Christian Witness Ministries

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Christian Witness Ministries (CWM) is committed to spreading the Biblical based Gospel of Christ ( Good News )and to maintaining "the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" - Jude 3.

With this mission in mind CWM , fearlessly identifies the teachers in the church who spread the aberrant non-biblical teaching, their false works & utterances, that abounds in our time. While we believe in the present day reality of the Holy Spirit and His work in and through the believer in the fruit and the gifts we are opposed to the "Toronto Blessing" and to the "Pensacola" and "Revival Now" type of movements, which we are convinced are not of God. In fact it is our conviction that these are part of the end time deceptions of which our Lord and the apostles warned. CWM is biblical in basis, evangelical in emphasis, and evangelistic in purpose. We endeavour to follow Paul the apostle's example in preaching the good news of Christ - "HIM we preach, WARNING every man and TEACHING every man in all wisdom, that we may PRESENT every man MATURE in Christ Jesus" - Colossians 1:28 to both Jews & Gentiles

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