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{{Template:Greek Concordance}}
'''37''' hagiazo hag-ee-ad’-zo  
'''37''' hagiazo hag-ee-ad’-zo  

Revision as of 04:41, 30 December 2011

Greek Concordance
  • Α Alpha

(1 - 895)

(896 - 1041)

  • Γ Gamma

(1042 - 1137)

  • Δ Delta

(1138 - 1435)

  • Ε Epsilon

(1436 - 2193)

(2194 - 2227)

(2228 - 2278)

  • Θ Theta

(2279 - 2382)

(2383 - 2503)

  • Κ Kappa

(2504 - 2974)

  • Λ Lambda

(2975 - 3091)

(3092 - 3475)

(3476 - 3577)

(3578 - 3587)

  • Ο Omicron

(3588 - 3800)

(3801 - 4459)

(4460 - 4517)

  • Σ Sigma

(4518 - 4998)

(4999 - 5190)

  • Υ Upsilon

(5191 - 5313)

(5314 - 5462)

(5463 - 5566)

(5567 - 5597)

  • Ω Omega

(5598 - 5624)

37 hagiazo hag-ee-ad’-zo

from 40; TDNT-1:111,14; v

AV-sanctify 26, hallow 2, be holy 1; 29

To make holy, consecrate, sanctify
1) to dedicate, separate, set apart for God
1a) Of things {Matthew 23:17,9 2Ti 2:21}
1b) Of persons: Christ {#Joh 10:36 17:19}
2) To purify, make conformable in character to such dedication
2a) Forensically, to free from guilt {#1Co 6:11 Eph 5:26 Heb 2:11 10:10,14,29 13:12}
2b) Internally, by actual sanctification of life {#Joh 17:17,19 Ac 20:32 26:18 Ro 15:16 1Co 1:2 7:14 1Th 5:23 Re 22:11}
2c) Of a non-believer influenced by marriage with a Christian {#1Co 7:14}
3) In the intermediate sense of ceremonial or levitical purification
3a) Of things {#2Ti 2:21}
3b) Of persons {#Heb 9:13}
4) To treat as holy {#Mt 6:9 Lu 11:2 1Pe 3:15}

See Also

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