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08074 shamem shaw-mame’

a primitive root; Verb

AV-desolate 49, astonished 20, desolation 7, waste 5, destroy 3, wondered 2, amazed 1, astonishment 1, misc 4; 92

1) to be desolate, be appalled, stun, stupefy
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be desolated, be deflowered, be deserted, be appalled
1a2) to be appalled, be awestruck
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be desolated, be made desolate
1b2) to be appalled
1c) (Polel)
1c1) to be stunned
1c2) appalling, causing horror (participle)
1c2a) horror-causer, appaller (subst)
1d) (Hiphil)
1d1) to devastate, ravage, make desolated
1d2) to appal, show horror
1e) (Hophal) to lay desolate, be desolated
1f) (Hithpolel)
1f1) to cause to be desolate
1f2) to be appalled, be astounded
1f3) to cause oneself desolation, cause oneself ruin

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