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  • A
    * [[Abominations]]
    10 KB (656 words) - 03:31, 9 March 2016
  • Gehenna
    6 KB (904 words) - 06:15, 11 March 2016
  • Revelation 17
    ... [[4221|cup]] [[1722|in]] [[848|her]] [[5495|hand]] [[1073|full]] [[946|of abominations]] [[2532|and]] [[168|filthiness]] [[848|of her]] [[4202|fornication]]: ... EAT]], [[3588|THE]] [[3384|MOTHER]] [[4204|OF HARLOTS]] [[2532|AND]] [[946|ABOMINATIONS]] [[3588|OF THE]] [[1093|EARTH]].
    7 KB (591 words) - 10:51, 15 June 2023
  • Leviticus 18
    ... efore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among yo ... * [[Leviticus 18:27|27]] (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defi ...
    5 KB (721 words) - 08:49, 8 March 2016
  • 03820
    ... verbs 26:25]] When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart <03820>. ... hall lothe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations.
    93 KB (15605 words) - 14:02, 8 March 2016
  • 2 Chronicles 36
    * [[2 Chronicles 36:8|8]] Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim, and his abominations which he did, and that which was found in him, behold, they are written in ... ... chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed i ...
    5 KB (772 words) - 09:06, 8 March 2016
  • Article: Tyndale, the Textus Receptus or the King James Bible? by Will Kinney
    ... e we read concerning Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, that she had merchandise of: “...sheep, and horses, and ch ...
    16 KB (2645 words) - 04:55, 12 March 2016
  • Deuteronomy 20
    * [[Deuteronomy 20:18|18]] That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD y ...
    4 KB (673 words) - 08:43, 5 March 2016
  • Deuteronomy 29
    * [[Deuteronomy 29:17|17]] And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them:)
    5 KB (887 words) - 09:02, 8 March 2016
  • Deuteronomy 32
    ... uteronomy 32:16|16]] They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger.
    8 KB (1365 words) - 08:55, 5 March 2016
  • Deuteronomy 18
    ... d which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. ... hat do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
    4 KB (640 words) - 11:38, 8 March 2016
  • 2 Kings 21
    ... :2|2]] And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel. * [[2 Kings 21:11|11]] Because Manasseh king of Judah hath done these abominations, and hath done wickedly above all that the Amorites did, which were before ...
    4 KB (780 words) - 09:43, 5 March 2016
  • 1 Kings 14
    ... d there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.
    6 KB (1025 words) - 08:21, 8 March 2016
  • 2 Kings 16
    ... f Israel, yea, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out from before the children of Israel.
    4 KB (683 words) - 08:50, 8 March 2016
  • 2 Kings 23
    ... iliar spirits, and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away ...
    9 KB (1526 words) - 08:28, 5 March 2016
  • 2 Chronicles 28
    ... valley of the son of Hinnom, and burnt his children in the fire, after the abominations of the heathen whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel.
    5 KB (930 words) - 10:52, 8 March 2016
  • 2 Chronicles 33
    ... :2|2]] But did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, like unto the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel.
    5 KB (812 words) - 07:31, 8 March 2016
  • 2 Chronicles 34
    * [[2 Chronicles 34:33|33]] And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and mad ...
    7 KB (1252 words) - 09:11, 8 March 2016
  • Ezra 9
    ... eparated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the ... ... an unclean land with the filthiness of the people of the lands, with their abominations, which have filled it from one end to another with their uncleanness.
    4 KB (639 words) - 09:08, 8 March 2016
  • Proverbs 26
    ... rbs 26:25|25]] When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.
    3 KB (499 words) - 09:22, 8 March 2016

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