1 Timothy 4 Bishops' Bible 1568
From Textus Receptus
1Ti 4:1 Nowe the spirite speaketh euidently, that in the latter tymes some shall depart from the fayth, geuing heede vnto spirites of errour, & doctrines of deuyls, 1Ti 4:2 Which speake false in hypocrisie, hauyng their conscience seared with an hotte iron: 1Ti 4:3 Forbidding to marrie [& commaunding] to abstayne from meates whiche God hath created to be receaued with geuing thankes, of them whiche beleue, and knowe the trueth. 1Ti 4:4 For euery creature of God [is] good, and nothyng to be refused, yf it be receaued with thankes geuyng. 1Ti 4:5 For it is sanctified by the worde of God and prayer. 1Ti 4:6 Yf thou put the brethren in remembraunce of these thynges, thou shalt be a good minister of Iesus Christ, which hast ben norysshed vp in the wordes of fayth and of good doctrine, which thou hast continually folowed. 1Ti 4:7 But cast away prophane & old wiues fables: Exercise thy selfe rather vnto godlynesse. 1Ti 4:8 For bodyly exercise profiteth litle: but godlinesse is profitable vnto all thinges, hauing promise of the lyfe that is nowe, and of that which is to come. 1Ti 4:9 [This is] a sure saying, & by all meanes worthy to be receaued. 1Ti 4:10 For therfore we both labour, and suffer rebuke, because we haue hoped in the lyuyng God, whiche is the sauiour of all men, specially of those that beleue. 1Ti 4:11 These thynges commaunde & teache. 1Ti 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth: but be thou a paterne of the beleuers, in worde, in conuersation, in loue, in spirite, in fayth, in chastitie. 1Ti 4:13 Tyll I come geue attendaunce to readyng, to exhortation, to doctrine. 1Ti 4:14 Despise not the gyfte that is in thee, which was geuen thee through prophesie, with the laying on of handes by the auctoritie of the eldership. 1Ti 4:15 Haue a care of these thinges, and geue thy selfe vnto them, that it may be seene howe thou profitest in all thynges. 1Ti 4:16 Take heede vnto thy selfe, and vnto doctrine, and continue therein: For in doying this, thou shalt both saue thy selfe, and them that heare thee.