Hosea 12 Bishops' Bible 1568
From Textus Receptus
(New page: Hos 12:1 Ephraim is fed with the wynde, & foloweth after the east winde, he dayly encreaseth lyes & destruction, they be confederate with the Assyrians, their oyle is caryed into Egypt. Ho...) |
Current revision (14:53, 8 February 2016) (view source) (New page: Hos 12:1 Ephraim is fed with the wynde, & foloweth after the east winde, he dayly encreaseth lyes & destruction, they be confederate with the Assyrians, their oyle is caryed into Egypt. Ho...) |
Current revision
Hos 12:1 Ephraim is fed with the wynde, & foloweth after the east winde, he dayly encreaseth lyes & destruction, they be confederate with the Assyrians, their oyle is caryed into Egypt. Hos 12:2 The Lorde hath a controuersie with Iuda, and wyll visite Iacob accordyng to his wayes, accordyng to their owne inuentions wyll he recompence them. Hos 12:3 He toke his brother by the heele when he was yet in his mothers wombe, and in his strength he wrestled with God: Hos 12:4 He stroue with the angel and gat the victorie, he wept and prayed to him: he founde him at Bethel, and there he spake with vs. Hos 12:5 Yea the Lorde God of hoastes, euen the Lorde himselfe remembred him. Hos 12:6 Therfore turne to thy God, kepe mercie and iudgement, and hope styll in thy God. Hos 12:7 [He is] Chanaan, the ballaunces of deceipt are in his hande, he loueth to oppresse. Hos 12:8 And Ephraim hath sayde, Tushe I am riche, I haue good enough: in all my workes shall not one iniquitie be founde wherin I haue offended. Hos 12:9 Yet am I the Lorde thy God from the lande of Egypt, I wyll yet make thee dwell in the tabernacles as in the hye feast dayes. Hos 12:10 I haue spoken through the prophetes, and haue multiplied visions, & shewed similitudes by the ministerie of the prophetes. Hos 12:11 In Galaad is iniquitie, they are fallen to vanitie: at Gilgal they haue sacrificed oxen, & their aulters are as heapes in the furrowes of the fielde. Hos 12:12 Iacob fled into the lande of Syria, and Israel serued for a wife, and for a wife he kept [sheepe.] Hos 12:13 By a prophete the Lorde brought them out of Egypt, and by a prophete was he preserued. Hos 12:14 But Ephraim hath prouoked him to displeasure through his abhominations, therfore shall his blood be powred vpon him selfe, and the Lorde his God shall rewarde him his blasphemies.