Matthew 1 (TRV)

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{{Template:Books of the New Testament TRV}}
#REDIRECT [[Matthew 1 King James Version 2016]]
* [[Matthew 1:1 (TRV)|1]] [[976|The book]] [[1078|of the genealogy]]<sup>[1]</sup> [[2424|of Jesus]] [[5547|Christ]], [[5207|the Son]] [[1138|of David]], [[5207|the Son]] [[11|of Abraham]]:
* [[Matthew 1:2 (TRV)|2]] [[11|Abraham]] [[1080|fathered]]<sup>[2]</sup> [[2464|Isaac]], [[1161|and]] [[2464|Isaac]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2384|Jacob]], [[1161|and]] [[2384|Jacob]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2445|Judah]] [[1161|and]] [[80|his brothers]],
* [[Matthew 1:3 (TRV)|3]] [[1161|and]] [[2445|Judah]] [[1080|fathered]] [[5329|Perez]] [[1161|and]] [[2196|Zerah]] [[1537|by]] [[2283|Tamar]], [[1161|and]] [[5329|Perez]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2074|Hezron]], [[1161|and]] [[2074|Hezron]] [[1080|fathered]] [[689|Ram]],
* [[Matthew 1:4 (TRV)|4]] [[1161|and]] [[689|Ram]] [[1080|fathered]] [[284|Amminadab]], [[1161|and]] [[284|Amminadab]] [[1080|fathered]] [[3476|Nahshon]], [[1161|and]] [[3476|Nahshon]] [[1080|fathered]] [[4533|Salmon]],
* [[Matthew 1:5 (TRV)|5]] [[1161|and]] [[4533|Salmon]] [[1080|fathered]] [[1003|Boaz]] [[1537|of]] [[4477|Rahab]], [[1161|and Boaz]] [[1080|fathered]] [[5601|Obed]] [[1537|by]] [[4503|Ruth]], [[1161|and]] [[5601|Obed]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2421|Jesse]],
* [[Matthew 1:6 (TRV)|6]] [[1161|and]] [[2421|Jesse]] [[1080|fathered]] [[1138|David]] [[935|the king]], [[1161|and]] [[1138|David]] [[935|the king]] [[1080|fathered]] [[4672|Solomon]] [[3588|of her]] ''who had been''<sup>[3]</sup> [[3588|the wife]] [[3774|of Uriah]].
* [[Matthew 1:7 (TRV)|7]] [[1161|And]] [[4672|Solomon]] [[1080|fathered]] [[4497|Rehoboam]], [[1161|and]] [[4497|Rehoboam]] [[1080|fathered]] [[7|Abijah]], [[1161|and]] [[7|Abijah]] [[1080|fathered]] [[760|Asa]],
* [[Matthew 1:8 (TRV)|8]] [[1161|and]] [[760|Asa]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2498|Jehoshaphat]], [[1161|and]] [[2498|Jehoshaphat]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2496|Joram]], [[1161|and]] [[2496|Joram]] [[1080|fathered]] [[3604|Uzziah]],
* [[Matthew 1:9 (TRV)|9]] [[1161|and]] [[3604|Uzziah]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2488|Jotham]], [[1161|and]] [[2488|Jotham]] [[1080|fathered]] [[881|Ahaz]], [[1161|and]] [[881|Ahaz]] [[1080|fathered]] [[1478|Hezekiah]],
* [[Matthew 1:10 (TRV)|10]] [[1161|and]] [[1478|Hezekiah]] [[1080|fathered]] [[3128|Manasseh]], [[1161|and]] [[3128|Manasseh]] [[1080|fathered]] [[300|Amon]], [[1161|and]] [[300|Amon]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2502|Josiah]],
* [[Matthew 1:11 (TRV)|11]] [[1161|and]] [[2502|Josiah]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2423|Jechoniah]] [[1161|and]] [[846|his]] [[80|brethren]], [[1909|about the time]] [[3350|they were carried away]] [[897|to Babylon]].
* [[Matthew 1:12 (TRV)|12]] [[1161|And]] [[3326|after]] [[3350|they were brought]] [[897|to Babylon]], [[2423|Jechoniah]] [[1080|fathered]] [[4528|Shealtiel]], [[1161|and]] [[4528|Shealtiel]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2216|Zerubbabel]],
* [[Matthew 1:13 (TRV)|13]] [[1161|and]] [[2216|Zerubbabel]] [[1080|fathered]] [[10|Abiud]], [[1161|and]] [[10|Abiud]] [[1080|fathered]] [[1662|Eliakim]], [[1161|and]] [[1662|Eliakim]] [[1080|fathered]] [[107|Azor]],
* [[Matthew 1:14 (TRV)|14]] [[1161|and]] [[107|Azor]] [[1080|fathered]] [[4524|Zadoc]], [[1161|and]] [[4524|Zadoc]] [[1080|fathered]] [[885|Achim]], [[1161|and]] [[885|Achim]] [[1080|fathered]] [[1664|Eliud]],
* [[Matthew 1:15 (TRV)|15]] [[1161|and]] [[1664|Eliud]] [[1080|fathered]] [[1648|Eleazar]], [[1161|and]] [[1648|Eleazar]] [[1080|fathered]] [[3157|Matthan]], [[1161|and]] [[3157|Matthan]] [[1080|fathered]] [[2384|Jacob]],
* [[Matthew 1:16 (TRV)|16]] [[1161|and]] [[2384|Jacob]] [[1080|fathered Joseph]] [[435|the husband]] [[3137|of Mary]], [[1537|of]] [[3739|whom]] [[1080|was born]] [[2424|Jesus]], [[3588|who]] [[3004|is called]] [[5547|Christ]].
* [[Matthew 1:17 (TRV)|17]] [[3767|So]] [[3956|all]] [[1074|the generations]] [[575|from]] [[11|Abraham]] [[2193|to]] [[1138|David]] [[1074|are]] [[1180|fourteen]] [[1074|generations]], [[2532|and]] [[575|from]] [[1138|David]] [[2193|until]] [[3350|the carrying away]] [[897|into Babylon]] [[1074|are]] [[1180|fourteen]] [[1074|generations]], [[2532|and]] [[575|from]] [[3350|the carrying away]] [[897|into Babylon]] [[2193|until]] [[5547|Christ]] [[1074|are]] [[1180| fourteen]] [[1074|generations]]. 
* [[Matthew 1:18 (TRV)|18]] [[1161|Now]] [[3588|the]] [[1083|birth]] [[2424|of Jesus]] [[5547|Christ]] [[2258|happened]] [[3779|this way]]: [[1063|After]] [[846|His]] [[3384|mother]] [[3137|Mary]] [[3423|was betrothed]] [[2501|to Joseph]] ([[4250|before]] [[846|they]] [[4905|came together]]), [[2147|she was found]] [[2192|with]] [[1064|child]] [[1537|of]] [[40|the Holy]] [[4151|Spirit]].
* [[Matthew 1:19 (TRV)|19]] [[1161|Then]] [[2501|Joseph]] [[846|her]]  [[435|husband]], [[5607|being]] [[1342|a just man]], [[2532|and]] [[3361|not]] [[2309|willing]] [[3856|to make]] [[846|her]] [[3856|a public example]], [[1014|was minded]] [[630|to put]] [[846|her]] [[630|away]] [[2977|secretly]].
* [[Matthew 1:20 (TRV)|20]] [[1161|But]] [[846|while he]] [[1760|thought on]] [[5023|these things]], [[2400|behold]], [[32|an angel]] [[2962|of the Lord]] [[5316|appeared]] [[846|to him]] [[2596|in]] [[3677|a dream]], [[3004|saying]], “[[2501|Joseph]], <sup>[4]</sup> [[5207|son]] [[1138|of David]], [[3361|do not]] [[5399|be afraid]] [[3880|to take]] [[4675|to you]] [[3137|Mary]] [[1135|your wife]], [[1063|for]] [[1080|that which is conceived]] [[1722|in]] [[846|her]] [[2076|is]] [[1537|of]] [[40|the Holy]] [[4151|Spirit]].
* [[Matthew 1:21 (TRV)|21]] [[1161|And]] [[5088|she will bring forth]] [[5207|a Son]], [[2532|and]] [[2564|you shall call]] [[846|His]] [[3686|name]] [[2424|JESUS]]: [[1063|because]] [[846|He]] [[4982|will save]] [[846|His]] [[2992|people]] [[575|from]] [[846|their]] [[266|sins]].”
* [[Matthew 1:22 (TRV)|22]] ([[1161|So]] [[3650|all]] [[5124|this]] [[1096|was done]] [[2443|that]] [[4137|it might be fulfilled]] [[3588|which]] [[4483|was spoken]] [[5259|by]] [[2962|the Lord]] [[1223|through]] [[4396|the prophet]], [[3004|saying]]:
* [[Matthew 1:23 (TRV)|23]] [[2400|Behold]], [[3933|a virgin]] [[1064|will be with child]], [[2532|and]] [[5088|will bring forth]] [[5207|a Son]], [[2564|and they willl call]] [[846|His]] [[3686|name]] [[1694|Emmanuel]],” [[3739|which]] [[3177|being translated]] [[2076|is]], “[[2316|God]] [[3326|with]] [[2257|us]].”)
* [[Matthew 1:24 (TRV)|24]] [[1161|Then]] [[2501|Joseph]], [[1326|being awoken]] [[575|from]] [[5258|sleep]], [[4160|did]] [[5613|as]] [[32|the angel]] [[2962|of the Lord]] [[4367|had told]] [[846|him]], [[2532|and]] [[3880|took]] [[846|to him]] [[1135|his wife]],
* [[Matthew 1:25 (TRV)|25]] [[2532|and]] [[3756|did not]] [[1097|know]] [[846|her]] [[2193|until]] [[5088|she had brought forth]] [[846|her]] [[4416|firstborn]] [[5207|Son]]. [[2532|And]] [[2564|he called]] [[846|His]] [[3686|name]] [[2424|JESUS]].
''[[Textus Receptus Version]]''
* 1. [[KJV]] - generation
* 2. [[KJV]] - begat
* 3. Words in italics are placed into the text to make it clearer to read. Although in Greek these words were not needed, to get the same sense in English, italicised words are sometimes needed. The Textus Receptus Version follows the original 1611 KJV as closely as possible, unless it affects the modern relevance. The KJV translators studied and mimicked the process of the inspired New Testament writers who often quoted sections the Old Testament Hebrew. At times there were slight additions or subtractions which were needed in the Greek to faithfully translate the quotations. Although at times the Old Testament quotations are not verbatim. In such places many have fallen into the error of following the [[LXX]].
* 4. [[KJV]] - Joseph, thou son of David
==See Also==
* [[Matthew 1]]
* [[Textus Receptus]]
* [[Matthew 1 Greek NT: Beza's Textus Receptus (1598)]]
The Textus Receptus Version is copyright 2012. Only to protect it from being stolen and resold for profit. All Rights reserved.

Current revision

  1. REDIRECT Matthew 1 King James Version 2016
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