John 8

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* [[John 8:1|1]] Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.
* [[John 8:1|1]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[4198|went]] [[1519|unto]] [[3588|the]] [[3735|mount]] [[1636|of Olives]].
* [[John 8:2|2]] And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.
* [[John 8:2|2]] [[1161|And]] [[3722|early in the morning]] [[3854|he came]] [[3825|again]] [[1519|into]] [[3588|the]] [[2411|temple]], [[2532|and]] [[3956|all]] [[3588|the]] [[2992|people]] [[2064|came]] [[4314|unto]] [[846|him]]; [[2532|and]] [[2523|he sat down]], [[1321|and taught]] [[846|them]].
* [[John 8:3|3]] And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
* [[John 8:3|3]] [[1161|And]] [[3588|the]] [[1122|scribes]] [[2532|and]] [[5330|Pharisees]] [[71|brought]] [[4314|unto]] [[848|him]] [[1135|a woman]] [[2638|taken]] [[1722|in]] [[3430|adultery]]; [[2532|and]] [[2476|when they had set]] [[846|her]] [[1722|in]] [[3319|the midst]],
* [[John 8:4|4]] They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
* [[John 8:4|4]] [[3004|They say]] [[846|unto him]], [[1320|Master]], [[3778|this]] [[1135|woman]] [[2638|was taken]] [[3431|in adultery]], [[1888|in the very act]].
* [[John 8:5|5]] Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
* [[John 8:5|5]] [[1161|Now]] [[3475|Moses]] [[1722|in]] [[3588|the]] [[3551|law]] [[1781|commanded]] [[2254|us]], [[5108|that such]] [[3036|should be stoned]]: [[3767|but]] [[5101|what]] [[3004|sayest]] [[4771|thou]]?
* [[John 8:6|6]] This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
* [[John 8:6|6]] [[5124|This]] [[3004|they said]], [[3985|tempting]] [[846|him]], [[2443|that]] [[2192|they might have]] [[2723|to accuse]] [[846|him]]. [[1161|But]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[2955|stooped]] [[2736|down]], [[1125|and with]] ''his'' [[1147|finger]] [[1125|wrote]] [[1519|on]] [[3588|the]] [[1093|ground]], ''as though he heard them not''.
* [[John 8:7|7]] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
* [[John 8:7|7]] [[1161|So]] [[5613|when]] [[1961|they continued]] [[2065|asking]] [[846|him]], [[352|he lifted up himself]], [[2036|and said]] [[4314|unto]] [[846|them]], [[361|He that is without sin]] [[5216|among you]], [[4413|let him first]] [[906|cast]] [[3037|a stone]] [[1909|at]] [[846|her]].
* [[John 8:8|8]] And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
* [[John 8:8|8]] [[2532|And]] [[3825|again]] [[2955|he stooped]] [[2736|down]], [[1125|and wrote]] [[1519|on]] [[3588|the]] [[1093|ground]].
* [[John 8:9|9]] And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
* [[John 8:9|9]] [[1161|And]] [[191|they which heard]] ''it'', [[2532|being]] [[1651|convicted]] [[5259|by]] ''their own'' [[4893|conscience]], [[1831|went out]] [[1527|one by one]], [[756|beginning]] [[575|at]] [[3588|the]] [[4245|eldest]], ''even'' [[2193|unto]] [[3588|the]] [[2078|last]]: [[2532|and]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[2641|was left]] [[3441|alone]], [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[1135|woman]] [[2476|standing]] [[1722|in]] [[3319|the midst]].
* [[John 8:10|10]] When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
* [[John 8:10|10]] [[1161|When]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[352|had lifted up himself]], [[2532|and]] [[2300|saw]] [[3367|none]] [[4133|but]] [[3588|the]] [[1135|woman]], [[2036|he said]] [[846|unto her]], [[1135|Woman]], [[4226|where]] [[1526|are]] [[1565|those]] [[4675|thine]] [[2725|accusers]]? [[3762|hath no man]] [[2632|condemned]] [[4571|thee]]?
* [[John 8:11|11]] She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
* [[John 8:11|11]] [[3588|She]] [[2036|said]], [[3762|No man]], [[2962|Lord]]. [[1161|And]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[2036|said]] [[846|unto her]], [[3761|Neither]] [[1473|do I]] [[2632|condemn]] [[4571|thee]]: [[4198|go]], [[2532|and]] [[264|sin]] [[3371|no more]].
* [[John 8:12|12]] ¶ Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
* [[John 8:12|12]] ¶ [[3767|Then]] [[2980|spake]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[3825|again]] [[846|unto them]], [[3004|saying]], [[1473|I]] [[1510|am]] [[3588|the]] [[5457|light]] [[3588|of the]] [[2889|world]]: [[190|he that followeth]] [[1698|me]] [[3364|shall not]] [[4043|walk]] [[1722|in]] [[4653|darkness]], [[235|but]] [[2192|shall have]] [[3588|the]] [[5457|light]] [[2222|of life]].
* [[John 8:13|13]] The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true.
* [[John 8:13|13]] [[3588|The]] [[5330|Pharisees]] [[4767|therefore]] [[2036|said]] [[846|unto him]], [[4771|Thou]] [[3140|bearest record]] [[4012|of]] [[4572|thyself]]; [[4675|thy]] [[3141|record]] [[2076|is]] [[3756|not]] [[227|true]].
* [[John 8:14|14]] Jesus answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go.
* [[John 8:14|14]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[611|answered]] [[2532|and]] [[2036|said]] [[846|unto them]], [[2579|Though]] [[1473|I]] [[3140|bear record]] [[4012|of]] [[1683|myself]], ''yet'' [[3450|my]] [[3141|record]] [[2076|is]] [[277|true]]: [[3754|for]] [[1492|I know]] [[4159|whence]] [[2064|I came]], [[2532|and]] [[4226|whither]] [[5217|I go]]; [[1161|but]] [[5210|ye]] cannot tell [[4159|whence]] [[2064|I come]], [[4226|and whither]] [[5217|I go]].
* [[John 8:15|15]] Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.
* [[John 8:15|15]] [[5210|Ye]] [[2919|judge]] [[2596|after]] [[3588|the]] [[4561|flesh]]; [[1473|I]] [[2919|judge]] [[3762|no man]].
* [[John 8:16|16]] And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me.
* [[John 8:16|16]] [[2532|And]] [[1161|yet]] [[1437|if]] [[1473|I]] [[2919|judge]], [[1699|my]] [[2920|judgment]] [[2076|is]] [[227|true]]: [[3754|for]] [[1510|I am]] [[3756|not]] [[3441|alone]], [[235|but]] [[1473|I]] [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[3962|Father]] [[3992|that sent]] [[3165|me]].
* [[John 8:17|17]] It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true.
* [[John 8:17|17]] [[2532|It is]] [[1161|also]] [[1125|written]] [[1722|in]] [[5212|your]] [[3551|law]], [[3754|that]] [[3588|the]] [[3141|testimony]] [[1417|of two]] [[444|men]] [[2076|is]] [[227|true]].
* [[John 8:18|18]] I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.
* [[John 8:18|18]] [[1473|I]] [[1510|am]] [[3140|one that bear witness]] [[4012|of]] [[1683|myself]], [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[3962|Father]] [[3588|that]] [[3992|sent]] [[3165|me]] [[3140|beareth witness]] [[4012|of]] [[1700|me]].
* [[John 8:19|19]] Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
* [[John 8:19|19]] [[3767|Then]] [[3004|said]] [[846|they unto him]], [[4226|Where]] [[2076|is]] [[4675|thy]] [[3962|Father]]? [[2424|Jesus]] [[611|answered]], [[3777|Ye neither]] [[1492|know]] [[1691|me]], [[3777|nor]] [[3450|my]] [[3962|Father]]: [[1487|if]] [[1492|ye had known]] [[1691|me]], ye should have known [[3450|my]] [[3962|Father]] [[2532|also]].
* [[John 8:20|20]] These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple: and no man laid hands on him; for his hour was not yet come.
* [[John 8:20|20]] [[5023|These]] [[4487|words]] [[2980|spake]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[1722|in]] [[3588|the]] [[1049|treasury]], [[1321|as he taught]] [[1722|in]] [[3588|the]] [[2411|temple]]: [[2532|and]] [[3762|no man]] [[4084|laid hands on]] [[846|him]]; [[3754|for]] [[846|his]] [[5610|hour]] [[3768|was not yet]] [[2064|come]].
* [[John 8:21|21]] Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.
* [[John 8:21|21]] [[3767|Then]] [[2036|said]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[3825|again]] [[846|unto them]], [[1473|I]] [[5217|go my way]], [[2532|and]] [[2212|ye shall seek]] [[3165|me]], [[2532|and]] [[599|shall die]] [[1722|in]] [[5216|your]] [[266|sins]]: [[3699|whither]] [[1473|I]] [[5217|go]], [[5210|ye]] cannot [[2064|come]].
* [[John 8:22|22]] Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come.
* [[John 8:22|22]] [[3767|Then]] [[3004|said]] [[3588|the]] [[2453|Jews]], [[3385|Will]] [[615|he kill]] [[1438|himself]]? [[3754|because]] [[3004|he saith]], [[3699|Whither]] [[1473|I]] [[5217|go]], [[5210|ye]] cannot [[2064|come]].
* [[John 8:23|23]] And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.
* [[John 8:23|23]] [[2532|And]] [[2036|he said]] [[846|unto them]], [[5210|Ye]] [[2075|are]] [[1537|from]] [[2736|beneath]]; [[1473|I]] [[1510|am]] [[1537|from]] [[507|above]]: [[5210|ye]] [[2075|are]] [[1537|of]] [[5127|this]] [[2889|world]]; [[1473|I]] [[1510|am]] [[3756|not]] [[1537|of]] [[5127|this]] [[2889|world]].
* [[John 8:24|24]] I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
* [[John 8:24|24]] [[2036|I said]] [[3767|therefore]] [[5213|unto you]], [[3754|that]] [[599|ye shall die]] [[1722|in]] [[5216|your]] [[266|sins]]: [[1063|for]] [[1437|if]] [[4100|ye believe]] [[3361|not]] [[3754|that]] [[1473|I]] [[1510|am]] ''he'', [[599|ye shall die]] [[1722|in]] [[5216|your]] [[266|sins]].
* [[John 8:25|25]] Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning.
* [[John 8:25|25]] [[3767|Then]] [[3004|said]] [[846|they unto him]], [[5101|Who]] [[1488|art]] [[4771|thou]]? [[2532|And]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[2036|saith]] [[846|unto them]], [[2532|Even]] ''the same'' [[3748|that]] [[2980|I said]] [[5213|unto you]] [[3588|from the]] [[746|beginning]].
* [[John 8:26|26]] I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him.
* [[John 8:26|26]] [[2192|I have]] [[4183|many things]] [[2908|to say]] [[2532|and]] [[2919|to judge]] [[4012|of]] [[5216|you]]: [[235|but]] [[3992|he that sent]] [[3165|me]] [[2076|is]] [[227|true]]; [[2504|and I]] [[3004|speak]] [[1519|to]] [[3588|the]] [[2889|world]] [[5023|those things]] [[3739|which]] [[191|I have heard]] [[3844|of]] [[846|him]].
* [[John 8:27|27]] They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.
* [[John 8:27|27]] [[1097|They understood]] [[3756|not]] [[3754|that]] [[3004|he spake]] [[846|to them]] [[3588|of the]] [[3962|Father]].
* [[John 8:28|28]] Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.
* [[John 8:28|28]] [[3767|Then]] [[2036|said]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[846|unto them]], [[3752|When]] [[5312|ye have lifted up]] [[3588|the]] [[5207|Son]] [[444|of man]], [[5119|then]] [[1097|shall ye know]] [[3754|that]] [[1473|I]] [[1510|am]] ''he'', [[2532|and]] ''that'' [[4160|I do]] [[3762|nothing]] [[575|of]] [[1683|myself]]; [[235|but]] [[2531|as]] [[3450|my]] [[3962|Father]] [[1321|hath taught]] [[3165|me]], [[2980|I speak]] [[5023|these things]].
* [[John 8:29|29]] And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.
* [[John 8:29|29]] [[2532|And]] [[3992|he that sent]] [[3165|me]] [[2076|is]] [[3326|with]] [[1700|me]]: [[3588|the]] [[3962|Father]] [[3756|hath not]] [[863|left]] [[3165|me]] [[3441|alone]]; [[3754|for]] [[1473|I]] [[4160|do]] [[3842|always]] [[701|those things that please]] [[846|him]].
* [[John 8:30|30]] As he spake these words, many believed on him.
* [[John 8:30|30]] [[846|As he]] [[2980|spake]] [[5023|these words]], [[4183|many]] [[4100|believed]] [[1519|on]] [[846|him]].
* [[John 8:31|31]] Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
* [[John 8:31|31]] [[3767|Then]] [[3004|said]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[4314|to]] [[2453|those Jews]] [[4100|which believed]] [[846|on him]], [[1437|If]] [[5210|ye]] [[3306|continue]] [[1722|in]] [[1699|my]] [[3056|word]], ''then'' [[2075|are]] [[3450|ye my]] [[3101|disciples]] [[230|indeed]];
* [[John 8:32|32]] And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
* [[John 8:32|32]] [[2532|And]] [[1097|ye shall know]] [[3588|the]] [[225|truth]], [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[225|truth]] shall make you free.
* [[John 8:33|33]] They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?
* [[John 8:33|33]] [[611|They answered]] [[846|him]], [[2070|We be]] [[11|Abraham’s]] [[4690|seed]], [[2532|and]] were never in bondage [[3762|to any man]]: [[4459|how]] [[3004|sayest]] [[4771|thou]], [[1096|Ye shall be made]] [[1658|free]]?
* [[John 8:34|34]] Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.
* [[John 8:34|34]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[611|answered]] [[846|them]], [[281|Verily]], [[281|verily]], [[3004|I say]] [[5213|unto you]], [[3956|Whosoever]] [[4160|committeth]] [[266|sin]] [[2076|is]] [[1401|the servant]] [[266|of sin]].
* [[John 8:35|35]] And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.
* [[John 8:35|35]] [[1161|And]] [[3588|the]] [[1401|servant]] [[3306|abideth]] [[3756|not]] [[1722|in]] [[3588|the]] [[3614|house]] for ever: ''but'' [[3588|the]] [[5207|Son]] [[3306|abideth]] ever.
* [[John 8:36|36]] If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
* [[John 8:36|36]] [[1437|If]] [[3588|the]] [[5207|Son]] [[3767|therefore]] shall make you free, [[2071|ye shall be]] [[1658|free]] [[3689|indeed]].
* [[John 8:37|37]] I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.
* [[John 8:37|37]] [[1492|I know]] [[3754|that]] [[2075|ye are]] [[11|Abraham’s]] [[4690|seed]]; [[235|but]] [[2212|ye seek]] [[615|to kill]] [[3165|me]], [[3754|because]] [[1699|my]] [[3056|word]] hath no place [[1722|in]] [[5213|you]].
* [[John 8:38|38]] I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
* [[John 8:38|38]] [[1473|I]] [[2980|speak]] [[3739|that which]] [[3708|I have seen]] [[3844|with]] [[3450|my]] [[3962|Father]]: [[2532|and]] [[5210|ye]] [[4160|do]] [[3739|that which]] [[3767|ye have]] [[3708|seen]] [[3844|with]] [[5216|your]] [[3962|father]].
* [[John 8:39|39]] They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
* [[John 8:39|39]] [[611|They answered]] [[2532|and]] [[2036|said]] [[846|unto him]], [[11|Abraham]] [[2076|is]] [[2257|our]] [[3962|father]]. [[2424|Jesus]] [[3004|saith]] [[846|unto them]], [[1487|If]] [[2258|ye were]] [[11|Abraham’s]] [[5043|children]], ye would do [[3588|the]] [[2041|works]] [[11|of Abraham]].
* [[John 8:40|40]] But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
* [[John 8:40|40]] [[1161|But]] [[3568|now]] [[2212|ye seek]] [[615|to kill]] [[3165|me]], [[444|a man]] [[3739|that]] [[2980|hath told]] [[5213|you]] [[3588|the]] [[225|truth]], [[3739|which]] [[191|I have heard]] [[3844|of]] [[2316|God]]: [[5124|this]] [[4160|did]] [[3756|not]] [[11|Abraham]].
* [[John 8:41|41]] Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
* [[John 8:41|41]] [[5210|Ye]] [[4160|do]] [[3588|the]] [[2041|deeds]] [[5216|of your]] [[3962|father]]. [[3767|Then]] [[2036|said]] [[846|they to him]], [[2249|We]] [[3756|be not]] [[1080|born]] [[1537|of]] [[4202|fornication]]; [[2192|we have]] [[1520|one]] [[3962|Father]], ''even'' [[2316|God]].
* [[John 8:42|42]] Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
* [[John 8:42|42]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[2036|said]] [[846|unto them]], [[1487|If]] [[2316|God]] [[2258|were]] [[5216|your]] [[3962|Father]], ye would love [[1691|me]]: [[1063|for]] [[1473|I]] [[1831|proceeded forth]] [[2532|and]] [[2240|came]] [[1537|from]] [[2316|God]]; [[3761|neither]] [[2064|came]] [[575|I of]] [[1683|myself]], [[235|but]] [[1565|he]] [[649|sent]] [[3165|me]].
* [[John 8:43|43]] Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
* [[John 8:43|43]] [[1302|Why]] [[3756|do ye not]] [[1097|understand]] [[1699|my]] [[2981|speech]]? ''even'' [[3754|because]] ye cannot [[191|hear]] [[1699|my]] [[3056|word]].
* [[John 8:44|44]] Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
* [[John 8:44|44]] [[5210|Ye]] [[2075|are]] [[1537|of]] ''your'' [[3962|father]] [[3588|the]] [[1228|devil]], [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[1939|lusts]] [[5216|of your]] [[3962|father]] [[2309|ye will]] [[4160|do]]. [[1565|He]] [[2258|was]] [[443|a murderer]] [[575|from]] [[746|the beginning]], [[2532|and]] [[2476|abode]] [[3756|not]] [[1722|in]] [[3588|the]] [[225|truth]], [[3754|because]] [[2076|there is]] [[3756|no]] [[225|truth]] [[1722|in]] [[846|him]]. [[3752|When]] [[2980|he speaketh]] [[5579|a lie]], [[2980|he speaketh]] [[1537|of]] [[2398|his own]]: [[3754|for]] [[2076|he is]] [[5583|a liar]], [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[3962|father]] [[846|of it]].
* [[John 8:45|45]] And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
* [[John 8:45|45]] [[1161|And]] [[3754|because]] [[1473|I]] [[3004|tell]] ''you'' [[3588|the]] [[225|truth]], [[4100|ye believe]] [[3427|me]] [[3756|not]].
* [[John 8:46|46]] Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
* [[John 8:46|46]] [[5101|Which]] [[1537|of]] [[5216|you]] [[1651|convinceth]] [[3165|me]] [[4012|of]] [[266|sin]]? [[1161|And]] [[1487|if]] [[3004|I say]] [[225|the truth]], [[1302|why]] [[5210|do ye]] [[3756|not]] [[4100|believe]] [[3427|me]]?
* [[John 8:47|47]] He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
* [[John 8:47|47]] [[5607|He that is]] [[1537|of]] [[2316|God]] [[191|heareth]] [[2316|God’s]] [[4487|words]]: [[5210|ye]] therefore [[191|hear]] ''them'' [[3756|not]], [[3754|because]] [[2075|ye are]] [[3756|not]] [[1537|of]] [[2316|God]].
* [[John 8:48|48]] Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?
* [[John 8:48|48]] [[3767|Then]] [[611|answered]] [[3588|the]] [[2453|Jews]], [[2532|and]] [[2036|said]] [[846|unto him]], [[3004|Say]] [[2249|we]] [[3756|not]] [[2573|well]] [[3754|that]] [[4771|thou]] [[1488|art]] [[4541|a Samaritan]], [[2532|and]] [[2192|hast]] [[1140|a devil]]?
* [[John 8:49|49]] Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me.
* [[John 8:49|49]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[611|answered]], [[1473|I]] [[2192|have]] [[3756|not]] [[1140|a devil]]; [[235|but]] [[5091|I honour]] [[3450|my]] [[3962|Father]], [[2532|and]] [[5210|ye]] [[818|do dishonour]] [[3165|me]].
* [[John 8:50|50]] And I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth.
* [[John 8:50|50]] [[1161|And]] [[1473|I]] [[2212|seek]] [[3756|not]] [[3450|mine own]] [[1391|glory]]: [[2076|there is]] [[2212|one that seeketh]] [[2532|and]] [[2919|judgeth]].
* [[John 8:51|51]] Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.
* [[John 8:51|51]] [[281|Verily]], [[281|verily]], [[3004|I say]] [[5213|unto you]], [[1437|If]] [[5100|a man]] [[5083|keep]] [[1699|my]] [[3056|saying]], he shall never [[2334|see]] [[2288|death]].
* [[John 8:52|52]] Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.
* [[John 8:52|52]] [[3767|Then]] [[2036|said]] [[3588|the]] [[2453|Jews]] [[846|unto him]], [[3568|Now]] [[1097|we know]] [[3754|that]] [[2192|thou hast]] [[1140|a devil]]. [[11|Abraham]] [[599|is dead]], [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[4396|prophets]]; [[2532|and]] [[4771|thou]] [[3004|sayest]], [[1437|If]] [[5100|a man]] [[5083|keep]] [[3450|my]] [[3056|saying]], he shall never [[1089|taste]] [[2288|of death]].
* [[John 8:53|53]] Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself?
* [[John 8:53|53]] [[1488|Art]] [[4771|thou]] [[3187|greater]] [[2257|than our]] [[3962|father]] [[11|Abraham]], [[3748|which]] [[599|is dead]]? [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[4396|prophets]] [[599|are dead]]: [[5101|whom]] [[4160|makest]] [[4771|thou]] [[4572|thyself]]?
* [[John 8:54|54]] Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:
* [[John 8:54|54]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[611|answered]], [[1437|If]] [[1473|I]] [[1392|honour]] [[1683|myself]], [[3450|my]] [[1391|honour]] [[2076|is]] [[3762|nothing]]: [[2076|it is]] [[3450|my]] [[3962|Father]] [[1392|that honoureth]] [[3165|me]]; [[3739|of whom]] [[5210|ye]] [[3004|say]], [[3754|that]] [[2076|he is]] [[5216|your]] [[2316|God]]:
* [[John 8:55|55]] Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.
* [[John 8:55|55]] [[2532|Yet]] [[3756|ye have not]] [[107|known]] [[846|him]]; [[1161|but]] [[1492|I know]] [[846|him]]: [[2532|and]] [[1437|if]] [[2036|I should say]], [[3754|I]] [[1492|know]] [[846|him]] [[3756|not]], [[2071|I shall be]] [[5583|a liar]] [[3664|like unto]] [[5216|you]]: [[235|but]] [[1492|I know]] [[846|him]], [[2532|and]] [[5083|keep]] [[846|his]] [[3056|saying]].
* [[John 8:56|56]] Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.
* [[John 8:56|56]] [[5216|Your]] [[3962|father]] [[11|Abraham]] [[21|rejoiced]] [[2443|to]] [[1492|see]] [[1699|my]] [[2250|day]]: [[2532|and]] [[[1492|he saw]] ''it'', [[2532|and]] [[5463|was glad]].
* [[John 8:57|57]] Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
* [[John 8:57|57]] [[3767|Then]] [[2036|said]] [[3588|the]] [[2453|Jews]] [[4314|unto]] [[846|him]], [[2192|Thou art]] [[3768|not yet]] [[4004|fifty]] [[2094|years old]], [[2532|and]] [[3708|hast thou seen]] [[11|Abraham]]?
* [[John 8:58|58]] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
* [[John 8:58|58]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[2036|said]] [[846|unto them]], [[281|Verily]], [[281|verily]], [[3004|I say]] [[5213|unto you]], [[4250|Before]] [[11|Abraham]] [[1096|was]], [[1473|I]] [[1510|am]].
* [[John 8:59|59]] Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.
* [[John 8:59|59]] [[3767|Then]] [[142|took they up]] [[3037|stones]] [[2433|to]] [[906|cast]] [[1909|at]] [[846|him]]: [[1161|but]] [[2424|Jesus]] [[2928|hid himself]], [[2532|and]] [[1831|went]] [[1537|out of]] [[3588|the]] [[2411|temple]], [[1330|going]] [[1223|through]] [[3319|the midst]] [[846|of them]], [[2532|and]] [[3779|so]] [[3855|passed by]].
''[[King James Version]]''
''[[King James Version]]''

Revision as of 10:36, 17 November 2016

King James Version

The King James Version 2023 Edition New Testament is now complete and in print format here.
The King James Version 2023 Edition New Testament is now complete and in print format here.

List of New Testament Papyri

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List of New Testament minuscules

1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 44 · 45 · 46 · 47 · 48 · 49 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63 · 64 · 65 · 66 · 67 · 68 · 69 · 70 · 71 · 72 · 73 · 74 · 75 · 76 · 77 · 78 · 79 · 80 · 81 · 82 · 83 · 84 · 85 · 86 · 87 · 88 · 89 · 90 · 91 · 92 · 93 · 94 · 95 · 96 · 97 · 98 · 99 · 100 · 101 · 102 · 103 · 104 · 105 · 106 · 107 · 108 · 109 · 110 · 111 · 112 · 113 · 114 · 115 · 116 · 117 · 118 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 126 · 127 · 128 · 129 · 130 · 131 · 132 · 133 · 134 · 135 · 136 · 137 · 138 · 139 · 140 · 141 · 142 · 143 · 144 · 145 · 146 · 147 · 148 · 149 · 150 · 151 · 152 · 153 · 154 · 155 · 156 · 157 · 158 · 159 · 160 · 161 · 162 · 163 · 164 · 165 · 166 · 167 · 168 · 169 · 170 · 171 · 172 · 173 · 174 · 175 · 176 · 177 · 178 · 179 · 180 · 181 · 182 · 183 · 184 · 185 · 186 · 187 · 188 · 189 · 190 · 191 · 192 · 193 · 194 · 195 · 196 · 197 · 198 · 199 · 200 · 201 · 202 · 203 · 204 · 205 · 206 · 207 · 208 · 209 · 210 · 211 · 212 · 213 · 214 · 215 · 216 · 217 · 218 · 219 · 220 · 221 · 222 · 223 · 224 · 225 · 226 · 227 · 228 · 229 · 230 · 231 · 232 · 233 · 234 · 235 · 236 · 237 · 238 · 239 · 240 · 241 · 242 · 243 · 244 · 245 · 246 · 247 · 248 · 249 · 250 · 251 · 252 · 253 · 254 · 255 · 256 · 257 · 258 · 259 · 260 · 261 · 262 · 263 · 264 · 265 · 266 · 267 · 268 · 269 · 270 · 271 · 272 · 273 · 274 · 275 · 276 · 277 · 278 · 279 · 280 · 281 · 282 · 283 · 284 · 285 · 286 · 287 · 288 · 289 · 290 · 291 · 292 · 293 · 294 · 295 · 296 · 297 · 298 · 299 · 300 · 301 · 302 · 303 · 304 · 305 · 306 · 307 · 308 · 309 · 310 · 311 · 312 · 313 · 314 · 315 · 316 · 317 · 318 · 319 · 320 · 321 · 322 · 323 · 324 · 325 · 326 · 327 · 328 · 329 · 330 · 331 · 332 · 333 · 334 · 335 · 336 · 337 · 338 · 339 · 340 · 341 · 342 · 343 · 344 · 345 · 346 · 347 · 348 · 349 · 350 · 351 · 352 · 353 · 354 · 355 · 356 · 357 · 358 · 359 · 360 · 361 · 362 · 363 · 364 · 365 · 366 · 367 · 368 · 369 · 370 · 371 · 372 · 373 · 374 · 375 · 376 · 377 · 378 · 379 · 380 · 381 · 382 · 383 · 384 · 385 · 386 · 387 · 388 · 389 · 390 · 391 · 392 · 393 · 394 · 395 · 396 · 397 · 398 · 399 · 400 · 401 · 402 · 403 · 404 · 405 · 406 · 407 · 408 · 409 · 410 · 411 · 412 · 413 · 414 · 415 · 416 · 417 · 418 · 419 · 420 · 421 · 422 · 423 · 424 · 425 · 426 · 427 · 428 · 429 · 430 · 431 · 432 · 433 · 434 · 435 · 436 · 437 · 438 · 439 · 440 · 441 · 442 · 443 · 444 · 445 · 446 · 447 · 448 · 449 · 450 · 451 · 452 · 453 · 454 · 455 · 456 · 457 · 458 · 459 · 460 · 461 · 462 · 463 · 464 · 465 · 466 · 467 · 468 · 469 · 470 · 471 · 472 · 473 · 474 · 475 · 476 · 477 · 478 · 479 · 480 · 481 · 482 · 483 · 484 · 485 · 486 · 487 · 488 · 489 · 490 · 491 · 492 · 493 · 494 · 495 · 496 · 497 · 498 · 499 · 500 · 501 · 502 · 503 · 504 · 505 · 506 · 507 · 543 · 544 · 565 · 566 · 579 · 585 · 614 · 639 · 653 · 654 · 655 · 656 · 657 · 658 · 659 · 660 · 661 · 669 · 676 · 685 · 700 · 798 · 823 · 824 · 825 · 826 · 827 · 828 · 829 · 830 · 831 · 876 · 891 · 892 · 893 · 1071 · 1143 · 1152 · 1241 · 1253 · 1423 · 1424 · 1432 · 1582 · 1739 · 1780 · 1813 · 1834 · 2050 · 2053 · 2059 · 2060 · 2061 · 2062 · 2174 · 2268 · 2344 · 2423 · 2427 · 2437 · 2444 · 2445 · 2446 · 2460 · 2464 · 2491 · 2495 · 2612 · 2613 · 2614 · 2615 · 2616 · 2641 · 2754 · 2755 · 2756 · 2757 · 2766 · 2767 · 2768 · 2793 · 2802 · 2803 · 2804 · 2805 · 2806 · 2807 · 2808 · 2809 · 2810 · 2811 · 2812 · 2813 · 2814 · 2815 · 2816 · 2817 · 2818 · 2819 · 2820 · 2821 · 2855 · 2856 · 2857 · 2858 · 2859 · 2860 · 2861 · 2862 · 2863 · 2881 · 2882 · 2907 · 2965 ·

List of New Testament uncials

01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 010 · 011 · 012 · 013 · 014 · 015 · 016 · 017 · 018 · 019 · 020 · 021 · 022 · 023 · 024 · 025 · 026 · 027 · 028 · 029 · 030 · 031 · 032 · 033 · 034 · 035 · 036 · 037 · 038 · 039 · 040 · 041 · 042 · 043 · 044 · 045 · 046 · 047 · 048 · 049 · 050 · 051 · 052 · 053 · 054 · 055 · 056 · 057 · 058 · 059 · 060 · 061 · 062 · 063 · 064 · 065 · 066 · 067 · 068 · 069 · 070 · 071 · 072 · 073 · 074 · 075 · 076 · 077 · 078 · 079 · 080 · 081 · 082 · 083 · 084 · 085 · 086 · 087 · 088 · 089 · 090 · 091 · 092 · 093 · 094 · 095 · 096 · 097 · 098 · 099 · 0100 · 0101 · 0102 · 0103 · 0104 · 0105 · 0106 · 0107 · 0108 · 0109 · 0110 · 0111 · 0112 · 0113 · 0114 · 0115 · 0116 · 0117 · 0118 · 0119 · 0120 · 0121 · 0122 · 0123 · 0124 · 0125 · 0126 · 0127 · 0128 · 0129 · 0130 · 0131 · 0132 · 0134 · 0135 · 0136 · 0137 · 0138 · 0139 · 0140 · 0141 · 0142 · 0143 · 0144 · 0145 · 0146 · 0147 · 0148 · 0149 · 0150 · 0151 · 0152 · 0153 · 0154 · 0155 · 0156 · 0157 · 0158 · 0159 · 0160 · 0161 · 0162 · 0163 · 0164 · 0165 · 0166 · 0167 · 0168 · 0169 · 0170 · 0171 · 0172 · 0173 · 0174 · 0175 · 0176 · 0177 · 0178 · 0179 · 0180 · 0181 · 0182 · 0183 · 0184 · 0185 · 0186 · 0187 · 0188 · 0189 · 0190 · 0191 · 0192 · 0193 · 0194 · 0195 · 0196 · 0197 · 0198 · 0199 · 0200 · 0201 · 0202 · 0203 · 0204 · 0205 · 0206 · 0207 · 0208 · 0209 · 0210 · 0211 · 0212 · 0213 · 0214 · 0215 · 0216 · 0217 · 0218 · 0219 · 0220 · 0221 · 0222 · 0223 · 0224 · 0225 · 0226 · 0227 · 0228 · 0229 · 0230 · 0231 · 0232 · 0234 · 0235 · 0236 · 0237 · 0238 · 0239 · 0240 · 0241 · 0242 · 0243 · 0244 · 0245 · 0246 · 0247 · 0248 · 0249 · 0250 · 0251 · 0252 · 0253 · 0254 · 0255 · 0256 · 0257 · 0258 · 0259 · 0260 · 0261 · 0262 · 0263 · 0264 · 0265 · 0266 · 0267 · 0268 · 0269 · 0270 · 0271 · 0272 · 0273 · 0274 · 0275 · 0276 · 0277 · 0278 · 0279 · 0280 · 0281 · 0282 · 0283 · 0284 · 0285 · 0286 · 0287 · 0288 · 0289 · 0290 · 0291 · 0292 · 0293 · 0294 · 0295 · 0296 · 0297 · 0298 · 0299 · 0300 · 0301 · 0302 · 0303 · 0304 · 0305 · 0306 · 0307 · 0308 · 0309 · 0310 · 0311 · 0312 · 0313 · 0314 · 0315 · 0316 · 0317 · 0318 · 0319 · 0320 · 0321 · 0322 · 0323 ·

List of New Testament lectionaries

1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 25b · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 44 · 45 · 46 · 47 · 48 · 49 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63 · 64 · 65 · 66 · 67 · 68 · 69 · 70 · 71 · 72 · 73 · 74 · 75 · 76 · 77 · 78 · 79 · 80 · 81 · 82 · 83 · 84 · 85 · 86 · 87 · 88 · 89 · 90 · 91 · 92 · 93 · 94 · 95 · 96 · 97 · 98 · 99 · 100 · 101 · 102 · 103 · 104 · 105 · 106 · 107 · 108 · 109 · 110 · 111 · 112 · 113 · 114 · 115 · 116 · 117 · 118 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 126 · 127 · 128 · 129 · 130 · 131 · 132 · 133 · 134 · 135 · 136 · 137 · 138 · 139 · 140 · 141 · 142 · 143 · 144 · 145 · 146 · 147 · 148 · 149 · 150 · 151 · 152 · 153 · 154 · 155 · 156 · 157 · 158 · 159 · 160 · 161 · 162 · 163 · 164 · 165 · 166 · 167 · 168 · 169 · 170 · 171 · 172 · 173 · 174 · 175 · 176 · 177 · 178 · 179 · 180 · 181 · 182 · 183 · 184 · 185 · 186 · 187 · 188 · 189 · 190 · 191 · 192 · 193 · 194 · 195 · 196 · 197 · 198 · 199 · 200 · 201 · 202 · 203 · 204 · 205 · 206a · 206b · 207 · 208 · 209 · 210 · 211 · 212 · 213 · 214 · 215 · 216 · 217 · 218 · 219 · 220 · 221 · 222 · 223 · 224 · 225 · 226 · 227 · 228 · 229 · 230 · 231 · 232 · 233 · 234 · 235 · 236 · 237 · 238 · 239 · 240 · 241 · 242 · 243 · 244 · 245 · 246 · 247 · 248 · 249 · 250 · 251 · 252 · 253 · 254 · 255 · 256 · 257 · 258 · 259 · 260 · 261 · 262 · 263 · 264 · 265 · 266 · 267 · 268 · 269 · 270 · 271 · 272 · 273 · 274 · 275 · 276 · 277 · 278 · 279 · 280 · 281 · 282 · 283 · 284 · 285 · 286 · 287 · 288 · 289 · 290 · 291 · 292 · 293 · 294 · 295 · 296 · 297 · 298 · 299 · 300 · 301 · 302 · 303 · 304 · 305 · 306 · 307 · 308 · 309 · 310 · 311 · 312 · 313 · 314 · 315 · 316 · 317 · 318 · 319 · 320 · 321 · 322 · 323 · 324 · 325 · 326 · 327 · 328 · 329 · 330 · 331 · 332 · 368 · 449 · 451 · 501 · 502 · 542 · 560 · 561 · 562 · 563 · 564 · 648 · 649 · 809 · 965 · 1033 · 1358 · 1386 · 1491 · 1423 · 1561 · 1575 · 1598 · 1599 · 1602 · 1604 · 1614 · 1619 · 1623 · 1637 · 1681 · 1682 · 1683 · 1684 · 1685 · 1686 · 1691 · 1813 · 1839 · 1965 · 1966 · 1967 · 2005 · 2137 · 2138 · 2139 · 2140 · 2141 · 2142 · 2143 · 2144 · 2145 · 2164 · 2208 · 2210 · 2211 · 2260 · 2261 · 2263 · 2264 · 2265 · 2266 · 2267 · 2276 · 2307 · 2321 · 2352 · 2404 · 2405 · 2406 · 2411 · 2412 ·

New book available with irrefutable evidence for the reading in the TR and KJV.
Revelation 16:5 book
Revelation 16:5 and the Triadic Declaration - A defense of the reading of “shalt be” in the Authorized Version

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