1 Chronicles 2 Bishops' Bible 1568

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1Ch 2:1 These are the sonnes of Israel: Ruben, Simeon, Leui, Iuda, Isachar, and Zabulon. 1Ch 2:2 Dan, Ioseph, Beniamin, Nephthali, Gad, and Aser. 1Ch 2:3 The sonnes of Iuda: Er, Onan, and Sela: These three were borne vnto him of Bath Sua ye Chanaanitesse. And Er the eldest sonne of Iuda was euil in the sight of the Lorde, and he slue him. 1Ch 2:4 And Thamar his daughter in lawe bare him Pharez, and Zara: and so all the sonnes of Iuda were fiue. 1Ch 2:5 The sonnes of Pharez: Hezron, and Hamul. 1Ch 2:6 The sonnes of Zara: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, Chalchol, and Dara: which were fiue in all. 1Ch 2:7 And the sonnes of Charmi, Achan, that troubled Israel, transgressing in the thing that was dampned. 1Ch 2:8 The sonnes of Ethan: Azaria. 1Ch 2:9 The sonnes also of Hezron that were borne vnto him: Ierameel, Ram, and Chelubai. 1Ch 2:10 And Ram begat Aminadab, and Aminadab begat Naasson a lorde of the children of Iuda. 1Ch 2:11 And Naasson begat Salma, and Salma begat Boaz. 1Ch 2:12 Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Isai. 1Ch 2:13 And Isai begat his eldest sonne Eliab, and Aminadab the second, and Simaa the third, 1Ch 2:14 Nathanael the fourth, and Radai the fifth, 1Ch 2:15 Ozem the sixt, and Dauid the seuenth: 1Ch 2:16 Whose sisters were Zeruia and Abigail. The sonnes of Zeruia: Abisai, Ioab, and Azael, three. 1Ch 2:17 And Abigail bare Amaza, the father of which Amaza, was Iether an Ismaelite. 1Ch 2:18 And Caleb the sonne of Hezron begat Asuba, of his wyfe Asuba, and Ierioth, whose sonnes are these: Iaser, Sobab, and Ardon. 1Ch 2:19 And when Asuba was dead, Caleb toke Euphrata, which bare him Hur. 1Ch 2:20 And Hur begat Uri, and Uri begat Bezaleel. 1Ch 2:21 Afterward came Hezron to the daughter of Machir the father of Gilead, and toke her when he was threescore yeres olde: and she bare him Segub. 1Ch 2:22 And Segub begat Iair, which had three and twentie cities in the lande of Gilead. 1Ch 2:23 And he ouercame Gessur and Aram the townes of Iair, from them [which dwelt in them] and Kenath and the townes therof, euen threescore townes: All these were the sonnes of Machir the father of Gilead. 1Ch 2:24 And after that Hezron was dead at Caleb in Euphrata, Abia Esroms wyfe bare him Ashur the father of Thekoa. 1Ch 2:25 And the sonnes of Ierahmeel the eldest sonne of Hezron, were: Ran the eldest, Buna, Oren, Ozem, and Ahia. 1Ch 2:26 And Ierahmeel had yet another wyfe named Atara, which was the mother of Onam. 1Ch 2:27 And the sonnes of Ram the eldest sonne of Ierahmeel, were: Maaz, Iamin, and Ekar. 1Ch 2:28 The sonnes of Onam were: Sammai, and Iada. The sonnes of Sammai: Nadab, and Abisur. 1Ch 2:29 And the wyfe of Abisur was called Abihail, and she bare him Ahban, and Molid. 1Ch 2:30 The sonnes of Nadab: Seled, and Appaim. And Seled dyed without children. 1Ch 2:31 The sonne of Appaim, Iesi: And the sonne of Iesi, Sesan: And the sonne of Sesan, Ahlai. 1Ch 2:32 And the sonnes of Iada the brother of Samai, Iether & Ionathan: And Iether dyed without children. 1Ch 2:33 The sonnes of Ionatham: Peleth, & Zaza. These were the sonnes of Ierahmeel. 1Ch 2:34 Sesan had no sonnes, but daughters: And Sesan had a seruaunt that was an Egyptian, named Iarha: 1Ch 2:35 To whom he gaue his daughter to wyfe, and she bare him Athai. 1Ch 2:36 And Athai begat Nathan, and Nathan begat Zabad. 1Ch 2:37 And Zabad begat Aphlal, and Aphlal begat Obed. 1Ch 2:38 Obed begat Iehu, and Iehu begat Azaria. 1Ch 2:39 Azaria begat Helez, and Helez begat Elasa. 1Ch 2:40 Elasa begat Sisamai, and Sisamai begat Sallum. 1Ch 2:41 Sallum begat Iecamia, Iecamia begat Elisamah. 1Ch 2:42 The sonnes of Caleb the brother of Ierahmeel: Mesa his eldest sonne, which was the father of Ziph: and the sonnes of Maresa the father of Hebron. 1Ch 2:43 The sonnes of Hebron: Corah, and Thapuah, Rekem, and Sama. 1Ch 2:44 Sama begat Raham the father of Ierkoam, and Rekem begat Sammai. 1Ch 2:45 The sonne of Sammai was Maon: And Maon was the father of Bethzur. 1Ch 2:46 And Epha a concubine of Calebs, bare Haran, and Mosa, and Gazez: Haran begat Gazez. 1Ch 2:47 The sonnes of Iahdai, were: Regem, Iotham, Gesan, Phelet, Epha, & Saaph. 1Ch 2:48 And Maacha was Calebs concubine, of whom he begat Seber and Thirhana: 1Ch 2:49 And she bare also Saaph the father of Madmanna, and Seua the father of Machbena, and the father of Gibea: And Achsa was Calebs daughter. 1Ch 2:50 These were the sonnes of Caleb the sonne of Hur the eldest sonne of Ephrata: Sabal the father of Kiriath Iarim, 1Ch 2:51 Salma the father of Bethlehem, and Hareph the father of Beth Gader. 1Ch 2:52 And Sobal the father of Kiriath Iarim had sonnes, and he sawe the halfe of the countrey of the mansions. 1Ch 2:53 The kinredes of Kiriath Iarim are these: The Iethrites, the Puthites, the Sumathites, & the Misrahethites: And of them came the Zarathites, and the Esthaulites. 1Ch 2:54 The sonnes of Salma: Bethlehem, and Netophathi, the glory of the house of Ioab, and halfe the countrey of the Manahethites, the Zaraites. 1Ch 2:55 The kinredes of the wryters dwelt at Iabes, the Thirathites, the Simeathites, the Suchathites, which are the Kenites that came of Hemath the father of the house of Rechab.

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