Ecclesiastes 11 Bishops' Bible 1568

From Textus Receptus

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Ecc 11:1 Lay thy bread vpon wette faces, and so shalt thou finde it after many dayes. Ecc 11:2 Geue part seue days, & also vpon the eyght: for thou knowest not what miserie shall come vpon earth. Ecc 11:3 When the cloudes are full, they powre out raine vpon the earth. And when the tree falleth, whether it be towarde the south or north, in what place soeuer it fall, there it lieth. Ecc 11:4 He that regardeth the winde, shall not sowe: and he that hath respect vnto the cloudes, shall not reape. Ecc 11:5 Nowe like as thou knowest not the way of the spirite, nor howe the bones do growe in the wombe of her that is with chylde: Euen so thou knowest not the workes of God, which is the workmaster of all. Ecc 11:6 Ceasse not thou therefore with thy handes to sowe thy seede, whether it be in the morning or in the euening: for thou knowest not whether this or that shall prosper, and if they both take, it is the better. Ecc 11:7 The light is sweete, and a pleasaunt thing is it for the eyes to looke vpon the sunne. Ecc 11:8 If a man lyue many yeres, and be glad in them all, let hym remember the dayes of darknesse whiche shalbe manye, and that foloweth: Al thinges shalbe but vanitie. Ecc 11:9 Be glad then (O thou young man) in thy youth, and let thy heart be merie in thy young dayes, folowe the wayes of thyne owne heart, and the lust of thyne eyes, but be thou sure that God shall bryng thee into iudgement for all these thinges. Ecc 11:10 Put away displeasure out of thine heart, and remoue euill from thy body: for chyldhood and youth is but vanitie.

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