Matthew 19:9

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New Testament Matthew 19

(Textus Receptus, Novum Testamentum, Theodore Beza, 5th major edition. Geneva. 1598)

(King James Version, Pure Cambridge Edition 1900)

(King James Version 2016 Edition, & 2023) - buy the revised and updated printed 2023 Edition New Testament here





Textus Receptus

Desiderius Erasmus


Stephanus (Robert Estienne)

Theodore Beza

Matthew 19:9 in Beza's 1598 Greek New Testament
Matthew 19:9 in Beza's 1598 Greek New Testament
Matthew 19:9 in Beza's 1598 Latin Annotations
Matthew 19:9 in Beza's 1598 Latin Annotations

See Also Matthew 19:9 Beza 1598 (Beza)

  • 1604 (Beza Octavo 5th)




Other Greek

  • 1857 (Tregelles' Greek New Testament)
  • (Tischendorf 8th Ed.)
  • 1881 (Westcott & Hort)
  • (Greek orthodox Church)

Anglo Saxon Translations

  • 1000 (Anglo-Saxon Gospels Manuscript 140, Corpus Christi College by Aelfric)
  • 1200 (Anglo-Saxon Gospels Hatton Manuscript 38, Bodleian Library by unknown author)

English Translations

  • 1380 (Wyclif's Bible by John Wycliffe)
  • 1395 And Y seie to you, that who euer leeueth his wijf, but for fornycacioun, and weddith another, doith letcherie; and he that weddith the forsakun wijf, doith letcherie. (Wyclif's Bible by John Wycliffe)
  • 1534 I saye therfore vnto you whosoever putteth awaye his wyfe (except it be for fornicacion) and maryeth another breaketh wedlocke. And whosoever maryeth her which is divorsed doeth commyt advoutry. (Tyndale Bible by William Tyndale)
  • 1535 But I saye vnto you: Whosoeuer putteth awaye his wife (excepte it be for fornicacion) and marieth another, breaketh wedlocke. And who so marieth her yt is deuorced, commytteth aduoutrye. (Coverdale Bible)
  • 1539 (Great Bible First Edition - Miles Coverdale)
  • 1540 I saye vnto you: whosoeuer putteth awaye his wyfe (except it be for fornicacion) & marieth another, breaketh wedlocke. And whoso marieth her whych is deuorsed, doeth commyt aduoutry. (Great Bible Second Edition - Miles Coverdale)
  • 1549 I say therfore vnto you, whosoeuer putteth awaye hys wyfe, (except it he for fornicacion) & marieth another, breaketh wedloke. And whosoeuer maryeth her, which is diuorced, doth commit aduoutry. (Matthew's Bible - John Rogers)
  • 1557 (Geneva 1557) by William Whittingham
  • 1560
  • 1568 I say vnto you: whosoeuer putteth away his wyfe, except it be for fornication, and maryeth another, committeth adulterie: And who so maryeth her which is diuorced, doth comit adulterie. (Bishop's Bible First Edition)
  • 1572 (Bishop's Bible)
  • 1582 (Rheims 1582)
  • 1587 I say therefore vnto you, that whosoeuer shall put away his wife, except it be for whoredome, and marry another, committeth adulterie: and whosoeuer marieth her which is diuorced, doeth commit adulterie. (Geneva Bible) by William Whittingham (Geneva Bible) by William Whittingham
  • 1599 (Geneva Bible) by William Whittingham
  • 1611 And I say vnto you, Whosoeuer shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away, doth commit adultery. (King James Version)
  • 1729 and I tell you, that whoever shall put away his wife, except it be for adultery, and shall marry another, he committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her that is put away, causeth her to commit adultery. (Mace New Testament)
  • 1745 But I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for the cause of fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery. (Mr. Whiston's Primitive New Testament)
  • 1762 (King James Version)
  • 1769 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. (King James Version - Benjamin Blayney)
  • 1770 and I tell you, that whosoever putteth away his wife, except for whoredom, and marrieth another, committeth adultery; and he that marrieth her so put away committeth adultery. (Worsley Version by John Worsley)
  • 1790 And I say to you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for whoredom, and marry another, committeth adultery: and he that marrieth her that is put away committeth adultery. (Wesley Version by John Wesley)
  • 1795 And I tell you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except for whoredom, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that marrieth the divorced woman, committeth adultery. (A Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek by Thomas Haweis)
  • 1833 And I say to you, Whoever shall put away his wife, except for lewdness, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoever marrieth her who is put away, committeth adultery. (Webster Version - by Noah Webster)
  • 1835 Therefore, I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for whoredom, and marries another, commits adultery: and whoever marries the woman divorced, commits adultery. (Living Oracles by Alexander Campbell)
  • 1849 And I say to you that whosoever shall forsake his wife who is not adulterous, and take another, committeth adultery; and whosoever taketh the deserted one, committeth adultery. (Etheridge Translation by John Etheridge)
  • 1850 (King James Version by Committee)
  • 1851 (Murdock Translation)
  • 1855 Calvin Bible by the Calvin Translation Society
  • 1858 And I tell you, that whoever puts away his wife, except for adultery, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her that is put away, commits adultery. (The New Testament Translated from the Original Greek by Leicester Sawyer)
  • 1865 I say but to you, that whoever may release the wife of him, except for fornication, and may marry another, commits adultery; and he her being released marrying, commits adultery. (The Emphatic Diaglott by Benjamin Wilson)
  • 1865 And I say to you, that whoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her when put away, commits adultery. (The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 1865 by American Bible Union)
  • 1869 And I say to you, Whoever putteth away his wife, except for fornication, and marrieth another, committeth adultery. (Noyes Translation by George Noyes)
  • 1873 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. (King James Version) by Frederick Scrivener)
  • 1885 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that marrieth her when she is put away committeth adultery. (Revised Version also called English Revised Version - Charles Ellicott editor)
  • 1890 But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, not for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery; and he who marries one put away commits adultery. (Darby Version 1890 by John Darby)
  • 1898 `And I say to you, that, whoever may put away his wife, if not for whoredom, and may marry another, doth commit adultery; and he who did marry her that hath been put away, doth commit adultery.' (Young's Literal Translation by Robert Young)
  • 1901 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that marrieth her when she is put away committeth adultery. (American Standard Version - Philip Schaff)
  • 1902 And I say unto you––Whosoever shall divorce his wife, saving for unfaithfulness, and shall marry another, committeth adultery. (The Emphasised Bible Rotherham Version)
  • 1902 But I say unto you, That whosoever may send away his wife, not for fornication, and may marry another, commits adultery. (Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek by William Godbey)
  • 1904 And I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery." (The New Testament: Revised and Translated by Adolphus Worrell)
  • 1904 But I tell you that any one who divorces his wife, except on the ground of her unchastity, and marries another woman, is guilty of adultery." (Twentieth Century New Testament by Ernest Malan and Mary Higgs)
  • 1911 (Syrus Scofield)
  • 1912 And I tell you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except her unfaithfulness, and marries another woman, commits adultery." (Weymouth New Testament)
  • 1918 But I say to you: Whoever puts away his wife unless for lewdness, and marries another, commits adultery. (The New Testament Translated from the Sinaitic Manuscript by Henry Anderson)
  • 1923 (Edgar Goodspeed)
  • 1982 (New King James Version) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
  • 1984 (New International Version)(NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®
  • 1995 (New American Standard Bible) NASB (©1995)
  • 1999 (American King James Version)AKJV
  • 2000 (King James 2000 Bible©)n
  • 2005 (Today’s New International Version)
  • (BBE)
  • 2009 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)(HCSB) Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville Tennessee. All rights reserved.
  • (21st Century King James Version) Copyright © 1994 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc.
  • (Common English Bible) Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible
  • (GOD’S WORD Translation)(GW) Copyright © 1995 by God's Word to the Nations.
  • (Contemporary English Version)(CEV) Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society
  • (New Living Translation)(NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation.
  • (Amplified Bible) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation
  • (The Message) (MSG) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson
  • (New International Reader's Version) (NIRV) Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2014 by Biblica, Inc.®.
  • (Wycliffe New Testament)

Foreign Language Versions

See also Bible translations into Afrikaans


  • 1933 (Ta Biblia Ta Logia - J. D. du Toit, E. E. van Rooyen, J. D. Kestell, H. C. M. Fourie, and BB Keet
  • 1953
  • 1982 Paraphrase - Die Lewende Bybel, Christelike Uitgewersmaatskappy (CUM)
  • 1982 South African Bible Society - E. P. Groenewald, A. H. van Zyl, P. A. Verhoef, J. L. Helberg, and W. Kempen
  • 1983 © Bybelgenootskap van Suid Afrika
  • 2001 The Nuwe Wêreld-vertaling van die Heilige Skrif is an Afrikaans translation of the 1984 English translation of the Bible by the Watchtower Society.
  • 2002 Die Boodskap
  • 2002 - Gert Prinsloo, Phil Botha, Willem Boshoff, Hennie Stander, Dirk Human, Stephan Joubert, and Jan van der Watt.
  • 2006 The Nuwe Lewende Vertaling (literally "New Living Translation")
  • 2008 Bybel vir Almal - South African Bible Society, Bart Oberholzer, Bernard Combrink, Hermie van Zyl, Francois Tolmie, Christo van der Merwe, Rocco Hough en Elmine Roux.
  • 2014 Direct Translation, South African Bible Society
  • 2014 Afrikaans Standard Version, CUM Books



Amuzgo de Guerrero

  • 1973 Amuzgo de Guerrero (AMU) Copyright © 1973, 1999 by La Liga Biblica
  • 1999



  • 1516
  • 1591
  • 1616
  • 1622
  • 1671 Biblia Arabica. de propaganda fide. Arabic and Latin Bible printed in Rome by Abraham Ecchellensis and Louis Maracci
  • واقول لكم ان من طلّق امرأته الا بسبب الزنى وتزوج باخرى يزني. والذي يتزوج بمطلّقة يزني. (Arabic Smith & Van Dyke)
  • 1988 Arabic Life Application Bible (ALAB) Copyright © 1988 by Biblica
  • 2009 Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV-AR) Copyright © 2009 by World Bible Translation Center


  • ܐܡܪ ܐܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܕܡܢ ܕܫܒܩ ܐܢܬܬܗ ܕܠܐ ܓܘܪܐ ܘܢܤܒ ܐܚܪܬܐ ܓܐܪ ܘܡܢ ܕܢܤܒ ܫܒܝܩܬܐ ܓܐܪ (Aramaic Peshitta)


  • 1571 Eta erraiten drauçuet ecen norc-ere vtziren baitu bere emaztea, paillardiçagatic baicen, eta berce batequin ezconduren baita, adulterio iauquiten duela: eta vtzi denarequin ezconduren datenac adulterio iauquiten duqueela.


  • 1940 И казвам ви: Който напусне жена си, освен за прелюбодейство, и се ожени за друга, той прелюбодействува; и който се ожени за нея, [когато] бъде напусната, прелюбодействува. (1940 Bulgarian Bible)
  • (Матей 19:9) И казвам ви: Който напусне жена си, освен за прелюбодейство, и се ожени за друга, той прелюбодействува; и който се ожени за нея, [когато] бъде напусната, прелюбодействува. (Bulgarian Bible)


  • 1860 Cherokee New Testament (CHR)









  • Et je vous dis que quiconque répudiera sa femme, non pour cause de fornication, et en épousera une autre, commet adultère; et celui qui épouse une femme répudiée, commet adultère. (French Darby)
  • 1744 Et moi je vous dis, que quiconque répudiera sa femme, si ce n'est pour cause d'adultère, et se mariera à une autre, commet un adultère; et que celui qui se sera marié à celle qui est répudiée, commet un adultère. (Martin 1744)
  • 1744 Mais je vous dis que quiconque répudiera sa femme, si ce n'est pour cause d'adultère, et en épousera une autre, commet un adultère; et celui qui épousera celle qui a été répudiée, commet aussi un adultère. (Ostervald 1744)
  • 1864 (Augustin Crampon)
  • 1910
  • 2006 (King James Française)


  • 1545 Ich sage aber euch: Wer sich von seinem Weibe scheidet (es sei denn um der Hurerei willen) und freiet eine andere, der bricht die Ehe. Und wer die Abgeschiedene freiet, der bricht auch die Ehe. (Luther 1545)
  • 1871 Ich sage euch aber, daß, wer irgend sein Weib entlassen wird, nicht wegen Hurerei, und eine andere heiraten wird, Ehebruch begeht; und wer eine Entlassene heiratet, begeht Ehebruch. (Elberfelder 1871)
  • 1912 Ich sage aber euch: Wer sich von seinem Weibe scheidet (es sei denn um der Hurerei willen) und freit eine andere, der bricht die Ehe; und wer die Abgeschiedene freit, der bricht auch die Ehe. (Luther 1912)


  • 1904 (Greek Orthodox (B. Antoniades))
  • Modern Greek (Trinitarian Bible Society)




  • 1649 Or io vi dico che chiunque manda via la sua moglie, salvochè per cagion di fornicazione, e ne sposa un’altra, commette adulterio; ed altresì chi sposa colei che è mandata via commette adulterio. (Giovanni Diodati Bible 1649)
  • 1927 Ed io vi dico che chiunque manda via sua moglie, quando non sia per cagion di fornicazione, e ne sposa un’altra, commette adulterio. (Riveduta Bible 1927)





Matthew 19:9 in Beza's 1598 Latin New Testament
Matthew 19:9 in Beza's 1598 Latin New Testament
Matthew 19:9 in Beza's 1598 Vulgate
Matthew 19:9 in Beza's 1598 Vulgate
  • dico autem vobis quia quicumque dimiserit uxorem suam nisi ob fornicationem et aliam duxerit moechatur et qui dimissam duxerit moechatur

Latin Vulgate





  • 1996 (Pidgin King Jems)



  • 1833 (Potawatomi Matthew and Acts)



  • 1876 но Я говорю вам: кто разведется с женою своею не за прелюбодеяние и женится на другой, тот прелюбодействует; и женившийся на разведенной прелюбодействует. Russian Synodal Version
  • Phonetically:




See Also Bible translations (Spanish)

  • 1543 (Francisco de Enzinas New Testament)
  • 1556 (Juan Perez de Pineda New Testament and book of Psalms)
  • 1569 (Sagradas Escrituras)
  • 1814 Valera Revision
  • 1817 Valera Revision
  • 1831 Valera Revision
  • 1858 Reina Valera
  • 1862 Valera Revision
  • 1865 Valera Revision (American Bible Society Revisión)
  • 1869 Valera Revision
  • 1909 (Reina-Valera) Antigua Spanish Bible
  • 1960 Versión Reina-Valera (Eugene Nida )
  • 1987 Translation from English. Publisher: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
  • 1994 Nuevo Testamento versión Recobro
  • 1997 (La Biblia de las Américas) (©1997)
  • 1999 Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)
  • 2002 (1602 Purificada)
  • 2009 Santa Biblia: Reina-Valera
  • 1 (Reina Valera Gómez)


  • Lakini haikuwa hivyo tangu mwanzo. Basi nawaambieni, yeyote atakayemwacha mke wake isipokuwa kwa sababu ya uzinzi, akaoa mke mwingine, anazini."


  • 1917 Och jag säger eder: Den som för någon annan orsaks skull än för otukt skiljer sig från sin hustru och tager sig en annan hustru, han begår äktenskapsbrott.» (Swedish - Svenska 1917)


  • 1905 At sinasabi ko sa inyo, Sinomang ihiwalay ang kaniyang asawang babae, liban na kung sa pakikiapid, at magasawa sa iba, ay nagkakasala ng pangangalunya: at ang magasawa sa babaing yaon na hiniwalayan ay nagkakasala ng pangangalunya. (Ang Dating Biblia 1905)


(Thai KJV)





  • 1934 Vả, ta phán cùng các ngươi, nếu ai để vợ mình không phải vì cớ ngoại tình, và cưới vợ khác, thì người ấy phạm tội tà dâm; và hễ ai cưới người bị để, thì phạm tội ngoại tình. (Ma-thi-ô 19:9 Vietnamese Bible) (VIET)


See Also

External Links

The King James Version 2023 Edition New Testament is now complete and in print format here.
The King James Version 2023 Edition New Testament is now complete and in print format here.

List of New Testament Papyri

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List of New Testament minuscules

1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 44 · 45 · 46 · 47 · 48 · 49 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63 · 64 · 65 · 66 · 67 · 68 · 69 · 70 · 71 · 72 · 73 · 74 · 75 · 76 · 77 · 78 · 79 · 80 · 81 · 82 · 83 · 84 · 85 · 86 · 87 · 88 · 89 · 90 · 91 · 92 · 93 · 94 · 95 · 96 · 97 · 98 · 99 · 100 · 101 · 102 · 103 · 104 · 105 · 106 · 107 · 108 · 109 · 110 · 111 · 112 · 113 · 114 · 115 · 116 · 117 · 118 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 126 · 127 · 128 · 129 · 130 · 131 · 132 · 133 · 134 · 135 · 136 · 137 · 138 · 139 · 140 · 141 · 142 · 143 · 144 · 145 · 146 · 147 · 148 · 149 · 150 · 151 · 152 · 153 · 154 · 155 · 156 · 157 · 158 · 159 · 160 · 161 · 162 · 163 · 164 · 165 · 166 · 167 · 168 · 169 · 170 · 171 · 172 · 173 · 174 · 175 · 176 · 177 · 178 · 179 · 180 · 181 · 182 · 183 · 184 · 185 · 186 · 187 · 188 · 189 · 190 · 191 · 192 · 193 · 194 · 195 · 196 · 197 · 198 · 199 · 200 · 201 · 202 · 203 · 204 · 205 · 206 · 207 · 208 · 209 · 210 · 211 · 212 · 213 · 214 · 215 · 216 · 217 · 218 · 219 · 220 · 221 · 222 · 223 · 224 · 225 · 226 · 227 · 228 · 229 · 230 · 231 · 232 · 233 · 234 · 235 · 236 · 237 · 238 · 239 · 240 · 241 · 242 · 243 · 244 · 245 · 246 · 247 · 248 · 249 · 250 · 251 · 252 · 253 · 254 · 255 · 256 · 257 · 258 · 259 · 260 · 261 · 262 · 263 · 264 · 265 · 266 · 267 · 268 · 269 · 270 · 271 · 272 · 273 · 274 · 275 · 276 · 277 · 278 · 279 · 280 · 281 · 282 · 283 · 284 · 285 · 286 · 287 · 288 · 289 · 290 · 291 · 292 · 293 · 294 · 295 · 296 · 297 · 298 · 299 · 300 · 301 · 302 · 303 · 304 · 305 · 306 · 307 · 308 · 309 · 310 · 311 · 312 · 313 · 314 · 315 · 316 · 317 · 318 · 319 · 320 · 321 · 322 · 323 · 324 · 325 · 326 · 327 · 328 · 329 · 330 · 331 · 332 · 333 · 334 · 335 · 336 · 337 · 338 · 339 · 340 · 341 · 342 · 343 · 344 · 345 · 346 · 347 · 348 · 349 · 350 · 351 · 352 · 353 · 354 · 355 · 356 · 357 · 358 · 359 · 360 · 361 · 362 · 363 · 364 · 365 · 366 · 367 · 368 · 369 · 370 · 371 · 372 · 373 · 374 · 375 · 376 · 377 · 378 · 379 · 380 · 381 · 382 · 383 · 384 · 385 · 386 · 387 · 388 · 389 · 390 · 391 · 392 · 393 · 394 · 395 · 396 · 397 · 398 · 399 · 400 · 401 · 402 · 403 · 404 · 405 · 406 · 407 · 408 · 409 · 410 · 411 · 412 · 413 · 414 · 415 · 416 · 417 · 418 · 419 · 420 · 421 · 422 · 423 · 424 · 425 · 426 · 427 · 428 · 429 · 430 · 431 · 432 · 433 · 434 · 435 · 436 · 437 · 438 · 439 · 440 · 441 · 442 · 443 · 444 · 445 · 446 · 447 · 448 · 449 · 450 · 451 · 452 · 453 · 454 · 455 · 456 · 457 · 458 · 459 · 460 · 461 · 462 · 463 · 464 · 465 · 466 · 467 · 468 · 469 · 470 · 471 · 472 · 473 · 474 · 475 · 476 · 477 · 478 · 479 · 480 · 481 · 482 · 483 · 484 · 485 · 486 · 487 · 488 · 489 · 490 · 491 · 492 · 493 · 494 · 495 · 496 · 497 · 498 · 499 · 500 · 501 · 502 · 503 · 504 · 505 · 506 · 507 · 543 · 544 · 565 · 566 · 579 · 585 · 614 · 639 · 653 · 654 · 655 · 656 · 657 · 658 · 659 · 660 · 661 · 669 · 676 · 685 · 700 · 798 · 823 · 824 · 825 · 826 · 827 · 828 · 829 · 830 · 831 · 876 · 891 · 892 · 893 · 1071 · 1143 · 1152 · 1241 · 1253 · 1423 · 1424 · 1432 · 1582 · 1739 · 1780 · 1813 · 1834 · 2050 · 2053 · 2059 · 2060 · 2061 · 2062 · 2174 · 2268 · 2344 · 2423 · 2427 · 2437 · 2444 · 2445 · 2446 · 2460 · 2464 · 2491 · 2495 · 2612 · 2613 · 2614 · 2615 · 2616 · 2641 · 2754 · 2755 · 2756 · 2757 · 2766 · 2767 · 2768 · 2793 · 2802 · 2803 · 2804 · 2805 · 2806 · 2807 · 2808 · 2809 · 2810 · 2811 · 2812 · 2813 · 2814 · 2815 · 2816 · 2817 · 2818 · 2819 · 2820 · 2821 · 2855 · 2856 · 2857 · 2858 · 2859 · 2860 · 2861 · 2862 · 2863 · 2881 · 2882 · 2907 · 2965 ·

List of New Testament uncials

01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 010 · 011 · 012 · 013 · 014 · 015 · 016 · 017 · 018 · 019 · 020 · 021 · 022 · 023 · 024 · 025 · 026 · 027 · 028 · 029 · 030 · 031 · 032 · 033 · 034 · 035 · 036 · 037 · 038 · 039 · 040 · 041 · 042 · 043 · 044 · 045 · 046 · 047 · 048 · 049 · 050 · 051 · 052 · 053 · 054 · 055 · 056 · 057 · 058 · 059 · 060 · 061 · 062 · 063 · 064 · 065 · 066 · 067 · 068 · 069 · 070 · 071 · 072 · 073 · 074 · 075 · 076 · 077 · 078 · 079 · 080 · 081 · 082 · 083 · 084 · 085 · 086 · 087 · 088 · 089 · 090 · 091 · 092 · 093 · 094 · 095 · 096 · 097 · 098 · 099 · 0100 · 0101 · 0102 · 0103 · 0104 · 0105 · 0106 · 0107 · 0108 · 0109 · 0110 · 0111 · 0112 · 0113 · 0114 · 0115 · 0116 · 0117 · 0118 · 0119 · 0120 · 0121 · 0122 · 0123 · 0124 · 0125 · 0126 · 0127 · 0128 · 0129 · 0130 · 0131 · 0132 · 0134 · 0135 · 0136 · 0137 · 0138 · 0139 · 0140 · 0141 · 0142 · 0143 · 0144 · 0145 · 0146 · 0147 · 0148 · 0149 · 0150 · 0151 · 0152 · 0153 · 0154 · 0155 · 0156 · 0157 · 0158 · 0159 · 0160 · 0161 · 0162 · 0163 · 0164 · 0165 · 0166 · 0167 · 0168 · 0169 · 0170 · 0171 · 0172 · 0173 · 0174 · 0175 · 0176 · 0177 · 0178 · 0179 · 0180 · 0181 · 0182 · 0183 · 0184 · 0185 · 0186 · 0187 · 0188 · 0189 · 0190 · 0191 · 0192 · 0193 · 0194 · 0195 · 0196 · 0197 · 0198 · 0199 · 0200 · 0201 · 0202 · 0203 · 0204 · 0205 · 0206 · 0207 · 0208 · 0209 · 0210 · 0211 · 0212 · 0213 · 0214 · 0215 · 0216 · 0217 · 0218 · 0219 · 0220 · 0221 · 0222 · 0223 · 0224 · 0225 · 0226 · 0227 · 0228 · 0229 · 0230 · 0231 · 0232 · 0234 · 0235 · 0236 · 0237 · 0238 · 0239 · 0240 · 0241 · 0242 · 0243 · 0244 · 0245 · 0246 · 0247 · 0248 · 0249 · 0250 · 0251 · 0252 · 0253 · 0254 · 0255 · 0256 · 0257 · 0258 · 0259 · 0260 · 0261 · 0262 · 0263 · 0264 · 0265 · 0266 · 0267 · 0268 · 0269 · 0270 · 0271 · 0272 · 0273 · 0274 · 0275 · 0276 · 0277 · 0278 · 0279 · 0280 · 0281 · 0282 · 0283 · 0284 · 0285 · 0286 · 0287 · 0288 · 0289 · 0290 · 0291 · 0292 · 0293 · 0294 · 0295 · 0296 · 0297 · 0298 · 0299 · 0300 · 0301 · 0302 · 0303 · 0304 · 0305 · 0306 · 0307 · 0308 · 0309 · 0310 · 0311 · 0312 · 0313 · 0314 · 0315 · 0316 · 0317 · 0318 · 0319 · 0320 · 0321 · 0322 · 0323 ·

List of New Testament lectionaries

1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 25b · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 44 · 45 · 46 · 47 · 48 · 49 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63 · 64 · 65 · 66 · 67 · 68 · 69 · 70 · 71 · 72 · 73 · 74 · 75 · 76 · 77 · 78 · 79 · 80 · 81 · 82 · 83 · 84 · 85 · 86 · 87 · 88 · 89 · 90 · 91 · 92 · 93 · 94 · 95 · 96 · 97 · 98 · 99 · 100 · 101 · 102 · 103 · 104 · 105 · 106 · 107 · 108 · 109 · 110 · 111 · 112 · 113 · 114 · 115 · 116 · 117 · 118 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 126 · 127 · 128 · 129 · 130 · 131 · 132 · 133 · 134 · 135 · 136 · 137 · 138 · 139 · 140 · 141 · 142 · 143 · 144 · 145 · 146 · 147 · 148 · 149 · 150 · 151 · 152 · 153 · 154 · 155 · 156 · 157 · 158 · 159 · 160 · 161 · 162 · 163 · 164 · 165 · 166 · 167 · 168 · 169 · 170 · 171 · 172 · 173 · 174 · 175 · 176 · 177 · 178 · 179 · 180 · 181 · 182 · 183 · 184 · 185 · 186 · 187 · 188 · 189 · 190 · 191 · 192 · 193 · 194 · 195 · 196 · 197 · 198 · 199 · 200 · 201 · 202 · 203 · 204 · 205 · 206a · 206b · 207 · 208 · 209 · 210 · 211 · 212 · 213 · 214 · 215 · 216 · 217 · 218 · 219 · 220 · 221 · 222 · 223 · 224 · 225 · 226 · 227 · 228 · 229 · 230 · 231 · 232 · 233 · 234 · 235 · 236 · 237 · 238 · 239 · 240 · 241 · 242 · 243 · 244 · 245 · 246 · 247 · 248 · 249 · 250 · 251 · 252 · 253 · 254 · 255 · 256 · 257 · 258 · 259 · 260 · 261 · 262 · 263 · 264 · 265 · 266 · 267 · 268 · 269 · 270 · 271 · 272 · 273 · 274 · 275 · 276 · 277 · 278 · 279 · 280 · 281 · 282 · 283 · 284 · 285 · 286 · 287 · 288 · 289 · 290 · 291 · 292 · 293 · 294 · 295 · 296 · 297 · 298 · 299 · 300 · 301 · 302 · 303 · 304 · 305 · 306 · 307 · 308 · 309 · 310 · 311 · 312 · 313 · 314 · 315 · 316 · 317 · 318 · 319 · 320 · 321 · 322 · 323 · 324 · 325 · 326 · 327 · 328 · 329 · 330 · 331 · 332 · 368 · 449 · 451 · 501 · 502 · 542 · 560 · 561 · 562 · 563 · 564 · 648 · 649 · 809 · 965 · 1033 · 1358 · 1386 · 1491 · 1423 · 1561 · 1575 · 1598 · 1599 · 1602 · 1604 · 1614 · 1619 · 1623 · 1637 · 1681 · 1682 · 1683 · 1684 · 1685 · 1686 · 1691 · 1813 · 1839 · 1965 · 1966 · 1967 · 2005 · 2137 · 2138 · 2139 · 2140 · 2141 · 2142 · 2143 · 2144 · 2145 · 2164 · 2208 · 2210 · 2211 · 2260 · 2261 · 2263 · 2264 · 2265 · 2266 · 2267 · 2276 · 2307 · 2321 · 2352 · 2404 · 2405 · 2406 · 2411 · 2412 ·

New book available with irrefutable evidence for the reading in the TR and KJV.
Revelation 16:5 book
Revelation 16:5 and the Triadic Declaration - A defense of the reading of “shalt be” in the Authorized Version

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