Matthew 6

From Textus Receptus

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* [[Matthew 6:22|22]] [[3588|The]] [[3088|light]] [[3588|of the]] [[4983|body]] [[2076|is]] [[3588|the]] [[3788|eye]]: [[1437|if]] [[3767|therefore]] [[4675|thine]] [[3788|eye]] [[5600|be]] [[573|single]], [[4675|thy]] [[3650|whole]] [[4983|body]] [[2071|shall be]] [[5460|full of light]].
* [[Matthew 6:22|22]] [[3588|The]] [[3088|light]] [[3588|of the]] [[4983|body]] [[2076|is]] [[3588|the]] [[3788|eye]]: [[1437|if]] [[3767|therefore]] [[4675|thine]] [[3788|eye]] [[5600|be]] [[573|single]], [[4675|thy]] [[3650|whole]] [[4983|body]] [[2071|shall be]] [[5460|full of light]].
* [[Matthew 6:23|23]] But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
* [[Matthew 6:23|23]] [[1161|But]] [[1437|if]] [[4675|thine]] [[3788|eye]] [[5600|be]] [[4190|evil]], [[4675|thy]] [[3650|whole]] [[4983|body]] [[2071|shall be]] [[1652|full of darkness]]. [[1487|If]] [[3767|therefore]] [[3588|the]] [[5457|light]] [[3588|that]] [[1722|is in]] [[4671|thee]] [[2076|be]] [[4655|darkness]], [[4214|how great]] ''is'' [[4655|that darkness]]!
* [[Matthew 6:24|24]] No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
* [[Matthew 6:24|24]] [[3762|No man]] [[1410|can]] [[1398|serve]] [[1417|two]] [[2962|masters]]: [[1063|for]] [[2228|either]] [[3404|he will hate]] [[3588|the]] [[1520|one]], [[2532|and]] [[25|love]] [[3588|the]] [[2087|other]]; [[2228|or]] [[472|else he will hold]] [[1520|to the one]], [[2532|and]] [[2706|despise]] [[3588|the]] [[2087|other]]. [[3756|Ye cannot]] [[1398|serve]] [[2316|God]] [[2532|and]] [[3126|mammon]].
* [[Matthew 6:25|25]] Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
* [[Matthew 6:25|25]] [[1223|Therefore]] [[3004|I say]] [[5213|unto you]], [[3309|Take no thought]] [[5216|for your]] [[5590|life]], [[5101|what]] [[5315|ye shall eat]], [[2532|or]] [[5101|what]] [[4095|ye shall drink]]; [[3366|nor yet]] [[5216|for your]] [[4983|body]], [[5101|what]] [[1746|ye shall put on]]. [[2076|Is]] [[3780|not]] [[3588|the]] [[5590|life]] [[4119|more]] [[5160|than meat]], [[2532|and]] [[3588|the]] [[4983|body]] [[1742|than raiment]]?
* [[Matthew 6:26|26]] Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
* [[Matthew 6:26|26]] [[1689|Behold]] [[3588|the]] [[4071|fowls]] [[3588|of the]] [[3772|air]]: [[3754|for]] [[4687|they sow]] [[3756|not]], [[3761|neither]] [[2325|do they reap]], [[3761|nor]] [[4863|gather]] [[1519|into]] [[596|barns]]; [[2532|yet]] [[5216|your]] [[3770|heavenly]] [[3962|Father]] [[5142|feedeth]] [[846|them]]. [[1308|Are]] [[5210|ye]] [[3756|not]] [[3123|much better]] [[846|than they]]?
* [[Matthew 6:27|27]] Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
* [[Matthew 6:27|27]] [[1161|Which]] [[1537|of]] [[5216|you]] [[3309|by taking thought]] [[1410|can]] [[4369|add]] [[1520|one]] [[4083|cubit]] [[1909|unto]] [[848|his]] [[2244|stature]]?
* [[Matthew 6:28|28]] And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
* [[Matthew 6:28|28]] [[2532|And]] [[5101|why]] [[3309|take ye thought]] [[4012|for]] [[1742|raiment]]? [[2648|Consider]] [[3588|the]] [[2918|lilies]] [[3588|of the]] [[68|field]], [[4459|how]] [[837|they grow]]; [[2872|they toil]] [[3756|not]], [[3761|neither]] [[3514|do they spin]]:
* [[Matthew 6:29|29]] And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
* [[Matthew 6:29|29]] [[1161|And]] [[3004|yet I say]] [[5213|unto you]], [[3754|That]] [[3761|even]] [[4672|Solomon]] [[1722|in]] [[3956|all]] [[848|his]] [[1391|glory]] [[4016|was not arrayed]] [[5613|like]] [[1520|one]] [[5130|of these]].
* [[Matthew 6:30|30]] Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
* [[Matthew 6:30|30]] [[1161|Wherefore]], [[1487|if]] [[2316|God]] [[3779|so]] [[294|clothe]] [[3588|the]] [[5528|grass]] [[3588|of the]] [[68|field]], [[4594|which to day]] [[5607|is]], [[2532|and]] [[839|to morrow]] [[906|is cast]] [[1519|into]] [[2823|the oven]], ''shall he'' [[3756|not]] [[4183|much]] [[3123|more]] ''clothe'' [[5209|you]], ''O'' [[3640|ye of little faith]]?
* [[Matthew 6:31|31]] Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
* [[Matthew 6:31|31]] [[3767|Therefore]] [[3309|take no thought]], [[3004|saying]], [[5101|What]] [[5315|shall we eat]]? [[2228|or]], [[5101|What]] [[4095|shall we drink]]? [[2228|or]], [[5101|Wherewithal]] [[4016|shall we be clothed]]?
* [[Matthew 6:32|32]] (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
* [[Matthew 6:32|32]] ([[1063|For]] [[3956|after all]] [[5023|these things]] [[3588|do the]] [[1484|Gentiles]] [[1934|seek]]:) [[1063|for]] [[5216|your]] [[3770|heavenly]] [[3962|Father]] [[1492|knoweth]] [[3754|that]] [[5535|ye have need]] [[537|of all]] [[5130|these things]].
* [[Matthew 6:33|33]] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
* [[Matthew 6:33|33]] [[1161|But]] [[2212|seek]] [[4412|ye first]] [[3588|the]] [[932|kingdom]] [[2316|of God]], [[2532|and]] [[846|his]] [[1343|righteousness]]; [[2532|and]] [[3956|all]] [[5023|these things]] [[4369|shall be added]] [[5213|unto you]].
* [[Matthew 6:34|34]] Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
* [[Matthew 6:34|34]] [[3309|Take therefore no thought]] [[1519|for]] [[3588|the]] [[839|morrow]]: [[1063|for]] [[3588|the]] [[839|morrow]] [[3309|shall take thought]] [[3588|for the things]] [[1438|of itself]]. [[713|Sufficient]] [[3588|unto the]] [[2250|day]] ''is'' [[3588|the]] [[2548|evil]] [[846|thereof]].
<small>(''[[King James Version]], [[Pure Cambridge Edition]] [[1900 AD|1900]]'')</small>
<small>(''[[King James Version]], [[Pure Cambridge Edition]] [[1900 AD|1900]]'')</small>

Revision as of 15:21, 12 November 2015

(King James Version, Pure Cambridge Edition 1900)

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