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Aldine Bible
Aldine Bible

The Aldine bible was the first edition of the complete Bible in Greek in February 1518 by Aldine Press, Venice Italy, and was the second edition of the printed New Testament. Edited by Andreas Asolanus, father-in-law of Aldus, the text is based largely upon the Complutensian Polyglot for the Old Testament and contains the New Testament edited by Erasmus of Rotterdam, first printed in 1516 by Froben in Basel. Aldus Manutius reprinted it almost unaltered. Aldus Manutius (d. 1515), together with the Greek scholar Marcus Musurus (c. 1470-1517).

The great scholar Musurus made mention the project in 1515 in a letter to Jean Grolier. Aldus had frequently employed Marcus for his Greek materials, he thus may have also edited this Bible in part. The dedications, however, are by Andrea Torresani. Itcontained an immense number of ligatures and contraction.

Biblia Graeca. – ΠΑΝΤΑ ΤΑ ΚΑΤ'ΕΞΟΧΗΝ ΚΑΛΟΥΜΕΝΑ ΒΙΒΛΙΑ ΘΕΙΑΣ ΔΗΛΑΔΗ ΓΡΑΦΗΣ ΠΑΛΑΙΑΣ ΤΕ, ΚΑΙ ΝΕΑΣ. Sacrae Scriptvrae veteris novaeqve omnia. Venice: “in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri” [Andrea Torresani at the Aldine Press],

See Also