.
Isa 57:9 And thou wentest to the king with oil, and didst increase thy perfumes, and didst send thine ambassadors far off, and didst debase thyself even unto Sheol.
Isa 57:9 Thou wentest straight to kinges with oyle and diuers oyntmentes [that is] thou hast sent thy messengers farre of, and yet art thou fallen into the pit.
Isa 57:10 Thou wast wearied with the length of thy way; yet saidst thou not, It is in vain: thou didst find a quickening of thy strength; therefore thou wast not faint.
Isa 57:10 Thou art weerie for the multitude of thyne owne wayes, yet saydest thou neuer, there is no hope: Thou hast had the life that thy handes wrought, and therefore thou art carelesse.
Isa 57:11 And of whom hast thou been afraid and in fear, that thou liest, and hast not remembered me, nor laid it to thy heart? have not I held my peace even of long time, and thou fearest me not?
Isa 57:11 For whom wylt thou be abashed or feare, seing thou hast broken thy promise, and remembrest not me, neither hast me in thyne heart? Thinkest thou that I also wyll holde my peace as aforetime, that thou fearest me not?
Isa 57:12 I will declare thy righteousness; and as for thy works, they shall not profit thee.
Isa 57:12 Yea veryly I wyll declare thy goodnesse and thy workes, but they shall not profite thee.
Isa 57:13 When thou criest, let them that thou hast gathered deliver thee; but the wind shall take them, a breath shall carry them all away: but he that taketh refuge in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain.
Isa 57:13 When thou cryest, let thy chosen heape deliuer thee: but the winde shall blowe them foorth, and vanitie shal take them all away: Neuerthelesse they that put their trust in me, shall inherite the land, and haue my holy hill in possession.
Isa 57:14 And he will say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumbling-block out of the way of my people.
Isa 57:14 And therefore thus he saith: make playne, make playne, and clense the streete, take vp the stumbling blockes out of the way of my people.
Isa 57:15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite.
Isa 57:15 For thus saith the hye and excellent, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holy one: I dwell hye aboue and in the sanctuarie, and with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirite do I dwell, that I may heale a troubled minde, and a contrite heart.
Isa 57:16 For I will not contend for ever, neither will I be always wroth; for the spirit would faint before me, and the souls that I have made.
Isa 57:16 For I chyde not euer, and am not wroth without ende: but the blasting goeth from me, and is included in the body, and I made the breath.
Isa 57:17 For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him; I hid `my face' and was wroth; and he went on backsliding in the way of his heart.
Isa 57:17 I am wroth with hym for his couetousnesse, I smite hym, I hide me and am angrie, and he turneth himselfe, and foloweth thee by the way of his owne heart.
Isa 57:18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners.
Isa 57:18 I haue seene his wayes, and I heale hym, I leade him, and restore to hym comfort, and to those that were sorie for hym.
Isa 57:19 I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace, to him that is far off and to him that is near, saith Jehovah; and I will heal him.
Isa 57:19 I make the fruites of thankesgeuing, that he may say, peace, peace, vnto the that are farre of, and to them that are nye saith the Lorde, I make hym whole.
Isa 57:20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea; for it cannot rest, and its waters cast up mire and dirt.
Isa 57:20 But the wicked are lyke the raging sea that can not rest, whose water fometh with the mire and grauell.
Isa 57:21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
Isa 57:21 Euen so the wicked haue no peace, saith God.

Current revision

Isa 57:1 The ryghteous perisheth, and no man regardeth it in his heart: good godly people are taken away, & no man considereth it, namely, that the righteous is conueyed away from the wicked. Isa 57:2 He commeth into peace, and godly men rest in their chaumbers, and before the godly man goeth peace. Isa 57:3 Come hyther therfore ye charmers children, ye sonnes of the adulterer and the whore. Isa 57:4 Wherin take ye your pleasure? vpon whom gape ye with your mouth, and bleare out your tongue? Are ye not children of transgression, and a seede of dissimulation? Isa 57:5 Ye make your fire vnder the okes, and vnder all greene trees, and ye offer children in the valleys and dennes of stone. Isa 57:6 Thy part shalbe with the stony rockes by the riuer, yea euen these shalbe thy part: For there thou hast powred meate & drynke offeryng vnto them: Shoulde I delyght in that? Isa 57:7 Thou hast made thy bed vpon hye mountaynes, thou wentest vp thyther, and there thou hast slayne sacrifices. Isa 57:8 Behynde the doores and postes hast thou set vp thy remembraunce, when thou hadst discouered thy selfe to another then me, when thou wentest vp and made thy bed wider, and with those idols hast thou made a couenaunt, and louedst their couches where thou sawest them. Isa 57:9 Thou wentest straight to kinges with oyle and diuers oyntmentes [that is] thou hast sent thy messengers farre of, and yet art thou fallen into the pit. Isa 57:10 Thou art weerie for the multitude of thyne owne wayes, yet saydest thou neuer, there is no hope: Thou hast had the life that thy handes wrought, and therefore thou art carelesse. Isa 57:11 For whom wylt thou be abashed or feare, seing thou hast broken thy promise, and remembrest not me, neither hast me in thyne heart? Thinkest thou that I also wyll holde my peace as aforetime, that thou fearest me not? Isa 57:12 Yea veryly I wyll declare thy goodnesse and thy workes, but they shall not profite thee. Isa 57:13 When thou cryest, let thy chosen heape deliuer thee: but the winde shall blowe them foorth, and vanitie shal take them all away: Neuerthelesse they that put their trust in me, shall inherite the land, and haue my holy hill in possession. Isa 57:14 And therefore thus he saith: make playne, make playne, and clense the streete, take vp the stumbling blockes out of the way of my people. Isa 57:15 For thus saith the hye and excellent, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holy one: I dwell hye aboue and in the sanctuarie, and with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirite do I dwell, that I may heale a troubled minde, and a contrite heart. Isa 57:16 For I chyde not euer, and am not wroth without ende: but the blasting goeth from me, and is included in the body, and I made the breath. Isa 57:17 I am wroth with hym for his couetousnesse, I smite hym, I hide me and am angrie, and he turneth himselfe, and foloweth thee by the way of his owne heart. Isa 57:18 I haue seene his wayes, and I heale hym, I leade him, and restore to hym comfort, and to those that were sorie for hym. Isa 57:19 I make the fruites of thankesgeuing, that he may say, peace, peace, vnto the that are farre of, and to them that are nye saith the Lorde, I make hym whole. Isa 57:20 But the wicked are lyke the raging sea that can not rest, whose water fometh with the mire and grauell. Isa 57:21 Euen so the wicked haue no peace, saith God.

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