Scriptures Containing 3906

From Textus Receptus

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  • Mark 3:2 And they watched <3906> him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him.


  • Luke 6:7 And the scribes and Pharisees watched <3906> him, whether he would heal on the sabbath day; that they might find an accusation against him.
  • Luke 14:1 And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, that they watched <3906> him.
  • Luke 20:20 And they watched <3906> him, and sent forth spies, which should feign themselves just men, that they might take hold of his words, that so they might deliver him unto the power and authority of the governor.


  • Acts 9:24 But their laying await was known of Saul. And they watched <3906> the gates day and night to kill him.


  • Galatians 4:10 Ye observe <3906> days, and months, and times, and years.
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