Matthew 14 Bishops' Bible 1568
From Textus Receptus
Mat 14:1 At that tyme Herode the Tetrarch, hearde of the fame of Iesu.
Mat 14:2 And sayde vnto his seruauntes: this is Iohn the Baptist, he is risen from the dead, and therfore great workes do shewe foorth them selues in hym.
Mat 14:3 For Herode had taken Iohn, and bounde hym, and put hym in prison, for Herodias sake, his brother Philips wyfe.
Mat 14:4 For Iohn sayde vnto hym: it is not lawfull for thee to haue her.
Mat 14:5 And when he woulde haue put hym to death, he feared the people: because they counted hym as a prophete.
Mat 14:6 But when Herodes birth day was kept, the daughter of Herodias daunsed before them, and pleased Herode.
Mat 14:7 Wherfore he promised with an othe, that he woulde geue her whatsoeuer she woulde aske.
Mat 14:8 And she, beyng instruct of her mother before, sayde: geue me here Iohn Baptistes head in a platter.
Mat 14:9 And the kyng was sory: Neuerthelesse, for the othes sake, and them which sate also at the table, he commaunded it to be geuen her:
Mat 14:10 And sent, and beheaded Iohn in the pryson.
Mat 14:11 And his head was brought in a platter, and geuen to the damsell: and [she] brought it to her mother.
Mat 14:12 And his disciples came, and toke vp his body, and buryed it: and went, and tolde Iesus.
Mat 14:13 When Iesus hearde of it, he departed thence in a shyp, vnto a desert place, out of the way: And when the people had hearde therof, they folowed hym on foote out of the cities.
Mat 14:14 And Iesus went foorth, and sawe much people: and was moued with mercye towarde them, and he healed their sicke.
Mat 14:15 And when the euen drewe on, his disciples came to hym, saying: this is a desert place, and the hour is nowe past, let the people depart, that they may go into the townes, and bye them vittels.
Mat 14:16 But Iesus sayde vnto them: They haue no nede to go away, geue ye them to eate.
Mat 14:17 They saye vnto hym: we haue here but fyue loaues, and two fisshes.
Mat 14:18 He sayde: bryng them hyther to me.
Mat 14:19 And he commaunded the people to sit downe on the grasse, and he toke the fyue loaues, and the two fisshes, and lift vp his eyes towarde heauen, & blessed: And when he had broken [them], he gaue the loaues to his disciples, and his disciples to the people.
Mat 14:20 And they dyd all eate, and were suffised. And they gathered vp (of the fragmentes that remayned) twelue baskets full.
Mat 14:21 And they that had eaten, were about fyue thousande men, besyde women and chyldren.
Mat 14:22 And strayghtway Iesus constrayned his disciples to get vp into a shippe, and to go before hym vnto the other syde, whyle he sent the people away.
Mat 14:23 And when the people were sent away, he went vp into a mountayne alone to pray: And when nyght was come, he was there hym selfe alone.
Mat 14:24 But the shippe was nowe in the middes of the sea, & was tost with waues: for it was a contrary wynde.
Mat 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the nyght, Iesus went vnto them, walkyng on the sea.
Mat 14:26 And when the disciples sawe hym walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, it is a spirite: and they cryed out for feare.
Mat 14:27 But strayght way, Iesus spake vnto them, saying: be of good cheare, it is I, be not afrayde.
Mat 14:28 Peter aunswered hym, and sayde: Lorde, yf it be thou, byd me come vnto thee, on the water.
Mat 14:29 And he sayde: come. And when Peter was come downe out of the shippe, he walked on the water, to go to Iesus.
Mat 14:30 But when he sawe a myghty wynde, he was afrayde: And when he began to sincke, he cryed, saying, Lorde saue me.
Mat 14:31 And immediatly Iesus stretched foorth his hande, and caught hym, and sayde vnto hym: O thou of litle fayth, wherefore diddest thou doubt?
Mat 14:32 And when they were come into the shippe, the wynde ceassed
Mat 14:33 Then they that were in the shippe, came and worshypped hym, saying: of a trueth thou art the sonne of God.
Mat 14:34 And when they were gone ouer, they came into the lande of Gennezaret.
Mat 14:35 And when the men of that place, had knowledge of hym, they sent out into all that countrey rounde about: and brought vnto hym all that were sicke.
Mat 14:36 And besought hym, that they myght touche the hemme of his garment only: And as many as touched [it] were made whole.