Job 19 Bishops' Bible 1568

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Job 19:1 Iob aunswered, and saide: Job 19:2 How long wyll ye vexe my soule, and trouble me with wordes? Job 19:3 Lo, ten times haue ye reproched me, and are not ashamed, but haue laughed me to scorne. Job 19:4 Be it that I haue erred in deede, myne errour then remaineth with my selfe. Job 19:5 But if ye wyll aduaunce your selues against me, and rebuke me for the shame that is come vpon me: Job 19:6 Know this then, that it is God which hath ouerthrowe me, and hath compassed me with his net. Job 19:7 If I complaine of the violence that is done vnto me, I cannot be heard: and if I crye, there is no sentence geuen with me. Job 19:8 He hath hedged vp my way that I can not passe, and he hath set darkenesse in my pathes. Job 19:9 He hath spoyled me of myne honour, and taken the crowne away from my head. Job 19:10 He hath destroyed me on euery side and I am gone: my hope hath he taken away as a tree pluckt vp by the roote. Job 19:11 His wrath is kindled against me, he taketh me as though I were his enemie. Job 19:12 His men of warre come together, which made their way ouer me, and besieged my dwelling rounde about. Job 19:13 He hath put my brethren farre away from me, and myne acquaintaunce are also become straungers vnto me. Job 19:14 Myne owne kinsefolkes haue forsaken me, and my best acquainted haue forgotten me. Job 19:15 The seruauntes and maydens of myne owne house toke me for a straunger, and I am become as an aliaunt in their sight. Job 19:16 I called my seruaunt, and he gaue me no aunswere: [no though] I prayed him with my mouth. Job 19:17 Myne owne wyfe might not abyde my breath, though I prayed her for the children sake of myne owne body. Job 19:18 Yea, the young men despised me, and when I rose they spake euill vpon me. Job 19:19 All my most familiers abhorred me: and they whom I loued best, are turned against me. Job 19:20 My bone cleaueth to my skinne and to my fleshe, onely there is left me the skinne about my teeth. Job 19:21 Haue pitie vpon me, haue pitie vpon me, O ye my friendes, for the hande of God hath touched me. Job 19:22 Why do ye persecute me as God [doth] and are not satisfied with my fleshe? Job 19:23 O that my wordes were now written, O that they were put in a booke, Job 19:24 And grauen with an iron penne in leade, or in stone, to continue. Job 19:25 For I am sure that my redeemer saueth, and he shall rayse vp at the latter day them that lye in the dust. Job 19:26 And though after my skinne the [wormes] destroy this body, yet shall I see God in my fleshe: Job 19:27 Whom I my selfe shall see, and myne eyes shall beholde, and none other for me, though my raines are consumed within me. Job 19:28 But ye saide, why is he persecuted? and there was a deepe matter in me. Job 19:29 But beware of the sworde: for the sword wylbe auenged of wickednesse, and be sure that there is a iudgement.

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