Job 30 Bishops' Bible 1568

From Textus Receptus

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Job 30:1 But nowe they that are younger then I haue me in derision: yea euen they whose fathers I would haue thought scorne to haue set with the dogges of my cattell. Job 30:2 For wherto might the strength of their handes haue serued me? for the time was but lost among them. Job 30:3 For very miserie and hunger they fled into the wildernesse, a darke place, horrible and waste, Job 30:4 Plucking vp nettles among the busshes, and the iuniper rootes for their meate. Job 30:5 And when they were dryuen foorth, men cryed after them as it had ben afafter a thiefe. Job 30:6 Their dwelling was in the cleftes of brookes, yea in the caues and dennes of the earth. Job 30:7 Among the busshes went they about crying, and vnder the thornes they gathered them selues together. Job 30:8 They were the children of fooles and vyllaynes, which are more vile then the earth. Job 30:9 Now am I their song, & am become their yesting stocke. Job 30:10 They abhorre me and flee farre from me, and stayne my face with spittle. Job 30:11 Because God hath loosed my corde and humbled me, they haue loosed the bridle before me. Job 30:12 Upon my right hande ryse the young men against me, they haue hurt my feete, treading vpon me as vpon the wayes of their destruction. Job 30:13 My pathes haue they cleane marred, it was so easye for them to do me harme, that they needed no man to help them. Job 30:14 They fell vpon me, as it had ben the breaking in of waters, and came in by heapes to destroy me. Job 30:15 Feare is turned vpon me, and they pursue my soule as the wind, and my health passeth away as a cloude. Job 30:16 Therfore is my soule now powred out vpon me, and the dayes of my trouble haue taken hold vpon me. Job 30:17 My bones are pearsed through in the night season, and my sinewes take no rest. Job 30:18 For the vehemencie of sorowe is my garment chaunged, whiche compasseth me about as the coller of my coote. Job 30:19 He hath cast me into the myre, and I am become like asshes and dust. Job 30:20 When I crie vnto thee, thou doest not heare me: and though I stande before thee, yet thou regardest me not. Job 30:21 Thou art become myne enemie, and with thy violent hande thou takest part against me. Job 30:22 [In times past] thou diddest set me vp on hye, to be caried as it were aboue the wynde, [but nowe] hast thou geuen me a very sore fall. Job 30:23 Sure I am that thou wilt bryng me vnto death, euen to the lodging that is due vnto all men liuing. Job 30:24 Notwithstanding, thou wilt not stretch out thyne hand against him that is in the graue: shal men crie out against him that is in destruction? Job 30:25 Dyd not I weepe with hym that was in trouble? Had not my soule compassion vpon the poore? Job 30:26 Yet neuerthelesse, where as I loked for good, euyll came vnto me: & where I wayted for light, there came darkenesse. Job 30:27 My bowels seethe in me without rest, for the dayes of my trouble are come vpon me. Job 30:28 I went mourning without heate, I stoode vp in the congregation, & communed with them. Job 30:29 But nowe I am a brother of dragons, and a felowe of Estriches. Job 30:30 My skinne vpon me is [turned] to blacke, and my bones are brent with heate. Job 30:31 My harpe is turned to mourning, and my organs into the voyce of them that weepe.

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