Hebrews 4:15

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  • ΠΡΟΣ ΕΒΡΑΙΟΥΣ 4:15 οὐ γὰρ ἔχομεν ἀρχιερέα μὴ δυνάμενον συμπαθῆσαι ταῖς ἀσθενείαις ἡμῶν πεπειραμένον δὲ κατὰ πάντα καθ' ὁμοιότητα χωρὶς ἁμαρτίας

(Textus Receptus, Theodore Beza, 1598)

  • Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

(King James Version, Pure Cambridge Edition 1900)

  • Hebrews 4:15 Because we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

(Textus Receptus Version)





Textus Receptus

Desiderius Erasmus


Stephanus (Robert Estienne)

Theodore Beza

See Also Matthew 1:1 Beza 1598 (Beza)

  • 1604 (Beza Octavo 5th)




  • 1894 (? ????? ???T???)

Other Greek

  • 1857 (Tregelles' Greek New Testament)
  • (Tischendorf 8th Ed.)
  • 1881 (Westcott & Hort)
  • (Greek orthodox Church)

Anglo Saxon Translations

  • 1000 (Anglo-Saxon Gospels Manuscript 140, Corpus Christi College by Aelfric)
  • 1200 (Anglo-Saxon Gospels Hatton Manuscript 38, Bodleian Library by unknown author)

English Translations

  • 1395 For we han not a bischop, that may not haue compassioun on oure infirmytees, but was temptid bi alle thingis bi lycnesse, with oute synne. (Wyclif's Bible by John Wycliffe)
  • 1534 For we have not an hye prest which can not have compassion on oure infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted lyke as we are: but yet with out synne. (Tyndale Bible by William Tyndale)
  • 1535 For we haue not an hye prest which ca not haue copassion on or infirmities, but was in all poyntes tepted, like as we are, but without synne. (Coverdale Bible)
  • 1540 For we haue not an hye preste, which cannot haue compassyon on oure infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted, lyke as we are: but yet with out synne. (Great Bible Second Edition - Miles Coverdale)
  • 1549 For we haue not an hye prieste, whiche can not haue compassion on our infirmities, but was in all pointes tempted, lyke as we are, but yet without sinne. (Matthew's Bible - John Rogers)
  • 1568 For we haue not an hye priest whiche can not be touched with the feelyng of our infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted lyke as we are, and [yet] without sinne. (Bishop's Bible First Edition
  • 1587 For we haue not an hie Priest, which can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all things tempted in like sort, yet without sinne. (Geneva Bible) by William Whittingham
  • 1611 For wee haue not an high Priest which cannot bee touched with the feeling of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sinne. (King James Version)
  • 1729 not an high priest who is incapable of compassionating our miseries; since he was exposed to the same trials as we are, sin only excepted. let (Mace New Testament)
  • 1745 For we have not an high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, without sin. (Mr. Whiston's Primitive New Testament)
  • 1769 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (King James Version - Benjamin Blayney)
  • 1770 for we have not an high-priest who cannot sympathize with our infirmities, but was in all respects tempted in like manner with us, yet without sin. (Worsley Version by John Worsley)
  • 1790 let us hold fast our profession. For we have not a high priest who cannot sympathize with our infirmities, but one who was in all points tempted like as we are; yet without sin. (Wesley Version by John Wesley)
  • 1795 For we have not an high-priest incapable of a fellow-feeling with our infirmities, but one tempted in all points, in exact resemblance with ourselves, sin excepted. (A Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek by Thomas Haweis)
  • 1833 For we have not a high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but who was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. (Webster Version - by Noah Webster)
  • 1835 For we have not a High Priest who can not sympathize with our weaknesses; but one who was tried in all points, according to the likeness of his nature to our ours, without sin. (Living Oracles by Alexander Campbell)
  • 1849 For we have not an high priest who cannot suffer along with our infirmity, but (one) who, [having been] tempted in every thing as we, (was) separate from sin. (Etheridge Translation by John Etheridge)
  • 1851 (Murdock Translation)
  • 1858 For we have not a chief priest who cannot sympathise with our infirmities, but one tried in all respects as we are, without sin. (The New Testament Translated from the Original Greek by Leicester Sawyer)
  • 1865 Not for we have a high-priest not being able to suffer with the weaknesses of us, having been tempted but in all things according to a likeness, apart from sin. (The Emphatic Diaglott by Benjamin Wilson)
  • 1865 For we have not a high priest who can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but who has in all points been tempted in like manner, without sin. (The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 1865 by American Bible Union)
  • 1869 For we have not a high–priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but one who hath in all points been tempted as we are, without sin. (Noyes Translation by George Noyes)
  • 1873 For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (King James Version) by Frederick Scrivener)
  • 1885 For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but one that hath been in all points tempted like as [we are, yet] without sin. (Revised Version also called English Revised Version - Charles Ellicott editor)
  • 1890 For we have not a high priest not able to sympathise with our infirmities, but tempted in all things in like manner, sin apart. (Darby Version 1890 by John Darby)
  • 1901 For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but one that hath been in all points tempted like as `we are', `yet' without sin. (American Standard Version - Philip Schaff)
  • 1902 For we have not a high–priest unable to have fellow–feeling with our weaknesses, but one tested in all respects, by way of likeness, apart from sin. (The Emphasised Bible Rotherham Version)
  • 1902 For we have not a high priest who is not able to be touched with our infirmities; but one having been tempted as to all things like unto us, apart from sin. (Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek by William Godbey)
  • 1904 for we have not a High Priest, unable to sympathize with our infirmities, but One Who hath been tempted in all points like as we, apart from sin. (The New Testament: Revised and Translated by Adolphus Worrell)
  • 1904 Our High Priest is not one unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has in every way been tempted, exactly as we have been, but without sinning. (Twentieth Century New Testament by Ernest Malan and Mary Higgs)
  • 1911 (Syrus Scofield)
  • 1912 For we have not a High Priest who is unable to feel for us in our weaknesses, but one who was tempted in every respect just as we are tempted, and yet did not sin. (Weymouth New Testament)
  • 1918 For we have not a high priest that can not sympathize with our infirmities, but has been tempted in all things like ourselves, without sin. (The New Testament Translated from the Sinaitic Manuscript by Henry Anderson)
  • 1923 (Edgar Goodspeed)

Foreign Language Versions


  • لان ليس لنا رئيس كهنة غير قادر ان يرثي لضعفاتنا بل مجرب في كل شيء مثلنا بلا خطية (Arabic Smith & Van Dyke)


  • ܠܐ ܓܝܪ ܐܝܬ ܠܢ ܪܒܟܘܡܪܐ ܕܠܐ ܡܨܐ ܕܢܚܫ ܥܡ ܟܪܝܗܘܬܢ ܐܠܐ ܕܡܢܤܝ ܒܟܠܡܕܡ ܐܟܘܬܢ ܤܛܪ ܡܢ ܚܛܝܬܐ (Aramaic Peshitta)


  • Ecen eztugu Sacrificadore subirano gure infirmitatéz compassioneric ecin duqueen-bat, baina dugu manera berean gauça gucietan tentatu içan dena, salbu bekatuan.


  • 1940 Защото нямаме [такъв] първосвещеник, Който да не може да състрадава с нас в нашите немощи, а [имаме Един], Който е бил във всичко изкушен като [нас], но пак без грях. (Bulgarian Bible)


  • 1 因 我 们 的 大 祭 司 并 非 不 能 体 恤 我 们 的 软 弱 。 他 也 曾 凡 事 受 过 试 探 , 与 我 们 一 样 , 只 是 他 没 有 犯 罪 。 (Chinese Union Version (Simplified))
  • 1 因 我 們 的 大 祭 司 並 非 不 能 體 恤 我 們 的 軟 弱 。 他 也 曾 凡 事 受 過 試 探 , 與 我 們 一 樣 , 只 是 他 沒 有 犯 罪 。 (Chinese Union Version (Traditional))


  • car nous n'avons pas un souverain sacrificateur qui ne puisse sympathiser à nos infirmités, mais nous en avons un qui a été tenté en toutes choses comme nous, à part le péché.(French Darby)
  • 1744 Car nous n'avons pas un souverain Sacrificateur qui ne puisse avoir compassion de nos infirmités, mais [nous avons celui] qui a été tenté comme nous en toutes choses, excepté le péché. (Martin 1744)
  • 1744 Car nous n'avons pas un souverain Sacrificateur qui ne puisse compatir à nos infirmités, au contraire, il a été éprouvé en toutes choses, comme nous, mais sans péché. (Ostervald 1744)


  • 1545 Denn wir haben nicht einen Hohenpriester, der nicht könnte Mitleid haben mit unserer Schwachheit, sondern der versucht ist allenthalben gleich wie wir, doch ohne Sünde. (Luther 1545)
  • 1871 denn wir haben nicht einen Hohenpriester, der nicht Mitleid zu haben vermag mit unseren Schwachheiten, sondern der in allem versucht worden ist in gleicher Weise wie wir, ausgenommen die Sünde. (Elberfelder 1871)
  • 1912 Denn wir haben nicht einen Hohenpriester, der nicht könnte Mitleiden haben mit unsern Schwachheiten, sondern der versucht ist allenthalben gleichwie wir, doch ohne Sünde. (Luther 1912)


  • 1649 Perciocchè noi non abbiamo un sommo sacerdote, che non possa compatire alle nostre infermità; anzi, che è stato tentato in ogni cosa simigliantemente, senza peccato.(Giovanni Diodati Bible 1649)
  • 1927 Perché non abbiamo un Sommo Sacerdote che non possa simpatizzare con noi nelle nostre infermità; ma ne abbiamo uno che in ogni cosa è stato tentato come noi, però senza peccare. (Riveduta Bible 1927)



  • non enim habemus pontificem qui non possit conpati infirmitatibus nostris temptatum autem per omnia pro similitudine absque peccato Latin Vulgate
  • 1527 (Erasmus 1527)
  • 1527 (Erasmus Vulgate 1527)


  • 1996 (Pidgin King Jems)


  • 2010 Căci n'avem un Mare Preot, care să n'aibă milă de slăbiciunile noastre; ci unul care în toate lucrurile a fost ispitit ca şi noi, dar fără păcat. (Biblia Traducerea Fidela în limba româna)


  • 1876 Ибо мы имеем не такого первосвященника, который не может сострадать нам в немощах наших, но Который, подобно нам , искушен во всем, кроме греха. Russian Synodal Version



  • Porque no tenemos un Pontífice que no se pueda compadecer de nuestras flaquezas; mas tentado en todo según nuestra semejanza, pero sin pecado. (RVG Spanish)


  • 1917 Ty vi hava icke en sådan överstepräst som ej kan hava medlidande med våra svagheter, utan en som har varit frestad i allting, likasom vi, dock utan synd. (Swedish - Svenska 1917)


  • 1905 Sapagka't tayo'y walang isang dakilang saserdote na hindi maaaring mahabag sa ating kahinaan, kundi isa na tinukso sa lahat ng mga paraan gaya rin naman natin gayon ma'y walang kasalanan. (Ang Dating Biblia 1905)

Tok Pisin

  • 1996 (Tok Pisin King Jems)


  • 1934 Vì chúng ta không có thầy tế lễ thượng phẩm chẳng có thể cảm thương sự yếu đuối chúng ta, bèn có một thầy tế lễ bị thử thách trong mọi việc cũng như chúng ta, song chẳng phạm tội. (VIET)

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