Johann August Heinrich Tittmann

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Johann August Heinrich Tittmann
Johann August Heinrich Tittmann

Johann August Heinrich Tittmann (August 1, 1773 in Langensalza; † 30 December 1831 in Meissen) was a German theologian and philosopher and is considered an important representative of the theological supernaturalism.



Johann August Heinrich Tittmann was born in Langensalza eldest son in a family of prominent scholars. His father, Karl Christian Tittmann (1744-1820) was a professor of theology at Wittenberg, and later superintendent and chief consistorial councilor in Dresden. His brother, Frederick William Tittmann (1784-1864), worked as a secret archivist in Dresden, another brother, Carl August Tittmann (1775-1834) was a legal scholar. Tittmanns two years younger sister, Johanna Caroline Tittmann was the grandmother of Paul Alfred Stübel (1827-1895), mayor of Dresden and the naturalist Moritz Alphons Stübel (1835-1904) [1].

After the family moved to Wittenberg in 1775 the talented Johann August already visited lectures at the University of Wittenberg the age of 16. In 1791, he graduated with a Master of Philosophy and Theology, and then continued on to study in Leipzig. After his habilitation in 1793, he held professorships at the University of Leipzig extraordinary philosophy (1796) and Theology (1800) and became known as the author of numerous works on both philosophical, and theological territory. In 1811 he married Henriette Christiane dragon. From this union they had three daughters, one of which died shortly after birth.

In his time in Leipzig Tittmann chaired the Leipzig Mission Benefit Society and the Bible Society of the Deaf Institute and the German Society for the Study of patriotic antiquities, was a member of a major academic literary society [2] and also held the Domherrenstelle in Meissen in 1815. As part of the reform efforts of the University and of the Saxon state government at the beginning of the 19th Century Tittmann 1808 appointed as Acting President of the University six professors from different faculties which he regarded as higher education policy expert to work together to a memorandum which was to bring the views of the university to the set up by the state government Revisonskommission expression. [3]

Throughout his life he became involved politically and Tittmann negotiated on behalf of the Saxon government of Napoleon, as well as with the Russian Tsar Alexander I and was a member of the Congress of Vienna, where he campaigned for the creation of a Corpus Evangelicorum.


A small selection of the philosophical and theological writings Tittmanns: [4].

  • De consensu philosophorum veterum in summo bono definiendo disputatio philosophica, Habilitationsschrift, Leipzig 1793
  • Grundriß der Elementarlogik, nebst einer Einleitung in die Philosophie, Leipzig 1795
  • Lehrbuch der Homiletik, Breslau 1804
  • Über Supranaturalismus, Rationalismus und Atheismus, Leipzig 1816
  • Über die Vereinigung der evangelischen Kirchen. Ein Sendschreiben an den Herrn Präsidenten der Berliner Synode [F.D.E. Schleiermacher], Leipzig 1818;


  • Paul Tschackert: Tittmann, Johann August Heinrich. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 38, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1894, S. 384 f.
  • Albrecht Geck: Johann August Heinrich Tittmann. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Band 12, Herzberg 1997, ISBN 3-88309-068-9, Sp. 197–201.
  • Prediger, Schriftsteller und Reformer, Christel Hebig, Sächsischen Zeitung vom 2./3. Dezember 1995
  • Das alte gesegnete Geschlecht derer Tittmänner. Dresdner Anzeiger vom 3. Dezember 1933 (Nr. 335)
  • Heinrich Doering: Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands im achtzehnten und neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Verlag Johann Karl Gottfried Wagner, 1835, Neustadt an der Orla, Bd. 4, S. 496 (Online)

Web Links


  • 1. Genealogia Tittmanniana, 1880
  • 2. Matthias Wiessner, The Journal Company: a Leipzig Reading Society in 1800, in: 173 Harrassowitz, Vol 13 (2004), pp. 103-175, p: Leipzig Yearbook on book history, Wiesbaden
  • 3. Markus Huttner, Humboldt in Leipzig: the 'Alma Mater Lipsiensis' and the model of the Prussian Reform University in the early 19 Century, In: figures and structures: [Festschrift Hartmut Zwahr], Munich, 2002, pp. 529-561, S. 546th
  • 4. available in the [ Saxon State Library, State and University Library Dresden]