User talk:Antioch

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Greetings! Creation Science apologist and defender of the faith Devon Jones is the founder of the Antioch Bible Society, and the author of many articles and theological essays on the topics of Creation Science, "Logical Theology", The Authority of The Scriptures, and the King James Bible debate. Devon has taken the test administered by a protestant cooperative commitee to evaluate how well a candidate for ministry knows the scriptures, and passed with an "89"(req. for passing-70).

He is also as of recently, the founder of "Internet Fireworks", and IFTNX web design. He has recently started hosting his own websites, and building and designing web sites, and webmail accounts.

It is Devon's goal to fulfill the ministry that God has given him to the best of his ability, and that the LORD would use him for the furtherence of his kingdom in a mighty way!

GodSpeed and God Bless!


See The Antioch Bible Society

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