Job 14 Bishops' Bible 1568

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Job 14:1 Man that is borne of woman, hath but a short time to lyue, and is full of miserie. Job 14:2 He commeth vp, and is cut downe like a floure: He fleeth as it were a shadow, and neuer continueth in one state. Job 14:3 Doest thou open thyne eyes vpon such one, and bringest me into thy iudgement? Job 14:4 Who can make it cleane that commeth of an vncleane thing? no bodye. Job 14:5 The dayes of man surely are determined, the number of his monethes are knowen onely vnto thee, thou hast appoynted him his bondes which he can not go beyonde. Job 14:6 Go from him, that he may rest vntill his day come which he loketh for, lyke as an hireling doth. Job 14:7 For if a tree be cut downe, there is some hope yet that it wyll sproute and shoote foorth the braunches againe. Job 14:8 Though the roote of it be waxen olde, and the stocke thereof be dead in the grounde: Job 14:9 Yet when it getteth the sent of water, it wyll budde and bring foorth bowes, lyke as a tree that is planted. Job 14:10 But as for man, when he is dead, perished, and consumed away, what becommeth of him? Job 14:11 As the waters passe from the sea, and as the flood decayeth and dryeth vp: Job 14:12 So man after he is asleepe ryseth not, he shall not wake tyll the heauens be no more, nor rise out of his sleepe. Job 14:13 O that thou wouldest hide me in the graue, & keepe me secret vntyl thy wrath were past, and to appoynt me a time wherein thou mightest remember me. Job 14:14 May a dead man lyue againe? All the dayes of my lyfe wyll I wayte still, till my chaunging shall come. Job 14:15 Thou shalt call [me] and I shall aunswere thee, despise not thou the worke of thyne owne handes. Job 14:16 For now thou numbrest all my goinges, and geuest no delay vnto my sinne. Job 14:17 Myne iniquitie is sealed vp as it were in a bagge, and thou addest [punishement] vnto my wickednesse. Job 14:18 The mountaines fal away at the last, the rockes are remoued out of their place. Job 14:19 The waters pearse through the very stones by litle & litle, the floodes washe away the grauell and earth: so shalt thou destroy the hope of man. Job 14:20 Thou preuaylest still against him, so that he passeth away: thou chaungest his estate and puttest him from thee. Job 14:21 And whether his children come to worship or no, he can not tell: And if they be men of lowe degree, he knoweth not. Job 14:22 But while his fleshe is vpon him, it must haue sorowe: and his soule shall mourne within him.

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