Authorized King James Version - Marginal Notes
From Textus Receptus
Old Testament
- Genesis 1:1 *
- In * the beginning God created
- Psal. 33.6. and 136.5. acts 14.15. and 17.24. hebr. 11.3.
- Genesis 1:3 *
- God said, * Let there be light
- 2.Cor. 4.6
- divided † the light from the darkness.
- † Hebr. betweene the light and between the darknesse.
- † and the evening and the morning were the first day.
- † Hebr. And the evening was, and the morning was & c.
- Genesis 1:6 * †
- said, * Let there be
- *Psal. 136.5. ier.10.12 and 51.15.
- there be a † firmament
- † Hebr. Expansion
- Genesis 1:8 *
- And God called the *firmament heauen
- Ier.51.15
- Genesis 1:9 *
- And God said, *Let the waters
- Psal.33.7.and 136.5. iob.38.8
- Let the earth bring foorth †grasse
- † Heb. tender grass
- Genesis 1:14 * †
- Let there bee *lights in the firmament
- Deu.4.19 Psal.136.7
- to divide the †day from the night
- the day from the night: Heb. between the day and between the night
- the greater light †to rule the day
- † Hebr. for the rule of the day, &c.
- Genesis 1:18 *
- And to * rule over the day
- Ier.31.35
- Genesis 1:20 * † †
- God said, *Let the waters
- 4.Esdr.6.47
- the ||moving creature
- ||Or, creeping
- that hath †life
- Heb. soule
- the †open firmament of heaven
- †face of the firmament of heaven
- Genesis 1:22 *
- saying * Be fruitfull
- Chap.8. 17. and 9.1
- Genesis 1:26 *
- God said, * Let us make man
- Chap.5.1 and 9.6 1.corin.11.7.eph.4.14.col.3.10
- Genesis 1:28 * †
moveth: Heb. creepeth
- Genesis 1:29 bearing seed: Heb. seeding seed
- Genesis 1:30 life: Heb. a living soul
- Genesis 2:3 created and made: Heb. created to make
- Genesis 2:6 but there went up a mist from: Or, a mist which went up from
- Genesis 2:7 of the dust of the ground: Heb. dust of the ground
- Genesis 2:13 Ethiopia: Heb. Cush
- Genesis 2:14 toward the East of Assyria: Or, Eastward to Assyria
- Genesis 2:15 the man: Or, Adam
- Genesis 2:16 freely eat: Heb. eating thou shalt eat
- Genesis 2:17 surely die: Heb. dying thou shalt die
- Genesis 2:18 meet for him: Heb. as before him
- Genesis 2:19 Adam: Or, the man
- Genesis 2:20 gave: Heb. called
- Genesis 2:22 made: Heb. built
- Genesis 3:1 Yea, hath: Heb. Yea, because, etc.
- Genesis 3:6 pleasant: Heb. a desire
- Genesis 3:7 aprons: Or, things to gird about
- Genesis 3:8 cool: Heb. wind
- Genesis 3:16 to thy husband: Or, subject to thy husband
- Genesis 3:18 bring forth: Heb. cause to bud
- Genesis 3:20 Eve: Heb. Chavah
- Genesis 4:2 Abel: Heb. Hebel
- Genesis 4:2 keeper: Heb. a feeder
- Genesis 4:3 in process of time: Heb. at the end of days
- Genesis 4:4 flock: Heb. sheep, or, goats
- Genesis 4:7 be accepted?: Or, have the excellency?
- Genesis 4:7 unto thee: Or, subject unto thee
- Genesis 4:10 blood: Heb. bloods
- Genesis 4:13 My punishment is greater, then I can bear: Or, my iniquity is greater then that it may be forgiven
- Genesis 4:17 Enoch: Heb. Chanoch
- Genesis 4:18 Lamech: Heb. Lemech
- Genesis 4:22 instructor: Heb. wheter
- Genesis 4:23 I have slain a man to my wounding: Or, I would slay a man in my wound, etc.
- Genesis 4:23 hurt: Or, in my hurt
- Genesis 4:25 Seth: Heb. Sheth
- Genesis 4:26 Enos: Heb. Enosh
- Genesis 4:26 call upon the Name of the LORD: Or, to call themselves by the Name of the LORD
- Genesis 5:6 Enos: Heb. Enosh
- Genesis 5:9 Cainan: Heb. Kenan
- Genesis 5:12 Mahalaleel: Gr. Maleleel
- Genesis 5:15 Jared: Heb. Jered
- Genesis 5:21 Methuselah: Gr. Mathusala
- Genesis 5:26 Lamech: Heb. Lemech
- Genesis 5:29 Noah: Gr. Noe
- Genesis 6:5 that every imagination: Or, the whole imagination. The Hebr. word signifieth not only the imagination, but also the purposes and desires.
- Genesis 6:5 continually: Heb. every day
- Genesis 6:7 both man and beast: Heb. from man unto beast
- Genesis 6:9 perfect: Or, upright
- Genesis 6:13 with the earth: Or, from the earth
- Genesis 6:14 rooms: Heb. nests
- Genesis 7:2 by sevens: Heb. seven seven
- Genesis 7:4 destroy: Heb. blot out
- Genesis 7:10 after seven days: Or, on the seventh day
- Genesis 7:11 windows: Or, floodgates
- Genesis 7:14 sort: Heb. wing
- Genesis 7:22 the breath of life: Heb. the breath of the spirit of life
- Genesis 8:3 continually: Heb. in going and returning
- Genesis 8:5 decreased continually: Heb. were in going and decreasing
- Genesis 8:7 to and fro: Heb. in going forth and returning
- Genesis 8:9 pulled her in unto him: Heb. caused her to come
- Genesis 8:19 kinds: Heb. families
- Genesis 8:21 a sweet savour: Heb. a savour of rest Or, satisfaction
- Genesis 8:22 While the earth remained: Heb. as yet all the days of the earth
- Genesis 9:18 Canaan: Heb. Chenaan
- Genesis 9:26 his servant: Or, servant to them
- Genesis 9:27 enlarge: Or, persuade
- Genesis 10:10 Babel: Gr. Babylon
- Genesis 10:11 went forth Ashur: Or, he went out into Assyria
- Genesis 10:11 the city: Or, the streets of the city
- Genesis 10:15 Sidon: Heb. Tzidon
- Genesis 10:19 Gaza: Heb. Azzah
- Genesis 10:22 Arphaxad: Heb. Arpachshad
- Genesis 10:24 Salah: Heb. Shelah
- Genesis 11:1 language: Heb. lip
- Genesis 11:1 speech: Heb. words
- Genesis 11:3 they said one to another: Heb. a man said to his neighbor
- Genesis 11:3 burn them throughly: Heb. burn them to a burning
- Genesis 11:9 Babel: that is, Confusion
- Genesis 11:16 Peleg: Phalec
- Genesis 11:20 Serug: Saruch
- Genesis 11:24 Terah: Thara
- Genesis 12:9 going on still toward the South: Heb. in going and journeying
- Genesis 13:8 brethren: Heb. men brethren
- Genesis 13:18 plain: Heb. plains
- Genesis 14:5 Shaveh Kiriathaim: Or, the plain of Kiriathaim
- Genesis 14:6 Elparan: Or, the plain of Paran
- Genesis 14:14 armed: Or, led forth
- Genesis 14:14 trained: Or, instructed
- Genesis 14:21 persons: Heb. souls
- Genesis 15:17 a burning lamp: Heb. a lamp of fire
- Genesis 16:2 obtain children by her: be built by her
- Genesis 16:6 as it pleaseth thee: that which is good in thy eyes
- Genesis 16:6 dealt hardly with her: afflicted her
- Genesis 16:11 Ishmael: that is, God shall hear
- Genesis 16:14 Beerlahairoi: That is, the well of him that liveth and seeth me
- Genesis 17:1 perfect: Or, upright or sincere
- Genesis 17:4 many nations: Heb. multitude of nations
- Genesis 17:8 wherein thou art a stranger: Heb. of thy sojournings
- Genesis 17:12 he that is eight days old: Heb. a son of eight days
- Genesis 17:16 she shall be a mother of nations: Heb. she shall become nations
- Genesis 18:5 comfort: Heb. stay
- Genesis 18:5 are you come: Heb. you have passed
- Genesis 18:6 make ready: Heb. hasten
- Genesis 19:15 are here: Heb. are found
- Genesis 19:15 iniquity: Heb. punishment
- Genesis 19:21 thee: Heb. thy face
- Genesis 19:23 risen: Heb. gone forth
- Genesis 20:3 a man’s wife: Heb. married to an husband
- Genesis 20:5 integrity: Or, simplicity or sincerity
- Genesis 20:15 where it pleaseth thee: Heb. as is good in thine eyes
- Genesis 21:23 deal falsely with me: Heb. if thou shalt lie unto me
- Genesis 21:31 Beersheba: that is, The well of the oath
- Genesis 21:33 grove: Or, Tree
- Genesis 22:1 Behold, here I am: Heb. Behold me
- Genesis 22:7 Here am I: Heb. behold me
- Genesis 22:7 lamb: Or, kid
- Genesis 22:14 Jehovahjireh: that is, The Lord will see, or, provide
- Genesis 22:17 shore: Heb. lip
- Genesis 23:6 a mighty Prince: Heb. a Prince of God
- Genesis 23:9 as much money: Heb. full money
- Genesis 23:10 audience: Heb. ears
- Genesis 24:1 well stricken in age: Heb. gone into days
- Genesis 24:10 for: Or, And
- Genesis 24:11 that woman go out to draw water: Heb. that woman which draw water, go forth
- Genesis 24:16 very fair to look upon: Heb. good of countenance
- Genesis 24:22 earring: Or, jewel for the forehead
- Genesis 24:53 jewels: Heb. vessels
- Genesis 24:55 a few days: Or, a full year, or, ten months
- Genesis 24:63 to meditate: Or, to pray
- Genesis 25:18 died: Heb. fell
- Genesis 25:18 he did eat of his venison: Heb. venison was in is mouth
- Genesis 25:30 with that same red pottage: Heb. with that red, with that red pottage
- Genesis 25:32 at the point to die: Heb. going to die
- Genesis 26:12 received: Heb. found
- Genesis 26:13 went forward: Heb. went going
- Genesis 26:14 servants: Or, husbandry
- Genesis 26:19 springing: Heb. living
- Genesis 26:20 Esek: that is, Contention
- Genesis 26:21 Sitnah: that is, Hatred
- Genesis 26:22 Rehoboth: That is, room
- Genesis 26:28 We saw: Heb. seeing we saw
- Genesis 26:29 That thou wilt: Heb. if thou shalt etc.
- Genesis 26:33 Shebah: That is, an oath
- Genesis 26:33 Beersheba: That is, the well of the oath
- Genesis 26:35 a grief of mind: Heb. bitterness of spirit
- Genesis 27:3 take: Heb. hunt
- Genesis 27:15 goodly: Heb. desirable
- Genesis 27:20 to me: Heb. before me
- Genesis 27:33 trembled very exceedingly: Heb. trembled with a great trembling greatly
- Genesis 27:33 taken: Heb. hunted
- Genesis 27:36 Jacob: That is, A supplanter
- Genesis 27:37 sustained: Or, supported
- Genesis 27:39 the fatness: Or, of the fatness
- Genesis 28:3 a multitude: Heb. an assembly of people
- Genesis 28:3 wherein thou art a stranger: Heb. of thy sojournings
- Genesis 28:8 pleased not: Heb. were evil in the eyes, etc
- Genesis 28:14 spread abroad: Heb. break forth
- Genesis 28:19 Bethel: that is, the house of God
- Genesis 29:1 went on his journey: Heb. lift up his feet
- Genesis 29:1 people: Heb. children
- Genesis 29:6 Is he well?: Heb. Is there peace to him?
- Genesis 29:7 it is yet high day: Heb. yet the day is great
- Genesis 29:13 tidings: Heb. hearing
- Genesis 29:14 the space of a month: Heb. a month of days
- Genesis 29:26 country: Heb. place
- Genesis 29:32 Reuben: that is, See a son
- Genesis 29:33 Simeon: that is, Hearing
- Genesis 29:34 Levi: that is, joined
- Genesis 29:35 Judah: that is, Praise
- Genesis 29:35 left bearing: Heb. stood from bearing
- Genesis 30:3 have children by her: Heb. be built by her
- Genesis 30:6 Dan: that is, Judging
- Genesis 30:8 great wrestlings: Heb. wrestlings of God
- Genesis 30:8 Nephtali: That is, My wrestling
- Genesis 30:11 Gad: that is, A troop, or company
- Genesis 30:13 Happy am I: Heb. in my happiness
- Genesis 30:13 Asher: That is, Happy
- Genesis 30:18 Issachar: That is, An hire
- Genesis 30:20 Zebulun: That is, Dwelling
- Genesis 30:21 Dinah: That is, Judgment
- Genesis 30:24 Joseph: That is, Adding
- Genesis 30:30 increased: Heb. broken forth
- Genesis 30:30 since my coming: Heb. at my foot
- Genesis 30:33 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
- Genesis 31:2 as before: Heb. as yesterday and the day before
- Genesis 31:10 rams: Or, he goats
- Genesis 31:19 images: Heb. teraphim
- Genesis 31:20 unawares to Laban: Heb. the heart of Laban
- Genesis 31:24 either good or bad: Heb. from good to bad
- Genesis 31:27 steal away from me: Heb. hast stolen me
- Genesis 31:34 searched: Heb. felt
- Genesis 31:37 searched: Heb. felt
- Genesis 31:47 Jegarsahadutha: that is, The heap of witness
- Genesis 31:49 Mizpah: that is, A beacon, or, watchtower
- Genesis 31:54 offered sacrifice: Or, killed beasts
- Genesis 32:2 Mahanaim: that is, Two hosts or camps
- Genesis 32:3 country: Heb. Field
- Genesis 32:10 I am not worthy of the least of all: Heb. I am less then all etc.
- Genesis 32:11 with: Heb. upon
- Genesis 32:20 of me: Heb. my face
- Genesis 32:23 sent them over: Heb. caused to pass
- Genesis 32:24 breaking of the day: Heb. Ascending of the morning
- Genesis 32:30 Peniel: that is, The face of God
- Genesis 33:5 with thee: Heb. To thee
- Genesis 33:8 What meanest thou by all this drove which I met?: Heb. What is all this band to thee?
- Genesis 33:9 keep that thou hast unto thyself: Heb. be that to thee that is thine
- Genesis 33:14 according as the cattle that goeth before me: Heb. According to the foot of the work, etc.
- Genesis 33:15 leave: Heb. set, or place
- Genesis 33:15 What needeth it?: Heb. wherefore is this?
- Genesis 33:17 Succoth: that is, booths
- Genesis 33:19 pieces: Or, lambs
- Genesis 33:20 EleloheIsrael: that is, God, the God of Israel
- Genesis 34:2 defiled her: Heb. humbled her
- Genesis 34:3 kindly unto the damsel: Heb. to her heart
- Genesis 34:26 edge: Heb. mouth
- Genesis 35:7 Elbethel: that is, The God of Bethel
- Genesis 35:8 Allonbachuth: that is, The oak of weeping
- Genesis 35:16 a little way: Heb. a little piece of ground
- Genesis 35:18 Benoni: that is, The son of my sorrow
- Genesis 35:18 Benjamin: That is, The son of the right hand
- Genesis 36:6 persons: Heb. souls
- Genesis 36:9 the Edomites: Heb. Edom
- Genesis 36:43 the Edomites: Heb. Edom
- Genesis 37:3 wherein his father was a stranger: Heb. of his fathers sojournings
- Genesis 37:3 colors: Or, pieces
- Genesis 37:14 see whether it be well with thy brethren: Heb. see the peace of thy brethren, etc
- Genesis 37:19 dreamer: Heb. master of dreams
- Genesis 37:23 colors: Or, pieces
- Genesis 37:27 were content: Heb. hearkened
- Genesis 37:36 officer: Heb. Eunuch. But the word doth signify not only eunuchs, but also chamberlains, courtiers, and officers
- Genesis 37:36 captain of the guard: Heb. chief of the slaughter men, or executioners. Or, chief Marshall
- Genesis 38:10 displeased the LORD: Heb. was evil in the eyes of the Lord
- Genesis 38:12 in process of time: Heb. The days were multiplied
- Genesis 38:14 an open place: Heb. the door of eyes, or, of Enajim
- Genesis 38:17 a kid from the flock: Heb. a kid of the goats
- Genesis 38:21 openly: Or, in Enajim
- Genesis 38:23 be shamed: Heb. become a contempt
- Genesis 38:29 How hast thou broken forth?: Or, wherefor has thou made this branch against thee?
- Genesis 38:29 Pharez: That is, a breach
- Genesis 39:14 loud: Heb. great
- Genesis 39:21 shewed him mercy: Heb. extended kindness unto him
- Genesis 40:7 look ye so sadly today?: Heb. are your faces evil?
- Genesis 40:13 lift up thine head: Or, reckon
- Genesis 40:14 think on me: Heb. remember me with thee
- Genesis 40:16 white baskets: Or, full of holes
- Genesis 40:17 bakemeats for Pharaoh: Heb. meat of Pharaoh, the work of a baker, or cook
- Genesis 40:19 lift up thy head from off thee: Or, reckon thee, and take thy office from thee
- Genesis 40:20 lifted up: Or, reckoned
- Genesis 41:5 rank: Heb. fat
- Genesis 41:14 brought him hastily: Heb. made him run
- Genesis 41:15 thou canst understand a dream, to interpret it: Or, When thou hearest a dream, thou canst interpret it
- Genesis 41:21 eaten them up: Heb. come to the inward parts of them
- Genesis 41:23 withered: Or, small
- Genesis 41:31 grievous: Heb. heavy
- Genesis 41:32 established by God: Or, prepared of God
- Genesis 41:34 officers: Or, overseers
- Genesis 41:36 perish not: Heb. be not cut off
- Genesis 41:40 be ruled: Heb. armed, or, kiss
- Genesis 41:42 fine linen: Or, silk
- Genesis 41:43 bow the knee: Or, Tender father, Heb. Abrech
- Genesis 41:45 priest: Or, prince
- Genesis 41:50 priest: Or, Prince
- Genesis 41:51 Manasseh: That is, Forgetting
- Genesis 41:52 Ephraim: That is, Fruitful
- Genesis 41:56 the storehouses: Heb. All wherein was
- Genesis 42:7 roughly unto them: Heb. hard things with them
- Genesis 42:16 kept: Heb. bound
- Genesis 42:17 put them all together: Heb. gathered
- Genesis 42:23 he spake unto them by an interpreter: Heb. an interpreter was between them
- Genesis 42:28 failed: Heb. went forth
- Genesis 42:30 roughly to us: Heb. with us hard things
- Genesis 43:3 solemnly protest: Heb. protesting he protested
- Genesis 43:7 asked us straightly: Heb. asking he asked us
- Genesis 43:7 tenor: Heb. mouth
- Genesis 43:7 Could we certainly know: Heb. knowing could we know?
- Genesis 43:7 this second time: Or, twice by this
- Genesis 43:14 If I be bereaved: Or, And I, as I have been, etc
- Genesis 43:16 slay: Heb. kill a killing
- Genesis 43:16 dine: Heb. eat
- Genesis 43:18 seek occasion against us: Heb. roll himself upon us
- Genesis 43:7 we came indeed down: Heb. coming down we came down
- Genesis 43:23 I had your money: Heb. your money came to me
- Genesis 43:27 welfare: Heb. peace
- Genesis 43:27 Is your father well: Heb. Is there peace to your father?
- Genesis 43:34 were merry: Heb. they drank largely
- Genesis 44:1 steward of his house: Heb. him that was over his house
- Genesis 44:5 divineth?: Or, maketh trial
- Genesis 44:15 divine?: Or, make trial?
- Genesis 44:34 come on my father?: Heb. find my father
- Genesis 45:2 wept aloud: Heb. gave forth his voice in weeping
- Genesis 45:3 troubled: Or, terrified
- Genesis 45:5 nor angry with yourselves: Heb. neither let there be anger in your eyes
- Genesis 45:7 to preserve you a posterity: Heb. to put for you a remnant
- Genesis 45:16 pleased Pharaoh well: Heb. was good in the eyes of Pharaoh
- Genesis 45:20 regard not your stuff: Heb. let not your eye spare, etc
- Genesis 45:21 commandment: Heb. mouth
- Genesis 45:23 laden: Heb. carrying
- Genesis 45:26 Jacob’s: Heb. his
- Genesis 46:20 priest: Or, prince
- Genesis 46:26 loins: Heb. thigh
- Genesis 46:32 their trade hath been to feed cattle: Heb. they are men of cattle
- Genesis 47:8 How old art thou?: Heb. How many are the days of the years of thy life?
- Genesis 47:12 according to their families: Or, as a little child is nourished. Heb. according to the little ones
- Genesis 47:17 he fed them: Heb. led them
- Genesis 47:22 priests: Or, Princes
- Genesis 47:26 priests: Or, Princes
- Genesis 47:28 the whole age of Jacob: Heb. the days of the years of his life
- Genesis 48:10 dim: Heb. heavy
- Genesis 48:16 into a multitude: Heb. as fishes do increase
- Genesis 48:17 displeased…: was evil in his eyes
- Genesis 48:19 multitude: Heb. fullness
- Genesis 49:4 thou shalt not excell: Heb. do not thou excell
- Genesis 49:4 he went up to my couch: Or, my couch is gone
- Genesis 49:5 instruments of cruelty: Or, their swords are weapons of violence
- Genesis 49:6 digged down a wall: Or houghed oxen
- Genesis 49:17 an adder: Heb. an arrow snake
- Genesis 49:22 branches: Heb. daughters
- Genesis 50:3 mourned: Heb. wept
- Genesis 50:11 Abelmizraim: that is, the mourning of the Egyptians
- Genesis 50:3 sent: Heb. charged
- Genesis 50:21 kindly unto them: Heb. to their hearts
- Exodus 1:5 loins: Heb. thigh
- Exodus 1:12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied: Heb. and as they afflicted them, so they multiplied, etc
- Exodus 2:10 Moses: that is, Drawn out
- Exodus 2:14 a prince and a judge: Heb. A man a Prince
- Exodus 2:16 priest: Or, Prince
- Exodus 2:25 had respect: Heb. knew
- Exodus 3:19 no not by a mighty hand: Or, but by strong hand
- Exodus 3:22 the Egyptians: Or, Egypt
- Exodus 4:9 shall become: Heb. shall be and shall be
- Exodus 4:10 eloquent: Heb. a man of words
- Exodus 4:10 nor since thou hast: Heb. since yesterday nor since the third day
- Exodus 4:13 wilt: Or, shouldest
- Exodus 4:25 stone: Or, knife
- Exodus 4:25 cast it: Heb. made it touch
- Exodus 5:9 Let there more work be laid upon the men: Heb. let the work be heavy upon the men
- Exodus 5:13 daily tasks: Heb. a matter of a day in his day
- Exodus 5:21 to be abhorred: Heb. to stink
- Exodus 5:23 neither hast thou delivered: Heb. delivering thou hast not delivered
- Exodus 6:8 swear: Heb. lift up my hand
- Exodus 6:9 anguish: Heb. shortness, or, straitness
- Exodus 7:19 pools of water: Heb. gathering of their waters
- Exodus 8:3 kneadingtroughs: Or, dough
- Exodus 8:9 Glory over me: Or, have this honour over me, etc
- Exodus 8:9 when shall I entreat: Or, against when
- Exodus 8:9 destroy: Heb. to cut off
- Exodus 8:10 Tomorrow: Or, Against tomorrow
- Exodus 8:21 swarms of flies: Or, a mixture of noisome beasts, etc
- Exodus 8:23 a division: Heb. a redemption
- Exodus 8:23 tomorrow: Or, by tomorrow
- Exodus 8:24 corrupted: Or, destroyed
- Exodus 9:16 raised thee up: Heb. made thee stand
- Exodus 9:21 regarded not: Heb. set not his heart unto
- Exodus 9:28 mighty thunderings: Heb. voices of God
- Exodus 9:32 not grown: Heb. hidden Or, dark
- Exodus 9:35 by Moses: Heb. by the hand of Moses
- Exodus 10:5 face: Heb. eye
- Exodus 10:8 who: Heb. who & who etc
- Exodus 10:16 called for: Heb. hastened to call
- Exodus 10:19 cast: Heb. fastened
- Exodus 10:21 even darkness which may be felt: Heb. that one may feel darkness
- Exodus 10:25 us: Heb. into our hands
- Exodus 11:8 that follow thee: Heb. that is at thy feet
- Exodus 11:8 a great anger: Heb. heat of anger
- Exodus 12:3 lamb: Or, kid
- Exodus 12:5 of the first year: Heb. son of a year
- Exodus 12:6 in the evening: Heb. between the two evenings
- Exodus 12:12 gods: Or, princes
- Exodus 12:13 to destroy: Heb. for a destruction
- Exodus 12:16 man: Heb. soul
- Exodus 12:21 lamb: Or, kid
- Exodus 12:29 dungeon: Heb. house of the pit
- Exodus 12:34 kneadingtroughs: Or, dough
- Exodus 12:38 a mixed multitude: Heb. a great mixture
- Exodus 12:42 a night to be much observed: Heb. a night of observations
- Exodus 12:47 keep it: Heb. do it
- Exodus 13:3 bondage: Heb. servants
- Exodus 13:12 set apart: Heb. cause to pass over
- Exodus 13:13 lamb: Or, kid
- Exodus 13:14 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
- Exodus 13:18 harnessed: Or, by five in a rank
- Exodus 14:13 for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today: Or, For whereas you have seen the Egyptians today, etc.
- Exodus 14:25 that they drave them heavily: Or, made them to go heavily
- Exodus 14:27 overthrew: Heb. shook off
- Exodus 14:31 work: Heb. hand
- Exodus 15:9 destroy: Or, repossess
- Exodus 15:11 gods?: Or, mighty ones?
- Exodus 15:23 Marah: that is, Bitterness
- Exodus 16:4 a certain rate every day: Heb. the portion of a day in his day
- Exodus 16:15 It is Manna: Or, what is this? or it is a portion
- Exodus 16:16 for every man: Heb. by the pole or head
- Exodus 16:16 persons: Heb. souls
- Exodus 17:7 Massah: that is, Temptation
- Exodus 17:7 Meribah: That is, Chiding, or, strife
- Exodus 17:9 Joshua: called Jesus, Acts. 7.45]]
- Exodus 17:15 JEHOVAH Nissi: that is, The LORD my banner
- Exodus 17:16 Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek: Or, because the hand of Amalek is against the throne of the LORD, therefore etc. Heb. The hand upon the throne of the Lord
- Exodus 18:3 Gershom: that is, A stranger there
- Exodus 18:4 Eliezer: that is, my God is an help
- Exodus 18:7 welfare: Heb. peace
- Exodus 18:8 come upon them: Heb. found them
- Exodus 18:16 one and another: Heb. a man and his fellow
- Exodus 18:18 Thou wilt surely wear away: Heb. Fading thou wilt fade
- Exodus 19:13 trumpet: Or, Cornet
- Exodus 19:21 charge: Heb. contest
- Exodus 20:2 bondage: Heb. servants
- Exodus 20:25 build it of hewen stone: Heb. build them with hewing
- Exodus 21:3 by himself: Heb. with his body
- Exodus 21:5 shall plainly say: Heb. saying shall say
- Exodus 21:8 please not her master: Heb. be evil in the eyes of, etc
- Exodus 21:17 curseth: Or, revileth
- Exodus 21:18 another: Or, his neighbour
- Exodus 21:19 the loss: ceasing
- Exodus 21:20 punished: Heb. avenged
- Exodus 22:1 sheep: Or, goat
- Exodus 22:17 pay: Heb. weigh
- Exodus 22:28 Gods: Or, judges
- Exodus 22:29 first: Heb. thy fullness
- Exodus 22:29 liquors: Heb. Teare
- Exodus 23:1 raise: Or, receive
- Exodus 23:2 speak: Heb. answer
- Exodus 23:5 and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him: Or, wilt thou cease to help him? Or, etc wouldest cease to leave thy business for him, thou shalt surely leave it to join with him
- Exodus 23:8 the wise: Heb. the seeing
- Exodus 23:9 heart: Heb. soul
- Exodus 23:11 oliveyard: Or, olive trees
- Exodus 23:18 sacrifice: Or, feast
- Exodus 23:22 an adversary unto thine adversaries: Or, I will afflict them that afflict thee
- Exodus 23:27 backs: Heb. necks
- Exodus 25:2 bring me: Heb. take for me
- Exodus 25:2 offering: Or, heave offering
- Exodus 25:3 linen: Or, silk
- Exodus 25:19 of the Mercy seat: Or, of the matter of the Mercy seat
- Exodus 25:29 to cover withall: Or, to power out withall
- Exodus 25:37 shall light: Or, cause to ascend
- Exodus 25:37 it: Heb. the face of it
- Exodus 25:40 which was showed thee: Heb. which thou wast caused to see
- Exodus 26:1 of cunning work shalt thou make them: Heb. the work of a cunning workman, or embroiderer
- Exodus 26:11 tent: Or, covering
- Exodus 26:13 of that which remaineth: Heb. in the remainder or surplusage
- Exodus 26:17 tenons: Heb. hands
- Exodus 26:24 coupled: Heb. twinned
- Exodus 27:8 it was shewed: Heb. he shewed
- Exodus 27:18 fifty: Heb. fifty by fifty
- Exodus 27:20 to burn: Heb. to ascend up
- Exodus 28:8 curious: Or, embroidered
- Exodus 28:17 set in it settings of stones: Heb. fill in it fillings of stone
- Exodus 28:17 Sarius: Or, Ruby
- Exodus 28:20 inclosings: Heb. fillings
- Exodus 28:33 hem: Or, skirts
- Exodus 28:41 consecrate: Heb. fill their hand
- Exodus 28:42 their nakedness: Heb. flesh of their nakedness
- Exodus 28:42 reach: Heb. be
- Exodus 29:9 put: Heb. bind
- Exodus 29:9 consecrate: Heb. fill the hand of
- Exodus 29:13 the caul: it seemeth by anatomy, and the Hebrew doctors, to be the midriff
- Exodus 29:17 unto: Or, upon
- Exodus 29:24 wave: Or, shake to and fro
- Exodus 29:30 that son: Heb. he of his sons
- Exodus 29:43 the Tabernacle: Or, Israel
- Exodus 30:3 top: Heb. the roof and the walls
- Exodus 30:3 sides: Heb. walls
- Exodus 30:4 corners: Heb. ribs
- Exodus 30:7 sweet incense: Heb. incense of spices
- Exodus 30:8 lighteth: Or, setteth up, Heb. causeth to ascend
- Exodus 30:8 at even: Heb. between the two evens
- Exodus 30:12 their number: Heb. them that are to be numbered
- Exodus 30:15 give more: Heb. multiply
- Exodus 30:15 give less: Heb. diminish
- Exodus 30:25 Apothecary: Or, perfumer
- Exodus 30:35 tempered: Heb. salted
- Exodus 31:7 furniture: Heb. vessels
- Exodus 31:15 holy: Heb. holiness
- Exodus 32:11 the LORD: Heb. the face of the LORD
- Exodus 32:18 being overcome: Heb. weakness
- Exodus 32:25 their enemies: Heb. those that rose up against them
- Exodus 32:29 For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother: Or, And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, because every man hath been against his son, and against his brother, etc
- Exodus 32:29 Consecrate: Heb. fill your hands
- Exodus 34:13 images: Heb. statues
- Exodus 34:20 lamb: Or, kid
- Exodus 34:22 years end: Heb. revolution of the year
- Exodus 34:28 commandments: Heb. words
- Exodus 35:2 holy: Heb. holiness
- Exodus 36:29 coupled: Heb. twinned
- Exodus 36:30 every board two sockets: Heb. two sockets, two sockets under one board
- Exodus 36:37 of needlework: Heb. the work of a needleworker Or, embroiderer
- Exodus 37:8 on the end: Or, out of, etc
- Exodus 37:8 on the other: Or, out of, etc
- Exodus 37:16 to cover withall: Or, to pour out withal
- Exodus 38:8 lookingglasses: Or, brasen glasses
- Exodus 38:8 assembling: Heb. assembling by troups
- Exodus 38:26 every man: Heb. a poll
- Exodus 39:10 Sardius: Or, Ruby
- Exodus 39:38 the sweet incense: Heb. the incense of sweet spices
- Exodus 40:4 the things that are: Heb. the order thereof
- Exodus 40:10 most Holy: Heb. Holiness of Holinesses
- Exodus 40:36 went onward: Heb. journeyed
- Leviticus 1:15 wring off his head: Or, pinch off the head with the nail
- Leviticus 1:16 his feathers: Or, the filth thereof
- Leviticus 2:5 in a pan: Or, on a flat plate Or, slice
- Leviticus 2:12 be burnt: Heb. ascend
- Leviticus 3:3 fat: Or, suet
- Leviticus 3:4 caul above the liver with the kidneys: Or, midriff over the liver, and over the kidneys
- Leviticus 4:12 without the camp: Heb. To without the camp
- Leviticus 4:12 where the ashes are poured: Heb. at the pouring out of the ashes
- Leviticus 4:27 any one: Heb. any soul
- Leviticus 4:27 common people: Heb. people of the land
- Leviticus 5:7 he be not able to bring a lamb: Heb. his hand cannot reach to the sufficiency of a lamb
- Leviticus 5:10 manner: Or, ordinance
- Leviticus 6:2 in fellowship: Or, in dealing
- Leviticus 6:2 violence: putting of the hand
- Leviticus 6:5 in the day of his trespass: Or, in the day of his being found guilty: Heb. in the day of his trespass
- Leviticus 6:9 because of the burning: Or, for the burning
- Leviticus 7:9 in the pan: Or, on the flat plate, or, slice
- Leviticus 7:24 beast that dieth: Heb. carcase
- Leviticus 8:13 put bonnets: Heb. bound
- Leviticus 9:16 manner: Or, ordinance
- Leviticus 9:17 took an handfull thereof: Heb. filled his hand out of it
- Leviticus 11:36 wherein there is plenty of water: Heb. a gathering together of waters
- Leviticus 11:42 hath more feet: Heb. doth multiply feet
- Leviticus 11:43 selves: Heb. souls
- Leviticus 12:6 first year: Heb. son of his year
- Leviticus 12:8 she be not able to bring: Heb. her hand find not sufficiency of
- Leviticus 13:2 rising: Or, swelling
- Leviticus 13:10 quick raw flesh: Heb. the quickening of living flesh
- Leviticus 13:24 a hot burning: Heb. a burning of fire
- Leviticus 13:40 hair is fallen: Heb. head is pilled
- Leviticus 13:48 thing made of: Heb. work of
- Leviticus 13:49 thing of skin: Heb. vessel, or, instrument
- Leviticus 13:55 bare within or without: Heb. whether it be bald in the head thereof, or in the forehead thereof
- Leviticus 14:4 birds: Or, sparrows
- Leviticus 14:7 into the open field: Heb. upon the face of the field
- Leviticus 14:10 the first year: Heb. the daughter of her years
- Leviticus 14:21 cannot get so much: Heb. his hand reach not
- Leviticus 14:21 to be waved: Heb. for a waving
- Leviticus 14:36 empty: Or, prepare
- Leviticus 14:48 shall come in: Heb. in coming in, shall come in, etc
- Leviticus 14:57 when it is unclean, and when it is clean: Heb. in the day of the unclean, and in the day of the clean
- Leviticus 15:2 running issue: Or, running of the reins
- Leviticus 15:4 thing: Heb. vessel
- Leviticus 15:19 put apart: Heb. in her separation
- Leviticus 16:8 scapegoat: Heb. Azazel
- Leviticus 16:9 fell: Heb. went up
- Leviticus 16:16 remaineth: Heb. dwelleth
- Leviticus 16:21 a fit man: Heb. a man of opportunity
- Leviticus 16:21 not inhabited: Heb. of separation
- Leviticus 16:32 consecrate: Heb. fill his hand
- Leviticus 17:13 which hunteth and catcheth: Heb. that hunteth any hunting
- Leviticus 17:15 that which died: Heb. a carcase
- Leviticus 19:17 and not suffer sin upon him: Or, that thou bear not sin for him
- Leviticus 19:20 betrothed: Or, abused by any. Heb. reproached by (or, for) man
- Leviticus 19:20 she shall be scourged: Or, they. Heb. there shall be a scourging
- Leviticus 19:24 holy to praise the LORD: Holiness of praises to the LORD
- Leviticus 19:29 prostitute: Heb. profane
- Leviticus 19:33 vex: Or, oppress
- Leviticus 19:36 weights: Heb. stones
- Leviticus 20:18 discovered: Heb. made naked
- Leviticus 20:19 uncovereth: Heb. hath made naked
- Leviticus 20:21 an unclean thing: Heb. a separation
- Leviticus 20:25 creepeth: Or, moveth
- Leviticus 21:4 being a chief man among his people, to profane himself: Or, being an husband among his people he shall not defile himself for his wife etc.
- Leviticus 21:17 bread: Or, food
- Leviticus 21:20 dwarf: Or, too slender
- Leviticus 22:4 running issue: Heb. running of the reins
- Leviticus 22:11 with his money: Heb. with the purchase of his money
- Leviticus 22:12 a stranger: Heb. a man a stranger
- Leviticus 22:16 suffer them to bear the iniquity of trespass, when they eat: Or, lade themselves with the iniquity of trespass in their eating
- Leviticus 22:21 sheep: Or, goats
- Leviticus 22:23 lamb: Or, kid
- Leviticus 22:28 ewe: Or, she goat
- Leviticus 23:10 sheaf: Or, handful: Heb. an Omer
- Leviticus 23:32 celebrate: Heb. rest
- Leviticus 23:36 solemn: Heb. day of restraint
- Leviticus 23:40 boughs: Heb. fruit
- Leviticus 24:2 to burn: Heb. to cause to ascend
- Leviticus 24:12 that the mind of the LORD might be shewed them: Heb. to expound unto them according to the mouth of the LORD
- Leviticus 24:17 killeth any man: Heb. smiteth the life of a man
- Leviticus 24:18 beast for beast: Heb. life for life
- Leviticus 25:2 keep: Heb. rest
- Leviticus 25:5 of thy vine undressed: Heb. of thy separations
- Leviticus 25:9 of the jubilee to sound: Heb. loud of sound
- Leviticus 25:23 forever: Or, to be quite cut off. Heb. for cutting off
- Leviticus 25:26 himself be able to redeem it: Heb. his hand hath attained and found sufficiency
- Leviticus 25:31 they may be redeemed: Heb. redemption belongeth unto it
- Leviticus 25:33 a man purchase of the Levites: Or, one of the Levites redeem them
- Leviticus 25:33 relieve him: Heb. strengthen
- Leviticus 25:35 fallen in decay: Heb. his hand faileth
- Leviticus 25:39 compel him to serve as a bondservant: Heb. serve thyself with him with the service, etc.
- Leviticus 25:42 as bond men: Heb. with the sale of a bondman
- Leviticus 25:46 they shall be your bondmen: Heb. ye shall serve yourselves with them
- Leviticus 25:47 wax rich: Heb. his hand obtain, etc
- Leviticus 25:54 in these years: Or, by these means
- Leviticus 26:1 standing image: Or, pillar
- Leviticus 26:1 Image of stone: Or, figured stone. Heb. a stone of picture
- Leviticus 26:6 rid: Heb. cause to cease
- Leviticus 26:16 over you: Heb. upon you
- Leviticus 26:21 contrary unto me: Or, at all adventures with me, etc. so verse 24
- Leviticus 26:36 shaken: Heb. driven
- Leviticus 27:12 valuest it who art the Priest: Heb. according to thy estimation, O Priest, etc.
- Leviticus 27:16 An Homer: Or, the land of an Homer, etc.
- Leviticus 27:26 firstling: Heb. first born, etc.
- Numbers 2:2 far off: Heb. over against
- Numbers 3:3 whom he consecrated: Heb. whose hand he filled
- Numbers 3:16 word: Heb. mouth
- Numbers 3:36 under the custody and charge: Heb. the office of the charge
- Numbers 4:7 cover withall: Or, pour out withal
- Numbers 4:14 basons: Or, bowls
- Numbers 4:23 to perform the service: Heb. to war the warfare
- Numbers 4:24 burdens: Or, carriage
- Numbers 4:27 appointment: Heb. mouth
- Numbers 4:30 service: Heb. warfare
- Numbers 5:9 offering: Or, heave offering
- Numbers 5:19 with another instead of thy husband: Or, being in the power of thy husband. Heb. under thy husband
- Numbers 5:21 rot: Heb. fall
- Numbers 6:2 separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite: Or, to make themselves Nazarites
- Numbers 6:4 separation: Or, Nazariteship
- Numbers 6:4 vine tree: Heb. vine of the wine
- Numbers 6:7 consecration: Heb. separation
- Numbers 6:12 lost: Heb. fall
- Numbers 7:2 and were over them: Heb. who stood
- Numbers 7:89 him: i. God
- Numbers 8:7 let them shave: Heb. let them cause a razor to pass over, etc
- Numbers 8:11 offer: Heb. wave
- Numbers 8:11 offering: Heb. wave offering
- Numbers 8:11 they may execute: Heb. they may be to execute, etc.
- Numbers 8:19 a gift: Heb. given
- Numbers 8:25 cease waiting upon the service: Heb. return from the warfare of the service
- Numbers 9:3 at even: Heb. between the two evenings
- Numbers 9:19 tarried long: Heb. prolonged
- Numbers 9:21 abode: Heb. was
- Numbers 10:21 the other: That is, the Gershorates, and the Merarites, See v. 17
- Numbers 10:28 Thus: Heb. These
- Numbers 10:36 many thousands: Heb. ten thousand thousands
- Numbers 11:1 complained: Or, were as it were complainers…
- Numbers 11:1 it displeased the: Heb. it was evil in the eyes of etc.
- Numbers 11:2 was quenched: Heb. sunk
- Numbers 11:3 Taberah: that is, a burning
- Numbers 11:4 fell a lusting: Heb. lusted a lust
- Numbers 11:4 also wept again: Heb. returned and wept
- Numbers 11:7 color thereof as the color: Heb. eye of it, as the eye of
- Numbers 11:20 whole month: Heb. month of days
- Numbers 11:31 as it were a days journey: Heb. as it were the way of a day
- Numbers 11:34 Kibrothhattaavah: that is, The graves of lust
- Numbers 11:35 abode at: Heb. they were in, etc.
- Numbers 12:1 Ethiopian: Or, Cushite
- Numbers 12:1 married: Heb. taken
- Numbers 13:23 brook: Or, valley
- Numbers 13:24 brook: Or, valley
- Numbers 13:24 Eschol: i. a cluster of grapes
- Numbers 13:32 men of a great stature: Heb. men of statures
- Numbers 14:9 defence: Heb. shadow
- Numbers 14:19 until now: Or, hitherto
- Numbers 14:23 Surely they shall not see the land: Heb. if they see the land
- Numbers 14:30 sware: Heb. lifted up my hand
- Numbers 14:33 wander: Or, feed
- Numbers 14:34 breach of promise: Or, altering of my purpose
- Numbers 15:3 performing: Heb. separating
- Numbers 15:24 without the knowledge: Heb. from the eyes
- Numbers 15:24 manner: Or, ordinance
- Numbers 15:29 sinneth: Heb. doeth
- Numbers 15:30 presumptuously: Heb. with an high hand
- Numbers 16:3 ye take too much upon you: Heb. it is much for you
- Numbers 16:14 put out: Heb. boare out
- Numbers 16:29 the common death of all men: Heb. as every man dieth
- Numbers 16:30 make a new thing: Heb. create a creature
- Numbers 17:6 a rod a piece, for each Prince one: Heb. a rod for one prince, a rod for one prince
- Numbers 17:10 rebels: Heb. children of rebellion
- Numbers 18:12 best: Heb. fat
- Numbers 18:22 and die: Heb. to die
- Numbers 18:29 best: Heb. fat
- Numbers 19:11 man: Heb. soul
- Numbers 19:17 ashes: Heb. dust
- Numbers 19:17 running water shall be put: Heb. living waters shall be given
- Numbers 20:13 Meribah: that is, strife
- Numbers 20:14 befallen…: Heb. found us
- Numbers 20:24 word: Heb. mouth
- Numbers 21:3 Hormah: that is, utter destruction
- Numbers 21:4 discouraged: Or, grieved. Heb. shortened
- Numbers 21:11 Ijeabarim: Or, heaps of Abarim
- Numbers 21:14 What he did in the Red sea: Or, Vaheb in Suphah
- Numbers 21:15 lieth: Heb. leaneth
- Numbers 21:17 Spring up: Heb. ascend
- Numbers 21:17 sing: Or, answer
- Numbers 21:20 country: Heb. field
- Numbers 21:20 Pisgah: Or, hill
- Numbers 21:20 Jeshimon: Or, the wilderness
- Numbers 21:25 villages: Heb. daughters
- Numbers 22:5 face: Heb. eye
- Numbers 22:11 I shall be able to overcome them: Heb. I shall prevail in fighting against him
- Numbers 22:16 Let nothing, I pray thee, hinder thee from: Heb. Be not thou letted from etc.
- Numbers 22:30 upon which thou hast ridden: Heb. who hast ridden upon me
- Numbers 22:30 ever since I was thine: Or, ever since thou wast, etc.
- Numbers 22:31 fell flat: Bowed himself
- Numbers 22:32 to withstand thee: Heb. to be an adversary unto thee
- Numbers 22:34 displease: Heb. be evil in thine eyes
- Numbers 22:39 Kirjathhuzoth: Or, a city of streets
- Numbers 23:3 he went to: Or, he went solitary
- Numbers 23:10 me die the death: Heb. my soul, or my life
- Numbers 23:14 Pisgah: Or, the hill
- Numbers 23:23 against: Or, in
- Numbers 24:1 to seek for enchantments: Heb. to the meeting of enchantments
- Numbers 24:3 whose eyes are open: Heb. who had his eyes shut, but now open
- Numbers 24:17 smite the corners of Moab: Or, smite through the princes of Moab
- Numbers 24:20 the first of the nations: the nations that warred against Israel, Exod. 17
- Numbers 24:20 shall be, that he perish forever: Or, shall be even to the destruction
- Numbers 24:22 the Kenite: Heb. Kain
- Numbers 24:22 until Ashur shall carry thee away captive: Or, how long shall it be ere Ashur carry thee away captive
- Numbers 25:14 a chief house: Heb. house of a father
- Numbers 26:54 give the more inheritance: Heb. multiply his inheritance
- Numbers 26:54 give the less inheritance: Heb. diminish his inheritance
- Numbers 27:4 done away: Heb. diminished
- Numbers 28:2 a sweet unto me: Heb. a savour of my rest
- Numbers 28:3 day by day: Heb. in a day
- Numbers 28:4 at even: Heb. between the two evenings
- Numbers 29:39 do: Or, offer
- Numbers 30:2 break: Heb. profane
- Numbers 30:6 she vowed: Heb. her vows were upon her
- Numbers 31:4 of every tribe a thousand: Heb. a thousand of a tribe, a thousand of a tribe
- Numbers 31:14 battle: Heb. host of war
- Numbers 31:17 him: Heb. a male
- Numbers 31:20 made of skins: Heb. instrument or vessel of skins
- Numbers 31:26 that was taken: Heb. of the captivity
- Numbers 31:30 flocks: Or, goats
- Numbers 31:49 charge: Heb. hand
- Numbers 31:50 gotten: Heb. found
- Numbers 31:52 offering: Heb. heave offering
- Numbers 32:7 discourage: Heb. break
- Numbers 32:11 wholly followed me: Heb. fulfilled after me
- Numbers 32:38 gave other names unto the cities: Heb. they called by names the names of the cities
- Numbers 33:16 Kibrothhattaavah: that is, the graves of lust
- Numbers 33:44 Ijeabarim: Or, heaps of Abarim
- Numbers 33:49 Abelshittim: Or, the plains of Shittim
- Numbers 33:54 give the more inheritance: Heb. multiply his inheritance
- Numbers 33:54 give the less inheritance: Heb. diminish his inheritance
- Numbers 34:11 side: Heb. shoulder
- Numbers 35:6 add: Heb. above them ye shall give
- Numbers 35:8 he inheriteth: Heb. they inherit
- Numbers 35:11 at unawares: Heb. by error
- Numbers 35:17 with throwing a stone: Heb. with a stone of the hand
- Numbers 35:27 shall not be guilty of blood: Heb. no blood shall be to him
- Numbers 35:31 guilty of death: Heb. faulty to die
- Numbers 35:33 land cannot be cleansed: Heb. there can be no expiation for the land
- Numbers 36:3 whereinto they are received: Heb. unto whom they shall be
- Numbers 36:6 marry: Heb. be wives
- Numbers 36:7 keep himself: Heb. cleave to the, etc
- Numbers 36:12 into the families: Heb. to some that were of the families
- Deuteronomy 1:1 the Red sea: Or, Zuph
- Deuteronomy 1:7 all the places: Heb. all his neighbours
- Deuteronomy 1:8 set: Heb. given
- Deuteronomy 1:13 Take: Heb. Give
- Deuteronomy 1:15 made: Heb. gave
- Deuteronomy 1:17 respect persons: Heb. acknowledge faces
- Deuteronomy 1:28 discouraged: Heb. melted
- Deuteronomy 1:36 wholly followed: Heb. fulfilled to go after
- Deuteronomy 1:43 went presumptuously: Heb. you were presumptuous, and went up
- Deuteronomy 2:5 no not so much as a foot breadth: Heb. even to the treading of the sole of the foot
- Deuteronomy 2:9 Distress not the Moabites: Or, use no hostility against Moab
- Deuteronomy 2:12 succeeded them: Heb. inherited them
- Deuteronomy 2:12 stead: Or, room
- Deuteronomy 2:13 brook: Or, valley
- Deuteronomy 2:24 begin to possess it: Heb. begin, possess
- Deuteronomy 2:34 men, and the women, and the little ones: Heb. every city of men and women and little ones
- Deuteronomy 3:17 Ashdothpisgah: Or, under the springs of Pisgah, or, the hill
- Deuteronomy 3:18 meet for the war: Heb. sons of power
- Deuteronomy 3:27 Pisgah: Or, the hill
- Deuteronomy 4:11 midst: Heb. heart
- Deuteronomy 4:12 only ye heard a voice: Heb. save a voice
- Deuteronomy 4:19 divided: Or, imparted
- Deuteronomy 4:30 are come upon thee: Heb. have found thee
- Deuteronomy 5:1 keep and do them: Heb. keep to do them
- Deuteronomy 5:6 bondage: Heb. servants
- Deuteronomy 5:25 hear: Heb. add to hear
- Deuteronomy 6:1 go: Heb. pass over
- Deuteronomy 6:7 teach: Heb. whet or sharpen
- Deuteronomy 6:12 bondage: Heb. bondmen or servants
- Deuteronomy 6:20 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
- Deuteronomy 6:22 sore: Heb. evil
- Deuteronomy 7:5 images: Heb. statues, or pillars
- Deuteronomy 7:12 if: Heb. because
- Deuteronomy 7:22 put out: Heb. pluck off
- Deuteronomy 7:23 unto thee: Heb. before thy face
- Deuteronomy 8:8 of oil olive: Heb. of olive tree of oil
- Deuteronomy 10:4 Commandments: Heb. words
- Deuteronomy 10:10 first time, forty days: Or, forty days
- Deuteronomy 10:11 take thy journey: Heb. go in journey
- Deuteronomy 11:6 substance: Or, living substance which followed them
- Deuteronomy 11:6 was in their possession: Heb. was at their feet
- Deuteronomy 11:12 careth: Heb. seeketh
- Deuteronomy 11:15 send: Heb. give
- Deuteronomy 12:2 possess: Or, inherit
- Deuteronomy 12:3 overthrow: Heb. break down
- Deuteronomy 12:11 your choice vows: Heb. the choice of your vows
- Deuteronomy 12:19 long as thou livest: Heb. all thy days
- Deuteronomy 12:23 be sure: Heb. be strong
- Deuteronomy 12:29 succeedest them: Heb. inheritest or possessest them
- Deuteronomy 12:30 by following them: Heb. after them
- Deuteronomy 12:31 abomination to the: Heb. abomination of the
- Deuteronomy 13:5 spoken to turn you away from the LORD: Heb. spoken revolt against the LORD
- Deuteronomy 13:10 bondage: Heb. bondmen
- Deuteronomy 13:13 the children: Or, naughty men
- Deuteronomy 13:13 cursed: Or, devoted
- Deuteronomy 14:5 Pygarg: Or, Bison. Heb. Dishon
- Deuteronomy 14:26 desireth: Heb. asketh of thee
- Deuteronomy 15:2 creditor that lendeth: Heb. master of the lending of his hand
- Deuteronomy 15:4 Save when there shall be no poor among you: Or, to the end that there be no poor among you
- Deuteronomy 15:9 thought: Heb. word
- Deuteronomy 15:9 wicked: Heb. Belial
- Deuteronomy 16:5 sacrifice: Or, kill
- Deuteronomy 16:8 solemn assembly: Heb. restraint
- Deuteronomy 16:10 a tribute: Or, sufficiency
- Deuteronomy 16:13 corn, and thy wine: Heb. floor and thy winepress
- Deuteronomy 16:17 as he is able: Heb. according to the gift of his hand
- Deuteronomy 16:19 words: Or, matters
- Deuteronomy 16:20 altogether just: Heb. justice, justice
- Deuteronomy 16:22 image: Or, statue, or pillar
- Deuteronomy 17:1 sheep: Or, goat
- Deuteronomy 17:12 and will not hearken: Heb. not to hearken
- Deuteronomy 18:8 that which cometh of the sale of his partimony: Heb. his sales by the fathers
- Deuteronomy 18:13 perfect: Or, upright or sincere
- Deuteronomy 18:14 possess: Or, inherit
- Deuteronomy 19:1 succeedest: Heb. inheritest, or possessest
- Deuteronomy 19:4 in time past: Heb. from yesterday the third day
- Deuteronomy 19:5 head: Heb. iron
- Deuteronomy 19:5 helve: Heb. wood
- Deuteronomy 19:5 lighteth: Heb. findeth
- Deuteronomy 19:6 slay him: Heb. smite him in life
- Deuteronomy 19:6 in time past: Heb. from yesterday, third day
- Deuteronomy 19:11 mortally: Heb. in life
- Deuteronomy 19:16 against: Or, falling away
- Deuteronomy 20:3 faint: Heb. be tender
- Deuteronomy 20:3 tremble: Heb. make haste
- Deuteronomy 20:6 eaten of it: Heb. made it common
- Deuteronomy 20:8 faint: Heb. melt
- Deuteronomy 20:9 to lead the people: Heb. to be in the head of the people
- Deuteronomy 20:14 take: Heb. spoil
- Deuteronomy 20:19 for the tree of the field mans life: Or, for, O man the tree of the field is to be employed in the seige
- Deuteronomy 20:19 to employ them: Heb. to go from before thee
- Deuteronomy 20:20 it be subdued: Heb. it come down
- Deuteronomy 21:5 word: Heb. mouth
- Deuteronomy 21:8 unto thy people: Heb. in the midst
- Deuteronomy 21:12 pare: Or, suffer to grow. Heb. make or dress
- Deuteronomy 21:17 that he hath: Heb. that is found with him
- Deuteronomy 21:23 accursed of God: Heb. the curse of God
- Deuteronomy 22:9 fruit of thy seed: Heb. fullness of the seed
- Deuteronomy 22:12 quarters: Heb. wings
- Deuteronomy 22:25 force her: Or, take strong hold of her
- Deuteronomy 23:6 prosperity: Heb. good
- Deuteronomy 23:11 cometh: Heb. turneth toward
- Deuteronomy 23:13 wilt ease: Heb. sitteth down
- Deuteronomy 23:14 unclean thing: Heb. nakedness of any thing
- Deuteronomy 23:16 liketh him best: Heb. is good for him
- Deuteronomy 23:17 whore: Or, sodomitess
- Deuteronomy 24:1 some uncleanness: Heb. matter of nakedness
- Deuteronomy 24:1 divorcement: Heb. cutting off
- Deuteronomy 24:5 neither shall he be charged: Heb. not any thing shall pass upon him
- Deuteronomy 24:10 lend thy brother any thing: Heb. lend the loan of any thing to, etc
- Deuteronomy 24:15 setteth his heart upon it: Heb. lifteth his soul unto it
- Deuteronomy 24:20 go over the boughes again: Heb. thou shalt not bough it after thee
- Deuteronomy 24:21 afterward: Heb. after thee
- Deuteronomy 25:5 husbands brother: Or, next kinseman
- Deuteronomy 25:7 brothers wife: Or, next kinsemans wife
- Deuteronomy 25:13 divers weights: Heb. a stone and a stone
- Deuteronomy 25:14 divers measures: Heb. an Ephah, and an Ephah
- Deuteronomy 27:13 to curse: Heb. for a cursing
- Deuteronomy 28:5 store: Or, dough, or, kneadingtroughs
- Deuteronomy 28:8 storehouses: Or, barns
- Deuteronomy 28:11 in goods: Or, for good
- Deuteronomy 28:11 body: Heb. belly
- Deuteronomy 28:20 for to thee: Heb. which thou wouldst do
- Deuteronomy 28:22 sword: Or, drought
- Deuteronomy 28:25 removed: Heb. for a removing
- Deuteronomy 28:30 gather the grapes thereof: Heb. prophane, or use it as common meat
- Deuteronomy 28:31 shall not be restored to thee: Heb. shall not return to thee, etc.
- Deuteronomy 28:41 thou shalt not enjoy them: Heb. they shall not be thine
- Deuteronomy 28:42 consume: Or, possess
- Deuteronomy 28:49 understand: Heb. hear
- Deuteronomy 28:50 of fierce countenance: Heb. strong of face
- Deuteronomy 28:53 body: Heb. belly
- Deuteronomy 28:57 young one: Heb. afterbirth
- Deuteronomy 28:61 bring upon: Heb. cause to ascend
- Deuteronomy 29:12 enter: Heb. pass
- Deuteronomy 29:17 idols: Heb. dungy gods
- Deuteronomy 29:18 gall: Or, a poisonfull herb. Heb. Rosh
- Deuteronomy 29:19 imagination: Or, stubbornness
- Deuteronomy 29:19 drunkenness to thirst: Heb. the drunken to the thirsty
- Deuteronomy 29:21 are written: Heb. is written
- Deuteronomy 29:22 which the Lord hath laid upon it: Heb. wherewith the LORD hath made it sick
- Deuteronomy 29:26 whom he had not given unto them: Heb. divided. Or, who had not given to them any portion
- Deuteronomy 31:16 sleep: Heb. lie down
- Deuteronomy 31:17 befall: Heb. find them
- Deuteronomy 31:21 against: Heb. before
- Deuteronomy 31:21 go: Heb. do
- Deuteronomy 32:5 They have corrupted themselves: Heb. he hath corrupted to himself
- Deuteronomy 32:5 their spot is not the spot of his children: Or, that they are not his children, that is their blot
- Deuteronomy 32:7 many generations: Heb. generation and generation
- Deuteronomy 32:9 lot: Heb. cord
- Deuteronomy 32:10 led him about: Or, compassed him about
- Deuteronomy 32:17 not to God: Or, which were not God
- Deuteronomy 32:19 abhorred: Or, despised
- Deuteronomy 32:22 shall burn: Or, hath burned
- Deuteronomy 32:22 shall consume: Or, hath consumed
- Deuteronomy 32:24 burning heat: Heb. burning coals
- Deuteronomy 32:25 within: Heb. from the chambers
- Deuteronomy 32:25 destroy: Heb. bereave
- Deuteronomy 32:25 our hand is high, and the LORD hath not done all this: Or, our high hand and not the LORD hath done all this
- Deuteronomy 32:32 of the vine of Sodom: Or, is worse then the vine of Sodom
- Deuteronomy 32:36 power: Heb. hand
- Deuteronomy 32:38 your protection: Heb. an hiding for you
- Deuteronomy 32:43 Rejoice, O ye nations: Or, Praise his people ye nations. Or, sing ye
- Deuteronomy 32:44 Hoshea: Or, Joshua
- Deuteronomy 32:25 Meribahkadesh: Or, strife at Kadesh
- Deuteronomy 33:2 a fiery law: Heb. a fire of law
- Deuteronomy 33:10 They shall teach: Or, let them teach, etc.
- Deuteronomy 33:10 they shall put incense: Or, let them put incense
- Deuteronomy 33:10 before thee: Heb. at thy nose
- Deuteronomy 33:14 put forth: Heb. thrust forth
- Deuteronomy 33:14 moon: Heb. moons
- Deuteronomy 33:21 seated: Heb. cieled
- Deuteronomy 33:25 Thy shoes: Or, under thy shoes shall be iron
- Deuteronomy 33:29 shall be found liars: Or, shall be subdued
- Deuteronomy 34:1 Pisgah: Or, Hill
- Deuteronomy 34:7 natural: Heb. moisture
- Deuteronomy 34:7 abated: Heb. fled
- Joshua 1:6 unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land: Or, thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land, etc.
- Joshua 1:7 prosper: Or, do wisely
- Joshua 1:14 armed: Heb. marshalled by five
- Joshua 2:1 lodged: Heb. lay
- Joshua 2:9 faint: Heb. melt
- Joshua 2:11 remain: rose up
- Joshua 2:14 Our life for yours: Heb. instead of you to die
- Joshua 2:18 bring: Heb. gather
- Joshua 2:24 faint: Heb. melt
- Joshua 3:4 heretofore: Heb. since yesterday and the third day
- Joshua 4:6 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
- Joshua 4:13 prepared: Or, ready armed
- Joshua 4:18 lift up: Heb. plucked up
- Joshua 4:18 flowed over: Heb. went
- Joshua 4:21 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
- Joshua 4:24 forever: Heb. all days
- Joshua 5:2 sharp knives: Or, knives of flints
- Joshua 5:3 the hill of the foreskins: Or, Gibeahharaloth
- Joshua 5:8 when they had done circumcising all the people: Heb. when the people had made an end to be circumcised
- Joshua 5:9 Gilgal: i. rolling
- Joshua 5:14 captain: Or, Prince
- Joshua 6:1 was straightly shut up: Heb. did shut up, and was shut up
- Joshua 6:5 flat: Heb. under it
- Joshua 6:9 rereward: Heb. gathering host
- Joshua 6:10 make any noise with your voice: Heb. make your voice to be heard
- Joshua 6:17 accursed: Or, devoted
- Joshua 6:19 consecrated: Heb. holiness
- Joshua 6:20 flat: Heb. under it
- Joshua 6:23 kindred: Heb. families
- Joshua 7:3 about two or three thousand men: Heb. about 2000 men. Or, about 3000 men
- Joshua 7:5 going down: Or, in Morad
- Joshua 7:8 backs: Heb. necks
- Joshua 7:10 liest: Heb. fallest
- Joshua 7:15 folly: Or, wickedness
- Joshua 7:21 wedge: Heb. tongue
- Joshua 7:23 laid: Heb. powered
- Joshua 7:26 Achor: That is, trouble
- Joshua 8:6 drawn: Heb. pulled
- Joshua 8:12 of the city: Or, of Ai
- Joshua 8:13 their liers: Heb. their lying in wait
- Joshua 8:20 power: Heb. hand
- Joshua 8:35 were conversant: Heb. walked
- Joshua 9:2 accord: Heb. mouth
- Joshua 9:11 with you: Heb. in your hand
- Joshua 9:14 the men took of their victuals: Or, they received the men by reason of their victuals
- Joshua 9:23 none of you be freed: Heb. not be cut off from you
- Joshua 10:2 one of the royal cities: Heb. cities of the kingdom
- Joshua 10:12 stand: Heb. be silent
- Joshua 10:13 Iasher? Or, the upright?
- Joshua 10:19 smite the hindmost: Heb. cut off the tail
- Joshua 11:5 met together: Heb. assembled by appointment
- Joshua 11:8 great Zidon: Or, Zidonrabbah
- Joshua 11:8 Misrephothmaim: Or, salt pits. Heb. burning of waters
- Joshua 11:11 any left to breathe: Heb. any breath
- Joshua 11:13 in their strength: Heb. on their heap
- Joshua 11:15 left nothing undone: Heb. he removed nothing
- Joshua 11:17 the mount Halak: Or, the smooth mountain
- Joshua 12:3 the South: Or, Teman
- Joshua 12:3 Ashdothpisgah: Or, the springs of Pisgah, or the hill
- Joshua 12:18 Lasharon: Or, Saron
- Joshua 13:1 to be possesed: Heb. to possess it
- Joshua 13:4 Mearah: Or, the cave
- Joshua 13:17 Bamothbaal and Bethbaalmeon: Or, the high places of Baal, and house of Baalmeon
- Joshua 13:20 Ashdothpisgah: Or, springs of Pisgah, or the hill
- Joshua 13:22 soothsayer: Or, diviner
- Joshua 14:10 wandered: Heb. walked
- Joshua 15:2 bay: Heb. tongue
- Joshua 15:3 Maalehacrabbim: Or, the going up to Acrabbim
- Joshua 15:13 the city of Arba: Or, Kiriatharba
- Joshua 15:36 and: Or, or
- Joshua 15:46 near: Heb. by the place of
- Joshua 15:53 Janum: Or, Janus
- Joshua 16:1 fell: Heb. went forth
- Joshua 17:9 river Kanah: Or, brook of reeds
- Joshua 17:15 giants: Or, Rephaims
- Joshua 18:18 Arabah: Or, the plain
- Joshua 18:19 bay: Heb. tongue
- Joshua 19:13 Methoar: Or, which is drawn
- Joshua 19:29 Tyre: Heb. Tzor
- Joshua 19:46 before: Or, over against
- Joshua 19:46 Japho: Or, Joppa
- Joshua 20:7 appointed: Heb. sanctified
- Joshua 21:9 mentioned: Heb. called
- Joshua 21:11 the city of Arbah: Or, Kiriatharbah
- Joshua 22:14 chief house a prince: Heb. house of the father
- Joshua 22:24 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
- Joshua 22:30 it pleased them: Heb. it was good in their eyes
- Joshua 22:31 now: Heb. Then
- Joshua 22:34 Ed: That is, a witness
- Joshua 23:1 stricken in age: Heb. come into days
- Joshua 23:4 Westward: Heb. at the sun set
- Joshua 23:8 But cleave unto the: Or, for if you will cleave, etc.
- Joshua 23:9 For the LORD hath driven out: Or, Then the LORD will drive
- Joshua 23:11 selves: Heb. souls
- Joshua 24:31 overlived Joshua: Heb. prolonged their days after Joshua
- Joshua 24:32 pieces of silver: Or, lambs
- Judges 1:7 their thumbs and their great toes: Heb. the thumbs of their hands and of their feet
- Judges 1:7 gathered: Or, gleaned
- Judges 1:9 valley: Or, low country
- Judges 1:19 drave out the inhabitants of the mountain: Or, he possessed the mountain
- Judges 1:35 prevailed: Heb. was heavy
- Judges 1:36 the going up to Akrabbim: Or, MaaleAkrabbim
- Judges 2:1 angel: Or, messenger
- Judges 2:5 Bochim: that is, Weepers
- Judges 2:7 outlived Joshua: Heb. prolonged days after Joshua
- Judges 2:16 delivered: Heb. saved
- Judges 2:19 corrupted themselves: Or, were corrupt
- Judges 2:19 they ceased not from their own: Heb. they let nothing fall of their
- Judges 2:23 left: Or, suffered
- Judges 3:8 Mesopotamia: Heb. Aramnaharaim
- Judges 3:9 deliverer: Heb. saviour
- Judges 3:10 came upon: Heb. was
- Judges 3:10 Mesopotamia: Heb. Aram
- Judges 3:15 a Beniamite: Or, the son of Jemini
- Judges 3:15 left handed: Heb. shut of his right hand
- Judges 3:19 quarries: Or, graven images
- Judges 3:20 a summer parlour: Heb. a parlour of cooling
- Judges 3:22 dirt came out: Or, it came out at the fundament
- Judges 3:24 covereth: Or, doeth his easement
- Judges 3:29 lusty: Heb. fat
- Judges 4:13 gathered together: Heb. gathered by cry or proclamation
- Judges 4:16 a man: Heb. unto one
- Judges 4:18 mantle: Or, rug, or blanket
- Judges 4:21 took: Heb. put
- Judges 4:24 prospered and prevailed: Heb. going, went and was hard
- Judges 5:5 melted: Heb. flowed
- Judges 5:6 travellers: Heb. walkers of paths
- Judges 5:6 byways: Heb. crooked ways
- Judges 5:10 Speak: Or, meditate
- Judges 5:11 righteous acts: Heb. righteousnesses of the Lord
- Judges 5:14 handle the pen: Heb. draw with the pen, etc.
- Judges 5:15 foot: Heb. his feet
- Judges 5:15 for the divisions: Or, in the divisions, etc.
- Judges 5:15 thougths: Heb. impressions
- Judges 5:16 for: Or, in
- Judges 5:17 shore: Or, port
- Judges 5:17 breaches: Or, creeks
- Judges 5:18 jeoparded: Heb. exposed to reproach
- Judges 5:20 courses: Heb. paths
- Judges 5:22 pransings: Or, tramplings, or plungings
- Judges 5:26 smote: Heb. hammered
- Judges 5:27 at her: Heb. between
- Judges 5:27 dead: Heb. destroyed
- Judges 5:29 answer: Heb. words
- Judges 5:30 to every man: Heb. to the head of a man
- Judges 5:30 for the necks of them that take the spoil: Heb. for the necks of the spoil
- Judges 6:2 prevailed: Heb. was strong
- Judges 6:4 sheep: Or, goat
- Judges 6:8 a prophet: Heb. a man, a prophet
- Judges 6:11 to hide it: Gr. to cause it to fly
- Judges 6:15 my family is poor: Heb. my thousand is the meanest
- Judges 6:18 present: Or, meat offering
- Judges 6:19 a kid: Heb. a kid of the goats
- Judges 6:24 Jehovahshalom: that is, The LORD send peace
- Judges 6:26 rock: Heb. strong place
- Judges 6:26 the ordered place: Or, in an orderly manner
- Judges 6:34 came upon: Heb. clothed
- Judges 6:34 was gathered after him: Heb. was called after him
- Judges 7:11 armed men: Or, ranks by five
- Judges 7:15 the interpretation thereof: Heb. the breaking thereof
- Judges 7:16 a trumpet in every mans hand: Heb. trumpets in the hand of all of them
- Judges 7:16 lamps: Or, firebrands or torches
- Judges 7:22 in: Or, towards
- Judges 7:22 border: Heb. tip
- Judges 8:1 Why hast thou served us thus: Heb. what thing is this, thou hast done unto us?
- Judges 8:1 sharply: Heb. strongly
- Judges 8:3 anger: Heb. spirit
- Judges 8:7 tear: Heb. thresh
- Judges 8:10 an hundred and twenty thousand men that drew sword: Or, an hundred and twenty thousand, every one drawing a sword
- Judges 8:12 discomfited: Heb. terrified
- Judges 8:14 described: Heb. writ
- Judges 8:16 taught: Heb. made to know
- Judges 8:18 resembled: Heb. according to the form, etc
- Judges 8:21 ornaments: Or, ornaments like the moon
- Judges 8:26 collars: Or, sweet jewels
- Judges 8:30 of his body: Heb. going out of his thigh
- Judges 8:31 called: Heb. set
- Judges 9:2 Whether it is better: Heb. What is good? whether, etc
- Judges 9:3 to follow: Heb. after
- Judges 9:6 by the plain of the pillar: Or, by the oak of the pillar. See Josh. 24.26
- Judges 9:9 go to be promoted over the trees?: Or, go up and down for other trees
- Judges 9:14 Bramble: Or, thistle
- Judges 9:17 adventured his life: Heb. cast his life
- Judges 9:24 aided him in the killing: Heb. strengthened his hands to kill
- Judges 9:27 merry: Or, songs
- Judges 9:30 kindled: Or, hot
- Judges 9:31 privily: Heb. craftily or to Tormah
- Judges 9:33 as thou shalt find: Heb. as thine hand shall find
- Judges 9:37 middle: Heb. navel
- Judges 9:37 Meonenim: Or, the regarders of times
- Judges 9:48 me do: Heb. I have done
- Judges 10:1 defend: Or, deliver. Heb. save
- Judges 10:4 Havothjair: Or, the villages of Jair
- Judges 10:8 oppressed: Heb. crushed
- Judges 10:15 seemeth good unto thee: Heb. is good in thine eyes
- Judges 10:16 strange gods: Heb. gods of strangers
- Judges 10:16 was grieved: Heb. was shortened
- Judges 10:17 gathered together: Heb. cried together
- Judges 11:1 an harlot: Heb. a woman, an harlot
- Judges 11:3 from: Heb. from the face
- Judges 11:3 in process of time: Heb. after days
- Judges 11:10 be witness between us: Heb. be hearer between us
- Judges 11:31 whatsoever cometh forth: Heb. that which cometh forth shall come forth
- Judges 11:31 and I will offer it: Or, I will offer it, etc.
- Judges 11:33 plain: Or, Abel
- Judges 11:34 beside her he had neither son nor daughter: Or, he had not of his own either son or daughter. Heb. of himself
- Judges 11:37 go up and down: Heb. go, and go down
- Judges 11:39 custom: Or, ordinance
- Judges 11:40 yearly: Heb. from year to year
- Judges 11:40 to lament: Or, to talk with
- Judges 12:1 gathered: Heb. were called
- Judges 12:14 nephews: Heb. sons sons
- Judges 13:1 did evil…: Heb. added to commit, etc
- Judges 13:12 How shall we order the: Heb. What shall be the manner of the, etc
- Judges 13:12 How shall we do unto him?: Or, what shall he do?
- Judges 13:15 for thee: Heb. before thee
- Judges 13:18 secret: Or, wonderful
- Judges 14:3 she pleaseth me well: She is right in mine eyes
- Judges 14:5 against him: Heb. in meeting him
- Judges 14:12 sheets: Or, shirts
- Judges 14:15 to take that we have?: Heb. to possess us, or to impoverish us?
- Judges 14:17 the seven days: Or, the rest of the seven days, etc.
- Judges 14:19 spoil: Or, apparel
- Judges 15:2 take her: Heb. let her be thine
- Judges 15:3 Now shall I be more blameless than the Philistines, though: Or, now shall I be blameless from the Philistines, though, etc.
- Judges 15:4 firebrands: Or, torches
- Judges 15:11 went: Heb. went down
- Judges 15:14 loosed: Heb. were melted
- Judges 15:15 new: Heb. moist
- Judges 15:15 heaps upon heaps: Heb. an heap, two heaps
- Judges 15:17 Ramathlehi: that is, the lifting up of the jawbone, or, casting away of the jawbone
- Judges 15:19 the jaw: Or, Lehi
- Judges 15:19 Enhakkore: that is, the well of him that called or cried
- Judges 16:1 an harlot: Heb. a woman an harlot
- Judges 16:2 quiet: Heb. silent
- Judges 16:3 bar and all: Heb. with the bar
- Judges 16:4 of Sorek: Or, by the brook
- Judges 16:5 afflict: Or, humble
- Judges 16:7 green withs: Or, new cords: Heb. moist
- Judges 16:7 another: Heb. one
- Judges 16:9 toucheth: Heb. smelleth
- Judges 16:11 that never were occupied: Heb. wherewith work hath not been done
- Judges 16:16 vexed: Heb. shortened
- Judges 16:21 put out: Heb. bored out
- Judges 16:22 after he was shaven: Or, as when he was shaven
- Judges 16:24 which slew many of us: Heb. and who multiplied our slain
- Judges 16:25 them: Heb. before them
- Judges 16:29 on which it was borne up: Or, he leaned on them
- Judges 16:30 me: Heb. my soul
- Judges 17:5 consecrated: Heb. filled the hand
- Judges 17:8 as he journeyed: Heb. in making his way
- Judges 17:10 a suit of apparel: Or, a double suit, etc: Heb. an order of garments
- Judges 18:2 men: Heb. sons
- Judges 18:7 magistrate: Heb. possessOr, or heir of restraint
- Judges 18:11 appointed: Heb. girded
- Judges 18:15 saluted him: Heb. asked him of peace
- Judges 18:23 that thou comest with such a company?: Heb. that thou are gathered together?
- Judges 18:25 angry: Heb. bitter of soul
- Judges 19:1 a concubine: Heb. a woman a concubine, or a wife a concubine
- Judges 19:2 four whole months: Or, a year and four months
- Judges 19:3 friendly unto her: Heb. to her heart
- Judges 19:5 Comfort: Heb. strengthen
- Judges 19:8 until afternoon: Heb. till the day declined
- Judges 19:9 draweth: Heb. is weak
- Judges 19:9 the day groweth to an end: Heb. it is the pitching time of the day
- Judges 19:9 home: Heb. to thy tent
- Judges 19:10 over against Jebus: Heb. to over against Jebus
- Judges 19:18 receiveth: Heb. gathereth
- Judges 19:24 so vile a thing: Heb. the matter of this folly
- Judges 20:4 the Levite: Heb. the man the Levite
- Judges 20:5 forced: Heb. humbled
- Judges 20:11 knit together: Heb. fellows
- Judges 20:31 to smite of the people, and kill, as at other times: Heb. to smite of the people wounded as at, etc.
- Judges 20:31 the house of God: Or, Bethel
- Judges 20:37 drew themselves along: Or, made a long sound with the trumpet
- Judges 20:38 sign: Or, time
- Judges 20:38 and: Heb. with
- Judges 20:38 flame: Heb. elevation
- Judges 20:39 to smite and kill: Heb. to smite the wounded
- Judges 20:40 flame: Heb. the whole consumption
- Judges 20:41 was come upon them: Heb. touched them
- Judges 20:43 with ease…: Or, from Menuchah, etc.
- Judges 20:43] over against: Heb. unto over against
- Judges 20:48 came to hand: Heb. was found
- Judges 20:48 they came to: Heb. were found
- Judges 21:11 hath lain by man: Heb. knoweth the lying with man
- Judges 21:12 young virgins: Heb. young women virgins
- Judges 21:13 to speak: Heb. and spake and called
- Judges 21:13 call: Or, proclaim peace
- Judges 21:19 yearly: Heb. from year to year
- Judges 21:19 East side: Or, towards the sun rising
- Judges 21:19 of: Or, on
- Judges 21:22 Be favourable unto them: Or, gratify us in them
- Ruth 1:1 ruled: Heb. judged
- Ruth 1:2 continued: Heb. were
- Ruth 1:12 have a husband: Or, if I were with an husband
- Ruth 1:13 tarry: Heb. hope
- Ruth 1:13 it grieveth me: Heb. I have much bitterness
- Ruth 1:18 was steadfastly: Heb. strengthened herself
- Ruth 1:16 Intreat me not to leave thee: Or, Be not against me
- Ruth 1:20 Naomi: that is, pleasant
- Ruth 1:20 Mara: That is, bitter
- Ruth 2:3 hap: Heb. hap happened
- Ruth 2:3 Boaz: Called Mat. 1.5 Booz
- Ruth 2:13 let me find favor: Or, I find favor
- Ruth 2:13 friendly: Heb. to the heart
- Ruth 2:15 reproach her not: Heb. shame her not
- Ruth 2:20 one of our next kinsmen: Or, one that hath right to redeem
- Ruth 2:22 meet thee: Or, fall upon thee
- Ruth 3:4 uncover his feet: Or, lift up the clothes that are on his feet
- Ruth 3:8 turned: Or, took hold on
- Ruth 3:9 a near kinsman: Or, one that hath right to redeem
- Ruth 3:11 city: Heb. gate
- Ruth 3:15 vail: Or, sheet, or, apron
- Ruth 4:4 I thought to advertise thee: Heb. I said, I will reveal in thine ear
- Ruth 4:11 Do thou worthily: Or, get thee riches or power
- Ruth 4:11 be famous: Heb. proclaim thy name
- Ruth 4:14 left thee: Heb. caused to cease unto thee
- Ruth 4:14 kinsman: Or, redeemer
- Ruth 4:15 a nourisher: Heb. to nourish
- Ruth 4:15 thine old age: Heb. thy gray hairs
- Ruth 4:20 Salmon: Or, Salmah
1 Samuel
- 1 Samuel 1:3 yearly: Heb. from year to year
- 1 Samuel 1:5 a worthy portion: Or, a double portion
- 1 Samuel 1:6 provoked her: Heb. angered her
- 1 Samuel 1:7 when she went up: Or, from the time that she, etc: Heb. from her going up
- 1 Samuel 1:7 in bitterness of soul: Heb. bitter of soul
- 1 Samuel 1:11 a man child: Heb. seed of men
- 1 Samuel 1:12 continued praying: Heb. multiplied to pray
- 1 Samuel 1:15 of a sorrowful spirit: Heb. hard of spirit
- 1 Samuel 1:16 complaint: Or, meditation
- 1 Samuel 1:20 time was come about: Heb. revelation of days
- 1 Samuel 1:20 Samuel: That is, asked of God
- 1 Samuel 1:28 lent him to the LORD: Or, returned him, whom I have obtained by petition to the LORD
- 1 Samuel 1:28 he shall be lent to the LORD: Or, he whom I have obtained by petiotion, shall be returned
- 1 Samuel 2:3 arrogancy: Heb. hard
- 1 Samuel 2:16 presently: Heb. as on the day
- 1 Samuel 2:20 loan which is lent: Or, petition which he asked, etc.
- 1 Samuel 2:22 assembled: Heb. assembled by troops
- 1 Samuel 2:23 I hear of your evil dealings: Or, I hear evil words of you
- 1 Samuel 2:24 transgress: Or, cry out
- 1 Samuel 2:32 an enemy in my habitation, in all the wealth which God shall give Israel: Or, the affliction of the tabernacle, for all the wealth which God would have given Israel
- 1 Samuel 2:32 in the flower of their age: Heb. men
- 1 Samuel 2:36 Put: Heb. join
- 1 Samuel 2:32 one of the priests offices: Or, Somewhat about the Priesthood
- 1 Samuel 3:7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD yet revealed unto him: Or, thus did Samuel, before he knew the LORD; and before the word of the LORD was revealed unto him
- 1 Samuel 3:12 when I begin, I will also make an end: Heb. beginning and ending
- 1 Samuel 3:13 for I have told him: Or, and I will tell him, etc.
- 1 Samuel 3:13 vile: Or, accurse
- 1 Samuel 3:13 restrained them not: Heb. frowned not upon them
- 1 Samuel 3:17 more also: so add
- 1 Samuel 3:17 thing: Or, word
- 1 Samuel 3:18 every whit: Heb. all the things, or words
- 1 Samuel 3:20 established: Or, faithful
- 1 Samuel 4:1 came: Or, came to pass. Heb. was
- 1 Samuel 4:2 they joined battle: Heb. the battle was spread
- 1 Samuel 4:2 the army: Heb. the array
- 1 Samuel 4:3 fetch: Heb. take unto us
- 1 Samuel 4:7 heretofore: Heb. yesterday, or the third day
- 1 Samuel 4:9 quit yourselves like men: Heb. be men
- 1 Samuel 4:11 were slain: Heb. died
- 1 Samuel 4:15 were dim: Heb. stood
- 1 Samuel 4:16 is there done: Heb. is the thing
- 1 Samuel 4:19 to be delivered: Or, to cry out
- 1 Samuel 4:19 came: Heb. were turned
- 1 Samuel 4:20 neither did she regard it: Heb. set not her heart
- 1 Samuel 4:21 Ichabod: that is, where is the glory? Or, There is no glory
- 1 Samuel 4:21 The glory is departed: Or, there is no glory
- 1 Samuel 5:4 the stump: Or, the filthy part
- 1 Samuel 6:4 you all: Heb. them
- 1 Samuel 6:6 wonderfully: Or, reproachfully
- 1 Samuel 6:6 the people: Heb. them
- 1 Samuel 6:9 he: Or, it
- 1 Samuel 6:18 great stone: Or, great stone
- 1 Samuel 7:8 Cease not to cry: Heb. Be not silent from us from crying
- 1 Samuel 7:9 heard: Or, answered
- 1 Samuel 7:12 Ebenezer: that is, The stone of help
- 1 Samuel 7:16 in circuit: Heb. and he circuited
- 1 Samuel 8:6 displeased Samuel: Heb. was evil in the eyes of Samuel
- 1 Samuel 8:9 hearken: Or, obey
- 1 Samuel 8:9 howbeit, yet protest solemnly unto them, and show them: Or, notwithstanding, when thou has solemnly protested against them, then thou shalt show, etc.
- 1 Samuel 8:15 officers: Heb. eunuchs
- 1 Samuel 9:1 a Benjamite: Or, the son of a man of Jemini
- 1 Samuel 9:1 power: Or, substance
- 1 Samuel 9:7 is spent in: Heb. is gone out of etc.
- 1 Samuel 9:7 have we?: Heb. is with us?
- 1 Samuel 9:8 Behold I have here at hand: Heb. there is found in my hand
- 1 Samuel 9:10 Well said: Heb. Thy word is good
- 1 Samuel 9:11 the hill to the city: Heb. in the ascent of the city
- 1 Samuel 9:12 sacrifice: Or, feast
- 1 Samuel 9:13 about this time: Heb. to day
- 1 Samuel 9:15 told Samuel in his ear: Heb. revealed the ear of Samuel
- 1 Samuel 9:17 reign over: Heb. restrain in
- 1 Samuel 9:20 three days ago: Heb. today three days
- 1 Samuel 9:21 so to me?: Heb. according to this word?
- 1 Samuel 9:24 left: Or, reserved
- 1 Samuel 9:27 a while: Heb. to day
- 1 Samuel 10:2 the care of: Heb. the business
- 1 Samuel 10:4 salute thee: Heb. ask thee of peace
- 1 Samuel 10:7 let it be when these signs are come unto thee: Heb. and it shall come to pass that when these signs etc.
- 1 Samuel 10:7 that thou do as occasion serve thee: Heb. do for thee as thine hand shall find
- 1 Samuel 10:9 back: Heb. shoulder
- 1 Samuel 10:9 gave: Heb. turned
- 1 Samuel 10:11 one to another: Heb. a man to his neighbor
- 1 Samuel 10:12 of the same place: Heb. from thence
- 1 Samuel 10:24 God save the King: Heb. let the king live
- 1 Samuel 10:27 he held his peace: Or, he was, as though he had been deaf
- 1 Samuel 11:3 Give us: Heb. forbear us
- 1 Samuel 11:7 with one consent: Heb. as one man
- 1 Samuel 11:9 help: Or, deliverance
- 1 Samuel 12:3 bribe: Heb. ransom
- 1 Samuel 12:3 to blind mine eyes: Or, that I should hide mine eyes at at him [typo]
- 1 Samuel 12:6 advanced: Or, made
- 1 Samuel 12:7 righteous acts: Heb. righteousness, or, benefits
- 1 Samuel 12:7 to: Heb. with
- 1 Samuel 12:14 commandment: Heb. mouth
- 1 Samuel 12:14 continue: Heb. be after
- 1 Samuel 12:23 in ceasing: Heb. from ceasing
- 1 Samuel 12:24 how great things: Or, what a great thing etc.
- 1 Samuel 13:1 reigned one year: Heb. the son of one year in his reigning
- 1 Samuel 13:3 Geba: Or, the hill
- 1 Samuel 13:4 was had: Heb. did stink
- 1 Samuel 13:7 followed him trembling: Heb. trembled after him
- 1 Samuel 13:10 salute him: Heb. bless him
- 1 Samuel 13:12 made supplication: Heb. intreated the face
- 1 Samuel 13:15 present: Heb. found
- 1 Samuel 13:21 a file for the mattocks: Heb. a file with mouths
- 1 Samuel 13:21 to sharpen: Heb. to set
- 1 Samuel 13:23 garrison: Or, standing camp
- 1 Samuel 14:1 it came to pass: Or, there was a day
- 1 Samuel 14:5 forefront: Heb. tooth
- 1 Samuel 14:9 Tarry: Heb. be still
- 1 Samuel 14:14 an half acre of land: Or, half a furrow of an acre of land
- 1 Samuel 14:15 a very great trembling: Heb. a trembling of God
- 1 Samuel 14:19 noise: Or, tumult
- 1 Samuel 14:20 assembled themselves: Heb. were cried together
- 1 Samuel 14:28 faint: Or, weary
- 1 Samuel 14:33 transgressed: Or, dealt treacherously
- 1 Samuel 14:34 with him: Heb. in his hand
- 1 Samuel 14:35 the same was the first altar: Heb. that Altar he began to build unto the LORD
- 1 Samuel 14:38 chief: Heb. corners
- 1 Samuel 14:41 Give: Or, shew the innocent
- 1 Samuel 14:41 escaped: Heb. went forth
- 1 Samuel 14:48 gathered an host: Or, wrought mightily
- 1 Samuel 15:5 laid wait: Or, fought
- 1 Samuel 15:9 fatlings: Or, of the second sort
- 1 Samuel 15:18 they be consumed: Heb. they consume them
- 1 Samuel 15:23 witchcraft: Heb. divination
- 1 Samuel 15:29 Strength: Or, eternity, or, victory
- 1 Samuel 16:2 with thee: Heb. in thine hand
- 1 Samuel 16:4 coming: Heb. meeting
- 1 Samuel 16:7 outward appearance: Heb. eyes
- 1 Samuel 16:11 down: Heb. round
- 1 Samuel 16:12 of a beautiful countenance: fair of eyes
- 1 Samuel 16:14 troubled: Or, terrified
- 1 Samuel 16:18 matters: Or, speech
- 1 Samuel 17:1 Ephesdammim: Or, the coast of Dammim
- 1 Samuel 17:1 set the battle: Heb. ranged the battle
- 1 Samuel 17:5 armed: Heb. clothed
- 1 Samuel 17:6 target: Or, gorget
- 1 Samuel 17:18 cheeses: Heb. cheeses of milk
- 1 Samuel 17:18 captain of their thousand: Heb. captain of a thousand
- 1 Samuel 17:20 trench: Or, place of the carriage
- 1 Samuel 17:20 the fight: Or, battle ray, or place of fight
- 1 Samuel 17:22 his carriage: Heb. the vessels from upon him
- 1 Samuel 17:22 saluted his brethren: Heb. asked his brethren of peace
- 1 Samuel 17:24 from him: Heb. from his face
- 1 Samuel 17:30 manner: Heb. word
- 1 Samuel 17:31 sent for him: Heb. took him
- 1 Samuel 17:34 lamb: Or, kid
- 1 Samuel 17:38 armed…with his armour: Heb. clothed, etc. with his clothes
- 1 Samuel 17:40 brook: Or, valley
- 1 Samuel 17:40 bag: Heb. vessell
- 1 Samuel 17:46 deliver thee: Heb. shut thee up
- 1 Samuel 18:5 behaved: Or, prospered
- 1 Samuel 18:6 Philistine: Or, Philistines
- 1 Samuel 18:6 instruments of music: Heb. three stringed instruments
- 1 Samuel 18:8 displeased him: Heb. was evil in his eyes
- 1 Samuel 18:14 behaved: Or, prospered
- 1 Samuel 18:17 valiant: Heb. a son of valour
- 1 Samuel 18:20 pleased him: Heb. was right in his eyes
- 1 Samuel 18:24 on this manner spake: Heb. according to these words
- 1 Samuel 18:26 expired: Heb. fulfilled
- 1 Samuel 18:30 much set by: Heb. precious
- 1 Samuel 19:7 in time past: Heb. yesterday, third day
- 1 Samuel 19:8 him: Heb. his face
- 1 Samuel 19:24 lay down: Heb. fell
- 1 Samuel 20:2 shew it me: Heb. uncover mine ear
- 1 Samuel 20:4 Whatsoever thy soul: Or, say what is thy mind, and I will do, etc.
- 1 Samuel 20:4 desireth: Heb. speaketh, or thinketh
- 1 Samuel 20:6 sacrifice: Or, feast
- 1 Samuel 20:12 sounded: Heb. searched
- 1 Samuel 20:12 shew it thee: Heb. uncover thine ear
- 1 Samuel 20:16 made: Heb. cut
- 1 Samuel 20:17 because he loved him: Or, by his love towards him
- 1 Samuel 20:18 empty: Heb. missed
- 1 Samuel 20:19 quickly: Or, diligently: Heb. greatly
- 1 Samuel 20:19 when the business was in hand: Heb. in the day of the business
- 1 Samuel 20:19 Ezel: Or, that showeth the way
- 1 Samuel 20:21 no hurt: Heb. not any thing
- 1 Samuel 20:30 Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman: Or, thou perverse rebell. Heb. son of perverse rebellion
- 1 Samuel 20:31 shall surely die: Heb. is the son of death
- 1 Samuel 20:36 beyond him: Heb. to pass over him
- 1 Samuel 20:40 artillery: Heb. instruments
- 1 Samuel 20:40 his lad: Heb. that was his
- 1 Samuel 20:42 forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the Name of the LORD: Or, The LORD be witness of that which, etc.
- 1 Samuel 21:3 present: Heb. found
- 1 Samuel 21:5 yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel: Or, especially when this day there is other sanctified in the vessel
- 1 Samuel 21:13 scrabbled: Or, made marks
- 1 Samuel 21:14 is mad: Or, playeth the mad man
- 1 Samuel 22:2 was in debt: Heb. had a creditor
- 1 Samuel 22:2 disconnected: Heb. bitter of soul
- 1 Samuel 22:6 tree in Ramah: Or, grove in a high place
- 1 Samuel 22:8 sheweth me: Heb. uncovereth mine ear
- 1 Samuel 22:12 Here I am: Heb. behold me
- 1 Samuel 22:15 less or more: Heb. little or great
- 1 Samuel 22:17 footmen: Or, guard: Heb. the runners
- 1 Samuel 23:12 deliver me: Heb. shut up
- 1 Samuel 23:19 on the South: Heb. on the right hand
- 1 Samuel 23:19 Jeshimon?: Or, the wilderness?
- 1 Samuel 23:22 haunt is: Heb. foot shall be
- 1 Samuel 23:27 invaded: Heb. spread themselves upon, etc
- 1 Samuel 23:28 Selahammahlekoth: That is, the rock of divisions
- 1 Samuel 24:1 following: Heb. after
- 1 Samuel 24:4 Sauls robe: Heb. the robe, which was Sauls
- 1 Samuel 24:7 stayed: Heb. cut off
- 1 Samuel 24:15 deliver: Heb. judge
- 1 Samuel 24:18 delivered: Heb. shut up
- 1 Samuel 25:2 possessions: Or, business
- 1 Samuel 25:5 greet him in thy name: Heb. ask him in my name of peace
- 1 Samuel 25:7 hurt: Heb. shamed
- 1 Samuel 25:9 ceased: Heb. rested
- 1 Samuel 25:11 flesh: Heb. slaughter
- 1 Samuel 25:14 he railed on them: Heb. flew upon them
- 1 Samuel 25:15 hurt: Heb. shamed
- 1 Samuel 25:18 clusters: Or, lumps
- 1 Samuel 25:24 audience: Heb. ears
- 1 Samuel 25:25 regard: Heb. lay it to his heart
- 1 Samuel 25:26 avenging thy self: Heb. saving thyself
- 1 Samuel 25:27 blessing: Or, present
- 1 Samuel 25:27 follow: Heb. walk at the feet of etc.
- 1 Samuel 25:29 as out of the middle of a sling: Heb. in the midst of the bought of a sling
- 1 Samuel 25:31 no grief: Heb. no staggering, or, stumbling
- 1 Samuel 25:42 after her: Heb. at her feet
- 1 Samuel 26:5 trench: Or, midst of his carriages
- 1 Samuel 26:8 delivered: Heb. shut up
- 1 Samuel 26:16 worthy to die: Heb. the sons of death
- 1 Samuel 26:19 accept: Heb. smell
- 1 Samuel 26:19 abiding: cleaving
- 1 Samuel 27:1 perish: Heb. be consumed
- 1 Samuel 27:7 the time: Heb. the number of days
- 1 Samuel 27:7 a full year: Heb. a year of days
- 1 Samuel 27:8 Gezrites: Or, Gerzites
- 1 Samuel 27:10 Whither have ye made a road today: Or, did you not make a road, etc.
- 1 Samuel 27:12 utterly to abhor: Heb. to stink
- 1 Samuel 28:14 what for is he of?: Heb. what is his form?
- 1 Samuel 28:15 by prophets: Heb. by the hand of Prophets
- 1 Samuel 28:17 to him: Or, for himself
- 1 Samuel 28:17 me: Heb. mine hand
- 1 Samuel 28:20 fell straightway all along on the earth: Heb. made haste and fell with the fullness of his stature
- 1 Samuel 29:6 the lords favor thee not: Heb. thou art not good in the eyes of the lords
- 1 Samuel 29:7 displease not the lords: Heb. do not evil in the eyes of the lords
- 1 Samuel 29:7 with thee: Heb. before thee
- 1 Samuel 30:6 grieved: Heb. bitter
- 1 Samuel 30:17 the next day: Heb. their morrow
- 1 Samuel 30:21 saluted them: Or, asked them how they did
- 1 Samuel 30:22 those: Heb. men
- 1 Samuel 30:25 forward: Heb. and forward
- 1 Samuel 30:26 Present: Heb. blessing
- 1 Samuel 31:1 slain: Or, wounded
- 1 Samuel 31:3 and the archers: Heb. shooters, men with bows
- 1 Samuel 31:3 hit him: Heb. found him
- 1 Samuel 31:4 abuse me: Or, mock me
- 1 Samuel 31:11 of that which: Or, concerning him
2 Samuel
- 2 Samuel 1:4 How went: Heb. What was, etc.
- 2 Samuel 1:7 Here am I: Heb. Behold me
- 2 Samuel 1:9 anguish is come upon me: Or, my coat of male (Or, my embroidered coat) hindereth me, that my, etc.
- 2 Samuel 1:18 Jasher: Or, of the upright
- 2 Samuel 1:23 pleasant: Or, sweet
- 2 Samuel 2:7 be ye valiant: Heb. be ye the sons of valor
- 2 Samuel 2:8 Sauls host: Heb. the host which was Sauls
- 2 Samuel 2:11 time: Heb. number of days
- 2 Samuel 2:13 together: Heb. them together
- 2 Samuel 2:16 Helkathhazzurim: that is, The field of strong men
- 2 Samuel 2:18 of foot: Heb. of his feet
- 2 Samuel 2:18 as a wild Roe: Heb. as one of the Roes that is in the field
- 2 Samuel 2:19 following Abner: Heb. from after Abner
- 2 Samuel 2:21 armour: Or, spoil
- 2 Samuel 2:27 in the morning: Heb. from the morning
- 2 Samuel 2:27 gone up: Or, gone away
- 2 Samuel 3:13 that is: Heb. saying
- 2 Samuel 3:16 along weeping: Heb. going, and weeping
- 2 Samuel 3:17 in times past: Heb. both yesterday, and the third day
- 2 Samuel 3:27 quietly: Or, peaceably
- 2 Samuel 3:28 blood: Heb. bloods
- 2 Samuel 3:29 fail: Heb. be cut off
- 2 Samuel 3:31 bier: Heb. bed
- 2 Samuel 3:34 wicked men: Heb. children of iniquity
- 2 Samuel 3:36 pleased them: Heb. was good in their eyes
- 2 Samuel 3:39 weak: Heb. tender
- 2 Samuel 4:2 other: Heb. second
- 2 Samuel 4:10 thinking to have brought good tidings: Heb. he was in his own eyes as a bringer, etc.
- 2 Samuel 4:10 who thought that I would have given him a reward for his tidings: Or, which was the reward I gave him for his tidings
- 2 Samuel 5:6 Thinking, David cannot: Or, saying, David shall not etc.
- 2 Samuel 5:8 Wherefore they said, The blind and the lame shall not come into the house: Or, because he had said even the blind and the lame, He shall not come into the house
- 2 Samuel 5:10 went on, and grew: Heb. went, going and growing
- 2 Samuel 5:11 Masons: Heb. hewers of the stone of the wall
- 2 Samuel 5:20 Baalperazim: that is, the plain of breaches
- 2 Samuel 5:21 burnt them: Or, took them away
- 2 Samuel 5:25 Geba: also called, Gibeon
- 2 Samuel 6:2 whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts: Or, at which the Name, even the Name of the LORD of hosts was called upon
- 2 Samuel 6:3 set: Heb. made to ride
- 2 Samuel 6:3 Gibeah: Or, the hill
- 2 Samuel 6:4 accompanying: Heb. with
- 2 Samuel 6:6 shook: Or, stumbled
- 2 Samuel 6:7 error: Or, rashness
- 2 Samuel 6:8 made: Heb. broken
- 2 Samuel 6:8 Perezuzzah: That is, the breach of Vzzah
- 2 Samuel 6:17 pitched: Heb. stretched
- 2 Samuel 6:20 shamelessly: Or, openly
- 2 Samuel 6:22 of the maid servants: Or, of the handmaids of my servants
- 2 Samuel 7:5 my servant David: Heb. to my servant to David
- 2 Samuel 7:7 any of the tribes: In the 1. Chro. 17.6. any of the judges
- 2 Samuel 7:8 from following: Heb. from after
- 2 Samuel 7:9 out of thy sight: Heb. from thy face
- 2 Samuel 7:19 manner: Heb. law
- 2 Samuel 7:27 revealed: Heb. opened the ear
- 2 Samuel 7:29 let it please thee to bless: Heb. be thou pleased and bless
- 2 Samuel 8:1 Methegammah: Or, the bridle of Ammah
- 2 Samuel 8:4 from him: Or, of his
- 2 Samuel 8:10 salute him: Heb. ask him of peace
- 2 Samuel 8:10 had wars with: Heb. was a man of wars with
- 2 Samuel 8:10 brought with him: Heb. in his hand were
- 2 Samuel 8:13 smiting: Heb. his smiting
- 2 Samuel 8:16 Recorder: Or, remembrancer, or writer of chronicles
- 2 Samuel 8:17 scribe: Or, secretary
- 2 Samuel 8:18 chief rulers: Or, princes
- 2 Samuel 10:3 Thinkest thou that David: Heb. In thine eyes doth David?
- 2 Samuel 11:1 after the year was expired: Heb. at the return of the year
- 2 Samuel 11:3 Bathsheba: Or, Bathshuah
- 2 Samuel 11:4 (for she was purified from her uncleanness) and she returned: Or, when she had purified herself, etc. she returned
- 2 Samuel 11:7 how…did: Heb. of the peace of, etc
- 2 Samuel 11:8 followed him: Heb. went out after him
- 2 Samuel 11:15 hottest: Heb. strong
- 2 Samuel 11:15 from him: Heb. from after him
- 2 Samuel 11:25 displease thee: Heb. be evil in thine eyes
- 2 Samuel 11:25 one as well as another: Heb. so and such
- 2 Samuel 11:27 displeased: Heb. was evil in the eyes of
- 2 Samuel 12:3 meat: Heb. morsel
- 2 Samuel 12:5 shall surely die: Or, is worthy to die
- 2 Samuel 12:16 fasted: Heb. fasted a fast
- 2 Samuel 12:18 vex: Heb. do hurt
- 2 Samuel 12:25 Jedidiah: that is, Beloved of the Lord
- 2 Samuel 12:28 it be called after my name: Heb. my name be called upon it
- 2 Samuel 12:30 in great abundance: Heb. very great
- 2 Samuel 13:2 Amnon thought it hard: Heb. it was marvellous or hidden in the eyes of Amnon
- 2 Samuel 13:4 lean: Heb. thin
- 2 Samuel 13:4 from day to day: Heb. morning by morning
- 2 Samuel 13:8 flour: Or, paste
- 2 Samuel 13:12 force me: Heb. humble me
- 2 Samuel 13:12 no such thing ought to be done: Heb. it ought not so to be done
- 2 Samuel 13:15 exceedingly: Heb. with great hatred greatly
- 2 Samuel 13:20 regard not this thing: Heb. set not thine heart
- 2 Samuel 13:20 desolate: Heb. and desolate
- 2 Samuel 13:28 have I not commanded you?: Or, will you not, since I have commanded you?
- 2 Samuel 13:28 valiant: Heb. sons of valour
- 2 Samuel 13:29 gate: Heb. rode
- 2 Samuel 13:32 appointment: Heb. mouth
- 2 Samuel 13:32 determined: Or, settled
- 2 Samuel 13:35 as thy servant said: Heb. according to the word of thy servant
- 2 Samuel 13:36 very sore: Heb. with a great weeping greatly
- 2 Samuel 13:37 Ammihud: Or, Ammihur
- 2 Samuel 13:39 longed: Or, was consumed
- 2 Samuel 14:4 Help: Heb. save
- 2 Samuel 14:6 none to part them: Heb. no deliverer between them
- 2 Samuel 14:7 upon the earth: Heb. upon the face of the earth
- 2 Samuel 14:11 that thou wouldest not suffer the revengers of blood to destroy: Heb. that the revenger of blood do not multiply to destroy
- 2 Samuel 14:14 neither doth God respect any person, yet doth he devise means: Or, because God hath not taken away his life, he hath also devised means, etc.
- 2 Samuel 14:17 comfortable: Heb. for rest
- 2 Samuel 14:17 to discern: Heb. to hear
- 2 Samuel 14:22 thanked: Heb. blessed
- 2 Samuel 14:22 his: Or, thy
- 2 Samuel 14:25 But in all Israel there was none to be so much praised as Absalom for his beauty: Heb. and as Absalom there was not a beautiful man in all Israel, to praise greatly
- 2 Samuel 14:30 near mine: Heb. near my place
- 2 Samuel 15:2 came: Heb. to come
- 2 Samuel 15:3 no man deputed of the king to hear thee: Or, none will hear you from the king downward
- 2 Samuel 15:14 bring: Heb. thrust
- 2 Samuel 15:15 appoint: Heb. choose
- 2 Samuel 15:16 after him: Heb. at his feet
- 2 Samuel 15:20 make thee go up and down with us?: Heb. make thee wander in going?
- 2 Samuel 15:23 Kidron: Called Joh. 18.1. Cedron
- 2 Samuel 15:30 and wept as he went up: Heb. going up and weeping
- 2 Samuel 16:4 I humbly beseech: Heb. I do obeisance
- 2 Samuel 16:5 he came forth, and cursed: Or, he still came forth and cursed
- 2 Samuel 16:7 bloody man: Heb. man of blood
- 2 Samuel 16:8 behold, thou art taken to thy mischief: Heb. behold thee in thy evil
- 2 Samuel 16:12 affliction: Or, tears: Heb. eye
- 2 Samuel 16:13 cast dust: Heb. dusted him with dust
- 2 Samuel 16:16 God save the king: Heb. let the king live
- 2 Samuel 16:23 Oracle: Heb. word
- 2 Samuel 17:4 pleased: Heb. was right in the eyes of, etc
- 2 Samuel 17:5 what he saith: Heb. what is in his mouth
- 2 Samuel 17:6 saying?: Heb. word
- 2 Samuel 17:7 given: Heb. counseled
- 2 Samuel 17:8 chafed in their minds: Heb. bitter of soul
- 2 Samuel 17:9 overthrown: Heb. fallen
- 2 Samuel 17:11 that thou go: Heb. that thy face or presence go, etc.
- 2 Samuel 17:14 appointed: Heb. commanded
- 2 Samuel 17:23 followed: Heb. done
- 2 Samuel 17:23 put his household in order: Heb. gave charge concerning his house
- 2 Samuel 17:28 basins: Or, cups
- 2 Samuel 18:3 care for us: Heb. set their heart on us
- 2 Samuel 18:3 worth ten thousand of us: Heb. as ten thousand of us
- 2 Samuel 18:3 succour: Heb. be to succour
- 2 Samuel 18:8 devoured: Heb. multiplied to devour
- 2 Samuel 18:12 receive: Heb. weigh upon mine hand
- 2 Samuel 18:12 Beware that: Heb. beware whosoever ye be, of etc.
- 2 Samuel 18:14 with thee: Heb. before thee
- 2 Samuel 18:14 midst: Heb. heart
- 2 Samuel 18:19 avenged him of his enemies: Heb. judged him from the hand etc.
- 2 Samuel 18:20 bear tidings: Heb. be a man of tidings
- 2 Samuel 18:22 howsoever: Heb. be what may
- 2 Samuel 18:22 ready?: Or, convenient
- 2 Samuel 18:27 Me thinketh the running: Heb. I see the running
- 2 Samuel 18:28 all is well: Or, peace be to thee. Heb. peace
- 2 Samuel 18:28 delivered: Heb. shut up
- 2 Samuel 18:29 is…safe?: Heb. Is there peace?
- 2 Samuel 18:31 Tidings: Heb. tidings is brought
- 2 Samuel 19:2 victory: Heb. salvation or deliverance
- 2 Samuel 19:6 in that thou lovest: Heb. by loving, etc.
- 2 Samuel 19:6 that thou regardest neither princes, nor servants: Heb. that princes or servants are not to thee
- 2 Samuel 19:7 comfortably unto thy servants: Heb. to the heart of thy servants
- 2 Samuel 19:10 speak ye not a word: Heb. are ye silent?
- 2 Samuel 19:18 what he thought good: Heb. the good in his eyes
- 2 Samuel 19:28 dead men: Heb. men of death
- 2 Samuel 19:34 How long have I to live: How many days are the years of my life?
- 2 Samuel 19:38 require: Heb. choose
- 2 Samuel 19:43 despise us: Heb. set us at light
- 2 Samuel 20:3 ward: Heb. a house of ward
- 2 Samuel 20:3 shut up: Heb. bound
- 2 Samuel 20:3 living in widowhood: Heb. in widowhood of life
- 2 Samuel 20:4 Assemble: Heb. call
- 2 Samuel 20:6 escape us: Heb. deliver himself from our eyes
- 2 Samuel 20:10 struck him not again: Heb. doubled not his stroke
- 2 Samuel 20:15 it stood in the trench: Or, it stood against the outmost wall
- 2 Samuel 20:15 battered the wall, to throw it down: Heb. marred to throw down
- 2 Samuel 20:18 They were wont to speak in old time, saying, They shall surely ask counsel at Abel: and so they ended the matter: Or, they plainly spake in the beginning, saying, surely they will ask of Abel; and so make an end
- 2 Samuel 20:21 by name: Heb. by his name
- 2 Samuel 20:22 retired: Heb. were scattered
- 2 Samuel 20:24 recorder: Or, remembrancer
- 2 Samuel 20:26 a chief ruler: Or, a prince
- 2 Samuel 21:1 enquired: Heb. sought the face, etc.
- 2 Samuel 21:4 We will have no silver nor gold of Saul, nor of his house, neither for us shalt thou kill: Or, it is not silver or gold that we have to do with Saul, or his house, neither pertains it to us to kill etc.
- 2 Samuel 21:5 devised against us: Or, cut us off
- 2 Samuel 21:6 whom the LORD did choose: Or, chosen of the Lord
- 2 Samuel 21:8 Michal: Or, Michals sister
- 2 Samuel 21:8 brought up for Adriel: Heb. bare to Adriel
- 2 Samuel 21:16 the giant: Or, Rapha
- 2 Samuel 21:16 spear: He. the staff, or the head
- 2 Samuel 21:17 light: Heb. candle, or lamp
- 2 Samuel 21:18 the Giant: Or, Rapha
- 2 Samuel 21:19 Jaareoregim: Or, Jair
- 2 Samuel 21:20 the Giant: Or, Rapha
- 2 Samuel 21:21 defied: Or, reproached
- 2 Samuel 22:5 waves: Or, pangs
- 2 Samuel 22:5 ungodly: Heb. Belial
- 2 Samuel 22:6 sorrows: Or, cords
- 2 Samuel 22:9 out of his nostrils: Heb. by
- 2 Samuel 22:12 dark waters: Heb. binding of waters
- 2 Samuel 22:17 many: Or, great
- 2 Samuel 22:24 before him: Heb. to him
- 2 Samuel 22:25 in his eye sight: Heb. before his eyes
- 2 Samuel 22:27 shew thyself unsavoury: Or, wrestle
- 2 Samuel 22:29 lamp: Or, candle
- 2 Samuel 22:30 run through a troop: Or, broken a troop
- 2 Samuel 22:31 tried: Or, refined
- 2 Samuel 22:33 maketh: Heb. riddeth, or, looseth
- 2 Samuel 22:34 maketh: Heb. equalleth
- 2 Samuel 22:35 to war: Heb. for the war
- 2 Samuel 22:36 hath made me great: Heb. multiplied me
- 2 Samuel 22:37 feet: Heb. ankles
- 2 Samuel 22:40 subdued: Heb. caused to bow
- 2 Samuel 22:45 Strangers: Heb. sons of the stranger
- 2 Samuel 22:45 submit: Or, yield fainted obedience. Heb. lie
- 2 Samuel 22:48 avengeth me: Heb. giveth avengement for me
- 2 Samuel 23:3 he that ruleth: Or, be thou ruler, etc.
- 2 Samuel 23:7 fenced: Heb. filled
- 2 Samuel 23:8 The Tachmonite…: Or, Joshebbassebet the Tachmonite, head of the three
- 2 Samuel 23:8 whom he slew: Heb. slain
- 2 Samuel 23:11 into a troop: Or, for foraging
- 2 Samuel 23:13 three of the thirty chief: Or, the three captains over the thirty
- 2 Samuel 23:18 and slew them: Heb. slain
- 2 Samuel 23:20 who had done many acts: Heb. great of acts
- 2 Samuel 23:20 lionlike men: Heb. lion of God
- 2 Samuel 23:21 a goodly man: Heb. a man of countenance or sight, called 1. Chro. 11.23]] a man of great stature
- 2 Samuel 23:23 more honourable than the thirty: Or, honourable among the thirty
- 2 Samuel 23:23 guard: Or, council. Heb. at his command
- 2 Samuel 23:30 brooks: Or, valleys
- 2 Samuel 24:1 he: Satan. See 1. Chron. 21.1
- 2 Samuel 24:2 go now through: Or, compass
- 2 Samuel 24:5 river: Or, valley
- 2 Samuel 24:6 land of Tahtimhodshi: Or, nether land newly inhabited
- 2 Samuel 24:14 great: Or, many
1 Kings
- 1 Kings 1:1 stricken in years: Heb. entered into days
- 1 Kings 1:2 let there be sought: Heb. let them seek
- 1 Kings 1:2 a young virgin: Heb. a damsel, a virgin
- 1 Kings 1:2 cherish him: Heb. be a cheriser unto him
- 1 Kings 1:5 be king: Heb. reign
- 1 Kings 1:6 at any time: Heb. from his days
- 1 Kings 1:7 conferred with Joab: Heb. his words were with Joab
- 1 Kings 1:7 following Adonijah, helped him: Heb. helped after Adonijah
- 1 Kings 1:9 Enrogel: Or, the well Rogel
- 1 Kings 1:14 confirm: Heb. fill up
- 1 Kings 1:16 what wouldest thou?: Heb. what to thee?
- 1 Kings 1:21 offenders: Heb. sinners
- 1 Kings 1:25 God save king Adonijah: Heb. let king Adonijah live
- 1 Kings 1:28 into the king’s presence: Heb. before the king
- 1 Kings 1:33 mine own: Heb. which belongeth to me
- 1 Kings 1:40 pipes: Or, flutes
- 1 Kings 2:3 prosper: Or, do wisely
- 1 Kings 2:4 fail thee (said he) a man on the throne: Heb. be cut off from thee from the throne
- 1 Kings 2:5 shed: Heb. put
- 1 Kings 2:8 grievous: Heb. strong
- 1 Kings 2:16 deny me not: Heb. turn not away my face
- 1 Kings 2:26 worthy of death: Heb. a man of death
- 1 Kings 3:6 mercy: Or, bounty
- 1 Kings 3:9 understanding: Heb. hearing
- 1 Kings 3:11 long life: Heb. many days
- 1 Kings 3:11 to discern: Heb. to hear
- 1 Kings 3:13 shall not be: Or, hath not been
- 1 Kings 3:26 yearned: Heb. were hot
- 1 Kings 3:28 in him: Heb. in the midst of him
- 1 Kings 4:2 the priest: Or, the chief officer
- 1 Kings 4:3 Scribes: Or, secretaries
- 1 Kings 4:3 Recorder: Or, rememberancer
- 1 Kings 4:6 tribute: Or, levy
- 1 Kings 4:8 the son of Hur: Or, Benhur
- 1 Kings 4:9 son of Dekar: Or, BenDekar
- 1 Kings 4:10 son of Heseb: Or, BenHeseb
- 1 Kings 4:11 son of Abinadab: Or, BenAbinadab
- 1 Kings 4:13 son of Geber: Or, BenGeber
- 1 Kings 4:14 Mahanaim: Or, to Mahanaim
- 1 Kings 4:22 provision: Heb. bread
- 1 Kings 4:22 measures: Heb. cors
- 1 Kings 4:25 safely: Heb. confidently
- 1 Kings 4:28 dromedaries: Or, mules, or swift beasts
- 1 Kings 5:5 purpose: Heb. say
- 1 Kings 5:6 appoint: Heb. say
- 1 Kings 5:8 considered: Heb. heard
- 1 Kings 5:9 appoint: Heb. send
- 1 Kings 5:11 measures: Heb. cors
- 1 Kings 5:13 levy: Heb. tribute of men
- 1 Kings 5:18 stone squarers: Or, Giblites, as Ezek. 27.9
- 1 Kings 6:4 windows of narrow lights: Or, windows broad within and narrow without, or, skewed and closed
- 1 Kings 6:5 against: Or, upon, or joining to
- 1 Kings 6:5 chambers: Heb. floors
- 1 Kings 6:5 chambers: Heb. ribs
- 1 Kings 6:5 narrowed: Heb. narrowings, or, rebatements
- 1 Kings 6:8 side: Heb. shoulder
- 1 Kings 6:9 with beams and boards of Cedar: Or, the vault beams and the ceilings with Cedar
- 1 Kings 6:15 both of the floor of the house, and the walls: Or, from the floor of the house unto the walls, etc. And so ver. 16
- 1 Kings 6:18 knops: Or, gourds
- 1 Kings 6:18 open flowers: Heb. openings of flowers
- 1 Kings 6:20 pure: Heb. shut up
- 1 Kings 6:23 olive tree: Or, oily. Heb. trees of oil
- 1 Kings 6:27 they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims: Or, the Cherubims stretched forth their wings
- 1 Kings 6:29 open flowers: Heb. openings of flowers
- 1 Kings 6:31 a fifth: Or, five square
- 1 Kings 6:32 two doors: Or, leaves of the doors
- 1 Kings 6:32 open flowers: Heb. openings of flowers
- 1 Kings 6:33 a fourth: Or, four square
- 1 Kings 6:38 throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the fashion of it: Or, with all the appurtenances thereof, and with all the ordinances thereof
- 1 Kings 7:3 beams: Heb. ribs
- 1 Kings 7:4 light was against light: Heb. sight against sight
- 1 Kings 7:5 doors and posts were square, with the windows: Or, spaces and pillars were square in prospect
- 1 Kings 7:6 before them: Or, according to them
- 1 Kings 7:6 before them: Or, according to them
- 1 Kings 7:7 one side of the floor to the other: Heb. from floor to floor
- 1 Kings 7:14 a widows son: Heb. the son of a widow woman
- 1 Kings 7:15 cast: Heb. fashioned
- 1 Kings 7:21 Jachin: that is, he shall establish
- 1 Kings 7:21 Boaz: That is, in it is strength
- 1 Kings 7:23 from the one brim to the other: Heb. from his brim, to his brim
- 1 Kings 7:32 joined to the base: Heb. in the base
- 1 Kings 7:36 proportion: Heb. nakedness
- 1 Kings 7:39 side: Heb. shoulder
- 1 Kings 7:42 upon the pillars: Heb. upon the face
- 1 Kings 7:45 bright: Heb. made bright or scoured
- 1 Kings 7:46 in the clay ground: Heb. in the thickness of the ground
- 1 Kings 7:47 because they were exceeding many: Heb. for the exceeding multitude
- 1 Kings 7:47 found out: Heb. searched
- 1 Kings 7:50 censers: Heb. ash pans
- 1 Kings 7:51 things which David: Heb. things of David
- 1 Kings 8:1 chief: Heb. princes
- 1 Kings 8:8 ends: Heb. heads
- 1 Kings 8:8 Holy place: Or, Ark, as 2. Chron. 5.9
- 1 Kings 8:9 when: Or, where
- 1 Kings 8:25 there shall not fail thee a man in my sight: Heb. there shall not be cut off unto thee a man from my sight
- 1 Kings 8:25 so that: Heb. only if
- 1 Kings 8:29 towards this place: Or, in this place
- 1 Kings 8:30 toward this place: Or, in this place
- 1 Kings 8:31 and an oath be laid upon him: Heb. and he require an oath of him
- 1 Kings 8:33 in: Or, towards
- 1 Kings 8:37 cities: Or, jurisdiction
- 1 Kings 8:43 this house which I have builded, is called by thy Name: Heb. thy name is called upon this house
- 1 Kings 8:44 toward the city: Heb. the way of the city
- 1 Kings 8:45 cause: Or, right
- 1 Kings 8:47 bethink themselves: Heb. bring back to their heart
- 1 Kings 8:49 cause: Or, right
- 1 Kings 8:56 failed: Heb. fallen
- 1 Kings 8:59 at all times: Heb. the thing of a day in his day
- 1 Kings 8:66 blessed: Or, thanked
- 1 Kings 9:12 pleased him not: Heb. were not right in his eyes
- 1 Kings 9:13 Cabul: that is, displeasing Or, dirty
- 1 Kings 9:19 that which Solomon desired to build: Heb. the desire of Solomon which he desired
- 1 Kings 9:25 upon the: Heb. upon it
- 1 Kings 9:26 shore: Heb. lip
- 1 Kings 10:3 questions: Heb. words
- 1 Kings 10:5 attendance: Heb. standing
- 1 Kings 10:5 cupbearers: Or, Butlers
- 1 Kings 10:6 report: Heb. word
- 1 Kings 10:6 acts: Or, sayings
- 1 Kings 10:7 thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame: Heb. thou hast added wisdom and goodness to the fame
- 1 Kings 10:11 almug…: also called, algum trees
- 1 Kings 10:12 pillars: Or, rails: Heb. a prop
- 1 Kings 10:13 Solom gave her of his royal bounty: Heb. according to the hand of king Solomon
- 1 Kings 10:15 governors: Or, captains
- 1 Kings 10:19 behind: Heb. on the hinder part thereof
- 1 Kings 10:19 stays: Heb. hands
- 1 Kings 10:20 the like: Heb. so
- 1 Kings 10:21 none were of silver: Or, there was no silver in them
- 1 Kings 10:22 ivory: Or, elephants teeth
- 1 Kings 10:24 sought to: Heb. sought the face of
- 1 Kings 10:27 made: Heb. gave
- 1 Kings 10:28 And Solomon had horses brought out: Heb. And the going forth of the horses which was Solomons
- 1 Kings 10:29 by their means: Heb. by their hand
- 1 Kings 11:1 together with: Or, besides
- 1 Kings 11:6 went not fully after: Heb. fulfilled not after
- 1 Kings 11:11 is done of thee: Heb. is with thee
- 1 Kings 11:21 let me depart: Heb. send me away
- 1 Kings 11:22 Nothing: Heb. Not
- 1 Kings 11:27 repaired: Heb. closed
- 1 Kings 11:28 was industrious: Heb. did work
- 1 Kings 11:28 charge: Heb. burden
- 1 Kings 11:36 light: Heb. lamp or candle
- 1 Kings 11:42 time: Heb. days
- 1 Kings 12:13 roughly: Heb. hardly
- 1 Kings 12:18 made speed: Heb. strengthened himself
- 1 Kings 12:19 rebelled: Or, fell away
- 1 Kings 12:32 offered upon the altar: Or, went up to the altar, etc
- 1 Kings 12:32 sacrificing: Or, to sacrifice
- 1 Kings 12:33 offered upon the altar: Or, went up to the altar, etc
- 1 Kings 12:33 and burnt incense: Heb. to burn incense
- 1 Kings 13:1 burn: Or, to offer
- 1 Kings 13:6 the LORD: Heb. the face of the LORD
- 1 Kings 13:17 it was said: Heb. a word was
- 1 Kings 13:26 torn: Heb. broken
- 1 Kings 13:28 torn: Heb. broken
- 1 Kings 13:33 made again: Heb. returned and made
- 1 Kings 13:33 consecrated him: Heb. filled his hand
- 1 Kings 14:3 with: Heb. in thine hand
- 1 Kings 14:3 cracknels: Or, cakes
- 1 Kings 14:3 cruse: Or, bottle
- 1 Kings 14:4 were set by reason of his age: Heb. stood for hoariness
- 1 Kings 14:6 heavy: Heb. hard
- 1 Kings 14:20 slept: Heb. lay down
- 1 Kings 14:23 images: Or, standing images, or statues
- 1 Kings 14:27 guard: Heb. runners
- 1 Kings 14:28 torn: Heb. broken
- 1 Kings 15:4 lamp: Or, candle
- 1 Kings 15:10 mothers: that is, grandmother
- 1 Kings 15:13 destroyed: Heb. cut off
- 1 Kings 15:15 things: Heb. holy
- 1 Kings 15:19 depart: Heb. go up
- 1 Kings 15:22 exempted: Heb. free
- 1 Kings 15:25 began to reign: Heb. reigned
- 1 Kings 16:9 steward: Heb. which was over
- 1 Kings 16:11 neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends
- 1 Kings 16:12 by: Heb. by the hand of
- 1 Kings 16:24 Samaria: Heb. Shomeron
- 1 Kings 16:31 as if it had been a light thing: Heb. was it a light thing? etc.
- 1 Kings 17:1 Elijah: Heb. Elijahu. Luke 4.25. he is called Elias
- 1 Kings 17:7 after a while: Heb. at the end of days
- 1 Kings 17:14 sendeth: Heb. giveth
- 1 Kings 17:15 many days: Or, a full year
- 1 Kings 17:16 by: Heb. by the hand of
- 1 Kings 17:21 stretched: Heb. measured
- 1 Kings 17:21 into him again: Heb. into his inward parts
- 1 Kings 18:3 Obadiah: Heb. Obadiahu
- 1 Kings 18:3 the governor: Heb. over his house
- 1 Kings 18:4 Jezebel: Heb. Izebel
- 1 Kings 18:5 lest not all the beasts: Heb. that we are not cut off ourselves from the beasts
- 1 Kings 18:21 opinions?: Or, thoughts
- 1 Kings 18:24 it is well spoken: Heb. the word is good
- 1 Kings 18:26 hear: Or, answer
- 1 Kings 18:26 answered: Or, heard
- 1 Kings 18:26 leapt upon the altar: Or, leaped up and down at the altar
- 1 Kings 18:27 aloud: Heb. with a great voice
- 1 Kings 18:27 he is talking: Or, he meditateth
- 1 Kings 18:27 is pursuing: Heb. hath a pursuit
- 1 Kings 18:28 the blood gushed out upon them: Heb. poured out blood upon them
- 1 Kings 18:29 offering: Heb. ascending
- 1 Kings 18:29 any that regarded: Heb. attention
- 1 Kings 18:35 ran: Heb. went
- 1 Kings 18:40 Take: Or, apprehend
- 1 Kings 18:41 a sound of abundance of rain: Or, a sound of a noise of rain
- 1 Kings 18:44 Prepare: Heb. tie, or bind
- 1 Kings 18:46 to the entrance of Jezreel: Heb. till thou come to Jezreel
- 1 Kings 19:4 for himself: Heb. for his life
- 1 Kings 19:6 head: Heb. bolster
- 1 Kings 19:18 I have left: Or, I will leave
- 1 Kings 19:20 go back again: Heb. go return
- 1 Kings 20:6 pleasant: Heb. desirable
- 1 Kings 20:7 I denied him not: Heb. I kept not back from him
- 1 Kings 20:10 follow me: Heb. are at my feet
- 1 Kings 20:12 message: Heb. word
- 1 Kings 20:12 pavillions: Or, Tents
- 1 Kings 20:12 set yourselves in aray: Or, place the engins, and they placed engins
- 1 Kings 20:13 came: Heb. approached
- 1 Kings 20:14 young men: Or, servants
- 1 Kings 20:14 order: Heb. bind, or, tie
- 1 Kings 20:25 that thou hast lost: Heb. that was fallen
- 1 Kings 20:26 to fight against Israel: Heb. to the war with Israel
- 1 Kings 20:27 were all present: Or, were victualled
- 1 Kings 20:30 into an inner chamber: Or, from chamber to chamber. Heb. into a chamber within a chamber
- 1 Kings 20:37 smiting he wounded him: Heb. smiting and wounding
- 1 Kings 20:39 pay: Heb. weigh
- 1 Kings 20:40 he was gone: Heb. he was not
- 1 Kings 21:2 seem good to thee: Heb. be good in thine eyes
- 1 Kings 21:9 on high among the people: Heb. in the top of the people
- 1 Kings 21:23 wall: Or, ditch
- 1 Kings 21:25 stirred up: Or, incited
- 1 Kings 22:3 still, and take it: Heb. silent from taking it
- 1 Kings 22:9 officer: Or, eunuch
- 1 Kings 22:10 void: Heb. floor
- 1 Kings 22:20 persuade: Or, deceive
- 1 Kings 22:25 into an inner chamber: Or, from chamber to chamber. Heb. chamber in a chamber
- 1 Kings 22:30 I will disguise myself, and enter into the battle: Or, when he was to disguise himself and enter into the battle
- 1 Kings 22:34 at a venture: Heb. in his simplicity
- 1 Kings 22:34 joints of the harness: Heb. joints and the breastplate
- 1 Kings 22:34 wounded: Heb. made sick
- 1 Kings 22:35 increased: Heb. ascended
- 1 Kings 22:35 midst: Heb. bosom
- 1 Kings 22:37 was brought: Heb. came
- 1 Kings 22:48 made ships: Or, had ten ships
2 Kings
- 2 Kings 1:4 Thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up: Heb. the bed, whither thou art gone up, thou shalt not come down from it
- 2 Kings 1:7 what manner of man was he: Heb. what was the manner of the man?
- 2 Kings 1:13 fell: Heb. bowed
- 2 Kings 2:7 to view: Heb. in sight, or, over against
- 2 Kings 2:10 thou hast asked a hard thing: Heb. thou hast done hard in asking
- 2 Kings 2:13 bank: Heb. lip
- 2 Kings 2:16 strong men: Heb. sons of strength
- 2 Kings 2:16 some mountain: Heb. one of the mountains
- 2 Kings 2:19 barren: Heb. causing to miscarry
- 2 Kings 3:2 image: Heb. statue
- 2 Kings 3:9 that followed them
- 2 Kings 3:19 marr: Heb. grieve
- 2 Kings 3:21 gathered: Heb. were cried together
- 2 Kings 3:21 put on armour: Heb. gird himself with a girdle
- 2 Kings 3:23 slain: Heb. destroyed
- 2 Kings 3:24 they went forward smiting: Or, they smote in it, even smiting
- 2 Kings 3:25 only in Kirharaseth left they the stones thereof: Heb. until he left the stones thereof in Kirharaseth
- 2 Kings 4:3 borrow not: Or, scant not
- 2 Kings 4:7 debt: Or, creditor
- 2 Kings 4:8 it fell on a day: Heb. there was a day
- 2 Kings 4:8 constrained: Heb. laid hold on him
- 2 Kings 4:16 season: Heb. set time
- 2 Kings 4:23 well: Heb. peace
- 2 Kings 4:24 slack not thy riding: Heb. restrain not for me to ride
- 2 Kings 4:27 by the feet: Heb. by his feet
- 2 Kings 4:27 vexed: Heb. bitter
- 2 Kings 4:31 hearing: Heb. attention
- 2 Kings 4:35 to and fro: Heb. once hither, and once thither
- 2 Kings 4:41 harm: Heb. evil thing
- 2 Kings 4:42 in the husk: Or, in his scrip, or garment
- 2 Kings 5:1 with: Heb. before
- 2 Kings 5:1 honorable: Or, gracious. Heb. lifted up, or accepted in contenance
- 2 Kings 5:1 deliverance: Or, victory
- 2 Kings 5:2 waited: Heb. was before
- 2 Kings 5:3 with: Heb. before
- 2 Kings 5:3 recover: gather in
- 2 Kings 5:5 with him: Heb. in his hand
- 2 Kings 5:11 I thought, He will surely come out to me: Heb. said. Or, I said with myself, He will surely come out etc.
- 2 Kings 5:11 and strike: Heb. move up and down
- 2 Kings 5:12 Abana: Or, Amana
- 2 Kings 5:19 a little way: Heb. a little piece of ground
- 2 Kings 5:21 Is all well?: Heb. Is there peace?
- 2 Kings 5:24 tower: Or, secret place
- 2 Kings 5:25 no whither: Heb. not hither or thither
- 2 Kings 6:5 axe head: Heb. iron
- 2 Kings 6:8 camp: Or, encamping
- 2 Kings 6:12 None: Heb. No
- 2 Kings 6:14 great: Heb. heavy
- 2 Kings 6:15 servant: Or, minister
- 2 Kings 6:19 follow me: Heb. come ye after me
- 2 Kings 6:27 if the LORD do not help thee: Or, Let not the Lord save thee
- 2 Kings 6:29 next: Heb. other
- 2 Kings 7:2 a lord on whose hand the king leaned: Heb. a Lord which belonged to the King, leaning upon his hand
- 2 Kings 7:9 some mischief will come upon us: Heb. we shall find punishment
- 2 Kings 7:13 in the city: Heb. in it
- 2 Kings 8:6 officer: Or, Eunuch
- 2 Kings 8:9 with him: Heb. in his hand
- 2 Kings 8:11 steadfastly: Heb. and set it
- 2 Kings 8:16 began to reign: Heb. reigned
- 2 Kings 8:19 light: Heb. candle, or lamp
- 2 Kings 8:29 wounds which the Syrians: Heb. wherewith the Syrians had wounded
- 2 Kings 8:29 had given: Heb. wounded
- 2 Kings 9:2 inner chamber: Heb. chamber in a chamber
- 2 Kings 9:13 is king: Heb. reigneth
- 2 Kings 9:15 Joram: Heb. Jehoram
- 2 Kings 9:15 given: Heb. smote
- 2 Kings 9:15 let none go forth nor escape: Heb. let no escaper go, etc.
- 2 Kings 9:20 driving: Or, marching
- 2 Kings 9:20 furiously: Heb. in madness
- 2 Kings 9:21 Make ready: Heb. bind
- 2 Kings 9:21 met him: Heb. found
- 2 Kings 9:24 drew a bow: Heb. filled his hand with a bow
- 2 Kings 9:24 sunk: Heb. bowed
- 2 Kings 9:26 blood: Heb. bloods
- 2 Kings 9:26 plat: Or, portion
- 2 Kings 9:30 painted her face: Heb. put her eyes in painting
- 2 Kings 9:32 eunuchs: Or, chamberlains
- 2 Kings 9:36 by his: Heb. by the hand of
- 2 Kings 10:1 them that brought up: Heb. nourishers
- 2 Kings 10:6 mine: Heb. for me
- 2 Kings 10:10 by: Heb. by the hand of
- 2 Kings 10:11 kinfolks: Or, acquaintance
- 2 Kings 10:12 shearing house: Heb. house of shepherds binding sheep
- 2 Kings 10:13 met: Heb. found
- 2 Kings 10:13 to salute: Heb. to the peace of etc.
- 2 Kings 10:15 lighted: Heb. found
- 2 Kings 10:15 saluted: Heb. blessed
- 2 Kings 10:20 Proclaim: Heb. Sanctify
- 2 Kings 10:21 full from one end to another: Or, so full, that they stood mouth to mouth
- 2 Kings 10:25 edge: Heb. the mouth
- 2 Kings 10:26 Images: Heb. statues
- 2 Kings 10:31 took no heed: Heb. observed not
- 2 Kings 10:32 to cut: Heb. to cut off the ends
- 2 Kings 10:33 eastward: Heb. toward the rising of the sun
- 2 Kings 10:33 even Gilead and Bashan: Or, even to Gilead and Bashan
- 2 Kings 10:36 the time: Heb. the days were
- 2 Kings 11:1 seed royal: Heb. seed of the kingdom
- 2 Kings 11:2 Jehosheba: also called, Jehoshabeath
- 2 Kings 11:6 that it be not broken down: Or, from breaking up
- 2 Kings 11:7 parts of all you: Or, companies: Heb. hands
- 2 Kings 11:11 corner: Heb. shoulder
- 2 Kings 11:12 God save the King: Heb. let the king live
- 2 Kings 11:18 officers: Heb. offices
- 2 Kings 12:4 dedicated things: Or, holy things: Heb. holinesses
- 2 Kings 12:4 the money that every man is set at: Heb. the money of the souls of his estimation
- 2 Kings 12:4 cometh into any mans heart: Heb. ascendeth upon the heart of a man
- 2 Kings 12:6 in the three and twentieth year: Heb. in the twentieth year, and third year
- 2 Kings 12:9 door: Heb. threshold
- 2 Kings 12:10 scribe: Or, secretary
- 2 Kings 12:10 put in: Heb. bound up
- 2 Kings 12:11 laid it out: Heb. brought it forth
- 2 Kings 12:12 was laid out: Heb. went forth
- 2 Kings 12:18 went away: Heb. went up
- 2 Kings 12:20 the house of Millo: Or, Bethmillo
- 2 Kings 13:1 the three and twentieth year: Heb. in the twentieth year and third year
- 2 Kings 13:2 followed: Heb. walked after
- 2 Kings 13:5 as beforetime: Heb. as yesterday, and third day
- 2 Kings 13:6 walked: Heb. he walked
- 2 Kings 13:6 remained: Heb. stood
- 2 Kings 13:16 put thine hand upon: Heb. make thine hand to ride
- 2 Kings 13:21 was let down: Heb. went down
- 2 Kings 13:23 presence: Heb. face
- 2 Kings 13:25 took again: Heb. returned and took
- 2 Kings 14:7 Selah: Or, the rock
- 2 Kings 14:10 at home: Heb. at thy house
- 2 Kings 14:10 was put to the worse: Heb. was smitten
- 2 Kings 15:13 a full month: Heb. a month of days
- 2 Kings 15:20 exacted: Heb. caused to come forth
- 2 Kings 16:10 Damascus: Heb. Dammesek
- 2 Kings 16:13 his: Heb. which were his
- 2 Kings 17:3 gave: Heb. rendered
- 2 Kings 17:3 presents: Or, tribute
- 2 Kings 17:10 images: Heb. statues
- 2 Kings 17:13 by all the: Heb. by the hand of all
- 2 Kings 17:33 whom they carried away from thence: Or, who carried them ways from thence
- 2 Kings 18:4 images: Heb. statues
- 2 Kings 18:6 from following him: Heb. from after him
- 2 Kings 18:8 Gaza: Heb. Azzah.! [sic]
- 2 Kings 18:13 Sennacherib: Heb. Sanherib
- 2 Kings 18:16 it to the: Heb. them
- 2 Kings 18:17 great: Heb. heavy
- 2 Kings 18:18 scribe: Or, secretary
- 2 Kings 18:20 sayest: Or, talkest
- 2 Kings 18:20 vain words: Heb. word of the lips
- 2 Kings 18:20 I have counsel and strength for the war: Or, but counsel and strength are for the war
- 2 Kings 18:21 trustest upon: Heb. trustest thee
- 2 Kings 18:23 pledges: Or, hostages
- 2 Kings 18:27 own piss with you?: Heb. the water of their feet?
- 2 Kings 18:31 Make an agreement: Or, seek my favour. Heb. make with me a blessing
- 2 Kings 18:31 cistern: Or, pit
- 2 Kings 18:32 persuadeth: Or, deceiveth
- 2 Kings 19:3 blasphemy: Or, provocation
- 2 Kings 19:4 left: Heb. found
- 2 Kings 19:18 cast: Heb. given
- 2 Kings 19:23 By: Heb. by the hand of
- 2 Kings 19:23 the tall: Heb. the tallness, etc.
- 2 Kings 19:23 the forest of his Carmel: Or, the forest and his fruitful field
- 2 Kings 19:24 beseiged: Or, fenced
- 2 Kings 19:25 Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done it, and of ancient times that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous heaps: Or, Hast thou not heard how I have made it long ago, and formed it of ancient times? Should I now bring it to be laid waist, and fenced cities to be ruinous heaps?
- 2 Kings 19:26 of small power: Heb. short of hand
- 2 Kings 19:27 abode: Or, sitting
- 2 Kings 19:30 the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah: Heb. the escaping of the house of Judah that remaineth
- 2 Kings 19:31 they that escape: Heb. the escaping
- 2 Kings 19:37 Armenia: Heb. Ararat
- 2 Kings 20:1 set thine house in order: Heb. give charge concerning thine house
- 2 Kings 20:3 sore: Heb. with a great weeping
- 2 Kings 20:4 court: Or, city
- 2 Kings 20:11 dial: Heb. degrees
- 2 Kings 20:13 precious things: Or, spicery
- 2 Kings 20:13 armour: Or, jewels. Heb. vessells
- 2 Kings 20:19 is it not good if peace and truth be in my days? Or, shall there not be peace and truth? etc.
- 2 Kings 21:13 wiping it and turning it upside down: Heb. he wipeth and turneth it upon the face thereof
- 2 Kings 21:16 from one end to another: Heb. from mouth to mouth
- 2 Kings 22:4 door: Heb. threshold
- 2 Kings 22:9 gathered: Heb. melted
- 2 Kings 22:14 wardrobe: Heb. garments
- 2 Kings 22:14 in the college: Or, in the second part
- 2 Kings 23:2 both small and great: Heb. from small even unto great
- 2 Kings 23:5 put down: Heb. caused to cease. Heb. chemarim
- 2 Kings 23:5 Planets: Or, twelve signs or constellations
- 2 Kings 23:7 hangings: Heb. houses
- 2 Kings 23:11 chamberlain: Or, Eunuch, or Officer
- 2 Kings 23:12 brake them down from thence: Or, ran from thence
- 2 Kings 23:13 the mount of corruption: that is, the mount of Olives
- 2 Kings 23:14 images: Heb. statues
- 2 Kings 23:18 alone: Heb. to escape
- 2 Kings 23:20 slew: Or, sacrificed
- 2 Kings 23:24 images: Or, teraphim
- 2 Kings 23:26 provocations: Heb. angers
- 2 Kings 23:33 that he might not reign: Or, because he reigned
- 2 Kings 23:33 put the land to a tribute: Heb. set a mulct upon the land
- 2 Kings 24:2 by his: Heb. by the hand of
- 2 Kings 24:10 was beseiged: Heb. came into seige
- 2 Kings 24:12 officers: Or, Eunuchs
- 2 Kings 24:15 officers: Or, Eunuchs
- 2 Kings 25:6 gave judgment upon him: Heb. spake judgment with him
- 2 Kings 25:7 put out the eyes: Heb. made blind
- 2 Kings 25:8 captain of the guard: Or, chief marshal
- 2 Kings 25:11 fugitives: Heb. fallen away
- 2 Kings 25:16 one sea: Heb. the one sea
- 2 Kings 25:18 door: Heb. threshold
- 2 Kings 25:19 Officer: Or, Eunuch
- 2 Kings 25:19 were in the kings presence: Heb. saw the kings face
- 2 Kings 25:19 principle Scribe of the host: Or, scribes of the captain of the host
- 2 Kings 25:25 the seed royal: Heb. of the kingdom
- 2 Kings 25:28 kindly to him: Heb. good things with him
1 Chronicles
- 1 Chronicles 1:6 Riphath: Or, Diphath, as it is in some copies
- 1 Chronicles 1:7 Dodanim: Or, Rodanim, according to some copies
- 1 Chronicles 1:17 Meshech: Or, Mash. gen. 10.23 [sic]
- 1 Chronicles 1:19 Peleg: that is, division
- 1 Chronicles 1:30 Hadad: Or, Hadar, Gen. 25.14
- 1 Chronicles 1:36 Zephi: Or, Zepho, Gen. 36.12
- 1 Chronicles 1:39 Homam: Or, Heman, Gen. 36.22
- 1 Chronicles 1:40 Alian: Or, Alvan, Gen. 36.23
- 1 Chronicles 1:40 Shephi: Or, Sepho, Gen. 36.23
- 1 Chronicles 1:41 Amram: Or, Hemdan, Gen. 36.26
- 1 Chronicles 1:42 Jakan: or Akan, Gen. 36.27
- 1 Chronicles 1:50 Hadad: Or, Hadar, Gen. 36.39
- 1 Chronicles 1:50 Pai: Or, Pau, Gen. 36.39
- 1 Chronicles 2:1 Israel: Or, Jacob
- 1 Chronicles 2:6 Zimri: Or, Zabdi, Josh. 7.1
- 1 Chronicles 2:6 Dara: Or, Darda
- 1 Chronicles 2:7 Achar: Or, Achan
- 1 Chronicles 2:9 Ram: Or, Aram. Mat. 1.3
- 1 Chronicles 2:9 Chelubai: Or, Caleb. Ver. 18
- 1 Chronicles 2:13 Shimma: Or, Shamma, 1 Sam. 16.9
- 1 Chronicles 2:21 married: Heb. took
- 1 Chronicles 2:52 Haroeh: Or, Reaiah, chap. 4.2
- 1 Chronicles 2:52 half of the Manahethites: Or, half of the Manahethites, Or Hatsihammenuchoth
- 1 Chronicles 2:54 Ataroth, the house of Joab: Or, Atarites, or, crowns of the house of Joab
- 1 Chronicles 3:1 Daniel: Or, Chileab, 2. sam. 3.3
- 1 Chronicles 3:5 Shimea: Or, Shammua, 2. Sam. 5.14
- 1 Chronicles 3:5 Bathshua: Or, Bethsabe, 2. Sam. 11.13
- 1 Chronicles 3:5 Ammieal: Or, Eliam, 2. Sam. 11.3
- 1 Chronicles 3:6 Elishama: Or, Elishua 2. Sam. 5.15
- 1 Chronicles 3:8 Eliada: Or, Beliada, 1. Chro. 14.7
- 1 Chronicles 3:10 Abia: Or, Abiam, 1. king. 15.1
- 1 Chronicles 3:11 Ahaziah: Or, Azariah, 2. chr. 22.6 & 21.17
- 1 Chronicles 3:12 Azariah: Or, Uzziah 2. king. 15.30
- 1 Chronicles 3:15 Johanan: Or, Joachaz, 2. king. 23.30
- 1 Chronicles 3:15 Joakim: Or, Eliakim, 2. king. 23.34
- 1 Chronicles 3:15 Zedekiah: Or, Mathania, 2. king. 24.17
- 1 Chronicles 3:16 Jeconiah: Or, Jehoiachin, 2. king. 24.6
- 1 Chronicles 3:17 Jeconiah: Or, Coniah, jer. 22.34
- 1 Chronicles 3:17 Salathiel: Heb. Shealtiel
- 1 Chronicles 3:17 his son: 2. King. 24.17. being his uncle
- 1 Chronicles 3:23 Hezekiah: Heb. Hiskijah
- 1 Chronicles 4:1 Carmi: Or, Chelubai, Chap. 2.9. or Caleb, Chap. 2.18
- 1 Chronicles 4:2 Reaiah: Or, Haroe
- 1 Chronicles 4:9 Jabez: that is, sorrowful
- 1 Chronicles 4:10 Oh that thow wouldest: Heb. if thou wilt, etc.
- 1 Chronicles 4:10 keep me: Heb. do me
- 1 Chronicles 4:12 Irnahash: Or, the city of Nahash
- 1 Chronicles 4:13 Hathath and Meonothai: Or, Hathath, and Meonothai, who begat, etc.
- 1 Chronicles 4:14 valley: Or, inhabitants of the valley
- 1 Chronicles 4:14 Charasim: That is, craftsmen
- 1 Chronicles 4:15 even Kenaz: Or, Uknaz
- 1 Chronicles 4:18 Jehudijah: Or, the Jewess
- 1 Chronicles 4:19 Hodiah: Or, Jehudijah, mentioned before
- 1 Chronicles 4:24 Nemuel: Or, Jemuel
- 1 Chronicles 4:27 like: Heb. unto
- 1 Chronicles 4:29 Bilhah: Or, Bela
- 1 Chronicles 4:29 Tolad: Or, Eltolad
- 1 Chronicles 4:31 Hazarsusim: Or, Hazarsusah
- 1 Chronicles 4:32 Etam: Or, Ether
- 1 Chronicles 4:33 Baal: Or, Baalathbeer
- 1 Chronicles 4:33 genealogy: Or, as they divided themselves by nations among them
- 1 Chronicles 4:38 mentioned: Heb. coming
- 1 Chronicles 5:2 rulers: Or, Prince
- 1 Chronicles 5:6 Tilgathpilneser: Or, Tiglathpilneser
- 1 Chronicles 5:8 Shema: Or, Shemaiah
- 1 Chronicles 5:10 throughout all the East land: Heb. upon all the face of the East
- 1 Chronicles 5:16 their borders: Heb. their goings forth
- 1 Chronicles 5:18 valient men: Heb. sons of valour
- 1 Chronicles 5:21 took away: Heb. led captive
- 1 Chronicles 5:21 men: Heb. souls of men
- 1 Chronicles 5:24 famous men: Heb. men of names
- 1 Chronicles 6:1 Gershon: Or, Gershom
- 1 Chronicles 6:10 in the temple: Heb. in the house
- 1 Chronicles 6:12 Shallum: Or, Meshullam
- 1 Chronicles 6:16 Gershom: Or, Gershon
- 1 Chronicles 6:21 Joah: Or, Ethan
- 1 Chronicles 6:21 Iddo: Or, Adaia
- 1 Chronicles 6:22 Amminadab: Or, Izhar
- 1 Chronicles 6:26 Zophai: Or, Zuph
- 1 Chronicles 6:28 Vashni: called also Joel
- 1 Chronicles 6:33 waited: Heb. stood
- 1 Chronicles 6:44 Kishi: Or, Kushaiah
- 1 Chronicles 6:58 Hilen: or Holon
- 1 Chronicles 6:59 Ashan: or Ain
- 1 Chronicles 6:60 Alemeth: or Almon
- 1 Chronicles 6:78 Bezer: Or, Bozor
- 1 Chronicles 7:12 Ir: Or, Iri
- 1 Chronicles 7:12 Aher: Or, Ahiram
- 1 Chronicles 7:27 Non: Or, Nun
- 1 Chronicles 7:28 towns: Heb. daughters
- 1 Chronicles 7:28 Gaza: Or, Adazza, 1. mac. 7.45
- 1 Chronicles 8:3 Addar: Or, Ard
- 1 Chronicles 8:5 Shephuphan: Or, Shupham
- 1 Chronicles 8:21 Shimhi: Or, Shema
- 1 Chronicles 8:29 father of Gibeon: also called Jehiel
- 1 Chronicles 8:31 Zacher: Or, Zechariah
- 1 Chronicles 8:32 Shimeah: Or, Shimeam
- 1 Chronicles 8:33 Eshbaal: Or, Ishbosheth
- 1 Chronicles 8:34 Meribbaal: Or, Mephibosheth
- 1 Chronicles 8:35 Tarea: Or, Tahrea
- 1 Chronicles 8:36 Jehoadah: also called, Jarah
- 1 Chronicles 8:37 Rapha: also called, Rephaiah
- 1 Chronicles 9:13 very able men: mighty men of valour
- 1 Chronicles 9:19 gates: Heb. thresholds
- 1 Chronicles 9:22 did ordain: Heb. founded
- 1 Chronicles 9:22 set office: Or, trust
- 1 Chronicles 9:26 set office: Or, trust
- 1 Chronicles 9:26 chambers: Or, storehouses
- 1 Chronicles 9:28 bring them in and out by tale: Heb. bring them in by tale, and carry them out by tale
- 1 Chronicles 9:29 instruments: Or, vessels
- 1 Chronicles 9:31 set office: Or, trust
- 1 Chronicles 9:31 in the pans: Or, on flat plates, or, slices
- 1 Chronicles 9:32 shewbread: Heb. bread of ordering
- 1 Chronicles 9:33 they were imployed: Heb. upon them
- 1 Chronicles 10:1 slain: Or, wounded
- 1 Chronicles 10:2 Abinadab: Or, Jeshui
- 1 Chronicles 10:3 archers: Heb. shooters with bows
- 1 Chronicles 10:3 hit him: Heb. found him
- 1 Chronicles 10:4 abuse me: Or, mock me
- 1 Chronicles 10:13 committed: Heb. transgressed
- 1 Chronicles 10:14 Jesse: Heb. Isai
- 1 Chronicles 11:2 in time past: Heb. both yesterday and the third day
- 1 Chronicles 11:2 feed: Or, rule
- 1 Chronicles 11:3 by: Heb. by the hand of
- 1 Chronicles 11:6 chief: Heb, head
- 1 Chronicles 11:7 it the city of David: That is, Zion
- 1 Chronicles 11:8 repaired: Heb. revived
- 1 Chronicles 11:9 waxed greater and greater: Heb. went in going and increasing
- 1 Chronicles 11:10 strengthened themselves with him: Or, held strongly with him
- 1 Chronicles 11:11 an Hachmonite: Or, son of Hachmoni
- 1 Chronicles 11:13 Pasdammim: also called, Ephesdammim
- 1 Chronicles 11:14 set themselves: Or, stood
- 1 Chronicles 11:14 deliverance: Or, salvation
- 1 Chronicles 11:15 three of the thirty captains: Or, three captains over the thirty
- 1 Chronicles 11:19 that have put their lives: Heb. with their lives?
- 1 Chronicles 11:22 who had done many acts: Heb. great of deeds
- 1 Chronicles 11:23 a man of great stature: Heb. a man of measure
- 1 Chronicles 11:27 Harorite: Or, Harodite
- 1 Chronicles 11:38 the son of Haggeri: Or, the Haggerite
- 1 Chronicles 11:45 son of Zimri: Or, Zimrite
- 1 Chronicles 12:1 while he yet kept himself close: Heb. being yet shut up
- 1 Chronicles 12:3 Shemaah: Or, Hasmaa
- 1 Chronicles 12:8 of war: Heb. of the host
- 1 Chronicles 12:8 as swift as the Roes upon the mountains: Heb. as the Roes upon the mountains to make haste
- 1 Chronicles 12:14 one of the least was over an hundred, and the greatest, over a thousand: Or, one that was least could resist an hundred, and the greatest a thousand
- 1 Chronicles 12:15 overflown: Heb. filled over
- 1 Chronicles 12:17 to meet them: Heb. before them
- 1 Chronicles 12:17 be knit: Heb. be one
- 1 Chronicles 12:17 wrong: Or, violence
- 1 Chronicles 12:18 the spirit came upon Amasai: Heb. the Spirit clothed Amasai
- 1 Chronicles 12:19 to the jeopardy of our heads: Heb. on our heads
- 1 Chronicles 12:21 against the band: Or, with a band
- 1 Chronicles 12:23 bands: Or, captains, or, men. Heb. heads
- 1 Chronicles 12:24 armed: Or, prepared
- 1 Chronicles 12:29 kindred: Heb. brethren
- 1 Chronicles 12:29 the greatest part of them: Heb. a multitude of them
- 1 Chronicles 12:30 famous: Heb. men of names
- 1 Chronicles 12:33 expert in war: Or, rangers of battle, or ranged in battle
- 1 Chronicles 12:33 keep rank: Or, set the battle in array
- 1 Chronicles 12:33 not of double heart: Heb. without a heart and a heart
- 1 Chronicles 12:36 expert: Or, keeping their rank
- 1 Chronicles 12:40 meat: Or, victual of meal
- 1 Chronicles 13:2 let us send abroad: Heb. let us break forth and send
- 1 Chronicles 13:2 in their cities and suburbs: Heb. in the cities of their suburbs
- 1 Chronicles 13:3 bring again: Heb. bring about
- 1 Chronicles 13:7 carried the Ark: Heb. made the Ark to ride
- 1 Chronicles 13:8 singing: Heb. songs
- 1 Chronicles 13:9 Chidon: Called Nachon
- 1 Chronicles 13:9 stumbled: Or, shook it
- 1 Chronicles 13:11 Perezuzza: Heb. breach of Uzza
- 1 Chronicles 13:13 brought not: Heb. removed
- 1 Chronicles 14:3 more wives: Heb. yet
- 1 Chronicles 14:7 Beeliada: Or, Eliada
- 1 Chronicles 14:11 Baalperazim: that is, a place of breaches
- 1 Chronicles 14:16 Gibeon: also called, Geba
- 1 Chronicles 15:2 None ought to carry the ark of God, but the Levites: Heb. It is not to carry the Ark of God, but for the Levites
- 1 Chronicles 15:5 brethren: Or, kinsmen
- 1 Chronicles 15:21 Sheminith: Or, on the eight to oversee
- 1 Chronicles 15:22 was for song, he instructed about the song: Or, was for the carriage, he instructed about the carriage
- 1 Chronicles 15:22 song: Heb. lifting up
- 1 Chronicles 15:27 song: Or, carriage
- 1 Chronicles 16:5 with Psalteries and with harps: Heb. with instruments of Psalteries, and harps
- 1 Chronicles 16:18 the lot: Heb. the cord
- 1 Chronicles 16:19 few: Heb. men of number
- 1 Chronicles 16:40 morning and evening: Heb. in the morning and in the evening
- 1 Chronicles 16:42 Porters: Heb. for the gate
- 1 Chronicles 17:7 from following: Heb. from after
- 1 Chronicles 17:19 great things: Heb. greatness
- 1 Chronicles 18:3 Hadarezer: Or, Hadadezer in Sam
- 1 Chronicles 18:5 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
- 1 Chronicles 18:8 Tibhath…: Called in the book of Sam. Beta, and Berothai
- 1 Chronicles 18:9 Tou: Or, Toi
- 1 Chronicles 18:10 Hadoram: Or, Joram
- 1 Chronicles 18:10 to enquire: Or, to salute
- 1 Chronicles 18:10 to congratulate: Heb. to bless
- 1 Chronicles 18:10 had war: Heb. was the man of wars
- 1 Chronicles 18:15 Recorder: Or, remembrancer
- 1 Chronicles 18:16 Abimelech: Called Ahimelech in Sam.
- 1 Chronicles 18:16 Shausha: Called Saraia in Sam. and Sisa
- 1 Chronicles 18:17 chief about the king: Heb. at the hand of the King
- 1 Chronicles 19:3 Thinkest: Heb. In thine eyes doeth David, etc.
- 1 Chronicles 19:6 odious: Heb. to stink
- 1 Chronicles 19:10 the battle was: Heb. the face of the battle was
- 1 Chronicles 19:10 choice: Or, young men
- 1 Chronicles 19:11 Abishai: Heb. Abshai
- 1 Chronicles 19:16 River: i. Euphrates
- 1 Chronicles 19:16 Shophach: Or, Shobach
- 1 Chronicles 20:1 after the year: Heb. at the return of the year
- 1 Chronicles 20:2 to weigh: Heb. the weight of
- 1 Chronicles 20:4 arose: Or, continued, Heb. stood
- 1 Chronicles 20:4 Gezer: Or, Gob
- 1 Chronicles 20:4 the giant: Or, Rapha
- 1 Chronicles 20:5 Jair: Called also Jaareoregim
- 1 Chronicles 20:6 man of great stature: Heb. a man of measure
- 1 Chronicles 20:6 the son of the giant: Heb. born to the giant, or, Rapha
- 1 Chronicles 20:7 defied: Or, reproached
- 1 Chronicles 20:7 Shimea: Called Shammah
- 1 Chronicles 21:7 And God was displeased with this thing: And it was evil in the eyes of the LORD concerning this thing
- 1 Chronicles 21:10 offer: Heb. stretch out
- 1 Chronicles 21:11 Choose thee: Heb. take to thee
- 1 Chronicles 21:13 great: Or, many
- 1 Chronicles 21:15 Ornan: Or, Araunah
- 1 Chronicles 21:20 And Ornane turned back and saw the Angel, and his four sons with him hid themselves: Or, When Ornan turned back, and saw the Angel, then he and his four sons with him, hid themselves
- 1 Chronicles 21:22 Grant: Heb. give
- 1 Chronicles 22:9 Solomon: That is, peaceable
- 1 Chronicles 22:14 in my trouble: Or, in my poverty
- 1 Chronicles 22:15 workers of stone and timber: That is, masons and carpenters
- 1 Chronicles 23:4 to set forward: Or, to oversee
- 1 Chronicles 23:6 courses: Heb. divisions
- 1 Chronicles 23:7 Laadan: Or, Libni
- 1 Chronicles 23:10 Zina: Or, Ziza
- 1 Chronicles 23:11 had not many sons: Heb. did not multiply sons
- 1 Chronicles 23:16 Shebuel: also called, Shubael
- 1 Chronicles 23:17 the chief: Or, the first
- 1 Chronicles 23:17 were very many: Heb. were highly multiplied
- 1 Chronicles 23:22 brethren: Or, kinsmen
- 1 Chronicles 23:25 that they may dwell in Jerusalem: Or, that he dwelleth in Jerusalem, etc.
- 1 Chronicles 23:27 numbered: Heb. number
- 1 Chronicles 23:17 their office was to wait on the sons of Aaron: Heb. their station was at the hand of the sons of Aaron
- 1 Chronicles 23:29 pan: Or, flat plate
- 1 Chronicles 24:6 principal household: Heb. house of the father
- 1 Chronicles 25:2 Asarelah: otherwise called Jesharelah [† or || symbol missing here]
- 1 Chronicles 25:2 according to the order of the king: Heb. by the hand of the king
- 1 Chronicles 25:3 Zeri: Or, Izri
- 1 Chronicles 25:3 six: With Shimei mentioned ver. 17
- 1 Chronicles 25:4 Uzziel: Or, Azareel
- 1 Chronicles 25:4 Shebuel: Or, Shubael
- 1 Chronicles 25:5 words: Or, matters
- 1 Chronicles 25:6 according to the kings order: Heb. by the hands of the King
- 1 Chronicles 26:1 Meshelemiah: Or, Shelemiah
- 1 Chronicles 26:1 Asaph: Or, Abiasaph
- 1 Chronicles 26:5 him: That is, Obededom
- 1 Chronicles 26:13 as well the small as the great: Or, as well for the small as for the great
- 1 Chronicles 26:14 Shelemiah: Called Meshelemiah
- 1 Chronicles 26:15 Asuppim: Heb. gatherings
- 1 Chronicles 26:20 dedicate things: Heb. holy things
- 1 Chronicles 26:21 Laadan: Or, Libni
- 1 Chronicles 26:21 Jehieli: Or, Jehiel
- 1 Chronicles 26:27 out of the spoils won in battles: Heb. out of the battles and spoils
- 1 Chronicles 26:30 officers: Heb. over the charge
- 1 Chronicles 26:32 affairs: Heb. thing
- 1 Chronicles 27:4 Dodai: Or, Dodo
- 1 Chronicles 27:5 chief priest: Or, principal officer
- 1 Chronicles 27:15 Heldai: Or, Heled
- 1 Chronicles 27:24 was the number: Heb. ascended
- 1 Chronicles 27:27 over the increase of the vineyards: Heb. over that which was of the vineyards
- 1 Chronicles 27:32 Scribe: Or, secretary
- 1 Chronicles 27:32 son of Hachmoni: Or, Hachmonite
- 1 Chronicles 28:1 possession: Or, cattle
- 1 Chronicles 28:1 officers: Or, Eunuchs
- 1 Chronicles 28:3 blood: Heb. bloods
- 1 Chronicles 28:7 constant: Heb. strong
- 1 Chronicles 28:12 of all that he had: Heb. of all that was with him
- 1 Chronicles 29:5 to consecrate his service: Heb. to fill his hand
- 1 Chronicles 29:14 be able: Heb. retain or obtain strength
- 1 Chronicles 29:14 thine own hand: Heb. of thine hand
- 1 Chronicles 29:15 abiding: Heb. expectation
- 1 Chronicles 29:17 present: Heb. found
- 1 Chronicles 29:18 prepare: Or, stablish
- 1 Chronicles 29:24 submitted themselves unto Solomon: Heb. gave the hand under Solomon
- 1 Chronicles 29:29 book: Or, history
- 1 Chronicles 29:29 book: Heb. words
2 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles 1:5 he put: Or, was there
- 2 Chronicles 1:9 like the dust of the earth: Heb. much as the dust of the earth
- 2 Chronicles 1:15 made: Heb. gave
- 2 Chronicles 1:16 Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt: Heb. the going forth of the horses which was Solomons
- 2 Chronicles 1:17 by their means: Heb. by their hand
- 2 Chronicles 2:3 Huram: Or, Hiram
- 2 Chronicles 2:4 sweet incense: Heb. incense of spices
- 2 Chronicles 2:6 is able: Heb. hath retained, or obtained strength
- 2 Chronicles 2:7 to grave: Heb. to grave gravings
- 2 Chronicles 2:8 Algume: Or, Almuggim
- 2 Chronicles 2:9 wonderful great: Heb. great and wonderful
- 2 Chronicles 2:12 endued with prudance and understanding: Heb. knowing prudence and understanding
- 2 Chronicles 2:16 as much as thou shalt need: Heb. according to all thy need
- 2 Chronicles 2:16 Joppa: Heb. Japho
- 2 Chronicles 2:17 the strangers: Heb. the men the strangers
- 2 Chronicles 3:1 where the LORD appeared unto David his father: Or, which was seen of David his father
- 2 Chronicles 3:1 Ornan: Or, Araunah
- 2 Chronicles 3:3 instructed: Heb. founded
- 2 Chronicles 3:6 garnished: Heb. covered
- 2 Chronicles 3:10 image work: Or, (as some think) of moveable work
- 2 Chronicles 3:13 inward: Or, toward the house
- 2 Chronicles 3:14 wrought: Heb. caused to ascend
- 2 Chronicles 3:15 high: Heb. long
- 2 Chronicles 3:17 Jachin: That is, he shall establish
- 2 Chronicles 3:17 Boaz: That is, in it is strengh
- 2 Chronicles 4:2 from brim to brim: Heb.
- 2 Chronicles 4:5 with flowers of lillies: Or, like a lilyflower
- 2 Chronicles 4:6 burnt offering: Heb. the work of burnt offering
- 2 Chronicles 4:8 basons: Or, bowls
- 2 Chronicles 4:11 basons: Or, bowls
- 2 Chronicles 4:11 finished the work: Heb. finished to make
- 2 Chronicles 4:13 upon: Heb. upon the face
- 2 Chronicles 4:14 lavers: Or, caldrons
- 2 Chronicles 4:16 bright: Heb. made bright, or scoured
- 2 Chronicles 4:17 clay ground: Heb. thicknesses of the ground
- 2 Chronicles 4:21 perfect gold: Heb. perfections of gold
- 2 Chronicles 4:22 basons: Or, bowls
- 2 Chronicles 5:9 it is unto: Or, they are there
- 2 Chronicles 5:10 when: Or, where
- 2 Chronicles 5:11 present: Heb. found
- 2 Chronicles 6:13 long: Heb. the length thereof, etc
- 2 Chronicles 6:16 not fail thee a man: Heb. there shall not be a man cut off
- 2 Chronicles 6:20 towards this place: Or, in this place
- 2 Chronicles 6:21 make: Heb. pray
- 2 Chronicles 6:22 and an oath be laid upon him: Heb. and he require an oath of him
- 2 Chronicles 6:24 be put to the worse: Or, be smitten
- 2 Chronicles 6:24 in: Or, towards
- 2 Chronicles 6:28 in the cities of their land: Heb. in the land of their gates
- 2 Chronicles 6:29 in this house: Or, toward this house
- 2 Chronicles 6:31 so long as they live: Heb. all the days which
- 2 Chronicles 6:31 in the land: Heb. upon the face of the land
- 2 Chronicles 6:33 this house which I have built: Heb. thy Name is called upon this house
- 2 Chronicles 6:35 cause: Or, right
- 2 Chronicles 6:36 they carry away captives unto a land far off or near: Heb. they that take them captives carry them away
- 2 Chronicles 6:37 bethink themselves: Heb. bring back to their heart
- 2 Chronicles 6:39 cause: Or, right
- 2 Chronicles 6:40 unto the prayer that is made: Heb. to the prayer of this place
- 2 Chronicles 7:6 by their ministry: Heb. by their hand
- 2 Chronicles 7:6 a solemn: Heb. a restraint
- 2 Chronicles 7:14 which are called by my Name: Heb. upon whom my name is called
- 2 Chronicles 7:15 unto the prayer that is made in this place: Heb. to the prayer of this place
- 2 Chronicles 7:18 there shall not fail thee: Heb. there shall not be cut off to thee
- 2 Chronicles 8:6 all that Solomon desired to build: Heb. all the desire of Solomon, which he desired to build
- 2 Chronicles 8:11 holy: Heb. holiness
- 2 Chronicles 8:14 so had David the man of God commanded: Heb. so was the commandment of David the man of God
- 2 Chronicles 8:17 Eloth: Or, Elath
- 2 Chronicles 9:4 cupbearers: Or, butlers
- 2 Chronicles 9:5 report: Heb. word
- 2 Chronicles 9:5 acts: Or, sayings
- 2 Chronicles 9:10 algum…: also called, almug trees
- 2 Chronicles 9:11 terraces: Or, stairs, Heb. highways
- 2 Chronicles 9:14 governors: Or, captains
- 2 Chronicles 9:18 stays: Heb. hands
- 2 Chronicles 9:20 pure: Heb. shut up
- 2 Chronicles 9:20 none were of silver: Or, there was no silver in them
- 2 Chronicles 9:21 ivory: Or, elephants teeth
- 2 Chronicles 9:26 river: that is, Euphrates
- 2 Chronicles 9:27 made: Heb. gave
- 2 Chronicles 9:29 book: Heb. words
- 2 Chronicles 10:11 put: Heb. laded
- 2 Chronicles 10:18 made speed: Heb. strengthened himself
- 2 Chronicles 11:13 resorted to him: Heb. presented themselves to him
- 2 Chronicles 11:23 many wives: Heb. a multitude of wives
- 2 Chronicles 12:7 some: Or, a little while
- 2 Chronicles 12:12 and also in Judah things went well: Or, and yet in Judah that were good things
- 2 Chronicles 12:14 prepared: Or, fixed
- 2 Chronicles 12:15 book: Heb. words
- 2 Chronicles 13:3 set: Heb. bound together
- 2 Chronicles 13:9 consecrate himself: Heb. to fill his hand
- 2 Chronicles 13:22 story: Or, commentary
- 2 Chronicles 14:3 images: Heb. statues
- 2 Chronicles 14:5 images: Heb. sun images
- 2 Chronicles 14:11 man: Or, mortal man
- 2 Chronicles 14:13 destroyed: Heb. broken
- 2 Chronicles 15:2 to meet Asa: Heb. before Asa
- 2 Chronicles 15:6 destroyed: Heb. beaten in pieces
- 2 Chronicles 15:8 abominable: Heb. abominations
- 2 Chronicles 15:11 the same time: Heb. in that day
- 2 Chronicles 15:16 idol: Heb. horror
- 2 Chronicles 16:2 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
- 2 Chronicles 16:4 his: Heb. which were his
- 2 Chronicles 16:8 huge: Heb. in abundance
- 2 Chronicles 16:9 to show himself: Or, strongly to hold with them, etc.
- 2 Chronicles 16:10 oppressed: Heb. crushed
- 2 Chronicles 16:14 had made: Heb. digged
- 2 Chronicles 17:5 brought: Heb. gave
- 2 Chronicles 17:6 lift up: That is, was encouraged
- 2 Chronicles 17:10 fell: Heb. was
- 2 Chronicles 17:12 castles: Or, palaces
- 2 Chronicles 17:15 next to him: Heb. at his hand
- 2 Chronicles 18:2 after certain years: Heb. at the end of years
- 2 Chronicles 18:6 besides: Heb. yet or more
- 2 Chronicles 18:8 officers: Or, Eunuchs
- 2 Chronicles 18:8 fetch: Heb. hasten
- 2 Chronicles 18:9 void: Or, floor
- 2 Chronicles 18:10 they be consumed: Heb. thou consume them
- 2 Chronicles 18:12 with one assent: Heb. with one mouth
- 2 Chronicles 18:17 but evil?: Or, but for evil
- 2 Chronicles 18:24 into an inner chamber: Or, from chamber to chamber, Heb. chamber in a chamber
- 2 Chronicles 18:32 from pursuing him: Heb. from after him
- 2 Chronicles 18:33 at a venture: Heb. in his simplicity
- 2 Chronicles 18:33 between the joints of the harness: Heb. between the joints and between the breastplate
- 2 Chronicles 18:33 wounded: Heb. made sick
- 2 Chronicles 19:4 he went out again: Heb. he returned and went out
- 2 Chronicles 19:6 in the judgment: Heb. in the matter of judgment
- 2 Chronicles 19:11 Deal courageously: Heb. take courage and do
- 2 Chronicles 20:3 himself: Heb. his face
- 2 Chronicles 20:7 who: Heb. thou
- 2 Chronicles 20:16 cliff: Heb. ascent
- 2 Chronicles 20:16 brook: Or, valley
- 2 Chronicles 20:21 that should praise: Heb. praisers
- 2 Chronicles 20:22 And when they began: Heb. And in the time that they, etc.
- 2 Chronicles 20:22 to sing and to praise: Heb. in singing and praise
- 2 Chronicles 20:22 they were smitten: Or, they smote one another
- 2 Chronicles 20:23 to destroy: Heb. for the destruction
- 2 Chronicles 20:24 none escaped: Heb. there was not an escaping
- 2 Chronicles 20:26 Berachah: that is, blessing
- 2 Chronicles 20:27 forefront: Heb. head
- 2 Chronicles 20:34 book: Heb. words
- 2 Chronicles 20:34 is mentioned: Heb. was made to ascend
- 2 Chronicles 21:7 light: Heb. lamp, or candle
- 2 Chronicles 21:8 dominion: Heb. hand
- 2 Chronicles 21:14 a great plague: Heb. a great stroke
- 2 Chronicles 21:17 carried away: Heb. carried captive
- 2 Chronicles 21:17 Jehoahaz: Or, ahaziah, chap. 22.1. Or, Azariah, ver. 6
- 2 Chronicles 21:20 without being desired: Heb. without desire
- 2 Chronicles 22:6 which were given him: Heb. wherewith they wounded him
- 2 Chronicles 22:6 Azariah: Otherwise called Ahaziah, ver. 1. & Jehoahaz chap. 21.17
- 2 Chronicles 22:7 the destruction: Heb. treading down
- 2 Chronicles 22:11 Jehoshabeath: also called, Jehosheba
- 2 Chronicles 23:4 doors: Heb. thresholds
- 2 Chronicles 23:10 side: Heb. shoulder
- 2 Chronicles 23:10 Temple: Heb. house
- 2 Chronicles 23:11 God save the King: Heb. let the king live
- 2 Chronicles 23:13 Treason: Heb. Conspiracy
- 2 Chronicles 23:18 by David: Heb. by the hands of David
- 2 Chronicles 24:4 to repair: Heb. to renew
- 2 Chronicles 24:9 a proclamation: Heb. a voice
- 2 Chronicles 24:13 the work was perfected: Heb. the healing went up upon the work
- 2 Chronicles 24:14 offer: Or, pestils
- 2 Chronicles 24:20 came upon: Heb. clothed
- 2 Chronicles 24:23 at the end of the year: Heb. in the revolution of the year
- 2 Chronicles 24:23 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
- 2 Chronicles 24:26 Zabad: Or, Jozacher
- 2 Chronicles 24:26 Shimrith: Or, Shomer
- 2 Chronicles 24:27 repairing: Heb. founding
- 2 Chronicles 24:27 story: Or, Commentary
- 2 Chronicles 25:3 established to him: Heb. confirmed upon him
- 2 Chronicles 25:9 army: Heb. band
- 2 Chronicles 25:10 home: Heb. to their place
- 2 Chronicles 25:10 great anger: Heb. in heat of anger
- 2 Chronicles 25:13 the soldiers: Heb. the sons of the band
- 2 Chronicles 25:16 determined: Heb. counselled
- 2 Chronicles 25:18 thistle: Or, furr bush, or thorn
- 2 Chronicles 25:18 wild beast: Heb. a beast of the field
- 2 Chronicles 25:22 put to the worse: Heb. smitten
- 2 Chronicles 25:23 the corner gate: Heb. the gate of it that looketh
- 2 Chronicles 25:27 from following: Heb. from after
- 2 Chronicles 25:27 made a conspiracy: Heb. conspired a conspiracy
- 2 Chronicles 25:28 Judah: that is, the city of David, as it is 2. king. 14.20
- 2 Chronicles 26:1 Uzziah: Or, Azariah
- 2 Chronicles 26:5 in the visions of God: Heb. in the seeing of God
- 2 Chronicles 26:6 about Ashdod: Or, in the country of Ashdod
- 2 Chronicles 26:8 spread: Heb. went
- 2 Chronicles 26:9 fortified: Or, repaired
- 2 Chronicles 26:10 digged many wells: Or, cut out many cisterns
- 2 Chronicles 26:10 Carmel: Or, fruitful fields
- 2 Chronicles 26:10 husbandry: Heb. ground
- 2 Chronicles 26:13 an army: Heb. the power of an army
- 2 Chronicles 26:14 slings to cast stones: Heb. stones of slings
- 2 Chronicles 26:15 spread far: Heb. went forth
- 2 Chronicles 26:21 several: Heb. Free
- 2 Chronicles 27:3 Ophel: Or, the tower
- 2 Chronicles 27:5 so much: Heb. much
- 2 Chronicles 27:6 prepared: Or, established
- 2 Chronicles 28:3 burnt incense: Or, offered sacrifice
- 2 Chronicles 28:5 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
- 2 Chronicles 28:6 valiant men: Heb. sons of valour
- 2 Chronicles 28:7 next to the King: Heb. the second to the King
- 2 Chronicles 28:17 captives: Heb. a captivity
- 2 Chronicles 28:23 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
- 2 Chronicles 28:25 burn: Or, to offer
- 2 Chronicles 29:6 turned their backs: Heb. given the necks
- 2 Chronicles 29:8 trouble: Heb. commotion
- 2 Chronicles 29:11 be not now negligent: Or, be not now deceived
- 2 Chronicles 29:11 burn incense: Or, offer sacrifice
- 2 Chronicles 29:15 by the words of the LORD: Or, in the business of the LORD
- 2 Chronicles 29:23 forth: Heb. near
- 2 Chronicles 29:25 of the LORD: Heb. by the hand of the LORD
- 2 Chronicles 29:25 by: Heb. by the hand of
- 2 Chronicles 29:27 when: Heb. in the time
- 2 Chronicles 29:27 instruments: Heb. hands of instruments
- 2 Chronicles 29:28 singers: Heb. song
- 2 Chronicles 29:29 present: Heb. found
- 2 Chronicles 29:31 consecrated: Or, filled your hand
- 2 Chronicles 29:34 did help them: Heb. strengthened them
- 2 Chronicles 30:4 pleased the king: Heb. was right in the eyes of the king
- 2 Chronicles 30:6 from: Heb. from the hand
- 2 Chronicles 30:8 be ye not stiffnecked: Harden not your necks
- 2 Chronicles 30:8 yield: Heb. give the hand
- 2 Chronicles 30:16 stood in their place: Heb. their standing
- 2 Chronicles 30:21 present: Heb. found
- 2 Chronicles 30:21 lowd: Heb. instruments of strength
- 2 Chronicles 30:22 comfortably unto all: Heb. to the heart of all etc.
- 2 Chronicles 30:24 did give: Heb. lifted up or offered
- 2 Chronicles 30:27 his holy dwelling place: Heb. the habitation of his holiness
- 2 Chronicles 31:1 present: Heb. found
- 2 Chronicles 31:1 images: Heb. statues
- 2 Chronicles 31:1 until they had utterly destroyed: Heb. until to make an end
- 2 Chronicles 31:5 came abroad: Heb. brought forth
- 2 Chronicles 31:5 honey: Or, dates
- 2 Chronicles 31:6 by heaps: Heb. heaps heaps
- 2 Chronicles 31:11 chambers: Or, storehouses
- 2 Chronicles 31:13 under the hand: Heb. at the hand
- 2 Chronicles 31:15 next him: Heb. at his hand
- 2 Chronicles 31:15 set office: Or, trust
- 2 Chronicles 31:18 set office: Or, trust
- 2 Chronicles 32:1 to win them for himself: Heb. to break them up
- 2 Chronicles 32:2 he was purposed to fight: Heb. his face was to war
- 2 Chronicles 32:4 ran: Heb. overflowed
- 2 Chronicles 32:5 darts: Or, swords, or weapons
- 2 Chronicles 32:6 he spake comfortably: Heb. he spake to their heart
- 2 Chronicles 32:8 rested: Heb. leaned
- 2 Chronicles 32:9 power: Heb. dominion
- 2 Chronicles 32:10 in the siege: Or, in the strong hold
- 2 Chronicles 32:21 slew him: Heb. made him fall
- 2 Chronicles 32:23 presents: Heb. precious things
- 2 Chronicles 32:24 gave him a sign: Or, wrought a miracle for him
- 2 Chronicles 32:26 the pride: Heb. the lifting up
- 2 Chronicles 32:27 pleasant jewels: Heb. instruments of desire
- 2 Chronicles 32:31 ambassadors: Heb. interpreters
- 2 Chronicles 32:32 goodness: Heb. kindnesses
- 2 Chronicles 32:33 chiefest: Or, highest
- 2 Chronicles 33:3 he built again: Heb. he returned and built
- 2 Chronicles 33:11 of the king: Heb. which were the kings
- 2 Chronicles 33:11 fetters: Or, chains
- 2 Chronicles 33:14 Ophel: Or, the tower
- 2 Chronicles 33:19 the seers: Or, Hosai
- 2 Chronicles 33:23 tresspassed more and more: Heb. multiplied tresspass
- 2 Chronicles 34:4 the images: Or, the sun images
- 2 Chronicles 34:4 graves of them: Heb. face of the graves
- 2 Chronicles 34:6 mattocks: Or, mauls
- 2 Chronicles 34:7 into powder: Heb. to make powder
- 2 Chronicles 34:11 to floor: Or, to rafter
- 2 Chronicles 34:14 by: Heb. by the hand of
- 2 Chronicles 34:16 to: Heb. to the hand of
- 2 Chronicles 34:17 gathered together: Heb. poured out, or melted
- 2 Chronicles 34:18 it: Heb. in it
- 2 Chronicles 34:22 Hasrah: Or, Harhas
- 2 Chronicles 34:22 wardrobe: Heb. garments
- 2 Chronicles 34:22 college: Or, in the school, or in the second part
- 2 Chronicles 34:30 great and small: Heb. from great even to small
- 2 Chronicles 34:32 present: Heb. found
- 2 Chronicles 34:33 from following: Heb. from after
- 2 Chronicles 35:5 families of the fathers: Heb. the house of the fathers
- 2 Chronicles 35:5 brethren: Heb. the sons of the people
- 2 Chronicles 35:7 gave: Heb. offered
- 2 Chronicles 35:8 gave willingly: Heb. offered, etc
- 2 Chronicles 35:9 gave: Heb. offered
- 2 Chronicles 35:13 divided them speedily: Heb. made them run
- 2 Chronicles 35:15 place: Heb. station
- 2 Chronicles 35:17 present: Heb. found
- 2 Chronicles 35:18 present: Heb. found
- 2 Chronicles 35:20 Temple: Heb. house
- 2 Chronicles 35:21 the house, wherewith I have war: Heb. the house of my war
- 2 Chronicles 35:23 sore wounded: Heb. made sick
- 2 Chronicles 35:24 in one of the sepulchers: Or, among the sepulchers
- 2 Chronicles 35:26 goodness: Heb. kindnesses
- 2 Chronicles 36:3 put him down: Heb. removed him
- 2 Chronicles 36:3 condemned: mulcted
- 2 Chronicles 36:6 fetters: Or, chains
- 2 Chronicles 36:8 Jehoiachin: Or, Jeconiah, 1. chro. 3.16. Or, Coniah, jer. 22.24
- 2 Chronicles 36:10 when the year was expired: Heb. at the return of the year
- 2 Chronicles 36:10 goodly vessels: Heb. vessels of desire
- 2 Chronicles 36:10 Zedekiah: Or, Mattaniah
- 2 Chronicles 36:15 by his messengers: Heb. by the hand of his messengers
- 2 Chronicles 36:15 betimes: That is, continually and carefully
- 2 Chronicles 36:16 remedy: Heb. healing
- 2 Chronicles 36:20 them that had escaped from the sword: Heb. the remainder from the sword
- Ezra 1:1 made a proclomation: Heb. caused a voice to pass
- Ezra 1:4 help him: Heb. lift him up
- Ezra 1:6 strengthened their hands: that is, helped them
- Ezra 1:11 the captivity: Heb. the transportation
- Ezra 2:2 Seraiah: Or, Azariah
- Ezra 2:10 Bani: Or, Binnui
- Ezra 2:18 Jorah: Or, Hariph
- Ezra 2:20 Gibbar: Or, Gibeon
- Ezra 2:24 Azmaveth: Or, Bethazmaveth
- Ezra 2:33 Hadid: Or, Harid, as it is in some copies
- Ezra 2:40 Hodaviah: Or, Judah, chap. 3.9. called also Hodevah
- Ezra 2:46 Shalmai: Or, Shamlai
- Ezra 2:52 Bazluth: Or, Bazlith, in Nehem
- Ezra 2:55 Peruda: Or, Perida, in Nehem.
- Ezra 2:57 Ami: Or, Amon, in Nehem.
- Ezra 2:59 seed: Or, pedegree
- Ezra 2:62 were they as polluted, put from the priesthood: Heb. they were polluted from the priesthood
- Ezra 2:63 Tirshatha: Or, governor
- Ezra 3:2 Jeshua: Or, Josua
- Ezra 3:4 as the duty of every day required: Heb. the matter of the day in his day
- Ezra 3:6 the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid: Heb. the Temple of the Lord was not yet founded
- Ezra 3:7 carpenters: Or, workmen
- Ezra 3:9 Judah: Or, Hodaviah
- Ezra 3:9 together: Heb. as one
- Ezra 4:1 the children of the captivity: Heb. the sons of the transportation
- Ezra 4:6 Ahasuerus: Heb. Ahashverosh
- Ezra 4:7 Bishlam: Or, in peace
- Ezra 4:7 companions: Heb. societies
- Ezra 4:8 Scribe: Or, Secretary
- Ezra 4:9 companions: Chald. societies
- Ezra 4:10 and at such a time: Chal. Cheeneth
- Ezra 4:12 set up: Or, finished
- Ezra 4:12 joined: Chal. sowed together
- Ezra 4:13 pay: Chal. give
- Ezra 4:13 revenue: Or, strength
- Ezra 4:14 we have maintenance from the Kings palace: Chal. we are salted with the salt of the palace
- Ezra 4:15 moved: Cald. made
- Ezra 4:15 within the same of old time: Chald. in the midst thereof
- Ezra 4:17 companions: Chal, societies
- Ezra 4:19 I commanded: Chald. by me a decree is set
- Ezra 4:19 made insurrection: Chald. lifted up itself
- Ezra 4:21 Give ye now commandement: Chal. make a decree
- Ezra 4:23 by force and power: Chald. by arm and power
- Ezra 5:4 that make this building: Chald. that build this building
- Ezra 5:7 wherein: Chald. in the midst whereof
- Ezra 5:8 great stones: Chald. stones of rolling
- Ezra 5:14 governor: Or, deputy
- Ezra 6:1 rolls: Chalde, books
- Ezra 6:1 laid up: Chalde, made to descend
- Ezra 6:2 Achmetha: Or, Ecbatana, or in a coffer
- Ezra 6:5 brought again: Chaldee, go
- Ezra 6:6 your companions: Chalde, their societies
- Ezra 6:8 I make a decree: Chalde, by me a decree is made
- Ezra 6:8 hindered: Chalde, made to cease
- Ezra 6:10 of sweet savours: Chalde, of rest
- Ezra 6:11 let him be hanged: Chalde, let him be destroyed
- Ezra 6:14 commandment: Chald. decree
- Ezra 6:16 the children of the captivity: Chald. the sons of the transportation
- Ezra 6:18 as it is written in the book: Chald. according to the writing
- Ezra 7:9 began he to go up: He was the foundation of the going up
- Ezra 7:12 unto Ezra the priest, a Scribe of the Law of the God of heaven, Peace: Or, to Ezra the Priest a perfect Scribe of the Law of the God of heaven, Peace, etc.
- Ezra 7:14 of the king: Chal. from before the King
- Ezra 7:22 measures: Chald, cores
- Ezra 7:23 Whatsoever is commanded: Heb. whatsoever is of the decree
- Ezra 7:26 to banishment: Chald. to rooting out
- Ezra 8:12 the son: Or, the youngest son
- Ezra 8:14 Zabbud: Or, Zaccur, as some read
- Ezra 8:15 abode: Or, pitched
- Ezra 8:17 I told them: Heb. I put words in their mouth
- Ezra 8:27 fine copper: Heb. yellow or shining brass
- Ezra 8:27 precious: Heb. desireable
- Ezra 9:5 heaviness: Or, affliction
- Ezra 9:6 trespass: Or, guiltiness
- Ezra 9:8 little space: Heb. moment
- Ezra 9:8 a nail: Or, a pinne [symbol in wrong place]
- Ezra 9:8 in his holy place: That is, a constant and sure abode
- Ezra 9:9 to repair: Heb. to set up
- Ezra 9:11 by thy servants: Heb. by the hand of thy servants
- Ezra 9:11 from one end to another: Heb. from mouth to mouth
- Ezra 9:13 hast punished us less, then our iniquities deserve: Heb. hast withheld beneath our iniquities
- Ezra 10:1 wept very sore: Heb. wept a great weeping
- Ezra 10:1 put away: Heb. to bring forth
- Ezra 10:8 forfeited: Heb. devoted
- Ezra 10:9 the great rain: Heb. the showers
- Ezra 10:10 have taken: Heb. have caused to dwell, or have brought back
- Ezra 10:13 we are many that have transgressed in this thing: Or, we have greatly offended in this thing
- Ezra 10:14 for this matter: Or, till this matter be dispatched
- Ezra 10:15 were employed: Heb. stood
- Ezra 10:40 Machnadebai: Or, Mabnadebai, according to some copies
- Nehemiah 2:6 Queen: Heb. wife
- Nehemiah 3:2 next unto him: Heb. at his hand
- Nehemiah 3:8 fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall: Or, left Jerusalem unto the broad wall
- Nehemiah 3:11 other piece: Heb. second measure
- Nehemiah 3:20 Zabbai: Or, Zaccai
- Nehemiah 3:26 Ophel: Or, the tower
- Nehemiah 3:31 corner: Or, corner chamber
- Nehemiah 4:2 fortify themselves?: Heb. leave to themselves
- Nehemiah 4:4 despised: Heb. despite
- Nehemiah 4:7 were made up: Heb. ascended
- Nehemiah 4:8 to hinder it: Heb. to make an error to it
- Nehemiah 4:12 From all places whence ye shall return unto us: Or, that from all places ye must return to us
- Nehemiah 4:13 in the lower places: Heb. from the lower parts of the place, etc.
- Nehemiah 4:18 by his side: Heb. on his loins
- Nehemiah 4:23 saving that every one put them off for washing: Or, every one with with his weapon for water
- Nehemiah 5:7 I consulted with myself: Heb. my heart consulted in me
- Nehemiah 5:13 emptied: Heb. empty or void
- Nehemiah 6:6 Gashmu: Or, Geshem
- Nehemiah 6:17 sent many letters unto Tobiah: Heb. multiplied letters passing to Tobiah
- Nehemiah 6:19 words: Or, matters
- Nehemiah 7:4 large: Heb. broad in spaces
- Nehemiah 7:7 Azariah: Or, Seraiah
- Nehemiah 7:15 Binnui: Or, Bani
- Nehemiah 7:24 Hariph: Or, Jord
- Nehemiah 7:25 Gibeon: Or, Gibbar
- Nehemiah 7:28 Bethazmaveth: Or, Azmaveth
- Nehemiah 7:29 Kirjathjearim: Or, Kirjatharim
- Nehemiah 7:43 Hodevah: Or, Hodaviah, Ezra 2.4. Or, Judah, Ezra. 3.9
- Nehemiah 7:59 Amon: Or, Ami
- Nehemiah 7:61 seed: Or, pedigree
- Nehemiah 7:65 the Tirshatha: Or, the governor
- Nehemiah 7:70 some: Heb. part
- Nehemiah 8:2 that could hear with understanding: Heb. that understood in hearing
- Nehemiah 8:3 from the morning: Heb. from the light
- Nehemiah 8:4 pulpit of wood: Heb. tower of wood
- Nehemiah 8:5 sight: Heb. eyes
- Nehemiah 8:9 the Tirshatha: Or, the governor
- Nehemiah 8:13 to understand the words of the Law: Or, that they might instruct in the words of the Law
- Nehemiah 8:14 by: Heb. by the hand of
- Nehemiah 8:18 a solemn: Heb. a restraint
- Nehemiah 9:2 strangers: Heb. strange children
- Nehemiah 9:4 stairs: Or, scaffold
- Nehemiah 9:13 true laws: Heb. laws of truth
- Nehemiah 9:15 which thou hadst sworn to give them: Heb. which thou hadst lift up thine hand to give them
- Nehemiah 9:17 a God ready to pardon: Heb. a god of pardons
- Nehemiah 9:24 as they would: Heb. according to their will
- Nehemiah 9:25 wells: Or, cisterns
- Nehemiah 9:25 fruit trees: Heb. tree of food
- Nehemiah 9:28 they did evil: Heb. they returned to do evil
- Nehemiah 9:29 and withdrew the shoulder: Heb. they gave a withdrawing shoulder
- Nehemiah 9:30 forbear them: Heb. protract over them
- Nehemiah 9:30 in thy Prophets: Heb. in the hand of thy Prophets
- Nehemiah 9:32 trouble: Heb. weariness
- Nehemiah 9:32 that hath come upon us: Heb. that hath found us
- Nehemiah 9:38 seal unto it: Heb. are at the sealing, or sealed
- Nehemiah 10:1 that sealed were: Heb. at the sealings
- Nehemiah 10:1 the Tirshatha: Or, the governor
- Nehemiah 10:29 by: Heb. by the hand of
- Nehemiah 10:31 every: Heb. every hand
- Nehemiah 11:14 the son of one of the great men: Or, the son of Haggedolim
- Nehemiah 11:14 had the oversight: Heb. were over
- Nehemiah 11:19 the gates: Heb. at the gates
- Nehemiah 11:21 Ophel: Or, the tower
- Nehemiah 11:23 a certain portion: Or, a sure ordinance
- Nehemiah 11:31 from Giba: Or, of Geba
- Nehemiah 11:31 at Michmash: Or, to Michmash
- Nehemiah 12:2 Malluch: Or, Melicu
- Nehemiah 12:3 Shechaniah: Or, Shebaniah
- Nehemiah 12:3 Rehum: Or, Harim
- Nehemiah 12:3 Merimoth: Or, Meraioth
- Nehemiah 12:4 Ginnetho: Or, Ginnethon
- Nehemiah 12:5 Miamin: Or, Miniamin
- Nehemiah 12:5 Madiah: Or, Moadiah
- Nehemiah 12:7 Sallu: Or, Sallai
- Nehemiah 12:8 the thanksgiving: That is, the Psalms of thanksgiving
- Nehemiah 12:25 thresholds: Or, treasuries, or assemblies
- Nehemiah 12:42 sang loud: Heb. made their voice to be heard
- Nehemiah 12:44 of the law: that is, appointed by the law
- Nehemiah 12:44 for Judah: Heb. for the joy of Judah
- Nehemiah 12:44 that waited: Heb. that stood
- Nehemiah 12:47 sanctified: that is, set apart
- Nehemiah 13:1 they read: Heb. there was read
- Nehemiah 13:1 audience: Heb. ears
- Nehemiah 13:4 having the oversight: Heb. being set over
- Nehemiah 13:5 commanded to be given to the Levites: Heb. the commandment of the Levites
- Nehemiah 13:6 after certain days: Heb. at the end of days
- Nehemiah 13:6 obtained I leave: Or, I earnestly requested
- Nehemiah 13:11 place: Heb. standing
- Nehemiah 13:12 treasuries: Or, storehouses
- Nehemiah 13:13 next to them: Heb. at their hand
- Nehemiah 13:13 their office: Heb. it was upon them
- Nehemiah 13:14 good deeds: Heb. kindnesses
- Nehemiah 13:14 offices: Or, observations
- Nehemiah 13:21 about the wall?: Heb. before the wall
- Nehemiah 13:22 greatness: Or, multitude
- Nehemiah 13:23 had married: Heb. had made to dwell with them
- Nehemiah 13:24 could not speak: Heb. they discerned not to speak
- Nehemiah 13:24 of each people: Heb. of people and people
- Nehemiah 13:25 cursed them: Or, reviled them
- Nehemiah 13:29 because they have defiled: Heb. for the defilings
- Esther 1:5 present: Heb. found
- Esther 1:6 blue: Or, violet
- Esther 1:6 red, and blue, and white, and black marble: Or, of porphyre, and marble, and alabaster, and stone of blue color
- Esther 1:7 royal wine: Heb. wine of the kingdom
- Esther 1:7 state of the king: Heb. according to the hand of the king
- Esther 1:10 chamberlains: Or, Eunuchs
- Esther 1:11 fair to look on: Heb. good of countenance
- Esther 1:12 by his chamberlains: Heb. which was by the hand of his Eunuchs
- Esther 1:15 what shall we do: Heb. what to do?
- Esther 1:19 if it please the king: Heb. if it be good with the king
- Esther 1:19 from him: Heb. from before him
- Esther 1:19 that it be not altered: Heb. that it pass not away
- Esther 1:19 unto another: Heb. unto her companion
- Esther 1:21 pleased the king: Heb. was good in the eyes of the king
- Esther 1:22 that it should be published according to the language of every people: Heb. that one should publish it according to the language of his people
- Esther 2:3 unto the custody: Heb. unto the hand
- Esther 2:3 Hege: Or, Hegai, ver. 8
- Esther 2:7 brought up: Heb. nourished
- Esther 2:7 fair and beautiful: Heb. fair of form, and good of countenance
- Esther 2:9 such things: Heb. her portions
- Esther 2:9 he preferred her: Heb. he changed her
- Esther 2:11 to know how: Heb. to know the peace
- Esther 2:17 favour: Or, kindness
- Esther 2:17 in his sight: Heb. before him
- Esther 2:18 release: Heb. rest
- Esther 2:21 Bigthan: Or, Bigthana
- Esther 2:21 the door: Heb. the threshold
- Esther 3:8 for: Heb. meet Or, equal
- Esther 3:9 that they may be destroyed: Heb. to destroy them
- Esther 3:9 pay: Heb. weigh
- Esther 3:10 enemy: Or, oppressor
- Esther 3:12 scribes: Or, secretaries
- Esther 4:3 many lay in sackloth and ashes: Heb. sackcloth and ashes were laid under many
- Esther 4:4 chamberlains: Heb. Eunuchs
- Esther 4:5 whom he had appointed to attend upon her: Heb. whom he had set before her
- Esther 4:14 enlargement: Heb. respiration
- Esther 4:16 present: Heb. found
- Esther 4:17 went: Heb. passed
- Esther 5:8 to perform: Heb. to do
- Esther 5:10 called: Heb. caused to come
- Esther 5:14 gallows: Heb. tree
- Esther 6:1 could not the King sleep: Heb. the kings sleep fled away
- Esther 6:2 Bigthana: Or, Bigthan
- Esther 6:2 door: Heb. threshold
- Esther 6:6 whom the king delighted to honor?: Heb. in whose honour the King delighteth
- Esther 6:7 whom the king delighted to honor: Heb. in whose honour the King delighteth
- Esther 6:8 let the royal apparel be brought: Heb. let them bring the royal apparel
- Esther 6:8 which the King useth to wear: Heb. wherewith the king clotheth himself
- Esther 6:9 bring him on horseback: Heb. cause him to ride
- Esther 6:10 let nothing fail: Heb. suffer not a whit to fail
- Esther 7:1 to banquet: Heb. to drink
- Esther 7:4 to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish: Heb. that they should destroy and kill, and cause to perish
- Esther 7:5 that durst presume in his heart: Heb. whose heart hath filled him
- Esther 7:6 The adversary: Heb. The man adversary
- Esther 7:6 before: Or, at the presence of
- Esther 7:8 before me: Heb. with me
- Esther 7:9 gallows: Heb. tree
- Esther 8:3 and besought him with tears: Heb. and she wept and besought him
- Esther 8:5 devised: Heb. the device
- Esther 8:5 which he wrote: Or, who wrote
- Esther 8:6 I endure to see: Heb. be able that I may see
- Esther 8:13 published: Heb. revealed
- Esther 8:15 blue: Or, violet
- Esther 9:3 officers of the king: Heb. those which did the business that belonged to the King
- Esther 9:5 what they would: Heb. according to their will
- Esther 9:11 was brought: Heb. came
- Esther 9:13 let…be hanged: Heb. let men hang
- Esther 9:17 of the same: Heb. in it
- Esther 9:24 consume: Heb. crush
- Esther 9:25 when Esther came: Heb. when she came
- Esther 9:26 Pur: that is, Lot
- Esther 9:27 fail: Heb. pass
- Esther 9:28 fail: Heb. pass
- Esther 9:28 perish: Heb. be ended
- Esther 9:29 all authority: Heb. all strength
- Esther 9:31 for themselves: Heb. for their souls
- Esther 10:2 advanced him: Heb. made him great
- Job 1:3 substance: Or, cattle
- Job 1:3 household: Or, husbandry
- Job 1:3 men of the East: Heb. sons of the East
- Job 1:5 continually: Heb. all the days
- Job 1:6 Satan: Heb. the adversary
- Job 1:6 among them: Heb. in the midst of them
- Job 1:8 Hast thou considered: Heb. hast thou set thy heart on
- Job 1:10 substance: Or, cattle
- Job 1:11 and he will curse thee to thy face: Heb. if he curse thee not to thy face
- Job 1:12 power: Heb. hand
- Job 1:16 The fire of God: Or, A great fire
- Job 1:17 fell: Heb. rushed
- Job 1:19 from the: Heb. from aside, etc
- Job 1:20 mantle: Or, robe
- Job 1:22 charged God foolishly: Or, attributed folly to God
- Job 2:3 to destroy him: Heb. to swallow him up
- Job 2:6 but save: Or, only
- Job 3:2 spake: Heb. answered
- Job 3:5 stain it: Or, challenge it
- Job 3:5 let the blackness of the day terrify it: Or, let them terrify it, as those who have a bitter day
- Job 3:6 let it not be joined unto the days: Or, let it not rejoice among the days
- Job 3:8 their mourning: Or, Leviathan
- Job 3:9 the dawning of the day: Heb. the eyelids of the morning
- Job 3:17 weary be at rest: Heb. wearied in strength
- Job 3:21 long: Heb. wait
- Job 3:24 before I eat: Heb. before my meat
- Job 3:25 the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me: Heb. I feared a fear, and it came upon me
- Job 4:2 to commune: Heb. a word
- Job 4:2 who can withold himself from speaking? Heb. who can refrain from words?
- Job 4:4 the feeble knees: The bowing knees
- Job 4:12 secretly: Heb. by stealth
- Job 4:14 came upon me: Heb. met me
- Job 4:14 all my bones: Heb. the multitude of my bones
- Job 4:16 there was silence: Or, I heard a still voice
- Job 4:18 and his Angels he charged: Or, nor in his Angels, in whom he put light
- Job 4:20 destroyed: Heb. beaten in pieces
- Job 5:1 turn: Or, look
- Job 5:2 envy: Or, indignation
- Job 5:6 affliction: Or, iniquity
- Job 5:7 trouble: Or, labour
- Job 5:7 the sparks fly upward: Heb. the sons of the burning coal, lift up to fly
- Job 5:9 and unsearchable: Heb. and there is no search
- Job 5:9 without number: Heb. till there be no number
- Job 5:10 fields: Heb. outplaces
- Job 5:12 cannot perform their enterprise: Or, cannot perform anything
- Job 5:14 meet: Or, run into
- Job 5:20 power: Heb. from the hands
- Job 5:21 from the scourge of the tongue: Or, when the tongue scourgeth
- Job 5:24 thy tabernacle shall be in peace: Or, peace is thy tabernacle
- Job 5:24 sin: Or, err
- Job 5:25 great: Or, much
- Job 5:26 cometh in: Heb. ascendeth
- Job 5:27 for thy good: Heb. for thyself
- Job 6:2 laid: Heb. lifted up
- Job 6:3 my words are swallowed up: That is, I want words to express my grief
- Job 6:5 when he hath grass?: Heb. at grass
- Job 6:8 the thing that I long for!: Heb. my expectation
- Job 6:12 of brass? Heb. brasen
- Job 6:14 to him that is afflicted: Heb. to him that melteth
- Job 6:17 they vanish: Heb. they are cut off
- Job 6:17 when it is hot: Heb. in the heat thereof
- Job 6:17 consumed: Heb. extinguished
- Job 6:21 for now ye are: Or, for now ye are like to them
- Job 6:21 nothing: Heb. not
- Job 6:27 ye overwhelm: Heb. ye cause to fall upon
- Job 6:28 evident unto you: Heb. before your face
- Job 6:29 is in it: that is, in this matter
- Job 6:30 my taste: Heb. my palate
- Job 7:1 an appointed time: Or, a warfare
- Job 7:2 earnestly desireth: Heb. gapeth after
- Job 7:4 the night be gone?: Heb. the evening be measured
- Job 7:7 shall no more: Heb. shall not return
- Job 7:7 see good: To see, that is, to enjoy
- Job 7:8 I am not: That is, I can live no longer
- Job 7:15 then my life: Heb. then my bones
- Job 8:4 for their transgression: Heb. in the hand of their transgression
- Job 8:9 nothing: Heb. not
- Job 8:14 a spiders web: Heb. a spiders house
- Job 8:20 help the evil doers: Heb. take the ungodly by the hand
- Job 8:21 rejoicing: Heb. shouting for joy
- Job 8:22 shall come to nought
- Job 9:2 with God: Or, before God
- Job 9:8 waves: Heb. heights
- Job 9:9 Arcturus, Orion and Pleiades: Heb. Ash, Cesil, and Cimah
- Job 9:12 who can hinder him?: Heb. who can turn him away?
- Job 9:13 the proud helpers: Heb. helpers of pride, or strength
- Job 9:26 swift ships: Heb. ships of desire. Or, ships of Ebeh
- Job 9:31 abhor me: Or, make me to be abhorred
- Job 9:33 any daysman: Heb. one that should argue. Or, Umpire
- Job 9:35 but it is not so with me: Heb. but I am not so with myself
- Job 10:1 weary of my life: Or, cut off while I live
- Job 10:3 the work of thine hands?: Heb. the labour of thine hands
- Job 10:7 thou knowest: Heb. it is upon thy knowledge
- Job 10:8 have made me: Heb. took pains about me
- Job 10:11 fenced: Heb. hedged
- Job 10:17 thy witnesses: That is, thy plagues
- Job 11:2 a man full of talk: Heb. a man of lips
- Job 11:3 lies: Or, devices
- Job 11:8 as high as heaven: Heb. the heights of heaven
- Job 11:10 cut off: Or, make a change
- Job 11:10 who can hinder him? Heb. who can turn him away?
- Job 11:12 vain: Heb. empty
- Job 11:17 shall be clearer than the noon day: Heb. shall arise above the noonday
- Job 11:19 make suit unto thee: Heb. intreat thy face
- Job 11:20 they shall not escape: Heb. flight shall perish from them
- Job 11:20 giving up of the ghost: Or, a puff of breath
- Job 12:3 understanding: Heb. an heart
- Job 12:3 I am not inferior to you: Heb. I fall not lower then you
- Job 12:3 who knoweth not such things as these?: With whom are not such as these?
- Job 12:10 soul: Or, life
- Job 12:10 all mankind: Heb. all flesh of man
- Job 12:11 mouth: Heb. palate
- Job 12:13 with him: That is, with God
- Job 12:14 up: Heb. upon
- Job 12:20 the speech of the trusty: Heb. the lip of the faithful
- Job 12:21 weakeneth the strength of the mighty: Or, looseth the girdle of the strong
- Job 12:23 straighteneth: Heb. leadeth in
- Job 12:25 stagger: Heb. wander
- Job 13:13 hold your peace: Heb. be silent from me
- Job 13:15 maintain: Heb. prove, or argue
- Job 13:27 lookest narrowly: Heb. observeth
- Job 13:27 heels: Heb. roots
- Job 14:1 of few days: Heb. short of days?
- Job 14:4 who can bring: Heb. who will give?
- Job 14:6 rest: Heb. cease
- Job 14:10 wasteth away: Heb. is weakened, or cut off
- Job 14:18 cometh: Heb. fadeth
- Job 14:19 washest away: Heb. overflowest
- Job 15:2 vain knowledge: Heb. knowledge of wind
- Job 15:4 thou casteth off: Heb. thou makest void
- Job 15:4 prayer: Or, speech
- Job 15:5 uttereth: Heb. teacheth
- Job 15:21 A dreadful sound: Heb. A sound of fears
- Job 15:32 accomplished: Or, cut off
- Job 15:35 vanity: Or, iniquity
- Job 16:2 miserable: Or, troublesome
- Job 16:3 vain words: Heb. words of wind
- Job 16:6 what am I eased? Heb. what goeth from me?
- Job 16:11 hath delivered me: Heb. hath shut me up
- Job 16:19 on high: Heb. in the high places
- Job 16:20 scorn me: Heb. are my scorners
- Job 16:21 neighbor: Or, friend
- Job 16:22 a few years: Heb. years of number
- Job 17:1 My breath is corrupt: Or, my spirit is spent
- Job 17:2 continue: Heb. lodge
- Job 17:6 aforetime: Or, before them
- Job 17:7 my members: Or, my thoughts
- Job 17:9 shall be stronger: Heb. shall add strength
- Job 17:11 the thoughts: Heb. the possessions
- Job 17:12 short: Heb. near
- Job 17:14 said: Heb. cried, or called
- Job 18:4 himself: Heb. his soul
- Job 18:6 candle: Or, lamp
- Job 18:10 laid: Heb. hidden
- Job 18:11 drive him: Heb. scatter him
- Job 18:13 strength: Heb. bars
- Job 18:18 He shall be driven: Heb. they shall drive him
- Job 18:20 went before: Or, lived with him
- Job 18:20 were afrighted: Heb. laid hold on horror
- Job 19:3 make yourselves strange to me: Or, harden yourselves against me
- Job 19:7 wrong: Or, violence
- Job 19:17 mine own body: Heb. my belly
- Job 19:18 young children: Or, the wicked
- Job 19:19 my inward friends: Heb. the men of my secret
- Job 19:20 and to: Or, as
- Job 19:23 Oh that my words were now written: Heb. who will give? etc.
- Job 19:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Or, After I shall awake though this body be destroyed, yet out of my flesh shall I see God
- Job 19:27 another: Heb. a stranger
- Job 19:27 within me: Heb. in my bosom
- Job 19:28 seeing the root of the matter is found in me: Or, and what root of matter is found in me?
- Job 20:2 I make haste: Heb. my haste is in me
- Job 20:5 short: Heb. from near
- Job 20:6 clouds: Heb. cloud
- Job 20:10 His children shall seek to please the poor: Or, the poor shall oppress his children
- Job 20:13 within his mouth: Heb. in the midst of his palate
- Job 20:17 the floods, the brooks: Or, streaming brooks
- Job 20:18 according to his substance shall the restitution be: Heb. according to the substance of his exchange
- Job 20:19 oppressed: Heb. crushed
- Job 20:20 feel: Heb. know
- Job 20:21 There shall none of his meat be left: Or, there shall be none left for his meats
- Job 20:22 wicked: Or, troublesome
- Job 20:29 appointed unto him by God: Heb. of his decree from God
- Job 21:4 troubled?: Heb. shortened
- Job 21:5 Mark me: Heb. Look unto me
- Job 21:9 safe from fear: Heb. are peace from fear
- Job 21:13 in wealth: Or, in mirth
- Job 21:17 candle: Or, lamp
- Job 21:18 carrieth away: Heb. stealeth away
- Job 21:19 his iniquity: That is, the punishment of his iniquity
- Job 21:23 in his full strength: Heb. in his very perfection, or in the strength of his perfection
- Job 21:24 breasts: Or, milk pails
- Job 21:28 the dwelling places: Heb. the tent of the tabernacles of the wicked
- Job 21:30 the day of wrath: Heb. the day of wraths
- Job 21:32 grave: Heb. graves
- Job 21:32 remain in the tomb: Heb. watch in the heap
- Job 21:34 falsehood: Heb. transgression
- Job 22:2 he that is wise may be profitable unto himself: Or, if he may be profitable, doth his good success depend thereon?
- Job 22:6 stripped the naked of their clothing: Heb. stripped the clothes of the naked
- Job 22:8 mighty man: Heb. the man of arm
- Job 22:8 the honorable man: Heb. eminent or accepted for countenance
- Job 22:12 height of the stars: Heb. the head of the stars
- Job 22:13 How: Or, what
- Job 22:16 whose foundation was overflowen: Heb. a flood was poured upon their foundation
- Job 22:17 for them?: Or, to them
- Job 22:20 substance: Or, estate
- Job 22:20 remnant: Or, their excellency
- Job 22:21 him: That is, with God
- Job 22:24 as dust: Or, on the dust
- Job 22:25 defence: Or, gold
- Job 22:25 plenty of silver: Heb. silver of strength
- Job 22:29 humble person: Heb. him that hath low eyes
- Job 22:30 he shall deliver the Island of the innocent: Or, the innocent shall deliver the Island
- Job 23:2 my stroke: Heb. my hand
- Job 23:10 the way that I take: Heb. the way that is with me
- Job 23:12 I have esteemed: Heb. I have hid, or laid up
- Job 23:12 my necessary food: Or, my appointed portion
- Job 24:2 feed thereof: Or, feed them
- Job 24:6 corn: Heb. mingled corn, or dredge
- Job 24:6 they gather the vintage of the wicked: Heb. the wicked gather the vintage
- Job 24:15 disguiseth his face: Heb. setteth his face in secret
- Job 24:19 consume: Heb. violently take it
- Job 24:22 and no man is sure of life: Or, he trusteth not his own life
- Job 24:24 are gone: Heb. are not
- Job 24:24 taken out: Heb. closed up
- Job 26:5 and the inhabitants: Or, with the inhabitants
- Job 26:10 until the day and night: Heb. until the end of light with darkness
- Job 26:12 the proud: Heb. pride
- Job 27:1 continued: Heb. added to take up
- Job 27:2 vexed my soul: Heb. made my soul bitter
- Job 27:3 the spirit of God: That is, the breath which God gave him
- Job 27:6 so long as I live: Heb. from my days
- Job 27:11 by the hand: Or, being in the hand etc.
- Job 27:22 he would fain: Heb. in fleeing he would flee
- Job 28:1 a vein: Or, a mine
- Job 28:2 earth: Or, dust
- Job 28:6 dust of gold: Or, gold ore
- Job 28:9 rock: Or, flint
- Job 28:11 from overflowing: Heb. from weeping
- Job 28:15 it cannot be gotten for gold: Heb. fine gold shall not be given for it
- Job 28:17 jewels of fine gold: Or, vessel of fine gold
- Job 28:18 Coral: Or, Ramoth
- Job 28:21 air: Or, heaven
- Job 28:27 and declare it: Or, did number it
- Job 29:1 continued: Heb. added to take up
- Job 29:3 candle: Or, lamp
- Job 29:6 me out: Heb. with me
- Job 29:10 The nobles held their peace: Heb. The voice of the nobles was hid
- Job 29:17 the jaws: Heb. the jawteeth or the grinders
- Job 29:17 plucked: Heb. I cast
- Job 29:19 spread out: Heb. opened
- Job 29:20 fresh: Heb. new
- Job 29:20 renewed: Heb. changed
- Job 30:1 that are younger than I: Heb. of fewer days than I
- Job 30:3 solitary: Or, dark as the night
- Job 30:3 in former time: Heb. yesternight
- Job 30:6 caves: Heb. holes
- Job 30:8 base men: Heb. men of no name
- Job 30:10 and spare not to spit in my face: Heb. and withhold not spittle from my face
- Job 30:15 my soul: Heb. my principal one
- Job 30:21 become cruel: Heb. turned to be cruel
- Job 30:21 thy strong hand: Heb. the strength of thy hand
- Job 30:22 substance: Or, wisdom
- Job 30:24 grave: Heb. heap
- Job 30:25 for him that was in trouble?: Heb. for him that was hard of day
- Job 30:29 owls: Or, ostriches
- Job 31:6 Let me be weighed in an even balance: Heb. let him weigh me in balances of Justice
- Job 31:15 did not one fashion us in the womb?: Or, did he not fashion us in one womb?
- Job 31:18 her: That is, the widow
- Job 31:22 bone: Or, the chanelbone
- Job 31:25 gotten much: Heb. found much
- Job 31:26 the Sun: Heb. the light
- Job 31:26 in brightness: Heb. bright
- Job 31:27 my mouth hath kissed my hand: Heb. my hand hath kissed my mouth
- Job 31:30 my mouth: Heb. my palate
- Job 31:32 to the traveller: Or, to the way
- Job 31:33 as Adam: Or, after the manner of men
- Job 31:35 behold, my desire, that the Almighty would answer me: Or, behold my sign is that the Almighty will answer me
- Job 31:38 complain: Heb. weep
- Job 31:39 the fruits thereof: Heb. the strength thereof
- Job 31:39 caused the owners thereof to lose their life: Heb. caused the soul of the owners thereof to expire, or breath out
- Job 31:40 cockle: Or, noisome weeds
- Job 32:1 to answer: Heb. from answering
- Job 32:2 himself: Heb. his soul
- Job 32:4 waited till Job had spoken: Heb. expected Job in words
- Job 32:4 elder than he: Heb. elder for days
- Job 32:6 young: Heb. few of days
- Job 32:6 durst: Heb. I feared
- Job 32:11 reasons: Heb. understandings
- Job 32:11 what to say: Heb. words
- Job 32:14 directed his words: Or, ordered his words
- Job 32:15 they let off speaking: Heb. they removed speeches from themselves
- Job 32:18 matter: Heb. words
- Job 32:18 spirit within me: Heb. the spirit of my belly
- Job 32:19 hath no vent: Heb. is not opened
- Job 32:20 that I may be refreshed: Heb. that I may breath
- Job 33:2 in my mouth: Heb. in my palate
- Job 33:6 according to thy wish: Heb. according to thy mouth
- Job 33:6 formed out of the clay: Heb. cut out of the clay
- Job 33:8 in mine hearing: Heb. in mine ears
- Job 33:13 he giveth not account: Heb. he answereth not
- Job 33:16 he openeth the ears: Heb. he revealeth, or uncovereth
- Job 33:17 purpose: Heb. work
- Job 33:18 from perishing by the sword: Heb. from passing by the sword
- Job 33:20 dainty meat: Heb. meat of desire
- Job 33:24 a ransom: Or, an atonement
- Job 33:25 then a childs: Heb. then childhood
- Job 33:27 He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned: Or, he shall look upon men, and say, I have sinned, etc.
- Job 33:28 He will deliver his soul: Or, he hath delivered my soul etc. and my life
- Job 33:29 oftentimes: Heb. twice and thrice
- Job 34:3 mouth: Heb. palate
- Job 34:6 my wound: Heb. mine arrow
- Job 34:10 men of understanding: Heb. men of heart
- Job 34:13 the whole: Heb. all of it
- Job 34:14 upon man: Heb. upon him
- Job 34:17 govern? Heb. binde
- Job 34:20 the mighty shall be taken: Heb. they shall take away the mighty
- Job 34:23 enter: Heb. go
- Job 34:24 without number: Heb. without searching out
- Job 34:25 destroyed: Heb. crushed
- Job 34:26 in the open sight of others: Heb. in the place of beholders
- Job 34:27 from him: Heb. from after him
- Job 34:33 Should it be according to thy mind? Heb. Should it be from with thee?
- Job 34:34 of understanding: Heb. of heart
- Job 34:36 My desire is that Job may be tried: Or, My father, let Job be tried
- Job 35:3 if I be cleansed from my sin? Or, if by it more then by my sin
- Job 35:4 I will answer thee: Heb. I will return to thee words
- Job 35:15 he: That is God
- Job 35:15 he: That is Job
- Job 36:2 that I have yet to speak of Gods behalf: Heb. that there are yet words for God
- Job 36:5 wisdom: Heb. heart
- Job 36:6 poor: Or, afflicted
- Job 36:12 they shall perish by the sword: Heb. they shall pass away by the sword
- Job 36:14 They die: Heb. Their soul dieth
- Job 36:14 unclean: Or, Sodomites
- Job 36:15 poor: Or, afflicted
- Job 36:16 that which should be set on thy table: Heb. the rest of thy table
- Job 36:17 judgment and justice take hold on thee: Or, judgment and justice should uphold thee
- Job 36:18 deliver thee: Heb. turn thee aside
- Job 36:30 the bottom: Heb. the roots
- Job 36:33 the Vapour: Heb. that which goeth up
- Job 37:2 Hear attentively: Heb. Hear in hearing
- Job 37:3 lightning: Heb. light
- Job 37:3 ends of the earth: Heb. wings of the earth
- Job 37:6 likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength: Heb. and to the shower of rain, and to showers of rain of his strength
- Job 37:9 Out of the south: Heb. out of the chamber
- Job 37:9 North: Heb. scattering winds
- Job 37:11 his bright cloud: Heb. the cloud of his light
- Job 37:13 correction: Heb. a rod
- Job 37:22 fair: Heb. gold
- Job 38:3 answer thou me: Heb. make me know
- Job 38:4 if thou hast understanding: Heb. if thou knowest understanding
- Job 38:6 foundations: Heb. sockets
- Job 38:6 fastened?: Heb. made to sink
- Job 38:10 brake up for it my decreed place: Or, established my decree upon it
- Job 38:6 thy proud waves: Heb. the pride of thy waves
- Job 38:13 ends: Heb. wings
- Job 38:20 to: Or, at
- Job 38:30 is frozen: Heb. is taken
- Job 38:31 Pleiades?: Or, the seven stars. Heb. Cimah
- Job 38:31 Orion?: Heb. Cesil
- Job 38:32 Mazzaroth: Or, the twelve signs
- Job 38:32 guide: Heb. guide them
- Job 38:35 here we are?: Heb. behold us
- Job 38:37 who can stay: Heb. who can cause to lie down
- Job 38:38 when the dust: Or, when the dust is turned into mire:
- Job 38:38 groweth: Heb. is poured
- Job 38:39 the appetite: Heb. the life
- Job 39:6 the barren land: Heb. salt places
- Job 39:7 of the driver: Heb. of the exactor
- Job 39:13 wings and feathers unto the Ostrich?: Or, the feathers of the Stork and Ostrich
- Job 39:20 terrible: Heb. terror
- Job 39:21 He paweth: Or, His feet dig
- Job 39:21 the armed men: Heb. the armour
- Job 39:27 at thy command?: Heb. by thy mouth
- Job 40:15 behemoth: Or, the elephant, as some think
- Job 40:17 he moveth: Or, he settleth up
- Job 40:23 he drinketh: Heb. he oppresseth
- Job 40:24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares: Or, will any take him in his sight? or bore his nose with a ginn?
- Job 41:1 leviathan: That is, a whale or a whirlpool
- Job 41:1 which thou lettest down?: Heb. which thou drownest
- Job 41:13 with: Or, within
- Job 41:15 scales: Heb. strong pieces of shields
- Job 41:22 sorrow is turned into joy: Heb. sorrow rejoiceth
- Job 41:23 the flakes: Heb. the fallings
- Job 41:26 habergeon: Or, breastplate
- Job 41:30 Sharp stones: Heb. Sharp pieces, of potsherd
- Job 41:33 who is made without fear: Or, who behave themselves without fear
- Job 42:2 no thought can be withholden: Or, no thought of thine can be hindered
- Job 42:8 him: Heb. his face or person
- Job 42:9 Job: Heb. the face of Job
- Job 42:10 gave Job twice as much: Heb. added to Job unto the double
- Psalm 1:1 ungodly: Or, wicked
- Psalm 1:3 wither: Heb. fade
- Psalm 2:1 rage: Or, tumultuously assemble?
- Psalm 2:1 imagine: Heb. mediate
- Psalm 2:5 vex: Or, trouble
- Psalm 2:6 my King: Heb. anointed
- Psalm 2:6 upon my holy hill of Zion: Heb. upon Zion, the hill of my Holiness
- Psalm 2:7 the decree: Or, for a decree
- Psalm 3:3 for: Or, about
- Psalm 4:1 chief: Or, overseer
- Psalm 4:1 have mercy upon me: Or, be gracious unto me
- Psalm 5:5 in thy sight: Heb. before thine eyes
- Psalm 5:6 bloody and deceitful man: Heb. man of bloods and deceit
- Psalm 5:7 thy holy temple: Heb. the temple of thy holiness
- Psalm 5:8 mine enemies: Heb. those which observe me
- Psalm 5:9 faithfulness: Or, steadfastness
- Psalm 5:9 in their mouth: Heb. in his mouth i. in the mouth of any of them
- Psalm 5:9 very wickedness: Heb. wickedness
- Psalm 5:10 Destroy thou them: Or, make them guilty
- Psalm 5:10 by their own counsels: Or, from their counsels
- Psalm 5:11 defendest them: Heb. thou coverest over, or protectest them
- Psalm 5:12 compass him: Heb. crown him
- Psalm 6:1 upon: Or, upon the eight
- Psalm 6:6 all the night: Or, every night
- Psalm 7:1 words: Or, business
- Psalm 7:2 none to deliver
- Psalm 7:10 my defense is of God: Heb. my buckler is upon God
- Psalm 7:11 God judgeth the righteous: Or, God is a righteous Judge
- Psalm 7:15 He made a pit and digged it: Heb. he hath digged a pit
- Psalm 8:2 ordained: Heb. founded
- Psalm 8:7 all sheep and oxen: Heb. flocks and oxen, all of them
- Psalm 9:4 thou hast maintained my right: Heb. thou hast made my judgment
- Psalm 9:4 right: Heb. in righteousness
- Psalm 9:6 O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end; and thou hast destroyed cities: Or, the destructions of the enemy are come to a perpetuall end; and their cities hast thou destroyed, etc.
- Psalm 9:9 a refuge: Heb. an high place
- Psalm 9:12 humble: Or, afflicted
- Psalm 10:2 The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: Heb. in the pride of the wicked he doth persecute
- Psalm 10:3 hearts: Heb. souls
- Psalm 10:3 and blesseth: Or, the coveteous blesseth himself, he abborreth the Lord
- Psalm 10:6 never: Heb. unto generation and generation
- Psalm 10:7 deceit: Heb. deceits
- Psalm 10:7 vanity: Or, iniquity
- Psalm 10:8 are priviley set: Heb. hide themselves
- Psalm 10:9 secretly: Heb. in the secret places
- Psalm 10:10 He croucheth: Heb. he breaketh himself
- Psalm 10:10 by his strong ones: Or, into his strong parts
- Psalm 10:12 humble: Or, afflicted
- Psalm 10:14 committeth: Heb. leaveth
- Psalm 10:17 prepare: Or, establish
- Psalm 10:18 oppress: Or, terrify
- Psalm 11:2 privily: Heb. in darkness
- Psalm 11:6 an horrible tempest: Or, a burning tempest
- Psalm 12:1 Help: Or, save
- Psalm 12:2 a double heart: Heb. an heart, and an heart
- Psalm 12:3 proud things: Heb. great things
- Psalm 12:4 are our own: Heb. are with us
- Psalm 12:5 puffeth at him: Or, would ensnare him
- Psalm 12:7 him. i. every one of them
- Psalm 12:8 vilest men are exalted: Heb. the vilest of the sons of the men are exalted
- Psalm 14:3 filthy: Heb. stinking
- Psalm 14:5 There were they in great fear: Heb. they feared a fear
- Psalm 14:7 O that: Heb. who will give? etc.
- Psalm 15:1 abide: Heb. sojourn
- Psalm 15:3 taketh up: Or, receiveth, or endureth
- Psalm 16:4 hasten after another: Or, give gifts to another
- Psalm 16:5 of mine: Heb. of my part
- Psalm 16:9 rest in hope: Heb. dwell confidently
- Psalm 17:1 the right: Heb. justice
- Psalm 17:1 not out of fainted lips: Heb. without lips of deceit
- Psalm 17:5 slip not: Heb. be not moved
- Psalm 17:7 that savest by thy right hand, them which put their trust in thee, from those that rise up against them: Or, that savest them which trust in thee from these that rise up against thy right hand
- Psalm 17:9 that oppress me: Heb. that waste me
- Psalm 17:9 deadly enemies: Heb. my enemies against the soul
- Psalm 17:12 Like as a lion: Heb. The likeness of him (i. of every one of them) is as a lion that desireth to ravin
- Psalm 17:12 lurking: Heb. sitting
- Psalm 17:13 disappoint him: Heb. prevent his face
- Psalm 17:13 which is thy sword: Or, by thy sword
- Psalm 17:14 from men which are thy hand: Or, from men by thine hand
- Psalm 17:14 they are full of children: Or, their children are full
- Psalm 18:2 my strength: Heb. my rock
- Psalm 18:4 ungodly men: Heb. Belial
- Psalm 18:5 sorrows: Or, cords
- Psalm 18:8 out of his: Heb. by his
- Psalm 18:16 many waters: Or, great waters
- Psalm 18:23 before him: Heb. with
- Psalm 18:24 in his eyesight: Heb. before his eyes
- Psalm 18:26 shew thyself froward: Or, wrestle
- Psalm 18:28 candle: Or, lamp
- Psalm 18:29 run through: Or, broken
- Psalm 18:30 tried: Or, refined
- Psalm 18:35 thy gentleness hath made me great: Or, with thy meekness thou hast multiplied me
- Psalm 18:36 my feet: Heb. mine ankles
- Psalm 18:39 hast subdued: Heb. caused to bow
- Psalm 18:44 as soon as they heard: Heb. at the hearing of the ear
- Psalm 18:44 the strangers: Heb. the sons of the stranger
- Psalm 18:44 submit: Or, yield feigned obedience
- Psalm 18:47 avengeth: Heb. giveth avengements for me
- Psalm 18:47 subdueth: Or, destroyeth
- Psalm 18:48 violent man: Heb. man of violence
- Psalm 18:49 give: Or, confess
- Psalm 19:3 their voice is not heard: Or, without these their voice is heard. Heb. without their voice heard
- Psalm 19:4 line: Or, their rule, or direction
- Psalm 19:7 law: Or, doctrine
- Psalm 19:7 converting: Or, restoring
- Psalm 19:9 true: Heb. truth
- Psalm 19:10 the honeycomb: Heb. the dropping of honeycombs
- Psalm 19:13 the great: Or, much
- Psalm 19:14 my strength: Heb. my rock
- Psalm 20:1 defend thee: Heb. set thee on an high place
- Psalm 20:2 thee help: Heb. thy help
- Psalm 20:2 strengthen thee: Heb. support thee
- Psalm 20:3 accept: Heb. turn to ashes, or, make fat
- Psalm 20:6 from his holy heaven: Heb. from the heaven of his holiness
- Psalm 20:6 with the saving strength of his right hand: Heb. by the strength of the salvation of his right hand
- Psalm 21:6 made him most blessed: Heb. set him to be blessings
- Psalm 21:6 made him exceeding glad: Heb. gladded him with joy
- Psalm 21:12 shalt thou make them turn: Or, thou shalt set them as a butte
- Psalm 21:12 back: Heb. shoulder
- Psalm 22:1 from helping me: Heb. from my salvation
- Psalm 22:2 am not silent: Heb. there is no silence to me
- Psalm 22:7 shoot: Heb. open
- Psalm 22:8 He trusted on the LORD: Heb. He rolled himself on the Lord
- Psalm 22:8 seeing he delighted in him: Or, if he delight in him
- Psalm 22:9 didst make me hope: Or, keptest me in safety
- Psalm 22:11 none to help: Heb. not a helper
- Psalm 22:13 gaped upon me with their mouths: Heb. opened their mouths against me
- Psalm 22:14 out of joint: Or, sundry
- Psalm 22:20 my darling: Heb. my only one
- Psalm 22:20 from the power: Heb. from the hand
- Psalm 23:2 green pastures: Heb. pastures of tender grass
- Psalm 23:2 still waters: waters of quietness
- Psalm 23:5 anointest: Heb. makest fat
- Psalm 23:6 forever: Heb. to length of days
- Psalm 24:4 He that hath clean hands: Heb. the clean of hands
- Psalm 24:6 O Jacob: Or, O God of Jacob
- Psalm 25:13 thy tender: thy bowels
- Psalm 25:13 shalt dwell at ease: Heb. shall lodge in goodness
- Psalm 25:14 and he will show them his covenant: Or, and his covenant to make them know it
- Psalm 25:15 pluck: Heb. bring forth
- Psalm 25:19 cruel hatred: Heb. hatred of violence
- Psalm 26:8 where thine honor dwelleth: Heb. of the Tabernacle of thy honor
- Psalm 26:9 Gather not: Or, take not away
- Psalm 26:9 bloody men: Heb. men of blood
- Psalm 26:10 full of bribes: Heb. filled with
- Psalm 27:2 came upon me: Heb. approached against me
- Psalm 27:4 the beauty: Or, the delight
- Psalm 27:6 of joy: Heb. of shouting
- Psalm 27:8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee: Or, my heart said unto thee, let my face seek thy face, etc.
- Psalm 27:10 will take me up: Heb. will gather me
- Psalm 27:11 a plain path: Heb. a way of plainness
- Psalm 27:11 enemies: Heb. those which observe me
- Psalm 28:1 to me: Heb. from me
- Psalm 28:2 toward thy holy Oracle: Or, towards the Oracle of thy Sanctuary
- Psalm 28:8 their strength: Or, his strength
- Psalm 28:8 saving strength: Heb. strength of salvations
- Psalm 28:9 feed: Or, rule
- Psalm 29:1 ye mighty: Heb. ye sons of the mighty
- Psalm 29:2 the glory due unto his Name: Heb. the honour of his name
- Psalm 29:2 in the beauty of holiness: Or, in his glorious Sanctuary
- Psalm 29:3 many waters: Or, great waters
- Psalm 29:4 powerful: Heb. in power
- Psalm 29:4 full of Majesty: Heb. in Majesty
- Psalm 29:7 divideth: Heb. cutteth out
- Psalm 29:8 shaketh: Or, to be in pain
- Psalm 29:9 every one speak: Or, every whit of it uttereth etc.
- Psalm 30:4 at the rememberance: Or, to the memorial
- Psalm 30:5 his anger endureth but a moment: Heb. there is but a moment in his anger
- Psalm 30:5 for a night: Heb. in the evening
- Psalm 30:5 joy: Heb. singing
- Psalm 30:6 prosperity: [marginal note missing in original]
- Psalm 30:7 made my mountain to stand strong: Heb. settled strength
- Psalm 30:12 my glory: That is, my tongue, or my soul
- Psalm 31:2 my strong rock: Heb. to me for a rock of strength
- Psalm 31:12 a broken vessel: Heb. a vessel that perisheth
- Psalm 31:17 let them be silent in the grave: Or, let them be cut off for the grave
- Psalm 31:18 grievous: Heb. a hard thing
- Psalm 31:21 strong city: Or, fenced city
- Psalm 32:6 in a time when thou mayest be found: Heb. in a time of finding
- Psalm 32:8 I will guide thee with mine eye: Heb. I will counsel thee, mine eye shall be upon thee
- Psalm 33:5 goodness: Or, mercy
- Psalm 33:10 bringeth: Heb. maketh frustrate
- Psalm 33:11 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
- Psalm 34:5 They looked unto him: Or, they flowed unto him
- Psalm 34:18 unto them that are of a broken heart: Heb. to the broken of heart
- Psalm 34:18 of a contrite spirit: Heb. contrite of spirit
- Psalm 34:21 shall be desolate: Or, shall be guilty
- Psalm 35:6 dark and slippery: Heb. darkness and slipperiness
- Psalm 35:8 at unawares: Heb. which he knoweth not of
- Psalm 35:11 False witnesses: Heb. Witnesses of wrong
- Psalm 35:11 they laid: Heb. they asked me
- Psalm 35:12 spoiling: Heb. depriving
- Psalm 35:13 humbled: Or, afflicted
- Psalm 35:14 behaved: Heb. walked
- Psalm 35:14 my friend, or brother: Heb. as a friend, as a brother to me
- Psalm 35:15 adversity: Heb. halting
- Psalm 35:17 my darling: Heb. my only one
- Psalm 35:18 much: Heb. strong
- Psalm 35:19 wrongfully: Heb. falsely
- Psalm 35:25 Ah, so would we have it: Heb. Ah, ah, our soul
- Psalm 35:27 my righteous cause: Heb. my righteousness
- Psalm 36:2 until his iniquity be found to be hateful: Heb. to find his iniquity to hate
- Psalm 36:4 mischief: Or, vanity
- Psalm 36:6 the great mountains: Heb. the mountains of God
- Psalm 36:7 excellent: Heb. precious
- Psalm 36:8 abundantly: Heb. watered
- Psalm 36:10 continue: Heb. draw out at length
- Psalm 37:3 verily: Heb. in truth and stableness
- Psalm 37:5 Commit thy way unto the LORD: Heb. roll thy way upon the Lord
- Psalm 37:7 rest in the LORD: Heb. be silent to the LORD
- Psalm 37:12 plotteth: Or, practiseth
- Psalm 37:14 such as be of upright conversation: Heb. the upright of way
- Psalm 37:20 the fat of lambs: Heb. the preciousness of Lambs
- Psalm 37:23 ordered: Or, established
- Psalm 37:26 ever: Heb. all the day
- Psalm 37:31 steps: Or, goings
- Psalm 37:35 a green bay tree: Or, a green tree, that groweth in his own soil
- Psalm 38:3 rest: Heb. peace, or health
- Psalm 38:6 troubled: Heb. worried
- Psalm 38:10 is gone from me: Heb. is not with me
- Psalm 38:11 sore: Heb. stroke
- Psalm 38:11 my kinsmen: Or, my neighbors
- Psalm 38:15 in thee: Or, thee do I wait for
- Psalm 38:15 hear: Or, answer
- Psalm 38:17 to halt: Heb. for halting
- Psalm 38:19 are lively: Heb. being living, are strong
- Psalm 39:1 my mouth with a bridle: Heb. a bridle, or muzzle for my mouth
- Psalm 39:2 stirred: Heb. troubled
- Psalm 39:4 how frail: Or, what time I have here
- Psalm 39:5 at his best state: Heb. settled
- Psalm 39:6 a vain show: Heb. image
- Psalm 39:10 blow: Heb. conflict
- Psalm 39:11 his beauty to consume away: Heb. that which is to be desired in him, to melt away
- Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently: Heb. In waiting I waited
- Psalm 40:2 an horrible pit: Heb. a pit of noise
- Psalm 40:5 they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: Or, none can order them unto thee
- Psalm 40:6 opened: Heb. digged
- Psalm 40:8 within my heart: Heb. in the midst of my bowels
- Psalm 40:12 faileth: Heb. forsaketh
- Psalm 41:1 the poor: Or, the weak, or sick
- Psalm 41:1 in time of trouble: Heb. in the day of evil
- Psalm 41:2 thou wilt not deliver him: Or, do not now deliver
- Psalm 41:3 make: Heb. turn
- Psalm 41:7 my hurt: Heb. evil to me
- Psalm 41:8 an evil disease: Heb. a thing of Belial
- Psalm 41:9 mine own familiar friend: Heb. the man of my peace
- Psalm 41:9 lift up: Heb. magnify
- Psalm 42:1 panteth: Heb. brayeth
- Psalm 42:5 cast down: Heb. bowed down
- Psalm 42:5 praise: Or, give thanks
- Psalm 42:5 for the help of his countenance: Or, his presence is salvation
- Psalm 42:6 the hill Missar: Or, the little hill
- Psalm 42:10 sword: Or, killing
- Psalm 43:1 ungodly: Or, unmerciful
- Psalm 43:1 from the deceitful and unjust man: Heb. from a man of deceit, and iniquity
- Psalm 43:4 my exceeding joy: Heb. the gladness of my joy
- Psalm 44:11 sheep appointed for meat: Heb. as sheep of meat
- Psalm 44:12 for nought: Heb. without riches
- Psalm 44:18 steps: Or, goings
- Psalm 44:26 for our help: Heb. a help for us
- Psalm 45:1 inditing: Heb. boileth or bublleth up
- Psalm 45:4 ride prosperously: Heb. prosper thou, ride thou
- Psalm 45:12 thy favour: Heb. thy face
- Psalm 46:2 midst of the sea: Heb. heart of the seas
- Psalm 46:5 and that right early: Heb. when the morning appeareth
- Psalm 46:7 our refuge: Heb. an high place for us
- Psalm 47:7 with understanding: Or, every one that hath understanding
- Psalm 47:9 The princes of the people are gathered together , even the people of the God of Abraham: Or, the voluntary of the people are gathered unto the people of the God of Abraham
- Psalm 48:13 Mark ye well her bulwarks: Heb. Set your heart to her bulwarks
- Psalm 48:13 consider: Or, raise up
- Psalm 49:11 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
- Psalm 49:13 approve their sayings: Heb. delight in their mouth
- Psalm 49:14 beauty: Or, strength
- Psalm 49:14 in the grave, from their dwelling: Or, the grave being an habitation to every one of them
- Psalm 49:15 from the power: Heb. from the hand of the grave
- Psalm 49:15 grave: Or, hell
- Psalm 49:18 whiles he lived: Heb. in his life
- Psalm 49:19 he shall go: Heb. the soul shall go
- Psalm 50:11 mine: Heb. with me
- Psalm 50:18 hast been partaker with adulterers: Heb. thy portion was with adulterers
- Psalm 50:19 Thou givest: Heb. thou sendest
- Psalm 50:23 that ordereth his conversation: Heb. that disposeth his way
- Psalm 51:5 conceive me: Heb. warm me
- Psalm 51:10 a right spirit: Or, a constant spirit
- Psalm 51:14 bloodguiltiness: Heb. bloods
- Psalm 51:16 else would I give it: Or, that I should give it
- Psalm 52:4 O thou deceitful tongue: Or, and the deceitful tongue
- Psalm 52:5 destroy thee: Heb. beat thee down
- Psalm 52:7 wickedness: Or, substance
- Psalm 53:5 were they in great fear: Heb. they feared a fear
- Psalm 53:6 Oh that the salvation: Heb. Who will give salvation, etc.
- Psalm 54:5 mine enemies: Heb. those that observe me
- Psalm 55:5 overwhelmed me: Heb. covered me
- Psalm 55:13 a man, mine equal: Heb. a man according to my rank
- Psalm 55:14 We took sweet counsel: Heb. who sweetened counsel
- Psalm 55:15 hell: Or, the grave
- Psalm 55:19 they have no changes, therefore they fear not God: Or, with whom also there be no changes, yet they fear not God
- Psalm 55:20 he hath broken: Heb. he hath profaned
- Psalm 55:22 burden: Or, gift
- Psalm 55:23 bloody and deceitful men: Heb. men of bloods and deceit
- Psalm 55:23 shall not live out half their days: Heb. shall not half their days
- Psalm 56:2 mine enemies: Heb. mine observers
- Psalm 57:3 from the reproach of him, that would swallow me up: Or, he reproacheth him that would swallow me up
- Psalm 57:7 fixed: Or, prepared
- Psalm 58:3 as soon as they be born: Heb. from the belly
- Psalm 58:4 like the: Heb. according to the likeness
- Psalm 58:4 adder: Or, asp
- Psalm 58:5 charming never so wisely: Or, be the charmer never so cunning
- Psalm 58:9 both living, and in his wrath: Heb. as living, as wrath
- Psalm 58:11 a reward for: Heb. fruit of the etc.
- Psalm 59:1 defend me: Heb. set me on high
- Psalm 59:4 to help me: Heb. to meet me
- Psalm 59:9 my defence: Heb. my high place
- Psalm 59:10 mine enemies: Heb. mine observers
- Psalm 59:15 for meat: Heb. to eat
- Psalm 59:15 and grudge if they be not satisfied: Or, if they be not satisfied, then they will stay all night
- Psalm 60:1 scattered: Heb. broken
- Psalm 60:8 triumph thou because of me: Or, triumph thou over me: (by an irony)
- Psalm 60:9 strong city: Heb. city of strength
- Psalm 60:11 help of man: Heb. salvation
- Psalm 61:4 trust: Or, make my refuge
- Psalm 61:6 Thou wilt prolong the kings life: Heb. thou shalt add days to the days of the King
- Psalm 61:6 as many generations: Heb. as generation and generation
- Psalm 62:1 Truly: Or, only
- Psalm 62:1 waiteth: Heb. is silent
- Psalm 62:2 defence: Heb. high place
- Psalm 62:4 inwardly: Heb. in their inward parts
- Psalm 62:9 altogether: Or, alike
- Psalm 62:11 power: Or, strength
- Psalm 63:1 thirsty: Heb. weary
- Psalm 63:1 where no water is: Heb. without water
- Psalm 63:5 marrow: Heb. fatness
- Psalm 63:10 They shall fall by the sword: Heb. They shall make him run out like water by the hands of the sword
- Psalm 64:5 matter: Or, speech
- Psalm 64:5 laying snares: Heb. to hide snares
- Psalm 64:6 They search out iniquities, they accomplish: Or, we are consumed by that which they have thoroughly searched
- Psalm 64:6 a diligent search: Heb. a search, searched
- Psalm 64:7 shall they be wounded: Heb. their wound shall be
- Psalm 65:1 waiteth: Heb. is silent
- Psalm 65:3 Iniquities prevail: Heb. words or matters of iniquities
- Psalm 65:8 to rejoice: Or, to sing
- Psalm 65:9 waterest it: Or, after thou hadst made it to desire rain
- Psalm 65:10 thou settlest: Or, thou causest rain to descend into the furrows thereof
- Psalm 65:10 thou makest it soft: Heb. thou dissolvest it
- Psalm 65:11 the year with thy goodness: Heb. the year of thy goodness
- Psalm 65:12 rejoice on every side: Heb. are girded with joy
- Psalm 66:1 all ye lands: Heb. all the earth
- Psalm 66:3 submit themselves: Or, yield feigned obedience, Heb. lie
- Psalm 66:9 holdeth: Heb. putteth
- Psalm 66:12 wealthy: Heb. moist
- Psalm 66:14 uttered: Heb. opened
- Psalm 66:15 fatlings: Heb. marrow
- Psalm 67:1 upon us: Heb. with us
- Psalm 67:4 govern: Heb. lead
- Psalm 68:1 before him: Heb. from his face
- Psalm 68:3 exceedingly rejoice: Heb. rejoice with gladness
- Psalm 68:6 in families: Heb. in a house
- Psalm 68:9 send: Heb. shake out
- Psalm 68:9 confirm: Heb. confirm it
- Psalm 68:11 company: Heb. army
- Psalm 68:12 did flee apace: Heb. did flee, did flee
- Psalm 68:14 in it, it was: Or, for her, she was
- Psalm 68:17 even thousands: Or, even many thousands
- Psalm 68:18 for men: Heb. in the man
- Psalm 68:23 dipped: Or, red
- Psalm 68:26 from the fountain of Israel: Or, ye that are of the fountain of Israel
- Psalm 68:27 and their Council: Or, with their company
- Psalm 68:30 the company of spearmen: Or, the beast of the reeds
- Psalm 68:30 scatter thou: Or, he scattereth
- Psalm 68:33 send out: Heb. give
- Psalm 68:34 clouds: Or, heavens
- Psalm 69:2 deep mire: Heb. the mire of depth
- Psalm 69:2 deep waters: Heb. depth of waters
- Psalm 69:5 sins: Heb. guiltiness
- Psalm 69:12 drunkards: Heb. drinkers of strong drink
- Psalm 69:17 hear me speedily: Heb. make haste to hear me
- Psalm 69:20 to take pity: Heb. to lament with me
- Psalm 69:25 their habitation: Heb. their palace
- Psalm 69:25 let none dwell: Heb. let there not be a dweller
- Psalm 69:26 those whom thou hast wounded: Heb. thy wounded
- Psalm 69:27 iniquity unto their iniquity: Or, punishment of iniquity
- Psalm 69:32 humble: Or, meek
- Psalm 69:34 moveth: Heb. creepeth
- Psalm 70:1 to help me: Heb. to my help
- Psalm 71:3 Be thou my strong habitation: Heb. be thou to me for a rock of habitation
- Psalm 71:10 lay wait: Heb. watch, or observe
- Psalm 71:18 when I am old and gray headed: Heb. unto old age, and gray hairs
- Psalm 71:18 thy strength: Heb. thine arm
- Psalm 71:22 with the psaltery: Heb. with the instrument of psaltery
- Psalm 72:7 so long as: Heb. till there be no moon
- Psalm 72:15 shall be given: Heb. one shall give
- Psalm 72:17 shall endure: Heb. shall be
- Psalm 72:17 his name shall be continued as long as the sun, and men shall be blessed in him: Heb. shall be as a son to continue his fathers name for ever
- Psalm 73:1 Truly: Or, yet
- Psalm 73:1 of a clean heart: Heb. clean of heart
- Psalm 73:4 firm: Heb. fat
- Psalm 73:5 in trouble as other men: Heb. in the trouble of other men
- Psalm 73:5 like: Heb. with
- Psalm 73:7 they have more then heart could wish: Heb. they pass the thoughts of the heart
- Psalm 73:14 chastened: Heb. my chastisement was
- Psalm 73:16 it was too painful for me: Heb. it was labour in mine eyes
- Psalm 73:22 and ignorant: Heb. I knew not
- Psalm 73:22 before thee: Heb. with thee
- Psalm 73:26 strength: Heb. rock
- Psalm 74:2 rod: Or, tribe
- Psalm 74:7 They have cast fire into thy sanctuary: Heb. they have sent thy sanctuary into the fire
- Psalm 74:8 destroy: Heb. break
- Psalm 74:13 divide: Heb. break
- Psalm 74:13 dragons: Or, whales
- Psalm 74:15 mighty rivers: Heb. rivers of strength
- Psalm 74:17 made: Heb. made them
- Psalm 74:23 increaseth: Heb. ascendeth
- Psalm 75:2 When I shall receive: Or, when I shall take a set time
- Psalm 75:6 South: Heb. desert
- Psalm 76:11 unto him that ought to be feared: Heb. to Fear
- Psalm 77:2 my sore: Heb. my hand
- Psalm 77:8 for ever more?: Heb. to generation and generation
- Psalm 77:17 the clouds poured out water: Heb. the clouds were poured forth with water
- Psalm 78:8 that set not their heart aright: Heb. that prepared not their heart
- Psalm 78:9 carrying: Heb. throwing forth
- Psalm 78:19 furnish: Heb. order
- Psalm 78:25 Man did eat Angels food: Or, Every one did eat the bread of the mighty
- Psalm 78:26 to blow: Heb. to go
- Psalm 78:27 feathered foels: Heb. fowl of wing
- Psalm 78:31 smote down: Heb. made to bow
- Psalm 78:31 chosen men: Or, young men
- Psalm 78:40 provoke him: Or, rebel against him
- Psalm 78:42 from the enemy: Or, from affliction
- Psalm 78:43 wrought: Heb. set
- Psalm 78:47 destroyed: Heb. killed
- Psalm 78:47 frost: Or, great hail stones
- Psalm 78:48 He gave up: Heb. he shut up
- Psalm 78:48 hot thunderbolts: Or, lightnings
- Psalm 78:50 He made a way: Heb. He weighed a path
- Psalm 78:50 their life over to the pestilence: Or, their beasts, to the murreine
- Psalm 78:53 overwhelmed: Heb. covered
- Psalm 78:63 given: Heb. praised
- Psalm 78:69 established: Heb. founded
- Psalm 78:71 From following: Heb. from after
- Psalm 79:8 former iniquities: Or, the iniquities of them that were before us
- Psalm 79:10 revenging: Heb. vengeance
- Psalm 79:11 thy power: Heb. thine arm
- Psalm 79:11 preserve thou those that are appointed to die: Heb. reserve the children of death
- Psalm 79:13 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
- Psalm 80:2 come and save us: Heb. come for salvation to us
- Psalm 80:4 wilt thou be angry: Heb. wilt thou smoke?
- Psalm 80:10 the goodly cedars: Heb. the Cedars of God
- Psalm 81:5 through: Or, against
- Psalm 81:6 were delivered: Heb. passed away
- Psalm 81:7 Meribah: Or, strife
- Psalm 81:12 unto their own hearts lust: Or, to the hardness of their hearts, or imagination
- Psalm 81:15 submitted themselves: Or, yielded feigned obedience, Heb. lied
- Psalm 81:16 with the finest of the wheat: Heb. with the fat of wheat
- Psalm 82:3 Defend: Heb. judge
- Psalm 82:5 out of course: Heb. moved
- Psalm 83:5 consent: Heb. heart
- Psalm 83:8 they have holpen the children of Lot: Heb. they have been an arm to the children of Lot
- Psalm 84:6 of Baca, make it a well: Or, of mulberry trees make him a well etc.
- Psalm 84:6 filleth: Heb. covereth
- Psalm 84:7 from strength to strength: Or, from company to company
- Psalm 84:10 I had rather be a doorkeeper: Heb. I would choose rather to sit at the threshhold
- Psalm 85:1 favorable: Or, well pleased
- Psalm 85:3 thou hast turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger: Or, thou hast turned thine anger from waxing hot
- Psalm 86:2 holy: Or, one whom thou favourest
- Psalm 86:3 daily: Or, all the day
- Psalm 86:13 hell: Or, grave
- Psalm 86:14 violent: Heb. terrible
- Psalm 88:5 from thy hand: Or, by thy hand
- Psalm 88:17 daily: Or, all the day
- Psalm 89:1 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
- Psalm 89:4 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
- Psalm 89:10 Rahab: Or, Egypt
- Psalm 89:10 with thy strong arm: Heb. with the arm of thy strength
- Psalm 89:13 a mighty arm: Heb. an arm with might
- Psalm 89:14 habitation: Or, establishment
- Psalm 89:18 the LORD is our defense, and the holy One of Israel is our king: Or, our shield is of the LORD, and our king is of the holy One of Israel
- Psalm 89:31 break my statutes: Heb. profane my statutes
- Psalm 89:33 suffer my faithfullness: Heb. I will not make void from him
- Psalm 89:33 to fail: Heb. to lie
- Psalm 89:35 that I will not lie: if I lie
- Psalm 89:44 glory: Heb. brightness
- Psalm 90:1 in all generations: Heb. in generation and generation
- Psalm 90:4 when it is past: Or, when he hath passed them
- Psalm 90:5 groweth up: Or, is changed
- Psalm 90:9 passed away: Heb. turned away
- Psalm 90:9 as a tale that is old
- Psalm 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten: Heb. As for the days of our years, in them are seventy years
- Psalm 90:12 apply: Heb. cause to come
- Psalm 91:1 abide: Heb. lodge
- Psalm 91:13 adder: Or, asp
- Psalm 91:16 long life: Heb. length of days
- Psalm 92:2 every night: Heb. in the nights
- Psalm 92:3 upon the harp with a solemn sound: Or, upon the solemn sound with the harp. Heb. Higgaion
- Psalm 92:14 flourishing: Heb. green
- Psalm 93:2 of old: Heb. from then
- Psalm 93:5 forever: Heb. to length of days
- Psalm 94:1 God, to whom vengeance belongeth: Heb. God of revenges
- Psalm 94:1 shew: Heb. shine forth
- Psalm 94:15 shall follow it: Heb. shall be after it
- Psalm 94:17 almost: Or, quickly
- Psalm 95:2 come before his presence: Heb. prevent his face
- Psalm 95:4 In his: Heb. in whose
- Psalm 95:4 the strength of the hills is his also: Or, the heights of the hills, are his
- Psalm 95:5 The sea is his: Heb. Whose the sea is
- Psalm 95:8 provocation: Heb. contention
- Psalm 95:11 that they should not enter into my rest: Heb. if they enter into my rest
- Psalm 96:8 due unto his name: Heb. of his name
- Psalm 96:9 in the beauty of holiness: Or, in the glorious sanctuary
- Psalm 97:1 multitude of Isles: Heb. many, or, great Isles
- Psalm 97:2 habitation: Or, establishment
- Psalm 97:12 at the remembrance: Or, to the memorial
- Psalm 98:2 openly showed: Or, revealed
- Psalm 99:5 he is holy: Or, it is holy
- Psalm 100:1 all ye lands: Heb. all the earth
- Psalm 100:3 not we ourselves: Or, and his we are
- Psalm 100:5 to all generations: Heb. to generation, and generation
- Psalm 101:3 wicked thing: Heb. thing of Belial
- Psalm 101:6 in a perfect way: Or, perfect in the way
- Psalm 101:7 shall not tarry: Heb. shall not be established
- Psalm 102:3 like smoke: Or, (as some read) into smoke
- Psalm 102:5 skin: Or, flesh
- Psalm 102:20 those that are appointed to death: Heb. the children of death
- Psalm 102:23 weakened: Heb. afflicted
- Psalm 102:26 endure: Heb. stand
- Psalm 103:8 plenteous in mercy: Heb. great of mercy
- Psalm 103:11 as the heaven is high: Heb. according to the height of the heaven
- Psalm 103:16 it is gone: Heb. it is not
- Psalm 103:20 that excel in strength: Heb. mighty in strength
- Psalm 104:5 Who laid the foundations of the earth: Heb. he hath founded the earth upon her bases
- Psalm 104:8 They go up by the mountains: Or, The mountains ascend, the valleys descend
- Psalm 104:10 He sendeth: Heb. who sendeth
- Psalm 104:10 run: Heb. walk
- Psalm 104:11 quench: Heb. break
- Psalm 104:12 sing: Heb. give a voice
- Psalm 104:15 oil to make his face to shine: Heb. to make his face shine with oil, or more then oil
- Psalm 104:20 all the beasts of the forest do creep forth: Heb. all the beasts thereof do trample on the forest
- Psalm 104:26 made: Heb. formed
- Psalm 104:31 shall endure: Heb. shall be
- Psalm 105:11 the lot: Heb. the cord
- Psalm 105:18 he was laid in iron: Heb. his soul came into iron
- Psalm 105:21 substance: Heb. possession
- Psalm 105:27 signs: Heb. words of his signs
- Psalm 105:32 he gave them hail for rain: Heb. he gave their rain, hail
- Psalm 105:43 gladness: Heb. singing
- Psalm 106:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
- Psalm 106:13 They soon forgat: Heb. They made haste, they forgat
- Psalm 106:14 lusted exceedingly: Heb. lusted a lust
- Psalm 106:24 the pleasant land: Heb. a land of desire
- Psalm 106:27 to overthrow: Heb. to make them fall
- Psalm 106:43 brought low: Or, impoverished, or weakened
- Psalm 107:3 from the South: Heb. from the sea
- Psalm 107:22 rejoicing: Heb. singing
- Psalm 107:25 raiseth: Heb. maketh to stand
- Psalm 107:27 are at their wits end: Heb. all their wisdom is swallowed up
- Psalm 107:34 barrenness: Heb. saltiness
- Psalm 107:40 wilderness: Or, void place
- Psalm 107:41 from: Or, after
- Psalm 108:4 clouds: Or, skies
- Psalm 109:2 mouth of the deceitful: Heb. of deceit
- Psalm 109:2 are opened: Heb. have opened themselves
- Psalm 109:6 Satan: Or, an adversary
- Psalm 109:7 be condemned: Heb. go out guilty, or wicked
- Psalm 109:8 office: Or, charge
- Psalm 109:18 into his bowels: Heb. within him
- Psalm 109:31 from those that condemn his soul: Heb. from the judges of his soul
- Psalm 110:3 from the womb of the morning, thou hast: Or, more then the womb of the morning, thou shalt have, etc.
- Psalm 110:6 many: Or, great
- Psalm 111:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
- Psalm 111:5 meat: Heb. prey
- Psalm 111:8 stand fast: Heb. are established
- Psalm 111:10 a good understanding: Or, good success
- Psalm 111:10 that do his commandments: Heb. that do them
- Psalm 112:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
- Psalm 112:5 discretion: Heb. judgment
- Psalm 113:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
- Psalm 113:5 dwelleth on high: Heb. exalteth himself to dwell
- Psalm 113:9 to keep house: Heb. to dwell in an house
- Psalm 115:13 both: Heb. with
- Psalm 116:3 gat hold: Heb. found me
- Psalm 118:5 in distress: Heb. out of distress
- Psalm 118:6 on my side: Heb. for me
- Psalm 118:10 destroy them: Heb. cut them off
- Psalm 118:12 destroy: Heb. cut down
- Psalm 118:23 This is the LORDs doing: Heb. this is from the LORD
- Psalm 119:1 undefiled: Or, perfect, or sincere
- Psalm 119:7 thy righteous judgments: Heb. judgments of thy righteousness
- Psalm 119:18 Open: Heb. Reveal
- Psalm 119:24 my counsellors: Heb. men of my counsel
- Psalm 119:28 melteth: Heb. droppeth
- Psalm 119:37 Turn away: Heb. make to pass
- Psalm 119:42 So shall I have werewith to answer him that reproacheth me: Or, so shall I answer him that reproveth me in a thing
- Psalm 119:45 at liberty: Heb. at large
- Psalm 119:58 favour: Heb. face
- Psalm 119:61 bands: Or, companies
- Psalm 119:75 right: Heb. righteousness
- Psalm 119:76 for my comfort: Heb. to comfort me
- Psalm 119:86 faithful: Heb. faithfulness
- Psalm 119:90 unto all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
- Psalm 119:90 abideth: Heb. standeth
- Psalm 119:98 they are ever with me: Heb. it is ever with me
- Psalm 119:103 taste!: Heb. palate
- Psalm 119:105 lamp: Or, candle
- Psalm 119:112 to perform: Heb. to do
- Psalm 119:119 puttest away: Heb. causeth to cease
- Psalm 119:132 as thou usest to do unto those: Heb. according to the custom towards those, etc.
- Psalm 119:138 righteous: Heb. righteousness
- Psalm 119:138 faithful: Heb. faithfulness
- Psalm 119:139 consumed me: Heb. cut me off
- Psalm 119:140 pure: Heb. tried or refined
- Psalm 119:143 taken hold: Heb. found me
- Psalm 119:146 and I shall keep thy testimonies: Or, that I may keep
- Psalm 119:156 Great: Or, many
- Psalm 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: Heb. The beginning of thy word is true
- Psalm 119:165 nothing shall offend them: Heb. they shall have no stumbling block
- Psalm 120:3 What shall be given unto thee?: Or, what shall the deceitful tongue give unto thee? or what shall it profit thee?
- Psalm 120:3 done: Heb. added
- Psalm 120:4 Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper: Or, It is as the sharp arrows of the mighty man with coals of juniper
- Psalm 120:7 for peace: Or, a man of peace
- Psalm 121:1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help: Or, shall I lift up mine eyes to the hills? whence should my help come?
- Psalm 122:5 are set: Heb. do set
- Psalm 125:3 the wicked: Heb. wickedness
- Psalm 126:1 turned again the captivity of Zion: Heb. returned the returning of Zion
- Psalm 126:2 hath done great things for them: Heb. hath magnified to do with them
- Psalm 126:5 joy: Or, singing
- Psalm 126:6 precious seed: Or, seed basket
- Psalm 127:1 that build it: Heb. are builders of it in it
- Psalm 127:5 hath his quiver full of them: Heb. hath filled his quiver with them
- Psalm 127:5 shall speak: Or, shall subdue, as Psal. 18.45. Or, destroy
- Psalm 129:1 Any: Or, much
- Psalm 130:6 I say, more then they that watch for the morning: Or, which watch unto the morning
- Psalm 131:1 exercise: Heb. walk
- Psalm 131:1 high: Heb. wonderful
- Psalm 131:2 myself: Heb. my soul
- Psalm 131:3 from henceforth: Heb. from now
- Psalm 132:5 an habitation: Heb. habitations
- Psalm 132:11 thy body: Heb. thy belly
- Psalm 132:15 abundantly: Or, surely
- Psalm 132:17 lamp: Or, candle
- Psalm 133:1 together: Heb. even together
- Psalm 134:2 in the sanctuary: Or, in holiness
- Psalm 135:8 both of man and beast: Heb. from man unto beast
- Psalm 135:13 throughout all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
- Psalm 136:8 to rule by day: Heb. for the rulings by day
- Psalm 136:15 overthrew: Heb. shaked off
- Psalm 137:3 a song: Heb. the words of a song
- Psalm 137:3 wasted us: Heb. laid us on heaps
- Psalm 137:4 strange land?: Heb. land of a stranger
- Psalm 137:6 my chief joy: Heb. the head of my joy
- Psalm 137:7 raise it: Heb. make bear
- Psalm 137:8 destroyed: Heb. wasted
- Psalm 137:8 that rewardeth thee, as thou hast served us: Heb. that recompenseth unto thee thy deed which thou didst to us
- Psalm 137:9 the stones: Heb. the rock
- Psalm 139:3 compassest: Or, winnowest
- Psalm 139:12 hideth not: Heb. darkeneth not
- Psalm 139:12 the darkness and the light: Heb. as is the darkness so is the light
- Psalm 139:14 right: Heb. greatly
- Psalm 139:15 substance: Or, strength or body
- Psalm 139:16 all my members: Heb. all of them
- Psalm 139:16 which in continuance were fashioned: Or, what days they should be fashioned
- Psalm 139:24 wicked way: Heb. way of pain, or grief
- Psalm 140:1 violent man: Heb. man of violences
- Psalm 140:8 lest they exalt themselves: Or, let them not be exalted
- Psalm 140:11 evil speaker be established in the earth, evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him: Heb. a man of tongue, or, an evil speaker, a wicked man of violence be established in the earth, let him be hunted to his overthrow
- Psalm 141:1 set forth: Heb. directed
- Psalm 141:5 Let the righteous smite me, it shall be a kindness, and let him reprove me, it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: Or, let the righteous smite me kindly, and reprove me, let not their precious oil break my head, etc.
- Psalm 141:8 leave not my soul destitute: Heb. make not my soul bare
- Psalm 141:10 escape: Heb. pass over
- Psalm 142:4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld: Or, Look on the right hand, and see
- Psalm 142:4 failed me: Heb. perished from me
- Psalm 142:4 no man cared for my soul: Heb. no man sought after my soul
- Psalm 143:7 lest I be like: Or, for I am become like. etc.
- Psalm 143:9 I fly unto thee to hide me: Heb. hid me with thee
- Psalm 144:1 my strength: Heb. my rock
- Psalm 144:1 to war: Heb. to the war, etc.
- Psalm 144:2 My goodness: Or, my mercy
- Psalm 144:7 hand: Heb. hands
- Psalm 144:10 salvation: Or, victory
- Psalm 144:12 polished: Heb. cut
- Psalm 144:13 all manner of store: Heb. from kind to kind
- Psalm 144:14 strong to labour: Heb. able to bear burdens, or loaden with flesh
- Psalm 145:3 and his greatness is unsearchable: Heb. and of his greatness there is no search
- Psalm 145:5 works: Heb. things or words
- Psalm 145:6 declare: Heb. declare it
- Psalm 145:8 of great mercy: Heb. great in mercy
- Psalm 145:13 an everlasting kingdom: Heb. a kingdom of all ages
- Psalm 145:15 wait upon thee: Or, look unto thee
- Psalm 145:17 holy: Or, merciful, or bountiful
- Psalm 146:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
- Psalm 146:3 help: Or, salvation
- Psalm 147:3 wounds: Heb. griefs
- Psalm 147:5 his understanding is infinite: Heb. of his understanding there is no number
- Psalm 147:14 He maketh peace in thy borders: Heb. who maketh thy border peace
- Psalm 147:19 his word: Heb. his words
- Psalm 148:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
- Psalm 148:10 flying foul: Heb. birds of wing
- Psalm 148:13 excellent: Heb. exalted
- Psalm 149:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
- Psalm 149:3 in the dance: Or, with the pipe
- Psalm 149:6 in their mouth: Heb. in their throat
- Psalm 150:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
- Psalm 150:3 Trumpet: Or, Cornet
- Psalm 150:4 dance: Or, Pipe
- Proverbs 1:3 equity: Heb. equities
- Proverbs 1:4 discretion: Or, advisement
- Proverbs 1:6 the interpretation: Or, an eloquent speech
- Proverbs 1:7 the beginning: Or, the principal part
- Proverbs 1:9 an ornament: Heb. an adding
- Proverbs 1:17 in the sight of any bird: Heb. in the eyes of everything that hath a wing
- Proverbs 1:20 Wisdom: Heb. Wisdoms, that is, excellent wisdom
- Proverbs 1:32 turning away of the simple: Or, ease of the simple
- Proverbs 2:3 liftest up thy voice: Heb. givest thy voice
- Proverbs 2:22 rooted out: Or, plucked up
- Proverbs 3:2 long life: Heb. years of life
- Proverbs 3:4 good understanding: Or, good success
- Proverbs 3:8 health: Heb. medicine
- Proverbs 3:8 marrow: Heb. watering, or moistening
- Proverbs 3:13 the man that getteth understanding: Heb. the man that draweth out understanding
- Proverbs 3:19 established: Or, prepared
- Proverbs 3:27 to whom it is due: Heb. the owners thereof
- Proverbs 3:29 Devise not evil: Or, practise no evil
- Proverbs 3:31 the oppressor: Heb. a man of violence
- Proverbs 3:35 shall be the promotion of fools: Heb. exalteth the fools
- Proverbs 4:9 a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee: Or, she shall compass thee with a crown of glory
- Proverbs 4:22 health: Heb. medicine
- Proverbs 4:23 with all diligence: Heb. above all keeping
- Proverbs 4:24 a froward mouth, and perverse lips: Heb. frowardness of mouth and perverseness of lips
- Proverbs 4:26 and let all thy ways be established: Or, all thy ways shall be ordered aright
- Proverbs 5:3 mouth: Heb. palate
- Proverbs 5:10 thy wealth: Heb. thy strength
- Proverbs 5:19 satisfy thee: Heb. water thee
- Proverbs 5:19 and be thou ravished always with her love: Heb. err thou always in her love
- Proverbs 5:22 sins: Heb. sin
- Proverbs 6:3 make sure thy friend: Or, so shalt thou prevail with thy friend
- Proverbs 6:14 soweth: Heb. casteth forth
- Proverbs 6:16 unto him: Heb. of his soul
- Proverbs 6:17 A proud look: Heb. haughty eyes
- Proverbs 6:23 lamp: Or, candle
- Proverbs 6:24 of the tongue of a strange woman: Or, of the strange tongue
- Proverbs 6:26 the adulteress: Heb. the woman of a man, or a mans wife
- Proverbs 6:32 understanding: Heb. heart
- Proverbs 6:35 He will not regard any ransom: Heb. he will not accept the face of any ransom
- Proverbs 7:7 the youths: Heb. the sons
- Proverbs 7:9 In the evening: Heb. in the evening of the day
- Proverbs 7:13 with an impudent face, said unto him: Heb. she strengthened her face and said
- Proverbs 7:14 peace offerings with me: Heb. peace offerings are upon me
- Proverbs 7:20 with him: Heb. in his hand
- Proverbs 7:20 the day appointed: Or, the New moon
- Proverbs 7:22 straightway: Heb. suddenly
- Proverbs 8:7 an abomination to my lips: Heb. the abomination of my lips
- Proverbs 8:8 froward: Heb. wreathed
- Proverbs 8:12 prudence: Or, subtilty
- Proverbs 8:20 lead: Or, walk
- Proverbs 8:26 fields: Or, open places
- Proverbs 8:26 highest: Or, the chief part
- Proverbs 8:27 a compass: Or, a circle
- Proverbs 8:35 obtain: Heb. bring forth
- Proverbs 9:2 her beasts: Heb. her killing
- Proverbs 9:17 eaten in secret: Heb. of secrecies
- Proverbs 10:3 the substance of the wicked: Or, the wicked for their wickedness
- Proverbs 10:8 a prating fool: Heb. a fool of lips
- Proverbs 10:10 shall fall: Or, shall be beaten
- Proverbs 10:10 shall fall: Or, shall be beaten
- Proverbs 10:13 understanding: Heb. heart
- Proverbs 10:17 erreth: Or, causeth to err
- Proverbs 10:21 of wisdom: Heb. of heart
- Proverbs 10:27 prolongeth: Heb. addeth
- Proverbs 10:32 frowardness: Heb. frowardnesses
- Proverbs 11:1 A false balance: Heb. balances of deceit
- Proverbs 11:1 a just weight: Heb. a perfect stone
- Proverbs 11:5 direct: Heb. rectify
- Proverbs 11:12 void of wisdom: Heb. destitute of heart
- Proverbs 11:13 A talebearer: Heb. he that walketh being a talebearer
- Proverbs 11:15 smart: Heb. be sore broken
- Proverbs 11:15 suretiship: Heb. those that strike hands
- Proverbs 11:22 is without: Heb. departeth from
- Proverbs 11:25 The liberal soul: Heb. the soul of blessing
- Proverbs 11:30 winneth: Heb. taketh
- Proverbs 12:8 of a perverse heart: Heb. perverse of heart
- Proverbs 12:10 tender: Or, bowels
- Proverbs 12:12 the net: Or, the fortress
- Proverbs 12:13 The wicked is snared by the transgression of their lips: Heb. The snare of the wicked is in the transgression of lips
- Proverbs 12:16 presently: Heb. in that day
- Proverbs 12:24 slothful: Or, deceitful
- Proverbs 12:26 excellent: Or, abundant
- Proverbs 13:6 the sinner: Heb. sin
- Proverbs 13:9 lamp: Or, candle
- Proverbs 13:11 by labour: Heb. with the hand
- Proverbs 13:13 shall be rewarded: Or, shall be in peace
- Proverbs 13:16 layeth: Heb. spreadeth
- Proverbs 13:20 shall be destroyed: Heb. shall be broken
- Proverbs 14:10 his own bitterness: Heb. the bitterness of his soul
- Proverbs 14:20 the rich hath many friends: Heb. many are the lovers of the rich
- Proverbs 14:29 hasty of spirit: Heb. short of spirit
- Proverbs 14:34 to any people: Heb. to nations
- Proverbs 15:2 poureth: blecheth, or bubbleth
- Proverbs 15:4 A wholesome tongue: Heb. The healing of the tongue
- Proverbs 15:10 Correction: Or, instruction, etc.
- Proverbs 15:19 plain: Heb. is raised up as a causey
- Proverbs 15:21 destitute of wisdom: Heb. void of heart
- Proverbs 15:23 in due season: Heb. in his season
- Proverbs 15:26 pleasant words: Heb. words of pleasantness
- Proverbs 15:32 instruction: Or, correction
- Proverbs 15:32 heareth: Or, obeyeth
- Proverbs 15:32 getteth understanding: Posseseth an heart
- Proverbs 16:1 preparations: Or, disposings
- Proverbs 16:3 Commit: Heb. roll
- Proverbs 16:5 unpunished: Heb. held innocent
- Proverbs 16:10 divine: Heb. divination
- Proverbs 16:11 all the weights: Heb. all the stones
- Proverbs 16:20 he that handleth a matter: Or, he that understandeth a matter
- Proverbs 16:23 teacheth: Heb. maketh wise
- Proverbs 16:26 He that laboureth: Heb. The soul of him that laboureth
- Proverbs 16:26 craveth it of him: Heb. boweth unto him
- Proverbs 16:27 an ungodly man: Heb. a man of Belial
- Proverbs 16:28 soweth: Heb. sendeth forth
- Proverbs 17:1 sacrifices: Or, good cheer
- Proverbs 17:5 unpunished: Heb. held innocent
- Proverbs 17:7 Excellent speech: Heb. A lip of excellency
- Proverbs 17:7 lying lips: Heb. a lip of lying
- Proverbs 17:8 a precious stone: Heb. a stone of grace
- Proverbs 17:9 seeketh: Or, procureth
- Proverbs 17:10 A reproof entereth more into a wise man, than an hundred stripes into a fool: Or, a reproof aweth more a wise man, then to strike a fool an hundred times
- Proverbs 17:18 understanding: Heb. heart
- Proverbs 17:20 He that hath a froward heart: Heb. The froward of heart
- Proverbs 17:22 like a medicine: Or, to a medicine
- Proverbs 17:27 an excellent spirit: Or, a cool spirit
- Proverbs 18:1 having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom: Or, he that seperateth himself, seeketh according to his desire, and intermedleth in every business
- Proverbs 18:8 talebearer: Or, whisperer
- Proverbs 18:8 as wounds: Or, like as when men are wounded
- Proverbs 18:8 innermost parts: Heb. chambers
- Proverbs 18:10 safe: Heb. set aloft
- Proverbs 18:13 answereth a matter: Heb. returneth a word
- Proverbs 19:5 unpunished: Heb. held innocent
- Proverbs 19:6 him that giveth gifts: Heb. a man of gifts
- Proverbs 19:8 wisdom: Heb. an heart
- Proverbs 19:11 discretion: Or, prudence
- Proverbs 19:17 that which he hath given: Or, his deed
- Proverbs 19:18 for his crying: Or, to his destruction Or, to cause him to die
- Proverbs 19:19 do it again: Heb. add
- Proverbs 19:25 will beware: Heb. will be cunning
- Proverbs 19:28 an ungodly witness: Heb. a witness of Belial
- Proverbs 20:4 cold: Or, winter
- Proverbs 20:6 goodness: Or, bounty
- Proverbs 20:10 Divers weights: Heb. A stone and a stone
- Proverbs 20:10 measures: Heb. an ephah, and an ephah
- Proverbs 20:17 bread of deceit: Heb. bread of lying, or falsehood
- Proverbs 20:19 flattereth: Or, enticeth
- Proverbs 20:20 lamp: Or, candle
- Proverbs 20:23 a false balance: Heb. balance of deceit
- Proverbs 20:27 candle: Or, lamp
- Proverbs 20:30 cleanseth away evil: Heb. is a purging medicine against evil
- Proverbs 21:4 An high look: Heb. haughtiness of eyes
- Proverbs 21:4 the plowing of the wicked: Or, the light of the wicked
- Proverbs 21:7 destroy them: Heb. saw them, or, dwell with them
- Proverbs 21:9 a brawling woman: Heb. a woman of contentions
- Proverbs 21:9 a wide house: Heb. an house of society
- Proverbs 21:10 findeth no favor: Heb. is not favored
- Proverbs 21:17 pleasure: Or, sport
- Proverbs 21:19 in the wilderness: Heb. in the land of the desert
- Proverbs 21:24 in proud wrath: Heb. in the wrath of pride
- Proverbs 21:27 with a wicked mind? Heb. in wickedness
- Proverbs 21:28 a false witness: Heb. a witness of lies
- Proverbs 21:29 directeth: Or, considereth
- Proverbs 21:31 safety: Or, victory
- Proverbs 22:1 loving favor: Or, favour is better then, etc.
- Proverbs 22:4 By humility: Or, The reward of humility, etc.
- Proverbs 22:6 train up a child: Or, catechize
- Proverbs 22:6 in the way: Heb. in his way
- Proverbs 22:7 to the lender: Heb. to the man that lendeth
- Proverbs 22:8 and the rod of his anger shall fail: Or, and with the rod of his anger he shall be consumed
- Proverbs 22:9 He that hath a bountiful eye: Heb. good of eye
- Proverbs 22:11 for the grace of his lips: Or, and hath grace in his lips
- Proverbs 22:12 the words: Or, the matters
- Proverbs 22:18 within thee: Heb. in thy belly
- Proverbs 22:19 even to thee: Or, trust thou also
- Proverbs 22:21 to them that send unto thee? Or, to those that send thee
- Proverbs 22:28 landmark: Or, bound
- Proverbs 22:29 mean men: Heb. obscure men
- Proverbs 23:5 Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not?: Heb. wilt thou cause thine eyes to fly upon?
- Proverbs 23:10 landmark: Or, bound
- Proverbs 23:15 even mine: Or, even I will rejoice
- Proverbs 23:18 end: Or, reward
- Proverbs 23:20 of flesh: Heb. of their flesh
- Proverbs 23:28 as for a prey: Or, as a robber
- Proverbs 23:32 an adder: Or, a cockatrice
- Proverbs 23:34 in the midst of the sea: Heb. in the heart of the sea
- Proverbs 23:35 I felt it not: Heb. I knew it not
- Proverbs 24:5 is strong: Heb. is in strength
- Proverbs 24:5 increased strength: Heb. strengtheneth might
- Proverbs 24:10 small: Heb. narrow
- Proverbs 24:14 to thy taste: Heb. upon thy palate
- Proverbs 24:18 it displease him: Heb. it be evil in his eyes
- Proverbs 24:19 Fret not thyself because of evil men: Or, keep not company with the wicked
- Proverbs 24:20 candle: Or, lamp
- Proverbs 24:21 them that are given to change: Heb. changers
- Proverbs 24:25 a good blessing: Heb. a blessing of good
- Proverbs 24:26 giveth a right answer: Heb. that answereth right words
- Proverbs 24:32 considered it well: Heb. set my heart
- Proverbs 24:34 an armed man: Heb. a man of shield
- Proverbs 25:3 unsearchable: Heb. there is no searching
- Proverbs 25:6 Put not forth thyself: Heb. set not out thy glory
- Proverbs 25:9 discover not a secret to another: Or, discover not the secret of another
- Proverbs 25:11 fitly spoken: Heb. spoken upon his wheels
- Proverbs 25:14 of a false gift: Heb. in a gift of falsehood
- Proverbs 25:17 Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbors house: Or, let thy foot be seldom in thy neighbors house
- Proverbs 25:17 weary of thee: Heb. full of thee
- Proverbs 25:23 The North wind driveth away rain, so doeth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue: Or, The North wind bringeth forth rain, so doeth a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance
- Proverbs 26:5 his own conceit: Heb. his own eyes
- Proverbs 26:6 damage: Or, violence
- Proverbs 26:7 are not equal: Heb. are lifted up
- Proverbs 26:8 As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool: Or, as he that putteth a precious stone in an heap of stones
- Proverbs 26:10 The great God that formed all things both rewardeth the fool, and rewardeth transgressors: Or, a great man grieveth all, and he hireth the fool, he hireth also transgressors
- Proverbs 26:11 returneth to his folly: Heb. iterateth his folly
- Proverbs 26:15 it grieveth him: Or, he is weary
- Proverbs 26:17 meddleth: Or, is enraged
- Proverbs 26:18 firebrands: Heb. flames or sparks
- Proverbs 26:20 Where no wood is: Heb. without wood
- Proverbs 26:20 talebearer: Or, whisperer
- Proverbs 26:20 ceaseth: Heb. is silent
- Proverbs 26:22 innermost parts: Heb. chambers
- Proverbs 26:24 dissembleth: Or, is known
- Proverbs 26:25 speaketh fair: Heb. maketh his voice gracious
- Proverbs 26:26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit: Or, hatred is covered into secret
- Proverbs 27:1 tomorrow: Heb. tomorrow day
- Proverbs 27:3 heavy: Heb. heaviness
- Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous: Heb. Wrath is cruelty, and anger an overflowing
- Proverbs 27:4 envy?: Or, jealousy
- Proverbs 27:6 deceitful: Or, earnest, or frequent
- Proverbs 27:7 loatheth: Heb. treadeth under foot
- Proverbs 27:9 by hearty counsel: Heb. from the counsel of the soul
- Proverbs 27:20 never: Heb. not
- Proverbs 27:23 look well: Heb. set thy heart
- Proverbs 27:24 riches: Heb. strength
- Proverbs 27:24 to every generation?: Heb. to generation and generation
- Proverbs 27:27 maintenance: Heb. life
- Proverbs 28:2 but by a man of understanding: Or, by men of understanding and wisdom shall they likewise be prolonged
- Proverbs 28:3 which leaveth no food: Heb. without food
- Proverbs 28:7 is a companion of riotous men: Or, feedeth gluttons
- Proverbs 28:8 unjust gain: Heb. by increase
- Proverbs 28:11 in his own conceit: Heb. in his eyes
- Proverbs 28:12 hidden: Or, sought for
- Proverbs 28:20 innocent: Or, unpunished
- Proverbs 28:22 He that hasteth to be rich, hath an evil eye: Or, he that hath and evil eye hasteth to be rich, ver, 20
- Proverbs 28:24 a destroyer: Heb. a man destroying
- Proverbs 29:1 He that being often reproved: Heb. a man of reproofs
- Proverbs 29:2 in authority: Or, increased
- Proverbs 29:4 he that receiveth gifts: Heb. a man of oblations
- Proverbs 29:8 bring a city into a snare: Or, set a city on fire
- Proverbs 29:10 The bloodthirsty: Heb. men of blood
- Proverbs 29:13 the deceitful man: Or, the usurer
- Proverbs 29:18 perish: Or, is made naked
- Proverbs 29:20 in his words?: Or, in his matters?
- Proverbs 29:25 shall be safe: Heb. shall be set on high
- Proverbs 29:26 the rulers favor: Heb. the face of a ruler
- Proverbs 30:3 have: Heb. know
- Proverbs 30:5 is pure: Heb. purified
- Proverbs 30:7 deny me them not: Heb. withhold not from me
- Proverbs 30:8 convenient for me: Heb. of my allowance
- Proverbs 30:9 deny thee: Heb. belie thee
- Proverbs 30:10 Accuse not: Heb. hurt not with thy tongue
- Proverbs 30:10 It is enough: Heb. wealth
- Proverbs 30:17 the valley: Or, the brook
- Proverbs 30:19 midst: Heb. heart
- Proverbs 30:24 exceeding wise: Heb. wise made wise
- Proverbs 30:27 by bands: Heb. gathered together
- Proverbs 30:31 A greyhound: Or, horse. Heb. girt in the loins
- Proverbs 31:5 pervert: Heb. alter
- Proverbs 31:5 of any of the afflicted: Heb. of all of the sons of affliction
- Proverbs 31:6 of heavy hearts: Heb. bitter of soul
- Proverbs 31:8 appointed to destruction: Heb. the sons of destruction
- Proverbs 31:16 buyeth: Heb. taketh
- Proverbs 31:18 She perceiveth: Heb. she tasteth
- Proverbs 31:20 She stretched out: Heb. she spreadeth
- Proverbs 31:21 scarlet: Or, double garments
- Proverbs 31:29 have done virtuously: Or, have gotten riches
- Ecclesiastes 1:5 hasteth: Heb. panteth
- Ecclesiastes 1:7 return again: Heb. return to go
- Ecclesiastes 1:13 to be exercised therewith: Or, to afflict them
- Ecclesiastes 1:15 that which is wanting: Heb. defect
- Ecclesiastes 1:16 had great experience: Heb. had seen much
- Ecclesiastes 2:3 to give myself unto wine: Heb. to draw my flesh with wine
- Ecclesiastes 2:3 all the days of their life: Heb. the number of the days of their life
- Ecclesiastes 2:7 servants born in my house: Heb. sons of my house
- Ecclesiastes 2:8 as musical instruments: , and that of all sorts: Heb. musical instrument, and instruments
- Ecclesiastes 2:12 even that which hath been already done: Or, in those things which have been already done
- Ecclesiastes 2:13 that wisdom excelleth folly: Heb. that there is an excellency in Wisdom more then in folly, etc
- Ecclesiastes 2:15 happeneth even to me: Heb. happeneth to me, even to me
- Ecclesiastes 2:18 taken: Heb. laboured
- Ecclesiastes 2:21 leave: Heb. give
- Ecclesiastes 2:24 should make his soul enjoy: Or, delight his senses
- Ecclesiastes 2:26 in his sight: Heb. before him
- Ecclesiastes 3:1 to be born: Heb. to bear
- Ecclesiastes 3:5 to refrain: Heb. to be far from
- Ecclesiastes 3:6 get: Or, seek
- Ecclesiastes 3:15 that which is past: Heb. that which is driven away
- Ecclesiastes 3:18 that God might manifest them: Or, that they might clear God, and see, etc.
- Ecclesiastes 3:21 of man: Heb. of the sons of man
- Ecclesiastes 3:21 goeth upward: Heb. is ascending
- Ecclesiastes 4:1 side: Heb. hand
- Ecclesiastes 4:4 every right work: Heb. all the rightness of work
- Ecclesiastes 4:4 for this a man is envied of his neighbour: Heb. this is the envy of a man from his neighbour
- Ecclesiastes 4:13 who will no more be admonished: Heb. who knoweth not to be admonished
- Ecclesiastes 5:2 thing: Or, word
- Ecclesiastes 5:8 at the matter: Heb. at the will or purpose
- Ecclesiastes 5:18 it is good and comely: Heb. there is a good which is comely, etc.
- Ecclesiastes 5:18 all the days of his life: Heb. the number of the days
- Ecclesiastes 5:18 [symbol missing]: Or, though he give not much, yet he remembreth etc.
- Ecclesiastes 6:7 appetite: Heb. soul
- Ecclesiastes 6:9 then the wandering of the desire: Heb. then the walking of the soul
- Ecclesiastes 6:12 all the days of his vain life: Heb. the number of the days of the life of his vanity
- Ecclesiastes 7:3 Sorrow: Or, anger
- Ecclesiastes 7:6 crackling: Heb. sound
- Ecclesiastes 7:10 wisely: Heb. out of wisdom
- Ecclesiastes 7:11 is good with an inheritance: Or, as good as an inheritance, yea, better too
- Ecclesiastes 7:12 defence: Heb. shadow
- Ecclesiastes 7:14 set: Heb. made
- Ecclesiastes 7:16 destroy thyself?: Heb. be desolate?
- Ecclesiastes 7:17 before thy time? Heb. not in thy time?
- Ecclesiastes 7:21 take no heed: Heb. give not thine heart
- Ecclesiastes 7:25 I applied mine heart: Heb. I and mine heart compassed
- Ecclesiastes 7:26 who so pleaseth God: He that is good before God
- Ecclesiastes 7:27 counting one by one to find out the account: Or, weighing one thing after another to find out the reason
- Ecclesiastes 8:1 the boldness: Heb. the strength
- Ecclesiastes 8:5 shall feel: Heb. shall know
- Ecclesiastes 8:7 when it shall be?: Or, how it shall be?
- Ecclesiastes 8:8 discharge: Or, casting of weapons
- Ecclesiastes 9:1 I considered in my heart: Heb. I gave, or set to my heart
- Ecclesiastes 9:9 Live joyfully: Heb. see, or enjoy life
- Ecclesiastes 10:1 Dead flies: Heb. Flies of death
- Ecclesiastes 10:3 his wisdom: Heb. his heart
- Ecclesiastes 10:5 from: Heb. from before
- Ecclesiastes 10:6 in great dignity: Heb. in great heights
- Ecclesiastes 10:11 a babbler: Heb. the master of the tongue
- Ecclesiastes 10:12 gracious: Heb. grace
- Ecclesiastes 10:13 his talk: Heb. his mouth
- Ecclesiastes 10:14 is full of words: Heb. multiplieth words
- Ecclesiastes 10:19 merry: Heb. maketh glad the life
- Ecclesiastes 10:20 thought: Or, conscience
- Ecclesiastes 11:1 upon the waters: Heb. upon the face of the waters
- Ecclesiastes 11:6 shall prosper: Heb. shall be right
- Ecclesiastes 11:10 sorrow: Or, anger
- Ecclesiastes 12:3 the grinders cease, because they are few: Or, the grinders fail, because they grind little
- Ecclesiastes 12:9 moreover, because the preacher was wise: Or, the more wise the preacher was, etc.
- Ecclesiastes 12:10 acceptable words: Heb. words of delight
- Ecclesiastes 12:12 study: Or, reading
- Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Or, the end of the matter, even all that hath been heard, is
Song of Solomon
- Song of Solomon 1:2 thy Love: Heb. thy loves
- Song of Solomon 1:4 the upright love thee: Or, they love thee uprightly
- Song of Solomon 1:7 as one that turneth aside: Or, as one that is vailed
- Song of Solomon 1:14 Camphire: Or, Cypress
- Song of Solomon 1:15 my love: Or, my companion
- Song of Solomon 1:17 rafters: Or, galleries
- Song of Solomon 2:3 I sat down under his shadow with great delight: Heb. I delighted and sat down, etc.
- Song of Solomon 2:3 taste: Heb. palate
- Song of Solomon 2:4 banqueting house: Heb. house of wine
- Song of Solomon 2:5 comfort me with apples: Heb. straw me with apples
- Song of Solomon 2:7 I charge you: Heb. I adjure you
- Song of Solomon 2:9 shewing himself: Heb. flourishing
- Song of Solomon 2:17 of Bether: Or, of division
- Song of Solomon 3:9 a chariot: Or, a bed
- Song of Solomon 4:1 that appear: Or, that eat of, etc.
- Song of Solomon 4:6 break: Heb. breathe
- Song of Solomon 4:9 ravished: Or, taken away my heart
- Song of Solomon 4:12 enclosed: Heb. barred
- Song of Solomon 4:13 Camphire: Or, Cypress
- Song of Solomon 5:1 yea drink abundantly, O beloved!: Or, and be drunken with loves
- Song of Solomon 5:4 for him: Or, (as some read) in me
- Song of Solomon 5:5 sweet smelling: Heb. passing, or running about
- Song of Solomon 5:8 that: Heb. what
- Song of Solomon 5:10 the chiefest: Heb. a standard bearer
- Song of Solomon 5:11 bushy: Or, curled
- Song of Solomon 5:12 fitly set: Heb. sitting in fullness, that is fitly placed, and set as a precious stone in the foil of a ring
- Song of Solomon 5:13 sweet flowers: Or, towers of perfumes
- Song of Solomon 5:16 his mouth: Heb. his palate
- Song of Solomon 6:5 overcome me: Or, they have puffed me up
- Song of Solomon 6:12 or ever I was aware: Heb. I knew not
- Song of Solomon 6:12 made me like the chariots of Amminadab: Or, set me on the chariot of my willing people
- Song of Solomon 6:13 of two armies: Or of Mahanaim
- Song of Solomon 7:2 liquor: Heb. mixture
- Song of Solomon 7:5 Carmel: Or, crimson
- Song of Solomon 7:5 held: Heb. bound
- Song of Solomon 7:9 sweetly: Heb. straightly
- Song of Solomon 7:9 of those that are asleep: Or, of the ancient
- Song of Solomon 7:12 appear: Heb. open
- Song of Solomon 8:1 I should not be despised: Heb. they should not despise me
- Song of Solomon 8:4 that ye stir not up: Heb. why should ye stir up, or why, etc.?
- Song of Solomon 8:6 cruel: Heb. hard
- Song of Solomon 8:10 favour: Heb. peace
- Song of Solomon 8:14 make haste: Heb. flee away
- Isaiah 1:4 laden: Heb. of heaviness
- Isaiah 1:4 gone away backward: Heb. alienated, or seperated
- Isaiah 1:5 revolt more and more: Heb. increase revolt
- Isaiah 1:6 ointment: Or, oil
- Isaiah 1:7 as overthrown by strangers: Heb. as the overthrow of strangers
- Isaiah 1:11 he goats: Heb. great he goats
- Isaiah 1:12 to appear: Heb. to be seen
- Isaiah 1:13 iniquity: Or, grief
- Isaiah 1:15 make many prayers: Heb. multiply prayer
- Isaiah 1:15 blood: Heb. bloods
- Isaiah 1:17 relieve: Or, righten
- Isaiah 1:25 purely: Heb. according to pureness
- Isaiah 1:27 her converts: Or, they that return of her
- Isaiah 1:28 destruction: Heb. breaking
- Isaiah 1:31 and the maker: Or, and his work
- Isaiah 2:2 established: Or, prepared
- Isaiah 2:4 pruninghooks: Or, scythes
- Isaiah 2:6 from the East: Or, more then the East
- Isaiah 2:6 please themselves in the children: Or, abound with the children. etc.
- Isaiah 2:16 pleasant pictures: Heb. pictures of desire
- Isaiah 2:18 the idols he shall utterly abolish: Or, the idols shall utterly pass away
- Isaiah 2:19 the earth: Heb. the dust
- Isaiah 2:20 his idols of silver: Heb. the idols of his silver, etc.
- Isaiah 2:20 which they made each one for himself: Or, which they made for him
- Isaiah 3:3 the honourable man: Heb. a man eminent in countenance
- Isaiah 3:3 eloquent orator: Or, skillfull of speech
- Isaiah 3:7 shall he swear: Heb. lift up the hand
- Isaiah 3:7 healer: Heb. binder up
- Isaiah 3:11 given him: Heb. done to him
- Isaiah 3:12 they which lead thee: Or, they which call thee blessed
- Isaiah 3:12 destroy: Heb. swallow up
- Isaiah 3:14 eaten: Or, burnt
- Isaiah 3:16 wanton eyes: Heb. deceiving with their eyes
- Isaiah 3:16 mincing: Or, tripping nicely
- Isaiah 3:17 discover: Heb. make naked
- Isaiah 3:18 cauls: Or, networks
- Isaiah 3:19 chains: Or, sweet balls
- Isaiah 3:19 mufflers: Or, spangled ornaments
- Isaiah 3:20 tablets: Heb. houses of the soul
- Isaiah 3:25 mighty: Heb. might
- Isaiah 3:26 desolate: Or, emptied, Heb. cleansed
- Isaiah 4:1 let us be called by thy name: Heb. let thy name be called upon us
- Isaiah 4:1 to take away: Or, take thou away
- Isaiah 4:2 beautiful and glorious: Heb. beauty and glory
- Isaiah 4:2 for them that are escaped of Israel: Heb. for the escaping of Israel
- Isaiah 4:3 among: Or, to life
- Isaiah 4:5 upon: Or, above
- Isaiah 4:5 a defense: Heb. a covering
- Isaiah 5:2 very fruitful hill: Heb. the horn of the son of oil
- Isaiah 5:2 fenced it: Or, made a wall about it
- Isaiah 5:2 made: Heb. hewed
- Isaiah 5:5 trodden: Heb. for a tredding
- Isaiah 5:7 his pleasant plant: Heb. plant of his pleasures
- Isaiah 5:7 oppression: Heb. a scab
- Isaiah 5:9 in mine ears said the LORD: Or, this is in mine ears saith the LORD, etc.
- Isaiah 5:9 of a truth: Heb. if not, etc.
- Isaiah 5:11 inflame them: Or, pursue them
- Isaiah 5:13 their honourable men are famished: Heb. their glory are men of famine
- Isaiah 5:16 God that is holy: Or, the holy God, Heb. The God the holy
- Isaiah 5:20 that call evil good: Heb. that say concerning evil, It is good, etc.
- Isaiah 5:21 in their own sight: before their face
- Isaiah 5:24 the fire: Heb. the tongue of fire
- Isaiah 5:25 torn: or as dung
- Isaiah 5:30 sorrow: Or, distress
- Isaiah 5:30 and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof: Or, when it is light it shall be dark in the destructions thereof
- Isaiah 6:1 train: Or, the skirts thereof
- Isaiah 6:3 one cried unto another: Heb. this cried to this
- Isaiah 6:3 the whole earth if full of his glory
- Isaiah 6:4 door: Heb. thresholds
- Isaiah 6:5 undone: Heb. cut off
- Isaiah 6:6 having a live coal: Heb. and in his hand a live coal
- Isaiah 6:7 he laid it: Heb. caused it to touch
- Isaiah 6:8 Here am I: Heb. behold me
- Isaiah 6:9 indeed, but understand not: Or, without ceasing, etc. Heb. hear ye in hearing, etc.
- Isaiah 6:11 utterly desolate: Heb. desolate with desolation
- Isaiah 6:13 and it shall return, and shall be eaten: Or, when it is returned and hath been bruised
- Isaiah 6:13 substance: Or, stock, or stem
- Isaiah 7:2 confederate with Ephraim: Heb. resteth on Ephraim
- Isaiah 7:3 Shearjashub: that is, The remnant shall return
- Isaiah 7:3 in the highway: Or, causeway
- Isaiah 7:4 neither be fainthearted: Heb. let not thine heart be tender
- Isaiah 7:6 vex: Or, waken
- Isaiah 7:8 that it be not a people: Heb. from a people
- Isaiah 7:9 if ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established: Or, do ye not believe? it is because ye are not stable
- Isaiah 7:10 moreover the LORD spake: Heb. and the Lord added to speak
- Isaiah 7:11 ask it either in the depth: Or, make thy petion deep
- Isaiah 7:14 a virgin…shall call: Or, thou, O virgin, shalt call
- Isaiah 7:19 bushes: Or, commendable trees
- Isaiah 7:22 in the land: Heb. in the midst of the land
- Isaiah 8:1 Mahershalalhashbaz: Heb. In making speed to the spoil he hasteneth the prey. Or, make speed, etc
- Isaiah 8:3 went unto: Heb. approached unto
- Isaiah 8:4 the riches of Damascus, and the spoil of Samaria shall be taken away before the king of Assyria: Or, He that is before the King of Assyria shall take away the riches etc.
- Isaiah 8:8 the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land: Heb. the fullness of the breadth of thy land shall be the stretching out of his wings
- Isaiah 8:9 and ye: Or, yet
- Isaiah 8:11 with a strong hand: Heb. in strength of hand
- Isaiah 8:20 no light: Heb. no morning
- Isaiah 9:1 of the nations: Or, populous
- Isaiah 9:11 join: Heb. mingle
- Isaiah 9:16 the leaders: Or, they that call them blessed
- Isaiah 9:17 folly: Or, villany
- Isaiah 9:19 fuel: Heb. meat
- Isaiah 9:20 snatch: Heb cut
- Isaiah 10:1 that write grivousness: Or, to the writers that write grievousness
- Isaiah 10:5 O Assyrian: Or, woe to the Assyrian: Heb. Asshur
- Isaiah 10:5 Assyrian: Heb. Ashur
- Isaiah 10:5 and the: Or, though
- Isaiah 10:6 to tread them down: Heb. to lay them a treading
- Isaiah 10:12 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Isaiah 10:12 of the stout heart: Heb. of the greatness of the heart
- Isaiah 10:13 like a valiant man: Or, like many people
- Isaiah 10:15 as if the rod should shake itself against them: Or, as if a rod should shake them that lift it up
- Isaiah 10:15 itself, as if it were no wood: Or, that which is not wood
- Isaiah 10:18 both soul and body: Heb. from the soul and even to the flesh
- Isaiah 10:19 few: Heb. number
- Isaiah 10:22 of them: Heb. in or amongst
- Isaiah 10:22 with: Or, in
- Isaiah 10:24 and shall lift up his staff against thee: Or, but he shall lift up his staff for thee
- Isaiah 10:27 shall be taken away: Heb. shall remove
- Isaiah 10:30 lift up thy voice: Heb. cry shrill with thy voice
- Isaiah 10:34 by a mighty one: Or, mightily
- Isaiah 11:3 quick: Heb. sent or smell
- Isaiah 11:4 reprove: Or, argue
- Isaiah 11:8 cockatrice: Or, adders
- Isaiah 11:10 glorious: Heb. glory
- Isaiah 11:12 corners: Heb. wings
- Isaiah 11:14 them of the East: Heb. the children of the East
- Isaiah 11:14 they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab: Heb. Edom and Moab shall be the laying on of their hand
- Isaiah 11:14 and the children of Ammon shall obey them: Heb. the children of Ammon their obedience
- Isaiah 11:15 dryshod: Heb. in shoes
- Isaiah 12:4 call upon his name: Or, proclaim his name
- Isaiah 12:6 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
- Isaiah 13:4 like as of: Heb. the likeness of
- Isaiah 13:7 be faint: Or, fall down
- Isaiah 13:8 amazed: Heb. wonder
- Isaiah 13:8 one at another: Heb. every man at his neighbor
- Isaiah 13:8 flames: Heb. faces of the flames
- Isaiah 13:19 as when…overthrew: Heb. as the overthrowing
- Isaiah 13:21 wild beasts: Heb. ziim
- Isaiah 13:21 dolefull creatures: Heb. Ochim
- Isaiah 13:21 owels: Or, ostriches
- Isaiah 13:21 [symbol missing] Heb. daughters of the owle
- Isaiah 13:22 beasts of the Islands: Heb. Zim
- Isaiah 13:22 desolate: Or, palaces
- Isaiah 14:2 whose captives they were: Heb. that had taken them captives
- Isaiah 14:4 proverb: Or, Taunting speech
- Isaiah 14:4 golden city ceased?: Or, exactresse of gold
- Isaiah 14:6 a continual stroke: Heb. a stroke without removing
- Isaiah 14:9 Hell: Or, the grave
- Isaiah 14:9 chief ones: Heb. leaders, or great goats
- Isaiah 14:12 O Lucifer: Or, O day star
- Isaiah 14:17 that opened not the house of his prisoners? : Or, did not let his prisoners loose homeward
- Isaiah 14:29 cockatrice: Or, adder
- Isaiah 14:31 none shall be alone: Or, he shall not be alone
- Isaiah 14:31 appointed: Or, assemblies
- Isaiah 14:32 trust in it: Or, betake themselves unto it
- Isaiah 15:1 brought to silence: Or, cut off
- Isaiah 15:3 weeping abundantly: Heb. descending into weeping, or, coming down with weeping
- Isaiah 15:5 his fugitives shall flee unto Zoar, an heifer: Or, to the borders thereof even to Zoar as an heifer
- Isaiah 15:5 destruction: Heb. breaking
- Isaiah 15:6 desolate: Heb. desolations
- Isaiah 15:7 brook of the willows: Or, valley of the Arabians
- Isaiah 15:9 more: Heb. additions
- Isaiah 16:1 Sela: Or, Petra, Heb. a rock
- Isaiah 16:2 cast out of the nest: Or, a nest forsaken
- Isaiah 16:3 Take: Heb. bring
- Isaiah 16:4 extortioner: Heb. wringer
- Isaiah 16:4 the oppressors: Heb. the treaders down
- Isaiah 16:5 established: Or, prepared
- Isaiah 16:7 mourn: Or, mutter
- Isaiah 16:8 stretched out: Or, plucked up
- Isaiah 16:9 the shouting for: Or, the alarm is fallen upon, etc.
- Isaiah 16:14 feeble: Or, not many
- Isaiah 17:8 images: Or, sun images
- Isaiah 17:11 heap in the day of grief, and of desperate sorrow: Or, removed in the day of inheritance, and there shall be deadly sorrow
- Isaiah 17:12 multitude: Or, noise
- Isaiah 17:12 mighty: Or, many
- Isaiah 17:13 rolling: Or, thistledown
- Isaiah 18:2 scattered and peeled: Or, outspread and polished
- Isaiah 18:2 a nation meted out and trodden down: Or, a nation that meteth out, and treadeth down. Heb. a nation of line line, and treading under foot
- Isaiah 18:2 whose land the rivers have spoiled: Or, whose land the rivers despise
- Isaiah 18:4 consider in my dwelling place: Or, regard my set dwelling
- Isaiah 18:4 upon herbs: Or, after rain
- Isaiah 18:7 scattered and peeled: Or, outspread and polished. etc.
- Isaiah 19:2 set: Heb. mingle
- Isaiah 19:3 shall fail: Heb. shall be emptied
- Isaiah 19:3 destroy: Heb. swallow up
- Isaiah 19:4 give over: Or, shut up
- Isaiah 19:7 and be no more: Heb. and shall not be
- Isaiah 19:9 networks: Or, white works
- Isaiah 19:10 purposes: Heb. foundations
- Isaiah 19:10 for fish: Heb. of living things
- Isaiah 19:13 they that are the stay: Or, governors. Heb. corners
- Isaiah 19:14 a perverse spirit: Heb. a spirit of perversities
- Isaiah 19:18 the language: Heb. the lip
- Isaiah 19:18 of destruction: Or, of Heres, or of the sun
- Isaiah 20:2 by Isaiah: Heb. by the hand of Isaiah
- Isaiah 20:4 the Egyptians…: Heb. the captivity of Egypt
- Isaiah 20:4 shame: Heb. nakedness
- Isaiah 20:6 isle: Or, country
- Isaiah 21:2 grievous: Heb. hard
- Isaiah 21:4 my heart panted: Or, my mind wandered
- Isaiah 21:4 turned: Heb. put
- Isaiah 21:8 He cried, a lion: Or, cried as a lion
- Isaiah 21:8 whole nights: Or, every night
- Isaiah 21:10 corn: Heb. son
- Isaiah 21:14 brought: Or, bring ye
- Isaiah 21:15 from the drawn sword: Or, for fear. Heb. from the face
- Isaiah 21:17 archers: Heb. bows
- Isaiah 22:3 by the archers: Heb. of the bow
- Isaiah 22:4 I will weep bitterly: Heb. I will be bitter in weeping
- Isaiah 22:6 uncovered: Heb. made naked
- Isaiah 22:7 choicest valleys: Heb. the choice of the valleys
- Isaiah 22:7 at the gate: Or, towards
- Isaiah 22:16 as he: Or, O he
- Isaiah 22:17 the LORD will carry thee away with: Or, the Lord who covered thee with an excellent covering, and clothed thee gorgeously, v. 18. shall surely, etc.
- Isaiah 22:17 the mighty captive: Heb. the captivity of a man
- Isaiah 22:18 large: Heb. large of spaces
- Isaiah 22:24 vessels of flagons: Or, instruments of viols
- Isaiah 23:2 still: Heb. silent
- Isaiah 23:7 afar off: Heb. from afar off
- Isaiah 23:9 to stain: Heb. to pollute
- Isaiah 23:10 strength: Heb. girdle
- Isaiah 23:11 against the merchant city: Or, concerning a merchant man
- Isaiah 23:11 strong holds: Or, strengths
- Isaiah 23:15 shall Tyre sing as an harlot: Heb. it shall be unto Tyre as the song of an harlot
- Isaiah 23:18 durable: Heb. old
- Isaiah 24:1 turneth it upside down: Heb. perverteth the face thereof
- Isaiah 24:2 priest: Or, Prince
- Isaiah 24:4 the haughty people: Heb. the height of the people
- Isaiah 24:15 fires: Or, valleys
- Isaiah 24:16 uttermost: Heb. wing
- Isaiah 24:16 My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me: Heb. leanness to me or my secret to me
- Isaiah 24:21 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Isaiah 24:22 as prisoners: Heb. with the gathering of prisoners
- Isaiah 24:22 pit: Or, dungeon
- Isaiah 24:22 visited: Or, found wanting
- Isaiah 24:23 before his ancients gloriously: Or, there shall be glory before his ancients
- Isaiah 25:7 destroy: Heb. swallow up
- Isaiah 25:7 cast over: Heb. covered
- Isaiah 25:10 troden down: Or, threshed
- Isaiah 25:10 troden down for the dunghill: Or, threshed in Madmenah
- Isaiah 26:2 truth: Heb. truths
- Isaiah 26:3 perfect peace: Heb. peace, peace
- Isaiah 26:3 mind: Or, thought, or imagination
- Isaiah 26:4 everlasting strength: Heb. the rock of ages
- Isaiah 26:11 at the people: Or, towards thy people
- Isaiah 26:12 in us: Or, for us
- Isaiah 26:16 prayer: Heb. secret speech
- Isaiah 26:21 blood: Heb. bloods
- Isaiah 27:1 piercing: Or, crossing like a bar
- Isaiah 27:4 go through: Or, march against
- Isaiah 27:7 as he smote those: Heb. according to the stroke of those
- Isaiah 27:8 when it shootest forth: Or, when thou sendest it forth
- Isaiah 27:8 he stayeth: Or, when he removeth it
- Isaiah 27:9 images: Or, sun images
- Isaiah 28:1 overcome: Heb. broken
- Isaiah 28:3 under feet: Heb. with feet
- Isaiah 28:4 eateth it up: Heb. swalloweth
- Isaiah 28:9 doctrine?: Heb. the hearing
- Isaiah 28:10 must be: Or, hath been
- Isaiah 28:11 stammering lips: Heb. stammerings of lip
- Isaiah 28:11 will he speak: Or, he hath spoken
- Isaiah 28:18 trodden down by it: Heb. a treading down to it
- Isaiah 28:19 to understand the report: Or, when he shall make you to understand doctrine
- Isaiah 28:25 the principal wheat: Or, the wheat in the principal place, and barley in the appointed place
- Isaiah 28:25 rye: Or, spelt
- Isaiah 28:25 place?: Heb. border
- Isaiah 28:26 For his God doth instruct him to discretion: Or, and he bindeth it in such sort as God doth teach him
- Isaiah 29:1 Woe to Arial, to Ariel the city: Or, oh Ariel, that is the lion of God. Or, of the city
- Isaiah 29:1 kill: Heb. out of the heads
- Isaiah 29:4 whisper: Heb. peep or chirp
- Isaiah 29:9 cry ye out, and cry: Or, take your pleasure and riot
- Isaiah 29:10 rulers: Heb. heads
- Isaiah 29:11 book: Or, letter
- Isaiah 29:14 I will proceed: Heb. I will add
- Isaiah 29:19 shall increase: Heb. shall add
- Isaiah 29:24 shall come to understanding: Heb. shall know understanding
- Isaiah 30:7 concerning this: Or, to her
- Isaiah 30:8 the time to come: Heb. the latter day
- Isaiah 30:12 oppression: Or, fraud
- Isaiah 30:14 vessel: Heb. the bottle of potters
- Isaiah 30:17 a beacon: Or, a tree bereft of branches, or boughs, or a mast
- Isaiah 30:20 affliction: Or, oppression
- Isaiah 30:22 thy graven images of silver: Heb. the graven images of thy silver
- Isaiah 30:22 cast them: Heb. scatter
- Isaiah 30:24 clean: Or, savoury. Heb. leavened
- Isaiah 30:25 high hill: Heb. lifted up
- Isaiah 30:27 and the burden thereof: Or, and the grievousness of flame
- Isaiah 30:27 heavy: Heb. heaviness
- Isaiah 30:29 mighty one: Heb. rock
- Isaiah 30:30 his glorious voice: Heb. the glory of his voice
- Isaiah 30:32 in every place where the grounded staff shall pass: Heb. every passing of the rod founded
- Isaiah 30:32 lay upon him: Heb. cause to rest upon him
- Isaiah 30:32 with it: Or, against them
- Isaiah 30:33 of old: Heb. from yesterday
- Isaiah 31:2 call back: Heb. remove
- Isaiah 31:4 noise: Or, multitude
- Isaiah 31:7 his idols of gold: Heb. the idols of his gold
- Isaiah 31:8 from the sword: Or, for fear of the sword
- Isaiah 31:8 discomfited: Or, tributarie. Heb. for melting, or tribute
- Isaiah 31:9 his strong hold for fear: Or, his strength. Heb. rock shall pass away for fear
- Isaiah 32:2 great: Heb. heavy
- Isaiah 32:4 rash: Heb. hasty
- Isaiah 32:4 plainly: Or, elegantly
- Isaiah 32:7 when the needy speaketh right: Or, he speaketh against the poor in judgment
- Isaiah 32:8 stand: Or, be established
- Isaiah 32:10 days and years: Heb. days above a year
- Isaiah 32:12 the pleasant fields: Heb. the fields of desire
- Isaiah 32:13 yea upon: Or, burning upon. etc.
- Isaiah 32:14 forts and towers: Or, clifts and watchtowers
- Isaiah 32:19 and the city shall be in a low place: Or, and the city shall be utterly abased
- Isaiah 33:6 salvation: Heb. salvations
- Isaiah 33:7 valiant ones: Or, messengers
- Isaiah 33:9 hewen down: Or, withered away
- Isaiah 33:15 righteously: Heb. in righteousnesses
- Isaiah 33:15 uprightly: Heb. uprightnesses
- Isaiah 33:15 opressions: Or, deceits
- Isaiah 33:15 blood: Heb. bloods
- Isaiah 33:16 high: Heb. heights, or high places
- Isaiah 33:17 the land that is very far off: Heb. the land of far distances
- Isaiah 33:18 receiver? Heb. weigher
- Isaiah 33:19 stammering: Or, ridiculous
- Isaiah 33:21 broad rivers and streams: Heb. broad of spaces or hands
- Isaiah 33:22 lawgiver: Heb. statutemaker
- Isaiah 33:23 Thy tacklings are loosed: Or, they have forsaken thy tacklings
- Isaiah 34:1 all that is therein: Heb. the fulness thereof
- Isaiah 34:7 unicorns: Or, rhinocerots
- Isaiah 34:7 soaked: Or, drunken
- Isaiah 34:11 cormorant: Or, pelican
- Isaiah 34:13 owls: Or, ostriches: Heb. daughters of the owl
- Isaiah 34:14 beasts: Heb. Ziym
- Isaiah 34:14 wild beasts: Heb. Iiym
- Isaiah 34:14 shrichowle: Or, night monster
- Isaiah 35:4 fearful: Heb. hasty
- Isaiah 35:7 grass with reeds: Or, a court for reeds etc.
- Isaiah 35:8 but it shall be for those: Or, for he shall be with them
- Isaiah 36:3 scribe: Or, secretary
- Isaiah 36:5 vain words: Heb. a word of lips
- Isaiah 36:5 I have counsell and strength for war: Or, but counsell and strength are for the war
- Isaiah 36:8 pledges: Or, hostages
- Isaiah 36:16 Make an agreement with me by a present: Or, seek my favour by a present. Heb. make with me a blessing
- Isaiah 37:3 blasphemy: Or, provocation
- Isaiah 37:4 left: Heb. found
- Isaiah 37:7 send a blast upon him: Or, put a spirit into him
- Isaiah 37:18 nations: Heb. lands
- Isaiah 37:19 cast: Heb. given
- Isaiah 37:24 By thy servants: Heb. by the hand of thy servants
- Isaiah 37:24 the tall cedars thereof: Heb. the tallness of the cedars thereof, and the choice of the firr trees thereof
- Isaiah 37:24 forest of his Carmel: Or, the forest and his fruitful field
- Isaiah 37:25 beseiged places: Or, fenced and closed
- Isaiah 37:26 Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it; and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous heaps: Or, Hast thou not heard how I have made it long ago, and formed it of ancient times? Should I now bring it to be laid waste, and defenced cities to be ruinous heaps?
- Isaiah 37:27 of small power: Heb. short of hand
- Isaiah 37:28 abode: Or, sitting
- Isaiah 37:31 the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah: Heb. the escaping of the house of Judah that remaineth
- Isaiah 37:38 Armenia: Heb. Ararat
- Isaiah 38:1 Set thine house in order: Heb. give charge concerning thy house
- Isaiah 38:3 sore: Heb. with great weeping
- Isaiah 38:8 degress which is gone down in the sun dial: Heb. degrees by, or with the Sun
- Isaiah 38:12 with a pining sickness: Or, From the thrum
- Isaiah 38:14 undertake for me: Or, ease me
- Isaiah 38:17 for peace I had great bitterness: Or, on my peace came great bitterness
- Isaiah 38:17 thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit: Heb. thou hast loved me from the pit
- Isaiah 39:2 precious things: Or, spicery
- Isaiah 39:2 armor: Or, jewels. Heb. vessels or instruments
- Isaiah 40:2 comfortably: Heb. to the heart
- Isaiah 40:2 warfare: Or, appointed time
- Isaiah 40:4 straight: Or, a straight place
- Isaiah 40:4 places plain: Or, a plain place
- Isaiah 40:9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings: Or, O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
- Isaiah 40:9 O Jersulem, that bringest good tidings: Or, O thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem
- Isaiah 40:10 with strong hand: Or, against the strong
- Isaiah 40:10 his work before him: Or, recompence for his work
- Isaiah 40:11 that are with young: Or, that give suck
- Isaiah 40:12 a measure: Heb. a Tierce
- Isaiah 40:13 his counselor: Heb. man of his counsel
- Isaiah 40:14 instructed him: Heb. made him understand
- Isaiah 40:14 understanding?: Heb. understandings
- Isaiah 40:20 is so impoverished: Heb. I poor of oblation
- Isaiah 40:22 it is he that sitteth: Or, him that sitteth, atc.
- Isaiah 40:31 renew: Heb. change
- Isaiah 41:2 the righteous man: Heb. righteousness
- Isaiah 41:3 safely: Heb. in peace
- Isaiah 41:6 Be of good courage: Heb. be strong
- Isaiah 41:7 goldsmith: Or, founder
- Isaiah 41:7 him that smote: Or, the smiting
- Isaiah 41:7 saying: , It is ready for the sodering: Or, saying of the soder, it is good
- Isaiah 41:11 they that strive with thee: Heb. the men of thy strife
- Isaiah 41:12 them that contended: Heb. the men of thy contention
- Isaiah 41:12 they that war against thee: Heb. the men of thy war
- Isaiah 41:14 men: Or, few men
- Isaiah 41:15 teeth: Heb. mouths
- Isaiah 41:21 Produce: Heb. cause to come near
- Isaiah 41:22 consider them, and know: Heb. set our heart upon them
- Isaiah 41:24 of nothing: Or, worse than nothing
- Isaiah 41:24 of naught: Or, worse then of a viper
- Isaiah 41:28 answer: Heb. return
- Isaiah 42:3 smoking: Or, dimly burning
- Isaiah 42:3 quench: Heb. quench it
- Isaiah 42:4 discouraged: Heb. broken
- Isaiah 42:10 all that is therein
- Isaiah 42:13 prevail: Or, behave himself mightily
- Isaiah 42:14 devour: Heb. swallow or sup up
- Isaiah 42:16 straight: Heb. into straightness
- Isaiah 42:21 it: Or, him
- Isaiah 42:22 they are all of them snared: Or, in snaring all the young men of them
- Isaiah 42:22 for a spoil: Heb. a treading
- Isaiah 42:23 for the time to come? Heb. for the after time
- Isaiah 43:4 life: Or, person
- Isaiah 43:10 no God formed: Or, nothing formed of God
- Isaiah 43:13 let it?: Heb. turn it back
- Isaiah 43:14 nobles: Heb. bars
- Isaiah 43:20 owls: Or, ostriches. Heb. daughters of the owl
- Isaiah 43:23 small cattle: Heb. lambs or kids
- Isaiah 43:24 filled me: Heb. made me drunk, or, abundantly moistened
- Isaiah 43:27 teachers: Heb. interpreters
- Isaiah 43:28 princes of the Sanctuary: Or, holy princes
- Isaiah 44:8 God: Heb. rock
- Isaiah 44:9 delectable: Heb. desireable
- Isaiah 44:12 with the tongs: Or, with an axe
- Isaiah 44:14 strengtheneth: Or, taketh courage
- Isaiah 44:18 shut: Heb. daubed
- Isaiah 44:19 considereth in his heart: Heb. setteth to his heart
- Isaiah 44:19 to the stock of a tree? Heb. that which comes of a tree
- Isaiah 44:26 decayed: Heb. wastes
- Isaiah 45:1 have holden: Or, strengthened
- Isaiah 45:13 direct: Or, make straight
- Isaiah 45:24 Surely, shall one say, In the LORD have I righteousness and strength: Or, Surely he shall say of me, In the LORD is all righteousness and strength. Heb. righteousness
- Isaiah 46:2 themselves: Heb. their soul
- Isaiah 46:11 Heb. the man of my counsel
- Isaiah 47:10 perverted thee: Or, caused thee to turn away
- Isaiah 47:11 from whence it riseth: Heb. the morning thereof
- Isaiah 47:11 put it off: Heb. expiate
- Isaiah 47:13 astrologers: Heb. viewers of the heavens
- Isaiah 47:13 the monthly prognosticators: Heb. that give knowledge concerning the months
- Isaiah 47:14 themselves: Heb. their souls
- Isaiah 48:4 obstinate: Heb. hard
- Isaiah 48:10 with silver: Or, for silver
- Isaiah 48:13 my right hand hath spanned the heavens: Or, the palm of my right hand hath spread out
- Isaiah 49:4 my work: Or, my reward
- Isaiah 49:5 Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I: Or, that Israel may be gathered to him, and I may etc.
- Isaiah 49:6 it is a light thing that thou shouldst: Or, art thou lighter, then that thou shouldest etc.
- Isaiah 49:6 preserved: Or, desolations
- Isaiah 49:7 to him whom man despiseth: Or, to him that is despised in soul
- Isaiah 49:8 establish: Or, raise up
- Isaiah 49:15 that she should not have compassion: Heb. from having compassion
- Isaiah 49:22 arms: Heb. bosom
- Isaiah 49:23 nursing fathers: Heb. nourishers
- Isaiah 49:23 queens: Heb. Princesses
- Isaiah 49:24 the lawful captive: Heb. the captivity of the just
- Isaiah 49:25 captives: Heb. captivity
- Isaiah 49:26 sweet wine: Or, new wine
- Isaiah 50:8 mine adversary?: Heb. the master of my cause
- Isaiah 51:13 were ready: Or, made himself ready
- Isaiah 51:19 are come: Heb. happened
- Isaiah 51:19 destruction: Heb. breaking
- Isaiah 52:12 be your rereward: Heb. gather you up
- Isaiah 52:13 deal prudently: Or, prosper
- Isaiah 53:1 report? Or, doctrine. Heb. hearing
- Isaiah 53:3 he hid as it were our faces from him: Or, he hid as it were his face from us. Heb. as a hiding of faces from him or from us
- Isaiah 53:5 wounded: Or, tormented
- Isaiah 53:5 stripes: Heb. bruise
- Isaiah 53:6 laid on him the iniquity of us all: Heb. he hath made the iniquity of us all to meet on him
- Isaiah 53:8 He was taken from prison, and from judgment: Or, he was taken away my distress and judgment, but etc.
- Isaiah 53:8 was he stricken: Heb. was the stroke upon him
- Isaiah 53:9 death: Heb. deaths
- Isaiah 53:10 when thou shalt make his soul on offering: Or, when his soul shall make an offering
- Isaiah 55:2 spend: Heb. weigh
- Isaiah 55:7 the unrighteous man: Heb. the man of iniquity
- Isaiah 55:7 abundantly pardon: Heb. he will multiply to pardon
- Isaiah 56:1 judgment: Or, equity
- Isaiah 56:8 besides: Heb. to his gathered
- Isaiah 56:10 sleeping: Or, dreaming or talking in their sleep
- Isaiah 56:11 greedy: Heb. strong of appetite
- Isaiah 56:11 can never have enough: Heb. Know not to be satisfied
- Isaiah 57:1 merciful men: Heb. men of kindness or godliness
- Isaiah 57:1 from the evil to come: Or, from that which is evil
- Isaiah 57:2 enter into peace: Or, go in peace
- Isaiah 57:2 in his: Or, before him
- Isaiah 57:5 with idols: Or, among the okes
- Isaiah 57:8 made a covenant with them: Or, hewed it for thyself larger than theirs
- Isaiah 57:8 where thou sawest it: Or, thou providest room
- Isaiah 57:9 thou wentest to the king: Or, thou respectedst the King
- Isaiah 57:10 life: Or, living
- Isaiah 57:17 frowardly: Heb. turning away
- Isaiah 58:1 aloud: Heb. with the throat
- Isaiah 58:3 labours: Or, things wherewith ye grieve others: Heb. griefs
- Isaiah 58:4 ye shall not fast as ye do this day: Or, ye fast not as this day
- Isaiah 58:5 day for a man to afflict his soul?: Or, to afflict his soul for a day?
- Isaiah 58:6 the heavy burdens: Heb. the bundles of the yoke
- Isaiah 58:6 oppressed: Heb. broken
- Isaiah 58:7 cast out: Or, afflicted
- Isaiah 58:8 shall be thy rereward: Heb. shall gather thee up
- Isaiah 58:11 drought: Heb. droughts
- Isaiah 58:11 fail not: Heb. lie, or deceive
- Isaiah 59:2 have hid: Or, have made him hide
- Isaiah 59:5 cockatrice: Or, adders
- Isaiah 59:5 that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper: Or, that which is sprinkled is as if there brake out a viper
- Isaiah 59:7 destruction: Heb. breaking
- Isaiah 59:8 judgment: Or, right
- Isaiah 59:15 maketh himself a prey: Or, is accounted mad
- Isaiah 59:15 it displeased him: Heb. it was evil in his eyes
- Isaiah 59:18 deeds: Heb. recompences
- Isaiah 59:19 lift up a standard: Or, put him to flight
- Isaiah 60:1 shine, for thy light is come: Or, be enlightened, for thy light cometh
- Isaiah 60:5 abundance of the Sea shall be converted unto thee: Or, noise of the Sea shall be turned toward thee
- Isaiah 60:5 forces: Or, wealth
- Isaiah 60:11 forces: Or, wealth
- Isaiah 61:10 decketh: Heb. decketh as a priest
- Isaiah 62:4 Hephzibah: That is, my delight is in her
- Isaiah 62:4 Beulah: That is, married
- Isaiah 62:5 as the bridegroom rejoiceth: Heb. with the joy of the bridegroom
- Isaiah 62:6 ye that make mention of the LORD: Or, ye that are the Lords remembrancers
- Isaiah 62:7 rest: Heb. silence
- Isaiah 62:8 Surely, I will no more give: Heb. if he give, etc.
- Isaiah 62:11 work: Or, recompense
- Isaiah 63:1 glorious: Heb. decked
- Isaiah 63:11 shepherd: Or, shepherds, as Psal. 77.21
- Isaiah 63:15 the sounding: Or, the multitude
- Isaiah 63:16 our Redeemer, thy Name is from everlasting: Or, our redeemer, from everlasting is thy name
- Isaiah 63:19 they were not called by thy Name: Heb. thy name was not called upon them
- Isaiah 64:2 the melting fire: Heb. the fire of meltings
- Isaiah 64:4 seen, O God, besides thee, what he hath prepared for him: Or, seen a God beside thee which doeth so for him, etc.
- Isaiah 64:7 consumed: Heb. melted
- Isaiah 65:3 upon altars of brick
- Isaiah 65:4 broth: Or, pieces
- Isaiah 65:5 nose: Or, anger
- Isaiah 65:11 troop: Or, Gad
- Isaiah 65:11 number: Or, Meni
- Isaiah 65:14 vexation: Heb. breaking
- Isaiah 65:17 come into mind: Heb. come upon the heart
- Isaiah 65:22 shall long enjoy the work of their hands: Heb. shall make them continue long, or shall wear out
- Isaiah 66:3 lamb: Or, kid
- Isaiah 66:3 burneth incense: Heb. maketh a memorial of
- Isaiah 66:4 delusions: Or, devices
- Isaiah 66:9 bring to the birth: Or, beget
- Isaiah 66:11 abundance: Or, brightness
- Isaiah 66:17 behind one tree: Or, one after another
- Isaiah 66:20 litters: Or, coaches
- Isaiah 66:23 from one new Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another: Heb. from new Moon to his new Moon, and from Sabbath to his Sabbath
- Jeremiah 1:5 ordained: Heb. gave
- Jeremiah 1:13 towards the North: Heb. from the face of the North
- Jeremiah 1:14 shall break forth: Heb. shall be opened
- Jeremiah 1:17 confound: Or, break to pieces
- Jeremiah 2:2 thee: Or, for thy sake
- Jeremiah 2:10 over: Or, over to
- Jeremiah 2:14 spoiled?: Heb. become a spoil
- Jeremiah 2:15 yelled: Heb. gave out their voice
- Jeremiah 2:16 broken the crown: Or, feed on thy crown, deut. 33.12 Isai. 8.8
- Jeremiah 2:20 transgress: Or, serve
- Jeremiah 2:23 thou art a swift dromedaire: Or, O swift dromedaire
- Jeremiah 2:24 A wild ass: Or, O wild ass etc.
- Jeremiah 2:24 used: Heb. taught
- Jeremiah 2:24 her pleasure: Heb. the desire of her heart
- Jeremiah 2:24 turn: Or, reverse it
- Jeremiah 2:25 there is no hope: Or, is the case desperate?
- Jeremiah 2:27 brought me forth: Or, begotten me
- Jeremiah 2:27 their back unto me: Heb. the hinder part part [sic] of the neck
- Jeremiah 2:28 trouble: Heb. evil
- Jeremiah 2:31 We are Lords: Heb. we have dominion
- Jeremiah 2:34 secret search: Heb. digging
- Jeremiah 3:1 They say: Heb. Saying
- Jeremiah 3:9 lightness: Or, fame
- Jeremiah 3:10 feignedly: Heb. in falsehood
- Jeremiah 3:16 come to mind: Heb. come upon the heart
- Jeremiah 3:16 that be done: Or, it be magnified
- Jeremiah 3:17 imagination: Or, stubbornness
- Jeremiah 3:18 with: Or, to
- Jeremiah 3:18 given for an inheritance unto your fathers: Or, caused your fathers to possess
- Jeremiah 3:19 pleasant land: Heb. land of desire
- Jeremiah 3:19 from me: Heb. from after me
- Jeremiah 3:20 husband: Heb. friend
- Jeremiah 4:6 retire: Or, strengthen
- Jeremiah 4:6 destruction: Heb. breaking
- Jeremiah 4:12 a full wind from those places: Or, a fuller wind then those
- Jeremiah 4:12 give sentence against them: Heb. utter judgments
- Jeremiah 4:19 at my very heart: Heb. the walls of my heart [symbol in wrong place]
- Jeremiah 4:30 face: Heb. eyes
- Jeremiah 5:6 evenings: Or, deserts
- Jeremiah 5:6 are increased: Heb. are strong
- Jeremiah 5:21 understanding: Heb. heart
- Jeremiah 5:26 they lay wait as he that setteth snares: Or, they pry as foulers lie in wait
- Jeremiah 5:27 cage: Or, coop
- Jeremiah 5:30 A wonderful and horrible thing: Or, astonishment and filthiness
- Jeremiah 5:31 bear rule: Or, take into their hands
- Jeremiah 6:2 comely: Or, dwelling at home
- Jeremiah 6:6 cast a mount: Or, pour out the engine of shot
- Jeremiah 6:8 depart: Heb. be loosed or disjointed
- Jeremiah 6:14 hurt: Heb. bruise or breach
- Jeremiah 6:30 Reprobate silver: Or, refuse silver
- Jeremiah 7:10 which is called by my Name: Heb. whereupon my Name is called
- Jeremiah 7:18 Queen of heaven: Or, frame, or workmanship of heaven
- Jeremiah 7:22 concerning: Heb. concerning the matter of
- Jeremiah 7:24 imagination: Or, stubbornness
- Jeremiah 7:24 went: Heb. were
- Jeremiah 7:28 correction: Or, instruction
- Jeremiah 7:31 came it into my heart: Heb. came it upon my heart
- Jeremiah 8:8 certainly, in vain made he it, the pen of the scribes is in vain: Or, the false pen of the scribes worketh for falsehood
- Jeremiah 8:9 The wise men are ashamed: Or, have they been ashamed, etc.
- Jeremiah 8:9 what wisdom is in them? Heb. the wisdom of what thing
- Jeremiah 8:13 I will surely consume them: Or, in gathering I will consume
- Jeremiah 8:14 gall: Or, poison
- Jeremiah 8:16 all that is in it: Heb. the fullness thereof
- Jeremiah 8:18 in: Heb. upon
- Jeremiah 8:19 because of them that dwell in a far country: Heb. because of the country of them that are far off
- Jeremiah 8:22 recovered?: Heb. gone up
- Jeremiah 9:1 that my head were waters: Heb. who will give my head etc.
- Jeremiah 9:4 neighbour: Or, friend
- Jeremiah 9:5 deceive: Or, mock
- Jeremiah 9:8 in heart: Heb. in the midst of him
- Jeremiah 9:8 his wait: Or, wait for him
- Jeremiah 9:10 habitations: Or, pastures
- Jeremiah 9:10 burnt up: Or, desolate
- Jeremiah 9:10 both the fowel of the heavens: Heb. from the fowel even to etc.
- Jeremiah 9:11 desolate: Heb. desolation
- Jeremiah 9:14 imagination: Or, stubbornness
- Jeremiah 9:25 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Jeremiah 9:26 in the utmost corners: Heb. cut off into corners, or having the corners of their hair polled
- Jeremiah 10:3 customs of the people are vain: Heb. statutes, or, ordinances are vanity
- Jeremiah 10:7 to thee doeth it: Or, it liketh thee
- Jeremiah 10:8 altogether: Heb. in one, or at once
- Jeremiah 10:10 true God: Heb. God of truth
- Jeremiah 10:10 everlasting King: Heb. King of eternity
- Jeremiah 10:13 multitude: Or, noise
- Jeremiah 10:13 with rain: Or, for rain
- Jeremiah 10:14 brutish is his knowledge: Or, is more brutish, then to know:
- Jeremiah 10:17 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
- Jeremiah 10:24 bring me to nothing: Heb. diminish me
- Jeremiah 11:5 so be it: Heb. Amen
- Jeremiah 11:8 imagination: Or, stubbornness
- Jeremiah 11:11 to escape: Heb. to go forth of
- Jeremiah 11:12 trouble: Heb. evil
- Jeremiah 11:13 shameful: Heb. shame
- Jeremiah 11:14 trouble: Heb. evil
- Jeremiah 11:15 What hath my beloved to do in mine house: Heb. what is to my beloved in my house?
- Jeremiah 11:15 when thou doest evil: Or, when thy evil is
- Jeremiah 11:19 the tree with the fruit thereof: Heb. the stalk with his bread
- Jeremiah 11:22 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Jeremiah 12:1 yet let me talk with thee: Or, let me reason the case with thee
- Jeremiah 12:2 they grow: Heb. they go on
- Jeremiah 12:3 towards thee: Heb. with thee
- Jeremiah 12:6 they have called a multitude after thee: Or, they cried after thee fully
- Jeremiah 12:6 fair words: Heb. good things
- Jeremiah 12:7 the dearly beloved: Heb. the love
- Jeremiah 12:8 crieth out against me: Or, yelleth. Heb. giveth out his voice
- Jeremiah 12:9 speckled: Or, taloned
- Jeremiah 12:9 come to devour: Or, cause them to come
- Jeremiah 12:10 pleasant portion: Heb. portion of desire
- Jeremiah 13:10 imagination: Or, stubbornness
- Jeremiah 13:14 one against another: Heb. a man against his brother
- Jeremiah 13:14 but destroy them: Heb. from destroying them
- Jeremiah 13:18 principalities: Or, head tires
- Jeremiah 13:21 punish: Heb visit upon’
- Jeremiah 13:22 made bear: Or, shall be violently taken away
- Jeremiah 13:23 accustomed: Heb. taught
- Jeremiah 13:27 when shall it once be?: Heb. after when yet?
- Jeremiah 14:1 the dearth: Heb. the words of the dearths or restraints
- Jeremiah 14:9 by thy Name, leave us not: Heb. thy Name is called upon us
- Jeremiah 14:13 assured peace: Heb. peace of truth
- Jeremiah 14:18 go about into a land that they know not: Or, make merchandise against a land, and men acknowledge it not, Chap. 5.31
- Jeremiah 15:3 kinds: Heb. families
- Jeremiah 15:4 I will cause them to be removed: Heb. I will give them for a moving
- Jeremiah 15:5 ask how thou doest?: Heb. to ask of thy thy peace
- Jeremiah 15:7 children: Or, whatsoever is dear
- Jeremiah 15:8 against the mother of the young me: Or, against the mother city, a young man spoiling, etc. Or, against the mother and the young men
- Jeremiah 15:11 I will cause the enmity to entreat thee well: Or, I will entreat the enemy for thee
- Jeremiah 15:16 I am call by thy Name: Heb. thy Name is called upon me
- Jeremiah 15:18 fail?: Heb. be not sure?
- Jeremiah 16:5 mourning: Or, mourning feast
- Jeremiah 16:7 tear themselves for them: Or, break bread for them, as Ezek. 24.17
- Jeremiah 16:12 imagination: Or, stubbornness
- Jeremiah 16:21 The LORD: Or, JEHOVAH
- Jeremiah 17:1 point: Heb. nail
- Jeremiah 17:4 even thyself: Heb. in thyself
- Jeremiah 17:8 drought: Or, restraint
- Jeremiah 17:11 sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not: Or, gathereth young which she hath not brought forth
- Jeremiah 17:16 follow thee: Heb. after thee
- Jeremiah 17:18 destroy them with double destruction: Heb. break them with a double breach
- Jeremiah 18:3 wheels: Or, frames or seats
- Jeremiah 18:4 that he made of clay, was marred in the hand of the potter: Or, that he made, was marred as clay in the hand of the potter
- Jeremiah 18:4 made it again: Heb. returned and made
- Jeremiah 18:14 the snow of Lebanon which cometh from the rock of the field? or shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken?: Or, my fields for a rock, or for the snow of Lebanon? shall the running waters be forsaken for the strange cold waters?
- Jeremiah 18:18 with the tongue: Or, for the tongue
- Jeremiah 18:21 pour out their blood: Heb. pours them out
- Jeremiah 18:23 to slay me: Heb. for death
- Jeremiah 19:2 the East gate: Heb. the Sun gate
- Jeremiah 19:11 be made whole: Heb. be healed
- Jeremiah 20:3 Magormissabib: That is, fear round about
- Jeremiah 20:7 deceived: Or, enticed
- Jeremiah 20:10 all my familiars: Heb. every man of my peace
- Jeremiah 21:12 Execute: Heb. judge
- Jeremiah 21:13 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
- Jeremiah 21:14 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Jeremiah 22:4 upon the throne of David: Heb. for David upon his throne
- Jeremiah 22:14 large: Heb. through aired
- Jeremiah 22:14 windows: Or, my windows
- Jeremiah 22:17 violence: Or, incursion
- Jeremiah 22:21 prosperity: Heb. prosperities
- Jeremiah 22:23 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
- Jeremiah 22:27 desire: Heb. lift up their mind
- Jeremiah 23:6 The LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS: Heb. Jehovahtsidkenu
- Jeremiah 23:10 swearing: Or, cursing
- Jeremiah 23:10 course: Or, violence
- Jeremiah 23:13 folly: Or, an absurd thing, Heb. unsavoury
- Jeremiah 23:14 an horrible thing: Or, filthiness
- Jeremiah 23:15 profaneness: Or, hypocrisy
- Jeremiah 23:17 imagination: Or, stubbornness
- Jeremiah 23:18 counsel: Or, secret
- Jeremiah 23:28 that hath a dream: Heb. with whom is
- Jeremiah 23:31 use their tongues: Or, that smooth their tongues
- Jeremiah 23:34 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Jeremiah 24:2 they were so bad: Heb. for badness
- Jeremiah 24:5 captive: Heb. captivity
- Jeremiah 24:9 to be removed: Heb. for removing or vexation
- Jeremiah 25:10 I will take from them: Heb. I will cause to perish from them
- Jeremiah 25:12 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Jeremiah 25:22 isles: Or, region by the Sea side
- Jeremiah 25:23 that are in the utmost corners: Heb. cut off into corners, or having the corners of the hair polled, chap. 9.28
- Jeremiah 25:29 which is called by my name: Heb. upon which my Name is called
- Jeremiah 25:34 the days of your slaughter: Heb. your days for slaughter
- Jeremiah 25:34 a pleasant vessel:
- Jeremiah 25:35 And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape: Heb. flight shall perish from the shepherds, and escaping from, etc.
- Jeremiah 25:38 desolate: Heb. a desolation
- Jeremiah 26:10 in the entry: Or, at the door
- Jeremiah 26:11 This man is worthy to die: Heb. The judgment of death is for this man
- Jeremiah 26:14 as seemeth good and meet unto you: Heb. as it is good and right in your eyes
- Jeremiah 26:19 the LORD: Heb. the face of the LORD
- Jeremiah 26:23 common people: Heb. sons of the people
- Jeremiah 27:4 say unto your masters: Or, concerning their masters, saying
- Jeremiah 27:9 dreamers: Heb. dreams
- Jeremiah 27:15 a lie: Heb. in a lie, or lyingly
- Jeremiah 28:3 two full years: Heb. two years of days
- Jeremiah 28:4 captives: Heb. captivity
- Jeremiah 28:16 rebellion: Heb. revolt
- Jeremiah 29:2 eunuchs: Or, chamberleins
- Jeremiah 29:9 falsely: Heb. in a lie
- Jeremiah 29:11 expected end: Heb. end and expectation
- Jeremiah 29:18 to be a curse: Heb. for a curse
- Jeremiah 29:24 Nehelamite: Or, dreamer
- Jeremiah 29:32 rebellion: Heb. revolt
- Jeremiah 30:5 of fear, and not of peace: Or, there is fear, and not peace
- Jeremiah 30:6 a man: Heb. a male
- Jeremiah 30:13 that thou mayest be bound up: Heb. for binding up, or pressing
- Jeremiah 30:18 heap: Or, little hill
- Jeremiah 30:23 continuing: Heb. cutting
- Jeremiah 30:23 fall: Or, remain
- Jeremiah 31:3 of old: Heb. from afar
- Jeremiah 31:3 with lovingkindness have I drawn thee: Or, have I extended lovingkindness unto thee
- Jeremiah 31:4 tabrets: Or, timbrels
- Jeremiah 31:5 eat them: Heb. profane them
- Jeremiah 31:9 supplications: Or, favours
- Jeremiah 31:20 sound: are troubled
- Jeremiah 31:32 although I was an husband unto them: Or, should I have continued a husband unto them?
- Jeremiah 32:9 seventeen shekels of silver: Or, seven shekels and ten pieces of silver
- Jeremiah 32:10 subscribed the evidence: Heb. wrote in the book
- Jeremiah 32:17 too hard for thee: Or, hid from thee
- Jeremiah 32:19 work: Heb. doing
- Jeremiah 32:24 mounts: Or, engines of shot
- Jeremiah 32:31 a provocation: Heb. for my anger
- Jeremiah 32:33 back: Heb. neck
- Jeremiah 32:39 forever: Heb. all days
- Jeremiah 32:40 from them: Heb. from after them
- Jeremiah 32:41 assuredly: Heb. in truth, or stability
- Jeremiah 33:3 mighty: Or, hidden
- Jeremiah 33:16 The LORD our righteousness: Heb. Jehovatsidkenu
- Jeremiah 33:17 David shall never want: Heb. There shall not be cut off from David
- Jeremiah 34:1 his dominion: Heb. the dominion of his hand
- Jeremiah 34:3 he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth: Heb. his mouth shall speak to thy mouth
- Jeremiah 34:14 hath been sold unto thee: Or, hath sold himself
- Jeremiah 34:15 now: Heb. today
- Jeremiah 34:15 which is called by my Name: Heb. whereupon my name is called
- Jeremiah 34:17 to be removed: Heb. for a removing
- Jeremiah 35:4 door: Heb. threshold or vessel
- Jeremiah 35:19 shall not want a man to stand before me: Heb. There shall not a man be cut off from, etc
- Jeremiah 36:7 they will present their supplication: Heb. their supplication shall fall
- Jeremiah 36:10 entry: Or, door
- Jeremiah 36:26 of Hammelech: Or, of the king
- Jeremiah 36:31 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Jeremiah 36:32 like: Heb. as they
- Jeremiah 37:2 by the prophet: Heb. by the hand of the prophet
- Jeremiah 37:9 selves: Heb. souls
- Jeremiah 37:10 wounded: Heb. thrust through
- Jeremiah 37:11 broken up: Heb. made to ascend
- Jeremiah 37:12 to separate himself thence in the midst of the people: Or, to slip away from thence in the midst of the people
- Jeremiah 37:14 false: Heb. falsehood or lie
- Jeremiah 37:16 cabins: Or, cells
- Jeremiah 37:20 let my supplication: Heb. let my supplication fall
- Jeremiah 38:4 welfare: Heb. peace
- Jeremiah 38:6 of Hammelech: Or, of the king
- Jeremiah 38:9 he is like to die: Heb. he will die
- Jeremiah 38:10 with thee: Heb. in thine hand
- Jeremiah 38:14 third: Or, principal
- Jeremiah 38:22 Thy friends: Heb. men of thy peace
- Jeremiah 38:23 thou shalt cause…burnt: Heb. thou shalt burn, etc.
- Jeremiah 38:27 they left off speaking with him: Heb. they were silent from him
- Jeremiah 39:5 gave judgment upon him: Heb. spake with him judgments
- Jeremiah 39:7 with chains: Heb. with two brasen chains, or fetters
- Jeremiah 39:9 the captain of the guard: Or, chief Marshal. Heb. chief of the executioners or slaughtermen. And so verse 10. 11, etc.
- Jeremiah 39:10 at the same time: Heb. in that day
- Jeremiah 39:11 to: Heb. by the hand of
- Jeremiah 39:12 look well to him: Heb. set thine eyes upon him
- Jeremiah 40:1 chains: Or, manicles [error in location of symbol in marginal notes. The symbol should be for the word chains and not captain]
- Jeremiah 40:4 I will look well unto thee: Heb. I will set mine eye upon thee
- Jeremiah 40:9 to serve: Heb. to stand before. And so verse 10
- Jeremiah 40:14 to slay thee?: Heb. to strike thee in soul?
- Jeremiah 41:6 weeping all along as he went, Heb. in going and weeping
- Jeremiah 41:9 because of Gedaliah: Or, near Gedaliah: Heb. by the hand or by the side of Gedaliah
- Jeremiah 42:2 Let, we beseech thee, our supplication be accepted before thee: Or, let our supplication fall before thee
- Jeremiah 42:16 shall follow close: Heb. shall cleave after you
- Jeremiah 42:17 so shall it be with all the men: Heb. so shall all the men be
- Jeremiah 42:19 admonished you: Heb. testified against you
- Jeremiah 42:20 ye dissembled in your hearts: Or, you have used deceit against your souls
- Jeremiah 43:13 images: Heb. statues, or standing images
- Jeremiah 43:13 Bethshemesh: Or, The house of the Sun
- Jeremiah 44:7 out of Judah: Heb. out of the midst of Judah
- Jeremiah 44:9 wickedness: Heb. wickednesses, or, punishments etc.
- Jeremiah 44:10 humbled: Heb. contrite
- Jeremiah 44:14 have a desire: Heb. lift up their soul
- Jeremiah 44:17 queen…of heaven: Or, frame of heaven
- Jeremiah 44:17 vitailes: Heb. bread
- Jeremiah 44:19 men?: Or, husbands
- Jeremiah 44:28 mine or theirs: Heb. from me or from them
- Jeremiah 46:5 beaten down: Heb. broken in pieces
- Jeremiah 46:5 fled apace: Heb. fled a flight
- Jeremiah 46:9 Ethiopians: Heb. Cush
- Jeremiah 46:9 Lybians: Heb. Put
- Jeremiah 46:11 not be cured: Heb. no cure shall be unto thee
- Jeremiah 46:16 he made many to fall: Heb. multiplied the faller
- Jeremiah 46:19 furnish thyself to go into captivity: Heb. make thee instruments of captivity
- Jeremiah 46:21 fatted bullocks: Heb. bullocks of the stall
- Jeremiah 46:25 multitude: Or, nourisher, Heb. Amon
- Jeremiah 46:28 yet will I not leave thee: Or, not utterly cut thee off
- Jeremiah 47:1 Gaza: Heb. Azzah
- Jeremiah 47:2 all that is therein: Heb. the fulness thereof
- Jeremiah 47:4 the country: Heb. the isle
- Jeremiah 47:6 put up thyself: Heb. gather thyself
- Jeremiah 47:7 how can it be: Heb. how canst thou?
- Jeremiah 48:1 Misgab: Or, the high place
- Jeremiah 48:2 cut down: Or, be brought to silence
- Jeremiah 48:2 pursue thee: Heb. go after thee
- Jeremiah 48:5 continual weeping: Heb. weeping with weeping
- Jeremiah 48:6 heath: Or, a naked tree
- Jeremiah 48:10 deceitfully: Or, negligently
- Jeremiah 48:11 remained: Heb. stood
- Jeremiah 48:15 his chosen: Heb. the choice of
- Jeremiah 48:19 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
- Jeremiah 48:27 skippedst for joy: Or, movedst thyself
- Jeremiah 48:30 his lies shall not so affect it: Or, those on whom he stayeth (Heb. his bars) do not right
- Jeremiah 48:34 desolate: Heb. desolations
- Jeremiah 48:37 clipped: Heb. diminished
- Jeremiah 48:39 back: Heb. neck
- Jeremiah 48:41 Kerioth: Or, the cities
- Jeremiah 48:45 tumultuous ones: Heb. children of noise
- Jeremiah 48:46 captives: Heb. in captivity
- Jeremiah 49:1 Concerning: Or, against
- Jeremiah 49:1 their king: Or, Melcom
- Jeremiah 49:3 their king: Or, Melcom
- Jeremiah 49:4 thy flowing valley: Or, thy valley floweth away
- Jeremiah 49:8 turn back: Or, they are turned back
- Jeremiah 49:9 till they have enough: Heb. their sufficiency
- Jeremiah 49:19 appoint me: Or, convent me in judgment
- Jeremiah 49:21 red sea: Heb. weedy Sea
- Jeremiah 49:23 fainthearted: Heb. melted
- Jeremiah 49:23 on the sea: Or, as on the sea
- Jeremiah 49:30 get you far off: Heb. flit greatly
- Jeremiah 49:31 wealthy: Or, that is at ease
- Jeremiah 49:32 utmost corners: Heb. cut off into corners, or that have the corners of their hair pulled
- Jeremiah 50:1 by Jeremiah: Heb. by the hand of Jeremiah
- Jeremiah 50:2 set up: Heb. lift up
- Jeremiah 50:6 resting place: Heb. place to lie down in
- Jeremiah 50:9 expert man: Or, destroyer
- Jeremiah 50:11 fat: Heb. big or corpulent
- Jeremiah 50:16 sickle: Or, scythe
- Jeremiah 50:21 of Merathaim: Or, of the rebels
- Jeremiah 50:21 of Pekod: Or, visitation
- Jeremiah 50:26 from the uttermost border: Heb. from the end
- Jeremiah 50:26 cast her: Or, tread her
- Jeremiah 50:31 proud: Heb. pride
- Jeremiah 50:32 proud: Heb. pride
- Jeremiah 50:36 liars: Or, chief stays. Heb. bars
- Jeremiah 50:44 appoint me: Or, convent me to plead
- Jeremiah 51:1 midst: Heb. heart
- Jeremiah 51:11 bright: Heb. pure
- Jeremiah 51:12 ambushes: Heb. liers in wait
- Jeremiah 51:14 by himself: Heb. by his soul
- Jeremiah 51:14 lift up: Heb. utter
- Jeremiah 51:16 multitude: Or, noise
- Jeremiah 51:17 is brutish by his knowledge: Or, is more brutish then to know
- Jeremiah 51:20 with thee: Or, in thee, or by thee
- Jeremiah 51:26 desolate forever: Heb. everlasting desolations
- Jeremiah 51:33 it is time to thresh her: Or, in the time that he thresheth her
- Jeremiah 51:35 The violence done to me: Heb. my violence
- Jeremiah 51:35 flesh: Or, remainder
- Jeremiah 51:35 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
- Jeremiah 51:38 yell: Or, shake themselves
- Jeremiah 51:47 do judgment: Heb. visit upon
- Jeremiah 51:49 As Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel to fall: Or, both Babylon is to fall, O ye slain of Israel, and with Babylon, etc.
- Jeremiah 51:49 the earth: Or, the country
- Jeremiah 51:58 The broad wall of Babylon: Or, The walls of broad Babylon
- Jeremiah 51:58 broken: Or, made naked
- Jeremiah 51:59 with: Or, on the behalf of
- Jeremiah 51:59 quiet prince: Or, prince of Menucha or chief chamberlain
- Jeremiah 51:62 desolate: Heb. desolations
- Jeremiah 52:11 put out: Heb. blinded
- Jeremiah 52:11 in chains: Or, fetters
- Jeremiah 52:11 prison: Heb. house of the wards
- Jeremiah 52:12 captain of the guard: Or, chief Marshal. Heb. chief of the executioners or slaughtermen. And so vers. 14. etc.
- Jeremiah 52:12 served: Heb. stood before
- Jeremiah 52:18 shovels: Or, instruments to remove the ashes
- Jeremiah 52:18 bowles: Or, basons
- Jeremiah 52:19 firepans: Or, censers
- Jeremiah 52:20 the brass: Heb. their brass
- Jeremiah 52:21 fillet: Heb. thread
- Jeremiah 52:24 door: Heb. threshold
- Jeremiah 52:25 were near the kings person: Heb. saw the face of the king
- Jeremiah 52:25 principal scribe: Or, scribe of the captain of the host
- Jeremiah 52:29 persons: Heb. souls
- Jeremiah 52:32 kindly unto him: Heb. good things with him
- Jeremiah 52:34 every day a portion: Heb. the matter of the day in his day
- Lamentations 1:3 because of great servitude: Heb. for the greatness of servitude
- Lamentations 1:7 pleasant: Or, desireable
- Lamentations 1:8 is removed: Heb. is become a removing or wandering
- Lamentations 1:10 pleasant: Or, desireable
- Lamentations 1:11 relieve the soul: Or, to make the soul to come again
- Lamentations 1:12 Is it nothing to you: Or, is it nothing
- Lamentations 1:12 pass by? Heb. pass by the way
- Lamentations 1:15 the virgin…as in a winepress: Or, the winepress of the virgin, etc.
- Lamentations 1:16 relieve: Heb. bring back
- Lamentations 1:18 commandment: Heb. mouth
- Lamentations 1:21 called: Or, proclaimed
- Lamentations 2:2 brought them down: Heb. made to couch
- Lamentations 2:4 pleasant to the eye: Heb. all the desirable of the eye
- Lamentations 2:6 tabernacle: Or, hedge
- Lamentations 2:7 given up: Heb. shut up
- Lamentations 2:8 destroying: Heb. swallowing up
- Lamentations 2:11 swoon: Or, faint
- Lamentations 2:15 by: Heb. by the way
- Lamentations 2:20 span long?: Or, swadled with their hands
- Lamentations 3:13 arrows: Heb. sons
- Lamentations 3:15 bitterness: Heb. bitternesses
- Lamentations 3:16 covered me with ashes: Or, rolled me in the ashes
- Lamentations 3:17 prosperity: Heb. good
- Lamentations 3:19 Remembering: Or, remember
- Lamentations 3:20 humbled: Heb. bowed
- Lamentations 3:21 recall to my mind: Heb. make to return to my heart
- Lamentations 3:33 willingly: Heb. from his heart
- Lamentations 3:35 most high: Or, a superior
- Lamentations 3:36 approveth not: Or, seeth not
- Lamentations 3:39 complain: Or, murmur
- Lamentations 3:51 mine heart: Heb. my soul
- Lamentations 3:51 because of all: Or, more then all
- Lamentations 3:65 sorrow of the heart: Or, obstinacy of heart
- Lamentations 4:3 sea monsters: Or, sea calves
- Lamentations 4:6 punishment of the iniquity: Or, iniquity
- Lamentations 4:8 blacker then a cole: Heb. darker than blackness
- Lamentations 4:9 pine away: Heb. flow out
- Lamentations 4:14 so that men could not touch: Or, in that they could not but touch
- Lamentations 4:15 it is unclean: Or, ye polluted
- Lamentations 4:16 anger: Or, face
- Lamentations 4:22 punishment of thine iniquity: Or, thine iniquity
- Lamentations 4:22 discover thy sins: Or, carry thee captive for thy sins
- Lamentations 5:4 is sold unto us: Heb. cometh for price
- Lamentations 5:5 Our necks are under persecution: Heb. on our necks are we persecuted
- Lamentations 5:10 terrible: Or, terrors or storms
- Lamentations 5:16 The crown is fallen from our head: Heb. the crown of our head is fallen [† symbol missing]
- Lamentations 5:20 so long time?: Heb. for length of days
- Lamentations 5:22 But thou hast utterly rejected us: Or, for wilt thou utterly reject us?
- Ezekiel 1:1 captives: Heb. captivity
- Ezekiel 1:3 Ezekiel: Heb. Jehezkel
- Ezekiel 1:4 infolding itself: Heb. catching itself
- Ezekiel 1:7 straight feet: Heb. a straight foot
- Ezekiel 1:11 stretched upward: Or, divided above
- Ezekiel 1:18 rings: Or, strakes
- Ezekiel 1:20 of the living: Or, of life
- Ezekiel 1:21 of the living: Or, of life
- Ezekiel 2:3 nation: Heb. nations
- Ezekiel 2:4 impudent: Heb. hard of face
- Ezekiel 2:6 briers: Or, rebels
- Ezekiel 2:7 rebellious: Heb. rebellion
- Ezekiel 3:5 strange speech, and of an hard language: Heb. deep of lips, and heavy of tongue, and so ver. 6
- Ezekiel 3:6 strange speech and of an hard language: Heb. deep of lip, and heavy language
- Ezekiel 3:6 surely had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee: Or, if I had sent thee etc. would they not have hearkened unto thee?
- Ezekiel 3:7 impudent and hard hearted: Heb. stiff of forehead, and hard of heart
- Ezekiel 3:13 touched: Heb. kissed
- Ezekiel 3:14 bitterness: Heb. bitter
- Ezekiel 3:14 heat of my spirit: Heb. hot anger
- Ezekiel 3:20 righteousness: Heb. righteousnessess
- Ezekiel 3:26 a reprover: Heb. a man reproving
- Ezekiel 4:2 battering rams: Or, chief leaders
- Ezekiel 4:3 iron pan: Or, a flat plate, or slice
- Ezekiel 4:6 each day for a year: Heb. a day for a year, a day for a year
- Ezekiel 4:8 from one side to another: Heb. from thy side to thy side
- Ezekiel 4:9 fitches: Or, spelt
- Ezekiel 5:3 skirts: Heb. wings
- Ezekiel 6:4 images: Or, sun images, and so vers. 6
- Ezekiel 6:5 lay: Heb. give
- Ezekiel 6:5 desolate then the wilderness: Or, desolate from the wilderness
- Ezekiel 7:3 recompense: Heb. give
- Ezekiel 7:6 watcheth for thee: Heb. awaketh against thee
- Ezekiel 7:7 sounding: Or, echo
- Ezekiel 7:9 thee: Heb. upon thee
- Ezekiel 7:11 their multitude: Or, their tumultuous persons. Heb. tumult
- Ezekiel 7:13 although they were yet alive: Heb. though their life were yet among the living
- Ezekiel 7:13 in the iniquity of his life: Or, whose life is in his iniquity. Heb. his iniquity
- Ezekiel 7:17 shall be weak as water: Heb. go into water
- Ezekiel 7:19 removed: Heb. for a separation or uncleanness
- Ezekiel 7:19 because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity: Or, because their iniquity is their stumbling block
- Ezekiel 7:20 set it far from them: Or, made it unto them an unclean thing
- Ezekiel 7:22 robbers: Or, buglers
- Ezekiel 7:24 their holy places shall be defiled: Or, they shall inherit their holy places
- Ezekiel 7:25 Destruction: Heb. cutting off
- Ezekiel 7:27 according to: Heb. with their judgments
- Ezekiel 8:17 Is it a light thing..that they commit here?: Or, is there anything lighter then to commit?
- Ezekiel 9:2 which lieth: Heb. which is turned
- Ezekiel 9:2 a slaughter weapon: Heb. a weapon of his breaking in pieces
- Ezekiel 9:2 by his side: Heb. upon his loins
- Ezekiel 9:4 set a mark: Heb. mark a mark
- Ezekiel 9:5 mine hearing: Heb. mine ears
- Ezekiel 9:6 utterly: Heb. to destruction
- Ezekiel 9:9 full of: Heb. filled with
- Ezekiel 9:9 perverseness: Or, wrestling of judgment
- Ezekiel 9:11 reported the matter: Heb. returned the word
- Ezekiel 10:2 fill thine hand: Heb. the hollow of thine hand
- Ezekiel 10:4 went up: Heb. was lifted up
- Ezekiel 10:7 stretched forth: Heb. sent forth
- Ezekiel 10:12 body: Heb. flesh
- Ezekiel 10:13 it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel: Or, they were called in my hearing, wheel, or Galgal
- Ezekiel 10:17 living: Or, of life
- Ezekiel 11:3 It is not near, let us build houses: Or, it is not for us to build houses near
- Ezekiel 11:12 ye have not walked: Or, which have not walked
- Ezekiel 12:3 stuff: Or, instruments
- Ezekiel 12:4 as they that go forth into captivity: Heb. as the goings forth of captivity
- Ezekiel 12:5 Dig thou: Heb. Dig for thee
- Ezekiel 12:7 I digged: Heb. digged for me
- Ezekiel 12:11 they shall remove and go into captivity
- Ezekiel 12:16 a few men: Heb. men of number
- Ezekiel 12:19 all that is therein: Heb. the fullness thereof
- Ezekiel 13:2 prophecy out of their own hearts: Heb. them that are prophets out of their own hearts
- Ezekiel 13:3 follow: Heb. walk after
- Ezekiel 13:3 and have seen nothing: Or, and things which they have not seen
- Ezekiel 13:5 gaps: Or, breaches
- Ezekiel 13:5 made up the hedge: Heb. hedged the hedge
- Ezekiel 13:9 assembly: Or, secret or counsel
- Ezekiel 13:10 a wall: Or, a slight wall
- Ezekiel 13:18 armholes: Or, elbows
- Ezekiel 13:20 to make them fly: Or, into gardens
- Ezekiel 13:22 by promising him life: Or, that I should save his life. Heb. by quickening him
- Ezekiel 14:6 yourselves: Or, others
- Ezekiel 14:15 spoil: Or, bereave
- Ezekiel 14:16 in it: Heb. in the midst of it
- Ezekiel 14:21 how: Or, also when
- Ezekiel 15:4 Is it meet: Heb. will it prosper?
- Ezekiel 15:5 meet: Heb. made fit
- Ezekiel 15:8 committed a trespass: Heb. trespassed a trespass
- Ezekiel 16:3 birth: Heb. cutting out, or habitation
- Ezekiel 16:4 supple thee: Or, when I looked upon thee
- Ezekiel 16:6 polluted: Or, trodden under foot
- Ezekiel 16:7 caused thee to multiply: Heb. made thee a million
- Ezekiel 16:7 excellent ornaments: Heb. ornaments of ornaments
- Ezekiel 16:9 blood: Heb. bloods
- Ezekiel 16:12 forehead: Heb. nose
- Ezekiel 16:17 of men: Heb. of a male
- Ezekiel 16:19 a sweet savour: Heb. a savour of rest
- Ezekiel 16:20 to be devoured: Heb. to devour
- Ezekiel 16:24 eminent place: Or, brothel house
- Ezekiel 16:27 daughters: Or, cities
- Ezekiel 16:31 that thou buildest: Or, in thy daughters is thine etc.
- Ezekiel 16:33 hirest: Heb. bribest
- Ezekiel 16:38 as women: Heb. with judgments of
- Ezekiel 16:39 thy fair jewels: Heb. instruments of thine ornament
- Ezekiel 16:46 younger: Heb. lesser than thou
- Ezekiel 16:47 that were a very little thing: Or, that was lothed as a small thing
- Ezekiel 16:56 mentioned: Heb. for a report or hearing
- Ezekiel 16:56 pride: Heb. pride or excellencies
- Ezekiel 16:57 Syria: Heb. Aram
- Ezekiel 16:57 despise: Or spoil
- Ezekiel 16:58 borne: Heb. borne them
- Ezekiel 17:3 divers: Heb. embroidering
- Ezekiel 17:5 planted it in a fruitful field: Heb. put it in a field of seed
- Ezekiel 17:8 soil: Heb. field
- Ezekiel 17:13 taken an oath of him: Heb. brought him to an oath
- Ezekiel 17:14 but that by keeping of his Covenant it might stand: Heb. to keep his covenant to stand to it
- Ezekiel 18:5 lawful and right: Heb. judgment and justice
- Ezekiel 18:10 robber: Or, breaker up of an house
- Ezekiel 18:10 that doth the like to any one of these things: Or, that doeth to his brother, besides any of these
- Ezekiel 18:13 blood: Heb. bloods
- Ezekiel 18:16 hath not withholden the pledge: Heb. hath not pledged the pledge or taken to pledge
- Ezekiel 18:32 yourselves: Or, others
- Ezekiel 19:7 desolate: Or, their widows
- Ezekiel 19:9 in chains: Or, in hooks
- Ezekiel 19:10 in thy blood: Or, in thy quietness or in thy likeness
- Ezekiel 20:4 judge them: Or, plead for them
- Ezekiel 20:5 lifted up: Or, sware, and so verse 6, etc.
- Ezekiel 20:11 shewed them: Heb. made them to know
- Ezekiel 20:27 committed a trespass: Heb. trespassed a trespass
- Ezekiel 20:29 I said unto them, What is the high place: Or, I told them what the high place was, or Bamah
- Ezekiel 20:37 bond: Or, delivering
- Ezekiel 20:40 firstfruits: Or, chief
- Ezekiel 20:41 sweet savour: Heb. savour of rest
- Ezekiel 21:7 shall be weak as water: Heb. shall go into water
- Ezekiel 21:10 it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree: Or, it is the rod of my son, it despiseth every tree
- Ezekiel 21:12 terrors, by reason of the sword, shall be upon my people: Or, they are thrust down to the sword with my people
- Ezekiel 21:13 Because it is a trial, and what if the sword contemn even the rod?: Or, When the trial hath been, what then? shall they not also belong to the despising rod?
- Ezekiel 21:14 hands together: Heb. hand to hand
- Ezekiel 21:15 point: Or, glittering, or fear
- Ezekiel 21:15 wrapped: Or, sharpened
- Ezekiel 21:16 or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set: Heb. set thyself, take the left hand
- Ezekiel 21:21 parting of the way: Heb. mother of the way
- Ezekiel 21:21 arrows: Or, knives
- Ezekiel 21:21 images: Heb. Teraphim
- Ezekiel 21:22 captains: Or, battering rams. Heb. rams
- Ezekiel 21:23 to them that have sworn oaths: Or, for the oaths made unto them
- Ezekiel 21:27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: Heb. Perverted, perverted, perverted will I make it
- Ezekiel 21:30 Shall I cause it to return: Or, cause to it to return
- Ezekiel 21:31 brutish: Or, burning
- Ezekiel 22:2 judge: Or, plead for
- Ezekiel 22:2 bloody city?: Heb. city of bloods
- Ezekiel 22:2 shalt show her: Heb. make her know
- Ezekiel 22:5 infamous, and much vexed: Heb. polluted of name, much in vexation
- Ezekiel 22:6 power: Heb. arm
- Ezekiel 22:7 oppression: Or, deceit
- Ezekiel 22:9 men that carry tales: Heb. men of slanders
- Ezekiel 22:11 one: Or, every one
- Ezekiel 22:11 another: Or, every one
- Ezekiel 22:11 lewdly: Or, by lewdness
- Ezekiel 22:16 shalt take thine inheritance: Or, shalt be prophaned
- Ezekiel 22:18 dross: Heb. drosses
- Ezekiel 22:20 as they gather: Heb. according to the gathering
- Ezekiel 22:26 violated: Heb. offered violence to
- Ezekiel 22:29 oppression: Or, deceit
- Ezekiel 22:29 wrongfully: Heb. without right
- Ezekiel 23:7 she committed her whoredoms with them: Heb. bestowed her whoredoms upon them
- Ezekiel 23:7 chose men of Assyria: Heb. the choice of the children of Asshur
- Ezekiel 23:10 famous: Heb. a name
- Ezekiel 23:11 she was more corrupt in her inordinate love then she: Heb. she corrupted her inordinate love more then etc.
- Ezekiel 23:11 more then her sister in her whoredoms: Heb. more then the whoredoms of her sister
- Ezekiel 23:16 as soon as she saw: Heb. at the sight of her eyes
- Ezekiel 23:17 Babylonians: Heb. children of Babel
- Ezekiel 23:17 alienated from them: Heb. tossed or disjointed
- Ezekiel 23:26 fair jewels: Heb. instruments of thy decking
- Ezekiel 23:36 judge: Or, plead for
- Ezekiel 23:40 to come: Heb. coming
- Ezekiel 23:41 stately: Heb. honourable
- Ezekiel 23:42 common sort: Heb. of the multitude of men
- Ezekiel 23:42 Sabeans: Or, drunkards
- Ezekiel 23:43 whoredoms with her: Heb. Her whoredoms
- Ezekiel 23:46 to be removed and spoiled: Heb. for a removing and spoil
- Ezekiel 23:47 dispatch them: Or, single them out
- Ezekiel 24:5 burn: Or, heap
- Ezekiel 24:16 run down: Heb. go
- Ezekiel 24:17 Forbear: Heb. be silent
- Ezekiel 24:17 lips: Heb. upper lip. And so vers. 22
- Ezekiel 24:21 that which your soul pitieth: Heb. the pity of your soul
- Ezekiel 24:25 that whereupon the set their minds: Heb. the lifting up of the soul
- Ezekiel 25:4 men: Heb. children
- Ezekiel 25:6 hands: Heb. hand
- Ezekiel 25:6 feet: Heb. foot
- Ezekiel 25:6 heart: Heb. soul
- Ezekiel 25:7 spoil: Or, meat
- Ezekiel 25:9 the side of Moab: Heb. shoulder of Moab
- Ezekiel 25:10 with the Ammonites: Or, against the children of Ammon
- Ezekiel 25:12 by taking vengeance: Heb. by revenging revengement
- Ezekiel 25:13 they of Dedan shall fall by the sword: Or, they shall fall by the sword unto Dedan
- Ezekiel 25:15 for the old hatred: Or, with perpetual hatred
- Ezekiel 25:16 Sea coast: Or, haven of the Sea
- Ezekiel 25:17 vengeance: Heb. great vengeances
- Ezekiel 26:8 cast a mount against thee: Or, pour out the engine of shot
- Ezekiel 26:10 as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach
- Ezekiel 26:12 thy pleasant houses: Heb. houses of thy desire
- Ezekiel 26:16 trembling: Heb. tremblings
- Ezekiel 26:17 Seafaring: Heb. of the seas
- Ezekiel 26:21 a terror: Heb. terrors
- Ezekiel 27:3 of perfect beauty: Heb. perfect of beauty
- Ezekiel 27:4 midst: Heb. heart
- Ezekiel 27:5 made: Heb. built
- Ezekiel 27:6 oars…have made thy benches of Ivory: Or, they have made thy hatches of ivory well trodden
- Ezekiel 27:6 the company: Heb. the daughter
- Ezekiel 27:7 blue and purple: Or, purple and scarlet
- Ezekiel 27:9 calkers: Or, stoppers of chinks. Heb. strengtheners
- Ezekiel 27:13 market: Or, merchandise
- Ezekiel 27:16 wares: Heb. works
- Ezekiel 27:16 Agate: Or, Chrysoprase
- Ezekiel 27:17 balm: Or, rosin
- Ezekiel 27:19 going to and fro: Or, Meuzall
- Ezekiel 27:20 precious clothes: Heb. clothes of freedom
- Ezekiel 27:21 they occupied with thee: Heb. they were the merchants of thy hand
- Ezekiel 27:24 sorts of things: Or, excellent things
- Ezekiel 27:24 clothes: Heb. followings
- Ezekiel 27:26 midst: Heb. heart
- Ezekiel 27:27 and in: Or, even withall
- Ezekiel 27:27 middest: Or, heart
- Ezekiel 27:28 suburbs: Or, waves
- Ezekiel 27:36 a terror: Heb. terrors
- Ezekiel 27:36 never shalt be any more: Heb. shalt not be forever
- Ezekiel 28:2 midst: Heb. heart
- Ezekiel 28:5 By thy great wisdom: Heb. by the greatness of thy wisdom
- Ezekiel 28:9 slayeth: Or, woundeth
- Ezekiel 28:13 Sardius: Or, ruby
- Ezekiel 28:13 Beril: Or, chrysolite
- Ezekiel 28:13 Emeraude: Or, Chysoprase
- Ezekiel 28:19 a terror: Heb. terrors
- Ezekiel 28:26 safely: Or, with confidence
- Ezekiel 28:26 despise: Or, spoil
- Ezekiel 29:5 open fields: Heb. face of the field
- Ezekiel 29:10 utterly waste: Heb. wastes of waste
- Ezekiel 29:10 Syene: Heb. Seveneh
- Ezekiel 29:14 habitation: Or, birth
- Ezekiel 29:14 base: Heb. low
- Ezekiel 29:19 take her spoil, and take her prey: Heb. spoil her spoil and prey her prey
- Ezekiel 29:20 for his labor: Or, for his hire
- Ezekiel 30:4 pain: Or, fear
- Ezekiel 30:5 Libya: Heb. Phut
- Ezekiel 30:5 men: Heb. children
- Ezekiel 30:8 destroyed: Heb. broken
- Ezekiel 30:12 dry: Heb. drought
- Ezekiel 30:12 all that is therein: Heb. the fullness thereof
- Ezekiel 30:14 Zoan: Or, Tanis
- Ezekiel 30:15 Sin: Or, Pelusium
- Ezekiel 30:17 Aven: Or, Heliopolis
- Ezekiel 30:17 Phibeseth: Or, Pubastum
- Ezekiel 30:18 darkened: Or, restrained
- Ezekiel 31:3 with fair branches: Heb. fair of branches
- Ezekiel 31:4 made him great: Or, nourished
- Ezekiel 31:4 set him up: Or, brought him up
- Ezekiel 31:4 little rivers: Heb. conduits
- Ezekiel 31:5 when he shot forth: Or, when it sent them forth
- Ezekiel 31:11 deal with him: Heb. in doing he shall do unto him
- Ezekiel 31:14 their trees stand up: Or, stand upon themselves for their height
- Ezekiel 31:15 to mourn: Heb. to be black
- Ezekiel 32:2 a whale: Or, dragon
- Ezekiel 32:6 the land wherein thou swimmest: Or, the land of thy swimming
- Ezekiel 32:7 put thee out: Or, extinguish
- Ezekiel 32:8 bright lights of heaven: Heb. lights of the light in heaven
- Ezekiel 32:8 dark over thee: Heb. them dark
- Ezekiel 32:9 vex: Heb. provoke to anger, or grief
- Ezekiel 32:15 destitute of that whereof it was full: Heb. desolate from the fullness thereof
- Ezekiel 32:20 to the sword: Or, the sword is laid
- Ezekiel 32:23 terror: Or, dismaying
- Ezekiel 32:27 with their weapons of warfare: Heb. with weapons of their war
- Ezekiel 32:29 laid: Heb. given or put
- Ezekiel 33:2 When I bring the sword upon a land: Heb. a land when I bring a sword upon her
- Ezekiel 33:4 whosoever heareth: Heb. he that hearing heareth
- Ezekiel 33:14 lawful and right: Heb. judgment and justice
- Ezekiel 33:27 to be devoured: Heb. to devour him
- Ezekiel 33:28 most desolate: Heb. desolation and desolation
- Ezekiel 33:31 as the people cometh: Heb. according to the coming of the people
- Ezekiel 33:31 sit before thee as my people: Or, my people sit before thee
- Ezekiel 33:31 they show much love: Heb. they make loves or jests
- Ezekiel 33:32 a very lovely song: Heb. a song of loves
- Ezekiel 34:5 because there is no shepherd: Or, without a shepherd, and so verse 8
- Ezekiel 34:12 As…seeketh: Heb. according to the seeking
- Ezekiel 34:17 cattle: Heb. small cattle of lambs and kids
- Ezekiel 34:17 he goats: Heb. great he goats
- Ezekiel 34:29 of renown: Or, for renown
- Ezekiel 34:29 consumed: Heb. taken away
- Ezekiel 35:3 most desolate: Heb. desolation and desolation
- Ezekiel 35:5 perpetual hatred: Or, hatred of old
- Ezekiel 35:5 shed the blood of the children: Heb. powered out the children
- Ezekiel 35:5 force: Heb. hands
- Ezekiel 35:7 most desolate: Heb. desolation and desolation
- Ezekiel 35:10 whereas the LORD was there: Or, though the Lord was there
- Ezekiel 35:12 to consume: Heb. to devour
- Ezekiel 35:13 boasted: Heb. magnified
- Ezekiel 36:3 Because they have: Heb. because for because
- Ezekiel 36:3 ye are taken up in the lips: Or, ye are made to come up on the lip of the tongue
- Ezekiel 36:4 rivers: Or, bottoms or dales
- Ezekiel 36:14 bereave: Or, cause to fall
- Ezekiel 36:23 their: Or, your
- Ezekiel 36:38 holy flock: Heb. flock of holy things
- Ezekiel 37:2 valley: Or, champian
- Ezekiel 37:9 wind: Or, breath
- Ezekiel 38:2 the chief prince: Or, prince of the chief
- Ezekiel 38:5 Libya: Or, Phut
- Ezekiel 38:10 think an evil thought: Or, conceive a mischievous purpose
- Ezekiel 38:11 safely: Or, confidently
- Ezekiel 38:12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey: Heb. to spoil the spoil, and to prey the prey
- Ezekiel 38:12 midst: Heb. navel
- Ezekiel 38:17 by: Heb. by the hand of
- Ezekiel 38:20 steep places: Or, towers. Or stairs
- Ezekiel 39:2 leave but the sixth part of thee: Or, strike thee with six plagues, or, draw thee back, with an hook of six teeth, as chap. 38.4
- Ezekiel 39:2 North parts: Heb. the sides of the North
- Ezekiel 39:4 sort: Heb. wing
- Ezekiel 39:4 to be devoured: Heb. to devour
- Ezekiel 39:5 the open field: Heb. the face of the field
- Ezekiel 39:6 carelessly: Or, confidently
- Ezekiel 39:9 handstaves: Or, javelins
- Ezekiel 39:9 burn them with fire: Or, make a fire of them
- Ezekiel 39:11 noses: Or, mouths
- Ezekiel 39:11 Hamongog: That is, the multitude of Gog
- Ezekiel 39:14 men of continual: Heb. men of continuance
- Ezekiel 39:15 set up: Heb. build
- Ezekiel 39:16 Hamonah: That is, the multitude
- Ezekiel 39:17 unto every feathered fowel: Heb. to the fowel of every wing
- Ezekiel 39:17 sacrifice: Or, slaughter
- Ezekiel 39:18 goats: Heb. great goats
- Ezekiel 39:28 which caused them: Heb. by my causing of them etc.
- Ezekiel 40:2 by which: Or, upon which
- Ezekiel 40:6 which looketh toward the East: Heb. whose face was the way toward the East
- Ezekiel 40:12 space: Heb. limit, or bound
- Ezekiel 40:16 narrow: Heb. closed
- Ezekiel 40:16 arches: Or, galleries, or porches
- Ezekiel 40:16 inward: Or, within
- Ezekiel 40:19 without: Or, from without
- Ezekiel 40:20 that looked: Heb. whose face was
- Ezekiel 40:21 arches: Or, galleries or porches
- Ezekiel 40:30 broad: Heb. breadth
- Ezekiel 40:40 as one goeth: Or, at the step
- Ezekiel 40:43 hooks: Or, and irons or the two hearthstones
- Ezekiel 40:45 charge: Or, ward, or, ordinance, and so ver. 46
- Ezekiel 41:2 door: Or, entrance
- Ezekiel 41:6 side chambers were…one over another: Heb. side chamber over side chamber
- Ezekiel 41:6 thirty: Or, three and thirty times, or foot
- Ezekiel 41:6 have hold: Heb. be holden
- Ezekiel 41:7 there was an enlarging: Heb. it was made broader and went round
- Ezekiel 41:15 galleries: Or, several walks, or, walks with pillars
- Ezekiel 41:16 cieled with wood: Heb. cieling of wood
- Ezekiel 41:16 and from the ground up to the windows: Or, the ground unto the windows
- Ezekiel 41:17 measure: Heb. measures
- Ezekiel 41:21 posts: Heb. post
- Ezekiel 42:5 were higher then these: Or, did eat of these
- Ezekiel 42:5 then the lower, and then the middlemost of the building: Or, and the building consisted of the lower and the middlemost
- Ezekiel 42:9 from under: Or, from the place
- Ezekiel 42:9 was the entry: Or, he that brought me
- Ezekiel 42:9 as one goeth: Or, as he came
- Ezekiel 42:16 side: Heb. wind
- Ezekiel 43:3 the vision that I saw, when I came to destroy the city: Or, when I came to prophecy that the city should be destroyed. See chap. 9. 2,5
- Ezekiel 43:8 and the wall between me and them: Or, for there was but a wall between me and them
- Ezekiel 43:10 pattern: Or, sum, or number
- Ezekiel 43:13 bottom: Heb. bosom
- Ezekiel 43:13 edge: Heb. lip
- Ezekiel 43:15 Altar: Heb. Marel, that is, the Mountain of God
- Ezekiel 43:15 Altar: Heb. altar: Heb. Ariel, that is, the Lion of God
- Ezekiel 43:26 consecrate: Heb. fill their hands
- Ezekiel 43:27 peace offerings: Or, thank offerings
- Ezekiel 44:5 mark well: Heb. set thine heart
- Ezekiel 44:7 strangers: Heb. children of a stranger
- Ezekiel 44:8 charge: Or, ward, or ordinance. And so verse 14. and 16
- Ezekiel 44:12 caused…to fall into iniquity: Heb. were for a stumbling block of iniquity unto etc.
- Ezekiel 44:18 that causeth sweat: Or, in sweating places. Heb. in, or with sweat
- Ezekiel 44:22 put away: Heb. thrust forth
- Ezekiel 44:22 that had a priest before: Heb. from a priest
- Ezekiel 44:29 dedicate: Or, devoted
- Ezekiel 44:30 first: Or, chief
- Ezekiel 45:1 when ye shall divide by lot the land: Heb. when ye cause the land to fall
- Ezekiel 45:1 an holy: Heb. holiness
- Ezekiel 45:2 suburbs: Or, void places
- Ezekiel 45:9 exactions: Heb. expulsions
- Ezekiel 45:15 lamb: Or, kid
- Ezekiel 45:15 peace offerings: Or, thank offerings
- Ezekiel 45:16 shall give: Heb. shall be for
- Ezekiel 45:16 for: Or, with
- Ezekiel 45:17 peace offerings: Or, thank offerings
- Ezekiel 46:5 as he shall be able: Heb. the gift of his hand
- Ezekiel 46:13 the first year: Heb. of his year
- Ezekiel 46:13 every morning: Heb. morning by morning
- Ezekiel 46:21 in every corner of the court there were courts: Heb. a court in a corner of a court, and a court in a corner of a court
- Ezekiel 46:22 joined: Or, made with chimneys
- Ezekiel 46:22 corners: Heb. cornered
- Ezekiel 47:5 waters to swim: Heb. waters of swimming
- Ezekiel 47:7 bank: Heb. lip
- Ezekiel 47:8 desert: Or, plain
- Ezekiel 47:9 rivers: Heb. two rivers
- Ezekiel 47:11 shall not be healed: Or, and that which shall not be healed
- Ezekiel 47:12 shall grow: Heb. shall come up
- Ezekiel 47:12 new: Or, principal
- Ezekiel 47:12 for medicine: Or, for bruises and sores
- Ezekiel 47:14 lifted: Or, swore
- Ezekiel 47:16 Hazarhatticon: Or, the middle village
- Ezekiel 47:18 from: Heb. from between
- Ezekiel 47:19 strife: Or, Meribah
- Ezekiel 47:19 river: Or, valley
- Ezekiel 47:19 Southward: Or, toward Teman
- Ezekiel 48:11 for the Priests that are sanctified: Or, the sanctified portion shall be for the priests
- Ezekiel 48:11 my charge: Or, ward, or, ordinance
- Ezekiel 48:23 a portion: Heb. one portion
- Ezekiel 48:28 strife in Kadesh: Or, Meribahkadesh
- Ezekiel 48:35 The LORD is there: Heb. Jehovahshammah
- Daniel 1:5 the wine which he drank: Heb. the wine of his drink
- Daniel 1:10 worse: Heb. sadder
- Daniel 1:10 sort?: Or, term, or continuance
- Daniel 1:11 Melzar: Or, the steward
- Daniel 1:12 pulse: Heb. of pulse
- Daniel 1:12 to eat: Heb. that we may eat, etc.
- Daniel 1:17 Daniel had understanding: Or, he made Daniel understand
- Daniel 1:20 wisdom and understanding: Heb. wisdom of understanding
- Daniel 2:5 cut in pieces: Cald. made pieces
- Daniel 2:6 rewards: Or, Fee
- Daniel 2:8 gain: Cald. buy
- Daniel 2:14 answered: Cald. returned
- Daniel 2:14 captain: Or, chief marshall. Cald. chief of the executioners or slaughtermen
- Daniel 2:18 of the God: Cald. from before God
- Daniel 2:18 should not perish: Or, that they should not destroy Daniel, etc.
- Daniel 2:25 I have found: Cald. that I have found
- Daniel 2:25 captivities of Judah: Cald. children of the captivity of Judah
- Daniel 2:28 maketh known: Cald. hath made known
- Daniel 2:29 came: Cald. came up
- Daniel 2:31 sawest: Cald. wast seeing
- Daniel 2:32 thighs: Or, sides
- Daniel 2:34 without hands: Or, which was not in hands. As verse 45
- Daniel 2:42 broken: Or, brittle
- Daniel 2:43 one to another: Cald. this with this
- Daniel 2:44 the days: Cald. their days
- Daniel 2:44 the Kingdom: Cald. kingdom thereof
- Daniel 2:45 without hands: Or, which was not in hand
- Daniel 2:45 hereafter: Cald. after this
- Daniel 3:4 aloud: Cald. with might
- Daniel 3:4 it is commanded: Cald. they commanded
- Daniel 3:5 dulcimer: Or, singing. Cald. Symphony
- Daniel 3:12 have not regarded thee: Cald. have set no regard upon thee
- Daniel 3:14 true: Or, of purpose, as Exodus 21.13
- Daniel 3:19 full: Cald. filled
- Daniel 3:20 most mighty: Cald. mighty of strength
- Daniel 3:21 coats: Or, mantles
- Daniel 3:21 hats: Or, turbant
- Daniel 3:22 commandment: Cald. word
- Daniel 3:22 flame: Or, spark
- Daniel 3:24 counsellors: Or, governors
- Daniel 3:25 they have no hurt: Cald. there is no hurt in them
- Daniel 3:26 mouth: Cald. door
- Daniel 3:29 I make a decree: Cald. a decree is made by me
- Daniel 3:29 anything amiss: Cald. error
- Daniel 3:30 promoted: Cald. made to prosper
- Daniel 4:2 I thought it good: Cald. it was seemly before me
- Daniel 4:10 I saw: Cald. I was seeing
- Daniel 4:14 aloud: Cald. with might
- Daniel 4:27 a lengthening of thy tranquility: Or, an healing of thine error
- Daniel 4:29 in: Or, upon
- Daniel 5:2 taken out: Cald. brought forth
- Daniel 5:6 countenance: Cald. brightnesses
- Daniel 5:6 was changed: Cald. changed it
- Daniel 5:6 joints: Or, girdles. Cald. bindings or knots
- Daniel 5:7 aloud: Cald. with might
- Daniel 5:7 scarlet: Or, purple
- Daniel 5:9 countenance: Cald. brightnesses
- Daniel 5:11 father: Or, grandfather
- Daniel 5:11 thy father: Or, grandfather
- Daniel 5:12 interpreting: Or, of an interpreter, etc.
- Daniel 5:12 disolving: Or, of a dissolver
- Daniel 5:12 doubts: Cald. knots
- Daniel 5:13 father: Or, grandfather
- Daniel 5:16 make interpretations: Cald. interpret
- Daniel 5:17 rewards: Or, fee, as chap. 2.6
- Daniel 5:20 in pride: Or, to deal proudly
- Daniel 5:20 deposed: Cald. made to come down
- Daniel 5:21 his heart was made like: Or, he made his heart equal, etc.
- Daniel 5:31 being: Cald. he as the Son of, etc.
- Daniel 5:31 about: Or, now
- Daniel 6:6 assembled together: Or, came tumultously
- Daniel 6:7 decree: Or, interdict
- Daniel 6:8 altereth not: Cald. passeth not
- Daniel 6:18 instruments of music: Or, table
- Daniel 6:27 power: Cald. hand
- Daniel 7:1 had: Cald. saw
- Daniel 7:1 matters: Or, words
- Daniel 7:4 and it was: Or, wherewith
- Daniel 7:5 it raised up itself on one side: Or, it raised up one dominion
- Daniel 7:12 their lives were prolonged: Cald. a prolonging in life was given them
- Daniel 7:15 body: Cald. sheath
- Daniel 7:18 most high: Cald. high ones, i. things Or, places
- Daniel 7:19 from all the others: Cald. from all those
- Daniel 7:27 dominions: Or, rulers
- Daniel 8:3 the other: Heb. the second
- Daniel 8:5 touched not the ground: Or, none touched him in the earth
- Daniel 8:5 a notable horn: Heb. a horn of sight
- Daniel 8:10 to the host: Or, against the host
- Daniel 8:11 to: Or, against
- Daniel 8:11 by him: Or, from him
- Daniel 8:12 an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression: Or, the host was given over for the transgression against the daily sacrifice
- Daniel 8:13 that certain: The number of secrets, or, the wonderful numberer. Heb. Palmoni
- Daniel 8:13 of desolation: Or, making desolate
- Daniel 8:14 days: Heb. evening morning
- Daniel 8:14 cleansed: Heb. justified
- Daniel 8:18 set me upright: Heb. made me stand upon my standing
- Daniel 8:23 are come to the full: Heb. are accomplished
- Daniel 8:24 holy people: Heb. people of the holy ones
- Daniel 8:25 peace: Or, prosperity
- Daniel 9:1 which was: Or, in which he, etc.
- Daniel 9:7 belongeth: Or, thou hast, etc.
- Daniel 9:13 made we not our prayer before: Heb. intreated the face
- Daniel 9:15 gotten thee renown: Heb. made thee a name
- Daniel 9:18 which is called by thy name: Heb. whereupon thy Name is called
- Daniel 9:18 present: Heb. cause to fall
- Daniel 9:21 swiftly: Heb. with weariness or flight
- Daniel 9:22 to give thee skill and understanding: Heb. to make thee skillful of understanding
- Daniel 9:23 commandment: Heb. word
- Daniel 9:23 greatly beloved: Heb. a man of desires
- Daniel 9:24 to finish: Or, to restrain
- Daniel 9:24 prophecy: Heb. prophet
- Daniel 9:25 shall be built again: Heb. shall return and be built
- Daniel 9:25 wall: Or, breach or ditch
- Daniel 9:25 in troublous times: Heb. in strait of times
- Daniel 9:26 but not for himself: Or, shall have nothing
- Daniel 9:26 desolations are determined: Or, it shall be cut off by desolations
- Daniel 9:27 for the overspreading of abominations: Or, with the abominable armies
- Daniel 10:1 long: great
- Daniel 10:2 full weeks: Heb. weeks of days
- Daniel 10:3 pleasant bread: Heb. bread of desires
- Daniel 10:5 a certain man: Heb. one man
- Daniel 10:8 comeliness: Or, vigour
- Daniel 10:10 set: Heb. moved
- Daniel 10:11 a man greatly beloved: Heb. a man of desires
- Daniel 10:11 stand upright: Heb. stand upon thy standing
- Daniel 10:13 one of the: Or, the first
- Daniel 10:17 the servant of this my Lord: Or, this servant of my Lord
- Daniel 10:21 holdeth: Heb. strengtheneth himself
- Daniel 11:6 join themselves: Heb. shall associate themselves
- Daniel 11:6 an agreement: Heb. rights
- Daniel 11:6 he that begat her: Or, who she brought forth
- Daniel 11:8 their precious vessels: Heb. vessels of their desire
- Daniel 11:10 shall be stirred: Or, shall war
- Daniel 11:13 come (after certain years): Heb. at the end of times of years
- Daniel 11:14 the robbers: Heb. the children of robbers
- Daniel 11:15 the most fenced cities: Heb. the city of munitions
- Daniel 11:15 his chosen people: Heb. the people of his choices
- Daniel 11:16 glorious land: Or, goodly land. Heb. land of ornament
- Daniel 11:17 upright: Or, much uprightneous, or equal conditions
- Daniel 11:17 corrupting: Heb. to corrupt
- Daniel 11:18 for his: Heb. for him
- Daniel 11:18 the reproach: Heb. his reproach
- Daniel 11:20 a raiser of taxes: Heb. one that causeth an exactour to pass over
- Daniel 11:20 anger: Heb. angers
- Daniel 11:21 estate: Or, place
- Daniel 11:24 peaceably even upon the fattest: Or, into the peaceable or fat, etc.
- Daniel 11:24 forecast: Heb. think thoughts
- Daniel 11:27 hearts: Heb. their hearts
- Daniel 11:31 maketh desolate: Or, astonisheth
- Daniel 11:32 corrupt: Or, cause to dissemble
- Daniel 11:35 them: Or, by them
- Daniel 11:38 forces: Or, munitions. Heb. Mauzzin, or, as for the almighty God in his seat he shall honor, yea he shall honor a God, etc.
- Daniel 11:38 pleasant things: Heb. things desired
- Daniel 11:39 most strongholds: Heb. fortresses of munitions
- Daniel 11:39 gain: Heb. a price
- Daniel 11:41 glorious land: Or, goodly land. Heb. land of delight, or ornament
- Daniel 11:42 stretch forth: Heb. send forth
- Daniel 11:45 glorious holy mountian: Or, goodly. Heb. mountain of delight of holiness
- Daniel 12:3 wise: Or, teachers
- Daniel 12:5 bank: Heb. lip
- Daniel 12:6 upon: Or, from above
- Daniel 12:7 an half: Or, part
- Daniel 12:11 the abomination: Heb. to set up the abomination, etc.
- Daniel 12:11 that maketh: Or, astonisheth
- Daniel 12:13 for: Or, and thou, etc.
- Hosea 1:4 avenge: Heb. visit
- Hosea 1:6 Loruhamah: That is, not having obtained mercy
- Hosea 1:6 I will no more: Heb. I will not add any more to
- Hosea 1:6 but I will utterly take them away: Or, that I should altogether pardon them
- Hosea 1:9 Loammi: That is, not my people
- Hosea 1:10 in: Or, instead of that
- Hosea 2:1 Ammi: That is, my people
- Hosea 2:1 Ruhamah: That is, having obtained mercy
- Hosea 2:5 drink: Heb. drinks
- Hosea 2:6 make a wall: Heb. wall a wall
- Hosea 2:8 wine: Heb. new wine
- Hosea 2:8 which they prepared for Baal: Or, wherewith they made Baal
- Hosea 2:9 recover: Or, take away
- Hosea 2:10 lewdness: Heb. folly or villany
- Hosea 2:12 destroy: Heb. make desolate
- Hosea 2:14 comfortably: Or, friendly. Heb. to her heart
- Hosea 2:16 Ishi: that is, my husband
- Hosea 2:16 Baali: That is, my Lord
- Hosea 3:1 of wine: Heb. of grapes
- Hosea 3:2 half homer: Heb. lethech
- Hosea 3:4 an image: Heb. a standing or statue
- Hosea 4:2 blood: Heb. bloods
- Hosea 4:5 destroy: Heb. cut off
- Hosea 4:6 destroyed: Heb. cut off
- Hosea 4:8 set their heart on their iniquity: Heb. lift up their soul to their iniquity
- Hosea 4:9 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Hosea 4:9 reward: Heb. cause to return
- Hosea 4:14 I will not: Or, shall I not? etc.
- Hosea 4:14 shall fall: Or, be punished
- Hosea 4:18 is sour: Heb. is gone
- Hosea 4:18 rulers: Heb. shields
- Hosea 5:2 though: Or, and, etc.
- Hosea 5:2 a rebuker: Heb. a correction
- Hosea 5:4 they will not frame: Heb. they will not give
- Hosea 5:4 will not frame…doings: Or, their doings will not suffer them
- Hosea 5:12 rottenness: Or, a worm
- Hosea 5:13 to king Jareb: Or, to the king of Jareb: Or, to the king that should plead
- Hosea 5:15 till they acknowledge their offence: Heb. till they be guilty
- Hosea 6:4 goodness: Or, mercy, or, kindness
- Hosea 6:5 and thy judgments are as: Or, that thy judgments might be, etc.
- Hosea 6:7 like men: Or, like Adam
- Hosea 6:8 polluted with blood: Or, cunning for blood
- Hosea 6:9] by consent: Heb. with one shoulder. Or, to Sichem
- Hosea 6:9 lewdness: Or, enormity
- Hosea 7:1 wickedness: Heb. evils
- Hosea 7:1 spoileth: Heb. strippeth
- Hosea 7:2 consider not: Heb. say not to
- Hosea 7:4 who ceaseth: Or, the raiser will cease
- Hosea 7:4 from raising: Or, from waking
- Hosea 7:5 with bottles of wine: Or, with heat through wine
- Hosea 7:6 made ready: Or, applied
- Hosea 7:9 here and there: Heb. sprinkled
- Hosea 7:13 destruction: Heb. spoil
- Hosea 7:15 have bound: Or, chastened
- Hosea 8:1 thy mouth: Heb. the roof of thy mouth
- Hosea 8:7 stalk: Or, standing corn
- Hosea 8:9 lovers: Heb. loves
- Hosea 8:10 sorrow: Or, begin
- Hosea 8:13 for the sacrifice of mine offerings: Or, in the sacrifices of mine offerings, they etc.
- Hosea 9:1 upon: Or, in, etc.
- Hosea 9:2 winepress: Or, winefat
- Hosea 9:6 destruction: Heb. spoil
- Hosea 9:6 the pleasant places for their silver, nettles: Or, their silver shall be desired, the nettle etc. Heb. the desire
- Hosea 9:7 the spiritual man: Heb. man of the spirit
- Hosea 9:8 in: Or, against
- Hosea 9:14 miscarrying: Heb. that casteth the fruit
- Hosea 9:16 the beloved: Heb. the desires
- Hosea 10:1 an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit: Or, a vine emptying the fruit which it giveth
- Hosea 10:1 images: Heb. statues, or standing images
- Hosea 10:2 Their heart is divided: Or, he hath divided their heart
- Hosea 10:2 break: Heb. behead
- Hosea 10:5 priests…: Or, Chemarims
- Hosea 10:7 the water: Heb. the face of the water
- Hosea 10:10 when they shall bind themselves in their two furrowes: Or, when I shall bind them for their two transgressions, or in their two habitations
- Hosea 10:11 her fair neck: Heb. the beauty of her neck
- Hosea 10:15 your great wickedness: Heb. the evil of your evil
- Hosea 11:4 take off: Heb. lift up
- Hosea 11:7 none at all would exalt him: Heb. together they exalted not
- Hosea 11:12 with the Saints: Or, with the most holy
- Hosea 12:2 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Hosea 12:3 had power with God: Heb. was a prince, or behaved himself princely
- Hosea 12:7 a merchant: Or, Canaan
- Hosea 12:7 oppress: Or, deceive
- Hosea 12:8 in all my labours they shall find none iniquity in me, that were sin: Or, all my labours suffice me not, he shall have punishment of iniquity in whom is sin
- Hosea 12:10 by the ministry: Heb. by the handHosea 12:14 most bitterly: Heb. with bitterness
- Hosea 12:14 blood: Heb. bloods
- Hosea 13:2 they sin more and more: Heb. they add to sin
- Hosea 13:2 men that sacrifice: Or, the sacrificers of men
- Hosea 13:5 great drought: Heb. droughts
- Hosea 13:8 the wild beast: Heb. the beast of the field
- Hosea 13:9 is thine help: Heb. in thy help
- Hosea 13:10 I will…: rather, Where is thy king?
- Hosea 13:13 long: Heb. a time
- Hosea 13:14 power: Heb. the hand
- Hosea 13:15 pleasant vessels: Heb. vessels of desire
- Hosea 14:2 receive us graciously: Or, give good
- Hosea 14:5 grow: Or, blossom
- Hosea 14:5 cast forth: Heb. strike
- Hosea 14:6 spread: Heb. shall go
- Hosea 14:7 grow: Or, blossom
- Hosea 14:7 sent: Or, memorial
- Joel 1:4 That which the palmerworm hath left: Heb. The residue of the palmerworm
- Joel 1:7 barked my fig tree: Heb. laid my fig tree for a barking
- Joel 1:10 dried up: Or, ashamed
- Joel 1:14 solemn assembly: Or, day of restrain
- Joel 1:17 seed: Heb. grains
- Joel 1:19 pastures: Or, habitations
- Joel 2:1 trumpet: Or, cornet
- Joel 2:2 of many generations: Heb. of generation and generation
- Joel 2:6 blackness: Heb. pot
- Joel 2:8 sword: Or, dart
- Joel 2:17 rule over them: Or, use a byword against them
- Joel 2:20 he hath done great things: Heb. he hath magnified to do
- Joel 2:23 former rain: Or, a teacher of righteousness
- Joel 2:23 moderately: Heb. according to righteousness
- Joel 3:5 pleasant things: Heb. desireable
- Joel 3:6 the Grecians: Heb. the sons of the Grecians
- Joel 3:9 prepare: Heb. sanctify
- Joel 3:10 pruninghooks: Or, scythes
- Joel 3:11 cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD: Or, the Lord shall be brought down
- Joel 3:14 decision: Or, concision, or threshing
- Joel 3:16 hope: Heb. place of repair, or harbour
- Joel 3:17 holy: Heb. holiness
- Joel 3:18 flow: Heb. go
- Joel 3:20 dwell: Or, abide
- Joel 3:21 for the LORD dwelleth in Zion: Or, Even I the Lord that dwelleth in Zion
- Amos 1:3 for four: Or, he for four
- Amos 1:3 turn away the punishment: Or, convert it, or let it be quiet. And so ver. 6
- Amos 1:5 the plain of Aven: Or, Bikathaven
- Amos 1:5 house of Eden: Or, Betheden
- Amos 1:6 carried away captive the whole captivity: Or, carried them away with an entire captivity
- Amos 1:9 the brotherly covenant: Heb. the covenant of brethren
- Amos 1:11 cast off all pity: Heb. corrupted his compassions
- Amos 1:13 ript up the women: Or, divided the mountains
- Amos 2:7 maid: Or, young woman
- Amos 2:8 the condemned: Or, such as have fined or mulcted
- Amos 2:13 I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves: Or, I will press your place as a cart full of sheaves presseth
- Amos 2:14 himself: Heb. his soul or life
- Amos 2:16 courageous: Heb. strong of his heart
- Amos 3:2 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Amos 3:4 cry out: Heb. give forth his voice
- Amos 3:6 not be afraid? Or, not run together
- Amos 3:6 and the LORD hath not done it?: Or, and shall not the L. do somewhat?
- Amos 3:9 oppressed: Or, oppressions
- Amos 3:10 robbery: Or, spoil
- Amos 3:12 taketh: Heb. delivereth
- Amos 3:12 in a couch: Or, on the beds feet
- Amos 3:14 visit the transgressions of Israel: Or, punish Israel for
- Amos 4:3 ye shall cast them in the palace: Or, ye shall cast away the things of the palace
- Amos 4:4 three years: Heb. three years of days
- Amos 4:5 offer a sacrifice: Heb. offer by burning
- Amos 4:5 this liketh: Heb. so ye love
- Amos 4:9 when your gardens… increased, the palmer worm: Or, the multitude of your gardens etc. did the palmerworm etc.
- Amos 4:10 after the manner: Or, in the way
- Amos 4:10 have taken away your horses: Heb. with the captivity of your horses
- Amos 4:13 wind: Or, spirit
- Amos 5:9 spoiled: Heb. spoil
- Amos 5:11 pleasant vineyards: Heb. vineyards of desire
- Amos 5:12 a bribe: Or, a ransom
- Amos 5:21 smell in your solemn assemblies: Or, smell your holy days
- Amos 5:22 peace offerings: Or, thank offerings
- Amos 5:24 run down: Heb. rule
- Amos 5:26 the tabernacle of your Moloch: Or, Siccuth your king
- Amos 6:1 are at ease: Or, are secure
- Amos 6:1 chief: Or, firstfruits
- Amos 6:3 seat: Or, habitation
- Amos 6:4 stretch themselves: Or, abound with superfluities
- Amos 6:5 chant: Or, quaver
- Amos 6:6 wine in the bowls: Or, in bowls of wine
- Amos 6:6 affliction: Heb. breach
- Amos 6:8 all that is therein: Heb. the fullness thereof
- Amos 6:3 we may not make mention: Or, they will not, or have not
- Amos 6:11 breaches: Or, droppings
- Amos 6:14 river: Or, valley
- Amos 7:1 grasshoppers: Or, green worms
- Amos 7:2 by whom shall Jacob arise?: Or, who of (or for) Jacob shall stand?
- Amos 7:13 chapel: Or, sanctuary
- Amos 7:13 Kings Court: Heb. house of the kingdom
- Amos 7:14 Sycamore fruit: Or, wild figs
- Amos 7:15 as I followed: Heb. from behind
- Amos 8:3 shall be howlings: Heb. shall howl
- Amos 8:3 with silence: Heb. be silent
- Amos 8:5 new Moon: Or, month
- Amos 8:5 set forth: Heb. open
- Amos 8:5 falsifying the balances by deceit?: Heb. perverting the balances of deceit
- Amos 9:1 lintel: Or, chapiter, or knop
- Amos 9:1 cut them: Or, wound them
- Amos 9:6 stories: Or, spheres Heb. ascensions
- Amos 9:6 troupe: Or, bundell
- Amos 9:9 sift: Heb. cause to move
- Amos 9:9 grain: Heb. stone
- Amos 9:11 close up the breaches: Heb. hedge, or wall
- Amos 9:12 which are called by my name: Heb. upon whom my name is called
- Amos 9:13 soweth: Heb. draweth forth
- Amos 9:13 sweet wine: Or, new wine
- Obadiah 1:5 some grapes? Or, gleanings
- Obadiah 1:7 the men that were at peace: Heb. the men of thy peace
- Obadiah 1:7 they that eat thy bread: Heb. the men of thy bread
- Obadiah 1:7 in: Or, of it
- Obadiah 1:11 carry away captive: Or, carried away his substance
- Obadiah 1:12 thou shouldest not have looked: Or, do not behold, etc.
- Obadiah 1:12 spoken proudly: Heb. magnified thy mouth
- Obadiah 1:13 substance: Or, forces
- Obadiah 1:14 delivered up: Or, shut up
- Obadiah 1:16 swallow down: Or, sup up
- Obadiah 1:17 deliverance: Or, they that escape
- Obadiah 1:17 shall be holiness: Or, it shall be holy
- Obadiah 1:20 which is in Sepharad: Or, shall possess that which is in Sepharad
- Jonah 1:1 Jonah: Called Matth. 12.39 Jonas
- Jonah 1:4 sent out: Heb. cast forth
- Jonah 1:4 was like to be broken: Heb. thought to be broken
- Jonah 1:9 the LORD: Or, JEHOVAH
- Jonah 1:10 exceedingly afraid: Heb. with great fear
- Jonah 1:11 may be calm unto us?: Heb. may be silent unto us
- Jonah 1:11 wrought and was tempestuous: Or grew more and more tempestuous. Heb. went
- Jonah 1:13 rowed: Heb. digged
- Jonah 1:15 ceased: Heb. stood
- Jonah 1:16 offered a sacrifice unto the LORD, and made vows: Heb. sacrifice unto the LORD, and vowed vows
- Jonah 1:17 belly: Heb. bowels
- Jonah 2:2 by reason of mine affliction: Or, out of mine affliction
- Jonah 2:2 hell: Or, the grave
- Jonah 2:3 midst: Heb. heart
- Jonah 2:6 bottoms: Heb. cuttings off
- Jonah 2:6 corruption: Or, the pit
- Jonah 3:3 exceeding: Heb. of God
- Jonah 3:7 published: Heb. said
- Jonah 3:7 nobles: Heb. great men
- Jonah 4:4 doest thou well to be angry?: Or, art thou greatly angry?
- Jonah 4:6 gourd: Or, palmcrist. Heb. Kikajon
- Jonah 4:6 exceeding glad: Heb. rejoiced with great joy
- Jonah 4:8 vehement: Or, silent
- Jonah 4:9 Doest thou well to be angry: Or, art thou greatly angry?
- Jonah 4:9 I do well to be angry: Or, I am greatly angry
- Jonah 4:10 had pity: Or, spared
- Jonah 4:10 came up in a night: Heb. was the son of the night
- Micah 1:2 Hear all ye people: Heb. hear ye people all of them
- Micah 1:2 all that therein is: Heb. the fullness thereof
- Micah 1:4 a steep place: Heb. a descent
- Micah 1:8 owls: Heb. daughters of the owl
- Micah 1:9 her wound is incurable: Or, she is greviously sick of her wounds
- Micah 1:10 Aphrah: That is, dust
- Micah 1:11 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
- Micah 1:11 Saphir: Or, thou that dwellest fairly
- Micah 1:11 Zaanan: Or, the country of flocks
- Micah 1:11 Bethezel: Or, a place near
- Micah 1:12 waited: Or, was grieved
- Micah 1:14 to: Or, for
- Micah 1:14 Achzib: That is, a lie
- Micah 1:15 he shall come unto Adullam, the glory of Israel: Or, the glory of Israel shall come etc.
- Micah 2:2 oppress: Or, defraud
- Micah 2:4 a doleful lamentation: Heb. with a lamentation of lamentations
- Micah 2:4 turning away he hath divided: Or, instead of restoring
- Micah 2:6 Prophesy ye not: Or, prophesy not, as they prophesy
- Micah 2:6 Prophesy: Heb. drop, etc.
- Micah 2:7 straightened: Or, shortened
- Micah 2:7 uprightly?: Heb. upright
- Micah 2:8 Even of late: Heb. yesterday
- Micah 2:8 with the garment: Heb. over against a garment
- Micah 2:9 women: Or, wives
- Micah 2:11 walking in the spirit and falsehood: Or, walk with the wind, and lie falsely
- Micah 3:6 that ye shall not have a vision: Heb. from a vision
- Micah 3:6 that ye shall not divine: Heb. from divining
- Micah 3:7 lips: Heb. upper lip
- Micah 3:10 blood: Heb. bloods
- Micah 3:11 and say: Heb. saying
- Micah 4:3 pruninghooks: Or, scythes
- Micah 5:2 from everlasting: Heb. the days of eternity
- Micah 5:4 feed: Or, rule
- Micah 5:5 principal men: Heb. princes of men
- Micah 5:6 waste: Heb. eat up
- Micah 5:6 with the sword: Or, with her own naked swords [symbol in wrong place in verse]
- Micah 5:8 sheep: Or, goats
- Micah 5:13 standing images: Or, statues
- Micah 5:14 cities: Or, enemies
- Micah 6:1 before: Or, with
- Micah 6:6 of a year old? Heb. sons of a year
- Micah 6:7 body: Heb. belly
- Micah 6:8 walk humbly: Heb. humble thyself to walk
- Micah 6:9 the man of: Or, thy name shall see that which is
- Micah 6:10 Are there yet the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked: Or, is there yet unto every man an house of the wicked? etc.
- Micah 6:10 scant measure that is abominable: Heb. measure of leanness
- Micah 6:11 Shall I count them pure: Or, shall I be pure with, etc.
- Micah 6:16 the statues: Or, he doth much keep the etc.
- Micah 6:16 desolation: Or, astonishment
- Micah 7:1 summer fruits: Heb. the gatherings of summer
- Micah 7:2 good: Or, godly, or merciful
- Micah 7:3 mischevious desire: Heb. the mischief of the soul
- Micah 7:10 She that is mine enemy shall see it, and shame shall cover her: Or, and thou wilt see her that is mine enemy and cover her with shame
- Micah 7:10 she be trodden down: Heb. she shall be for a treading down
- Micah 7:12 from: Or, even to
- Micah 7:13 Notwithstanding: Or, after that it hath been
- Micah 7:14 Feed: Or, rule
- Micah 7:17 worms: Or, creeping things
- Nahum 1:2 God is jelous, and the LORD revengeth: Or, the Lord is a jealous God, and a revenger, etc.
- Nahum 1:2 furious: Heb. that hath fury
- Nahum 1:6 abide: Heb. stand up
- Nahum 1:7 strong hold: Or, strength
- Nahum 1:11 a wicked counselor: Heb. a counsellor of Belial
- Nahum 1:12 Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down: Or, if they would have been at peace, so should they have been many, and so should they have been shorn, and he should have passed away
- Nahum 1:12 cut down: Heb. shorn
- Nahum 1:15 keep: Heb. feast
- Nahum 1:15 wicked: Heb. Belial
- Nahum 2:1 He that dasheth: Or, the disperser or hammer
- Nahum 2:2 excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: Or, the pride of Jacob and the pride of Israel
- Nahum 2:3 in scarlet: Or, dyed scarlet
- Nahum 2:3 flaming torches: Heb. fiery torches
- Nahum 2:4 they shall seem: Heb. their show
- Nahum 2:5 worthies: Or, gallants
- Nahum 2:5 defense: Heb. covering or coverer
- Nahum 2:6 dissolved: Or, molten
- Nahum 2:7 Huzzab: Or, That which was established, or, there was a stand made
- Nahum 2:7 led away: Or, discovered
- Nahum 2:8 of old: Or, from the days that she hath been
- Nahum 2:8 look back: Or, cause to turn
- Nahum 2:9 for there is none end of the store: Or, And their infinite store, etc.
- Nahum 2:9 pleasant furniture: Heb. vessels of desire
- Nahum 3:1 bloody City: Heb. city of bloods
- Nahum 3:3 the bright sword, and the glittering spear: Heb. the flame of the sword and the lightning of the spear
- Nahum 3:8 populous No,: Or, nourishing. Heb. No Amon
- Nahum 3:9 thy helpers: Heb. in thy help
- Nahum 3:16 spoileth: Or, spreadeth himself
- Nahum 3:18 nobles: Or, valiant ones
- Nahum 3:19 healing: Heb. wrinkling
- Habakkuk 1:4 wrong: Or, wrested
- Habakkuk 1:6 breadth: Heb. breadths
- Habakkuk 1:7 their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves: Or, from them shall proceed the judgment of these, and the captivity of these
- Habakkuk 1:8 fierce: Heb. sharp
- Habakkuk 1:9 their faces shall sup up as the East: Heb. the supping up of their faces, etc. Or, their faces shall look toward the East. Heb. the opposition of their faces toward the East
- Habakkuk 1:12 mighty: Heb. rock
- Habakkuk 1:12 established: Heb. founded
- Habakkuk 1:13 iniquity: Or, grievance
- Habakkuk 1:14 creeping: Or, moving
- Habakkuk 1:15 drag: Or, flue net
- Habakkuk 1:16 plenteous: Or, dainty. Heb. fat
- Habakkuk 2:1 tower: Heb. fenced place
- Habakkuk 2:1 unto me: Or, in me
- Habakkuk 2:1 when I am reproved: Or, when I am argued with. Heb. upon my reproof or arguing
- Habakkuk 2:5 Yea also: Or, how much more
- Habakkuk 2:6 Woe to him: Or, Ho, he
- Habakkuk 2:8 blood: Heb. bloods
- Habakkuk 2:9 coveteth an evil countenance: Or, gaineth an evil gain
- Habakkuk 2:9 power of evil: Heb. palm of the hand
- Habakkuk 2:11 beam: Or, piece, or, fastening
- Habakkuk 2:11 shall answer it: Or, witness against it
- Habakkuk 2:12 blood: Heb. bloods
- Habakkuk 2:13 very vanity?: Or, in vain
- Habakkuk 2:14 with the knowledge of the glory of the LROD: Or, by knowing the glory of the Lord
- Habakkuk 2:16 with shame for glory: Or, more with shame then with glory
- Habakkuk 2:18 the maker of his work: Heb. the facioner of his facion
- Habakkuk 2:20 let all the earth keep silence before him: Heb. be silent all the earth before him
- Habakkuk 3:1 upon Sigionoth: Or, according to variable songs or tunes called in Hebrew Shigianoth
- Habakkuk 3:2 thy speech: Heb. thy report or thy hearing
- Habakkuk 3:2 revive: Or, preserve alive
- Habakkuk 3:3 Teman: Or, the South
- Habakkuk 3:4 horns coming out of his hand: Or, bright beams out of his side
- Habakkuk 3:5 burning coals: Or, burning diseases
- Habakkuk 3:7 Cushan: Or, Ethiopia
- Habakkuk 3:7 in affliction: Or, under affliction or vanity
- Habakkuk 3:8 thy chariots of salvation?: Or, thy chariots were salvation
- Habakkuk 3:9 Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers: Or, thou didst cleave the rivers of the earth
- Habakkuk 3:11 at the light of thine arrows: Or, thine arrows walked in the light, etc.
- Habakkuk 3:13 by discovering: Heb. making naked
- Habakkuk 3:14 came out as a whirlwind: Heb. were tempestuous
- Habakkuk 3:15 heap: Or, mud
- Habakkuk 3:16 invade them: Or, cut them in pieces
- Habakkuk 3:17 fail: Heb. lie
- Habakkuk 3:19 stringed instruments: Heb. Neginoth
- Zephaniah 1:2 will utterly consume: Heb. by taking away I will make an end
- Zephaniah 1:2 the land: Heb. the face of the land
- Zephaniah 1:3 stumblingblocks: Or, idols
- Zephaniah 1:5 by the LORD: Or, to the Lord
- Zephaniah 1:7 bid: Heb. sanctified or prepared
- Zephaniah 1:8 punish: Heb. visit upon
- Zephaniah 1:12 settled: Heb. curded, or thickened
- Zephaniah 2:1 not desired:
- Zephaniah 2:7 for: Or, when, etc.
- Zephaniah 2:11 famish: Heb. make lean
- Zephaniah 2:14 Cormorant: Or, pelican
- Zephaniah 2:14 upper lintels: Or, knops, or chapiters
- Zephaniah 2:14 for he shall uncover: Or, when he hath uncovered
- Zephaniah 3:1 filthy: Or, gluttenous. Heb. craw
- Zephaniah 3:2 correction: Or, instruction
- Zephaniah 3:5 every morning: Heb. morning by morning
- Zephaniah 3:6 towers: Or, corners
- Zephaniah 3:9 language: Heb. lip
- Zephaniah 3:9 consent: Heb. shoulder
- Zephaniah 3:11 because of mine holy: Heb. in my holy
- Zephaniah 3:16 slack: Or, faint
- Zephaniah 3:17 he will rest: Heb. he will be silent
- Zephaniah 3:18 reproach of it was a burden: Heb. the burden upon it was reproach
- Zephaniah 3:19 I will get them praise: Heb. I will set them for a praise
- Zephaniah 3:19 where they have been put to shame: Heb. of their shame
- Haggai 1:1 by Haggai: Heb. by the hand of Haggai
- Haggai 1:1 governor: Or, captain
- Haggai 1:5 Consider your ways: Heb. set your heart on your ways
- Haggai 1:6 with holes: Heb. pierced through
- Haggai 1:7 Consider…: Heb. Set your heart on your ways
- Haggai 1:9 blow upon it: Or, blow it away
- Haggai 2:1 by the: Heb. by the hand of
- Zechariah 1:2 sore displeased: Heb. with displeasure
- Zechariah 1:6 take hold: Or, overtake
- Zechariah 1:8 speckled: Or, bay
- Zechariah 1:17 prosperity: Heb. good
- Zechariah 2:13 his holy habitation: Heb. the habitation of his holiness
- Zechariah 3:1 Satan: That is, an adversary
- Zechariah 3:1 to resist him: Heb. to be his advesary
- Zechariah 3:7 charge: Or, ordinance
- Zechariah 3:7 places: Heb. walks
- Zechariah 3:8 men wondered: Heb. men of wonder
- Zechariah 4:2 with a bowl: Heb. with her bowl
- Zechariah 4:2 seven pipes: Or, seven several pipes to the lamps etc.
- Zechariah 4:6 might: Or, army
- Zechariah 4:10 for they shall rejoice…those seven…eyes of the LORD: Or, sith the seven eyes of the Lord shall rejoice
- Zechariah 4:10 plummet: Heb. stone of tin
- Zechariah 4:12 through: Heb. by the hand
- Zechariah 4:12 empty…golden oil out: Or, empty out of themselves oil into the gold
- Zechariah 4:12 the golden: Heb. the gold
- Zechariah 4:14 anointed ones: Heb. sons of oil
- Zechariah 5:3 every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side: Or, every one of this people that stealeth, holdeth himself guiltless as it doth
- Zechariah 5:7 talent: Or, weighty piece
- Zechariah 6:3 bay: Or, strong
- Zechariah 6:5 spirits: Or, winds
- Zechariah 6:12 grow up out of his place: Or, branch up from under him
- Zechariah 7:2 to pray before the LORD: Heb. to intreat the face of the Lord
- Zechariah 7:6 did not ye: Or, be not ye they that etc.
- Zechariah 7:7 Should ye not hear the words: Or, are not these the words
- Zechariah 7:7 by the: Heb. by the hand of, etc.
- Zechariah 7:9 Execute true judgment: Heb. judge judgment of truth
- Zechariah 7:11 pulled away the shoulder: Heb. they gave a backsliding shoulder
- Zechariah 7:11 stopped: Heb. made heavy
- Zechariah 7:12 by the: Heb. by the hand of
- Zechariah 7:14 pleasant land: Heb. land of desire
- Zechariah 8:4 for very age: Heb. multitude of days
- Zechariah 8:6 marvellous: Or, hard or difficult
- Zechariah 8:7 the West country: Heb. the country of the going down of the Sun
- Zechariah 8:10 no hire for man: Or, the hire of man became nothing. etc.
- Zechariah 8:12 prosperous: Heb. of peace
- Zechariah 8:16 execute the judgment of truth and peace: Heb. judge truth, and the judgment of peace
- Zechariah 8:19 feasts: Heb. solemn, or set times
- Zechariah 8:21 speedily: Or, continually. Heb. going
- Zechariah 8:21 pray before: Heb. to intreat the face
- Zechariah 9:7 blood: Heb. bloods
- Zechariah 9:9 having salvation: Or, saving himself
- Zechariah 9:11 by the blood of thy Covenant: Or, whose Covenant is by blood
- Zechariah 9:15 subdue with sling stones: Or, subdue the slings of the stone
- Zechariah 9:15 shall be filled like bowls: Or, shall fill both the bowls, etc.
- Zechariah 9:17 cheerful: Or, grow, or speak
- Zechariah 10:1 bright: Or, lightnings
- Zechariah 10:2 idols: Heb. teraphims
- Zechariah 10:2 were troubled: Or, answered that etc.
- Zechariah 10:3 punished: Heb. visited upon
- Zechariah 10:5 the riders on horses shall be confounded: Or, they shall make the riders on horses ashamed
- Zechariah 11:2 mighty: Or, gallants
- Zechariah 11:2 forest of the vintage: Or, the defenced forest
- Zechariah 11:6 deliver: Heb. make to be found
- Zechariah 11:7 poor: Or, verily the poor
- Zechariah 11:7 bands: Or, binders
- Zechariah 11:8 lothed them: Heb. was straightened for them
- Zechariah 11:9 of another: Heb. of his fellow or neighbour
- Zechariah 11:11 the poor of the flock…knew: Or, the poor of the flock, etc. certainly knew
- Zechariah 11:12 if ye think good: Heb. if it be good in your eyes
- Zechariah 11:14 Bands: Or, binders
- Zechariah 11:16 cut off: Or, hidden
- Zechariah 11:16 feed: Or, bear
- Zechariah 12:2 trembling: Or, slumber or poison
- Zechariah 12:2 when they shall be in the seige both against Judah and against Jerusalem: Or, and also against Judah shall he be which shall be in seige against Jerusalem
- Zechariah 12:5 The inhabitants…shall be my strength: Or, there is strength to me and to the inhabitants, etc.
- Zechariah 12:8 feeble: Or, abject. Heb. fallen
- Zechariah 12:12 every family: Heb. families, families
- Zechariah 13:1 uncleanness: Heb. separation for uncleanness
- Zechariah 13:4 a rough garment: Heb. a garment of hair
- Zechariah 13:4 to deceive: Heb. to lie
- Zechariah 14:5 the mountains: Or, my mountains
- Zechariah 14:5 for the valley of the mountains: Or, when he shall touch the valley of the mountains to the place he separated
- Zechariah 14:6 clear: Heb. precious
- Zechariah 14:6 dark: Heb. thickness
- Zechariah 14:7 it shall be one day: Or, the day shall be one
- Zechariah 14:8 former: Or, Eastern
- Zechariah 14:10 turned: Or, compassed
- Zechariah 14:10 inhabited: Or, shall abide
- Zechariah 14:11 shall be safely inhabited: Or, shall abide
- Zechariah 14:14 Judah also shall: Or, thou also, O Judah shalt
- Zechariah 14:14 at: Or, against
- Zechariah 14:18 have no: Heb. upon whom there is not
- Zechariah 14:19 punishment: Or, sin
- Zechariah 14:20 bells: Or, bridles
- Malachi 1:1 by Malachi: Heb. by the hand of Malachi
- Malachi 1:5 from: Or, upon. Heb. from upon
- Malachi 1:7 Ye offer: Or, bring unto etc.
- Malachi 1:8 for sacrifice: Heb. to sacrifice
- Malachi 1:9 God: Heb. the face of God
- Malachi 1:9 by your means: Heb. from your hand
- Malachi 1:13 ye have snuffed at it: Or, whereas you might have blown it away
- Malachi 1:14 which hath in his flock: Heb. in whose flock is
- Malachi 2:3 corrupt: Or, reprove
- Malachi 2:3 spread: Heb. scatter
- Malachi 2:3 one shall take you away with it: Or, it shall take you away to it
- Malachi 2:8 stumble at the law: Or, fall in the law
- Malachi 2:9 have been partial: Or, lifted up the face against. Heb. accepted faces
- Malachi 2:11 he loved: Or, ought to love
- Malachi 2:12 the Master and the scholar: Or, him that waketh and him that answereth
- Malachi 2:15 residue: Or, excellency
- Malachi 2:15 a godly seed: Heb. a seed of God
- Malachi 2:15 treacherously: Or, unfaithfully
- Malachi 2:16 he hateth: Or, if he hate her, put her away
- Malachi 2:16 putting away: Heb. to put away
- Malachi 3:4 former: Or, ancient
- Malachi 3:5 oppress: Or, defraud
- Malachi 3:5 pour you out: Heb. empty out
- Malachi 3:11 destroy: Heb. corrupt
- Malachi 3:14 ordinance: Heb. observation
- Malachi 3:14 mournfully: Heb. in black
- Malachi 3:15 are set up: Heb. are built
- Malachi 3:17 jewels: Or, special treasure
New Testament
- THE booke of the *generation of
- Luke 3.23.
- Matthew 1:11 Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren: some read, Josias begat Jakim, and Jakim begat Jechonias
- Matthew 1:23 they shall call his name: Or, his name shall be called
- Matthew 2:6 rule: Or, feed
- Matthew 2:11 presented: Or, offered
- Matthew 3:8 meet for repentance: Or, answerable to amendment of life
- Matthew 4:12 cast: Or, delivered up
- Matthew 5:11 falsely: Gr. lying
- Matthew 5:15 a bushel: [symbol in wrong place] the word in the original signifieth a measure containing about a pint less than a peck
- Matthew 5:21 by them: Or, to them
- Matthew 5:29 offend thee: Or, do cause thee to offend
- Matthew 6:1 of: Or, with
- Matthew 6:2 do not sound a trumpet: Or, cause not a trumpet to be sounded
- Matthew 9:16 new cloth: Or, raw, or unwrought cloth
- Matthew 9:17 bottles: Or, sacks of skin, or, leather
- Matthew 9:26 the fame hereof: Or, this fame
- Matthew 9:36 fainted, and were scattered abroad: Or, were tired and lay down
- Matthew 10:9 Provide: Or, get
- Matthew 10:16 harmless: Or, simple
- Matthew 10:23 have gone: Or, end or finish
- Matthew 10:29 farthing?: It is in value half penny farthing, in the original, as being the tenth part of the Roman penny
- Matthew 11:12 suffereth violence: Or, is gotten by force, and they that thrust men
- Matthew 12:14 held a counsel: Or, took counsel
- Matthew 13:33 measures: the word in the Greek is a measure containing about a peck and an half, wanting little more then a pint
- Matthew 13:41 things that offend: Or, scandals
- Matthew 14:2 do show forth themselves in him: Or, are wrought by him
- Matthew 14:30 boisterous: Or, strong
- Matthew 17:24 tribute money: called in the original Didrachma, being in value fifteen pence
- Matthew 17:27 a piece of money: Or, a stater. It is half an ounce of silver, in value two shillings six pence, after five shillings the ounce
- Matthew 18:24 talents: a talent is 750 ounces of silver, which after five shillings the ounce is 10.s.
- Matthew 18:26 worshipped him: Or, besought him
- Matthew 18:28 pence: the Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after 5. shillings the ounce is 7.d. ob.
- Matthew 20:2 penny: the Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after five shillings the ounce, is seven pence halfpenny
- Matthew 20:12 have wrought but one hour: Or, have continued one hour only
- Matthew 22:19 penny: in value seven pence halfpenny, chap. 20.2
- Matthew 22:20 superscription?: Or, inscription
- Matthew 23:18 guilty: Or, a debtOr, or bound
- Matthew 24:31 with a great sound of a trumpet: Or, with a Trumpet and a great voice
- Matthew 24:51 cut him asunder: Or, cut him off
- Matthew 25:8 gone out: Or, going out
- Matthew 25:15 talents: a talent is 187. pound 10. Shillings, chap. 18.24
- Matthew 26:26 blessed it: Many Greek copies have, gave thanks
- Matthew 26:30 hymn: Or, psalm
- Matthew 26:67 the palms: Or, rods
- Matthew 27:9 whom they of the children of Israel did value: Or, whom they bought of the children of Israel
- Matthew 27:27 common hall: Or, governors house
- Matthew 28:2 was: Or, had been
- Mark 1:4 for: Or, unto
- Mark 1:10 opened: Or, cloven, or rent
- Mark 1:34 to speak, because they knew him: Or, to say that they knew him
- Mark 2:14 at the receipt of Custom: Or, at the place where the Custom was received
- Mark 2:21 new: Or, raw, or unwrought
- Mark 3:5 hardness: Or, blindness
- Mark 3:10 pressed: Or, rushed
- Mark 3:19 into an house: Or, home
- Mark 3:21 friends: Or, kinsmen
- Mark 4:21 bushel: The word, in the original, signifieth a less measure as Mat. 5.15
- Mark 4:29 brought forth: Or, ripe
- Mark 6:8 money: the word signifieth a piece of brass money, in value somewhat less than a farthing, mat. 10.9 but here it is taken in general for money
- Mark 6:19 a quarrel: Or, an inward grudge
- Mark 6:20 observed him: Or, kept him or saved him
- Mark 6:27 an executioner: Or, one of his guard
- Mark 6:37 pennyworth: the Rom. penny is sevenpence halfpenny as Mat. 18.28
- Mark 6:45 unto Bethsaida: Or, over against Bethsaida
- Mark 6:56 him: Or, it
- Mark 7:2 defiled: Or, common
- Mark 7:3 oft: Or, diligently, in the Original, with the fist, Theophylact, up to the elbow
- Mark 7:4 pots: Or, beds
- Mark 7:4 tables: Sextarius, is about a pint and an half
- Mark 7:9 reject: Or, frustrate
- Mark 7:26 Greek: Or, Gentile
- Mark 9:16 with them?: Or, among yourselves
- Mark 9:18 teareth him: Or, dasheth him
- Mark 9:43 offend thee: Or, cause thee to offend
- Mark 9:47 offend thee: Or, cause thee to offend
- Mark 10:42 are accompted: Or, think good
- Mark 10:52 made thee whole: Or, saved thee
- Mark 11:22 Have faith in God: Or, have the faith of God
- Mark 11:29 question: Or, thing
- Mark 12:15 penny: Valuing of our money seven pence halfpenny, as Mat. 18.28
- Mark 12:41 money: A piece of brass money, see Matth. 10.9
- Mark 12:42 mites: It is the seventh part of one piece of that brass money
- Mark 13:8 sorrows: The word in the original, importeth, the pains of a woman in travail
- Mark 14:3 spikenard: Or, pure nard, or liquid nard
- Mark 14:5 See Matt. 18.28
- Mark 14:12 killed: Or, sacrificed
- Mark 14:26 hymn: Or, psalm
- Mark 14:72 he wept: Or, he wept abundantly, or he began to wept [sic]
- Mark 16:14 at meat: Or, together
- Luke 1:17 to: Or, by
- Luke 1:28 highly favored: Or, graciously accepted, or much graced, see verse 30
- Luke 1:45 that believed, for there: Or, which believed, that there
- Luke 1:65 sayings: Or, things
- Luke 1:77 by: Or, for
- Luke 1:78 tender mercy: Or, bowels of the mercy
- Luke 1:78 day spring: Or, sun rising, or branch, Zac. 3.8 esay 11.1 malach. 4.2. numb. 24.17
- Luke 2:1 taxed: Or, enrolled
- Luke 2:8 watch: Or, the night watches
- Luke 2:38 Jerusalem: Or, Israel
- Luke 2:52 stature: Or, age
- Luke 3:8 worthy: Or, meet for
- Luke 3:14 Do violence to no man: Or, put no man in fear
- Luke 3:14 wages: Or, allowance
- Luke 3:15 in expectation: Or, in suspense
- Luke 3:15 mused: Or, reasoned or debated
- Luke 4:7 worship me: Or, fall down before me
- Luke 4:29 brow: Or, edge
- Luke 4:34 Let us alone: Or, away
- Luke 4:41 to speak, for they knew that he was Christ: Or, to say that they knew him to be Christ
- Luke 6:40 that is perfect shall be as his master: Or, shall be perfected as his master
- Luke 7:14 bier: Or, coffin
- Luke 7:30 rejected: Or, frustrated
- Luke 7:30 against themselves: Or, within themselves
- Luke 7:41 pence: See Mat. 18.28
- Luke 8:18 seemeth to have: Or, thinketh that he hath
- Luke 9:28 sayings: Or, things
- Luke 10:22 All these: Many ancient copies add these words, and turning to his Disciples he said
- Luke 10:35 pence: See Matt. 20.2
- Luke 11:3 day by day: Or, for the day
- Luke 11:6 in his journey: Or, out of his way
- Luke 11:33 bushell: See Matt. 5.15
- Luke 11:41 as you have: Or, as you are able
- Luke 11:52 hindered: Or, forbade
- Luke 12:6 farthing: See Matt. 10.29
- Luke 12:20 thy soul shall be required: Gr. do they require thy soul
- Luke 12:29 neither be ye of doubtful mind: Or, live not in careful suspense
- Luke 12:46 cut him in sunder: Or, cut him off
- Luke 12:50 straitened: Or, pained
- Luke 12:59 mite: See Mar. 12.42
- Luke 13:4 sinners: Or, debtors
- Luke 13:21 measures: See Mat. 13.33
- Luke 15:8 pieces of silver: Drachma here translated a piece of silver, is the eighth part of an ounce, which cometh to seven pence half penny, and is equal to the Roman penny, Mat. 18.28
- Luke 16:6 measures: the word Batus in the original containeth nine gallons 3. quarts
- Luke 16:7 measures: the word here interpreted a measure, in the original containeth about fourteen bushels and a pottle
- Luke 16:9 Mammon: Or, riches
- Luke 16:11 Mammon: Or, riches
- Luke 17:20 with observation: Or, with outward shew
- Luke 17:21 within you: Or, among you
- Luke 17:36 Two men shall be in the field, the one shall be taken, and the other left: This 36. verse is wanting in most of the Greek copies
- Luke 18:9 that they were righteous: Or, as being righteous
- Luke 19:13 pounds: Mina here translated a pound, is twelve ounces and an half, which according to five shillings the ounce, is 3. pounds two shillings sixpence
- Luke 19:48 very attentive: Or, hanged on him
- Luke 20:21 truly: Or, of a truth
- Luke 20:24 penny: See Matt. 18.28
- Luke 21:2 mites: See Mark 12.42
- Luke 22:6 in the absence of the multitude: Or, without tumult
- Luke 22:15 With desire I have desired: Or, I have heartily desired
- Luke 22:42 willing, remove: Gr. willing to remove
- Luke 23:24 gave sentence: Or, assented
- Luke 23:33 Calvary: Or, the place of a skull
- Luke 23:44 earth: Or, land
- Luke 24:5 the living: Or, him that liveth
- Luke 24:31 vanished out of their sight: Or, ceased to be seen of them
- John 1:12 power: Or, the right or privilege
- John 1:21 that Prophet?: Or, a Prophet
- John 1:29 taketh away: Or, beareth
- John 1:38 dwellest: Or, abidest
- John 1:39 about the tenth hour: That was two hours before night
- John 1:41 the Christ: Or, the anointed
- John 1:42 a stone: Or, Peter
- John 3:3 again: Or, from above
- John 3:7 again: Or, from above
- John 3:20 reproved: Or, discovered
- John 3:27 receive: Or, take unto himself
- John 4:46 nobleman: Or, courtier, or ruler
- John 5:2 market: Or, gate
- John 5:13 a multitude being in that: Or, from the multitude that was
- John 6:27 Labour not: Or, work not
- John 7:15 letters: Or, learning
- John 7:23 that the Law of Moses should not be broken: Or, without breaking the Law of Moses
- John 7:35 Gentiles: Or, Greeks
- John 7:50 to Jesus: Gr. to him
- John 9:6 anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay: Or, spread the clay upon the eyes of the blind man
- John 9:34 cast him out: Or, excommunicated him
- John 10:24 make us to doubt?: Or, hold us in suspense
- John 11:18 about fifteen furlongs: that is, about two miles
- John 11:33 was troubled: Gr. He troubled himself
- John 13:19 Now: Or, From henceforth
- John 13:26 sop: Or, morsel
- John 14:18 comfortless: Or, orphans
- John 15:5 without me: Or, severed from me
- John 15:22 cloke: Or, excuse
- John 16:8 reprove: Or, convince
- John 16:25 proverbs: Or, parables
- John 16:25 proverbs: Or, parables
- John 16:29 proverb: Or, parable
- John 16:32 his own: Or, his own home
- John 17:19 sanctified through the truth: Or, truly sanctified
- John 18:13 year: And Annas sent Christ bound unto Caiaphas the high priest, ver. 24
- John 18:22 with the palm: Or, with a rod
- John 18:28 the hall of judgment: Or, Pilats house
- John 19:23 woven: Or, wrought
- John 19:25 Cleophas: Or, Clopas
- John 21:5 Children: Or, Sirs
- Acts 1:4 being assembled together with them: Or, eating together with them
- Acts 1:8 power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: Or, the power of the holy Ghost coming upon you
- Acts 1:20 bishoprick: Or, office, or, charge
- Acts 2:6 when this was noised: Gr. When this voice was made
- Acts 2:6 confounded: Or, troubled in mind
- Acts 2:29 let me: Or, I may
- Acts 2:46 from house to house: Or, at home
- Acts 3:15 Prince: Or, author
- Acts 4:1 captain: Or, ruler
- Acts 5:3 to lie: Or, to deceive
- Acts 5:15 into the streets: Or, in every street
- Acts 5:17 indignation: Or, envy
- Acts 5:36 obeyed: Or, believed
- Acts 6:14 Customs: Or, rites
- Acts 7:20 exceeding fair: Or, fair to God
- Acts 7:37 like unto me: Or, as myself
- Acts 9:38 delay: Or, be grieved
- Acts 11:26 with the Church: Or, in the Church
- Acts 12:1 stretched: Or, began
- Acts 12:5 prayer was made without ceasing: Or, instant and earnest prayer was made
- Acts 12:13 to hearken: Or, to ask who was there
- Acts 12:20 was highly displeased: Or, bare an hostile mind intending war
- Acts 12:20 the kings chaberlaine: Gr. that was over the kings bedchamber
- Acts 12:25 ministry: Or, charge, chap. 11.29, 30
- Acts 13:1 brought up with Herod: Or, Herods foster brother
- Acts 13:18 suffered: Gr. [Greek characters] as a nurse beareth or feedeth her child, Deut. 1.31. 2. Macc 7.27. according to the Sept. and so Chrysost.
- Acts 13:34 mercies: Gr. [Greek characters] holy or just things, which word the Sept. both in the place of Esai 55.3. and in many others, use for that which is in the Hebrew, Mercies
- Acts 13:36 own generation by the will of God: Or, after he had in his own age served the will of God
- Acts 13:42 the next Sabbath: Or, in the week between, or in the Sabbath between
- Acts 15:31 consolation: Or, exhortation
- Acts 16:12 the chief: Or, the first
- Acts 16:16 of divination: Or, of Python
- Acts 16:19 marketplace: Or, court
- Acts 17:16 wholly given to idolatry: Or, full of idols
- Acts 17:18 babbler: Or, base fellow
- Acts 17:19 Areopagus: Or, Mars hill. It was the highest court in Athens
- Acts 17:22 Mars hill: Or, the court of the Areopagites
- Acts 17:23 devotions: Or, gods that you worship, 2 Thess. 2.4
- Acts 17:31 hath given assurance: Or, offered faith
- Acts 18:11 continued: Or, sat there
- Acts 19:35 a worshipper: Gr. the temple keeper
- Acts 19:38 the law is open: Or, the Court days are kept
- Acts 19:39 lawful: Or, ordinary
- Acts 20:23 abide me: Or, wait for me
- Acts 22:29 examined him: Or, tortured him
- Acts 23:12 under a curse: Or, with an oath of execration
- Acts 25:6 more then ten days: Or, as some copies read, no more than eight or ten days
- Acts 25:20 I doubted of such manner of questions: Or, I was doubtful how to enquire hereof
- Acts 25:21 hearing: Or, judgment
- Acts 27:7 Crete: Or, Candy
- Acts 27:10 hurt: Or, injury
- Acts 27:14 arose: Or, beat
- Acts 27:40 taken up the anchors, they committed themselves unto the sea: Or, cut the anchors, they left them in the sea, etc.
- Romans 1:4 declared: Gr. determined
- Romans 1:5 for obedience to the faith: Or, to the obedience of faith
- Romans 1:9 with my spirit: Or, in my spirit
- Romans 1:12 with you: Or, in you
- Romans 1:13 among you: Or, in you
- Romans 1:19 in them: Or, to them
- Romans 1:20 so that they are: Or, that they may be
- Romans 1:28 to retain: Or, to acknowledge
- Romans 1:28 a reprobate mind: Or, a mind void of judgment
- Romans 1:31 without natural: Or, unsociable
- Romans 1:32 have pleasure in them: Or, consent with them
- Romans 2:9 Gentile: Gr. Greek
- Romans 2:10 Gentile: Gr. Greek
- Romans 2:15 their conscience also bearing witness: Or, the conscience witnessing with them
- Romans 2:15 the meanwhile: Or, between themselves
- Romans 2:18 approves the things that are more excellent: Or, triest the things that differ
- Romans 3:9 proved: Gr. charged
- Romans 3:19 guilty before God: Or, subject to the judgment of God
- Romans 3:25 set forth: Or, foreordained
- Romans 3:25 remission: Or, passing over
- Romans 4:17 before him: Or, like unto him
- Romans 5:6 in due time: Or, according to the time
- Romans 5:12 for that: Or, in whom
- Romans 5:17 by one mans offence: Or, by one offence
- Romans 5:18 by the offence of one: Or, by one offence
- Romans 5:18 righteousness of one: Or, by one righteousness
- Romans 6:3 were: Or, are
- Romans 6:7 freed: Gr. justified
- Romans 6:13 instruments: Gr. arms, or weapons
- Romans 6:17 which was delivered you: Gr. whereto ye were delivered
- Romans 6:20 from righteousness: Gr. to righteousness
- Romans 7:5 motions: Gr. passions
- Romans 7:6 that being dead wherein: Or, being dead to that
- Romans 7:7 lust: Or, concupiscence
- Romans 7:15 allow: Gr. know
- Romans 7:24 the body of this death: Or, this body of death
- Romans 8:3 for sin: Or, by a sacrifice for sin
- Romans 8:6 to be carnally minded: Gr. the minding of the flesh
- Romans 8:6 to be spiritually minded: Gr. the minding of the spirit
- Romans 8:7 the carnal mind: Gr. the minding of the flesh
- Romans 8:11 by his spirit: Or, because of his spirit
- Romans 8:22 the whole creation: Or, every creature
- Romans 8:27 because: Or, that
- Romans 9:3 accursed: Or, separated
- Romans 9:4 covenants: Or, testaments
- Romans 9:12 elder: Or, greater
- Romans 9:12 younger: Or, lesser
- Romans 9:20 repliest against God?: Or, answereth again, or disputest with God?
- Romans 9:22 fitted: Or, made up
- Romans 9:28 the work: Or, the account
- Romans 9:33 ashamed: or confounded
- Romans 10:16 report?: Or, preaching. Gr. the hearing of us
- Romans 11:7 blinded: Or, hardened
- Romans 11:8 slumber: Or, remorse
- Romans 11:12 diminishing: Or, decay, or loss
- Romans 11:17 among them: Or, for them
- Romans 11:25 blindness: Or, hardness
- Romans 11:30 believed: Or, obeyed
- Romans 11:31 believed: Or, obeyed
- Romans 11:32 concluded them all: Or, shut them all up together
- Romans 11:36 whom: Gr. him
- Romans 12:3 soberly: Gr. to sobriety
- Romans 12:8 giveth: Or, imparteth
- Romans 12:8 with simplicity: Or, liberally
- Romans 12:10 with brotherly love: Or, in the love of the brethren
- Romans 12:16 condescend to men of low estate: Or, be contented with mean things
- Romans 13:1 ordained: Or, ordered
- Romans 13:13 honestly: Or, decently
- Romans 14:1 not to doubtful disputations: Or, not to judge his doubtful thoughts
- Romans 14:5 fully persuaded: Or, fully assured
- Romans 14:6 regardeth: Or, observeth
- Romans 14:14 unclean: Gr. common
- Romans 14:15 charitably: Gr. according to charity 1. Cor. 8.11
- Romans 14:23 doubteth: Or, discerneth, and putteth a difference between meats
- Romans 15:5 according: Or, after the example of
- Romans 15:16 offering up: Or, sacrificing
- Romans 15:22 much: Or, many ways, or oftentimes
- Romans 15:24 with your company: Gr. with you. Ver. 32
- Romans 15:31 do not believe: Or, are disobedient
- Romans 16:10 household: Or, friends
- Romans 16:11 household: Or, friends
- Romans 16:19 simple: Or, harmless
- Romans 16:20 bruise: Or, tread
1 Corinthians
- 1 Corinthians 1:7 coming: Gr. revelation
- 1 Corinthians 1:10 divisions: Gr. schisms
- 1 Corinthians 1:17 words: Or, speech
- 1 Corinthians 2:4 enticing: Or, persuasible
- 1 Corinthians 2:5 stand: Gr. be
- 1 Corinthians 2:15 judgeth: Or, discerneth
- 1 Corinthians 2:15 judged: Or, discerned
- 1 Corinthians 2:16 may: Gr. shall
- 1 Corinthians 3:3 divisions: Or, factions
- 1 Corinthians 3:3 as men?: Gr. according to man
- 1 Corinthians 3:9 husbandry: Or, tillage
- 1 Corinthians 3:13 shall be revealed: Gr. is revealed
- 1 Corinthians 3:17 defile: Or, destroy
- 1 Corinthians 4:3 judgment: Gr. day
- 1 Corinthians 4:7 maketh thee to differ from another?: Gr. distinguisheth thee?
- 1 Corinthians 4:9 spectacle: Gr. theater
- 1 Corinthians 5:3 judged: Or, determined
- 1 Corinthians 5:7 is sacrificed: Or, is slain
- 1 Corinthians 5:8 the Feast: Or, holiday
- 1 Corinthians 6:12 expedient: Or, profitable
- 1 Corinthians 7:15 to peace: Gr. in peace
- 1 Corinthians 7:22 free man: Gr. made free
- 1 Corinthians 7:26 distress: Or, necessity
- 1 Corinthians 8:6 in him: Or, for him, Rom. 11.36
- 1 Corinthians 8:8 are we the better: Or, have we the more
- 1 Corinthians 8:8 are we the worse: Or, have we the less
- 1 Corinthians 8:9 liberty: Or, power
- 1 Corinthians 8:10 emboldened: Gr. edified
- 1 Corinthians 9:5 wife: Or, woman
- 1 Corinthians 9:13 live: Or, feed
- 1 Corinthians 10:6 followed them: Or, went with them
- 1 Corinthians 10:6 our examples: Gr. our figures
- 1 Corinthians 10:11 ensamples: Or, Types
- 1 Corinthians 10:13 common: Or, moderate
- 1 Corinthians 10:30 grace: Or, thanksgiving
- 1 Corinthians 10:32 Gentiles: Gr. Greeks
- 1 Corinthians 11:2 ordinances: Or, traditions
- 1 Corinthians 11:10 power: That is, a covering, in sign that she is under the power of her husband
- 1 Corinthians 11:15 covering: Or, veil
- 1 Corinthians 11:18 divisions: Or, schisms
- 1 Corinthians 11:19 heresies: Or, sects
- 1 Corinthians 11:20 not to eat: Or, ye cannot eat
- 1 Corinthians 11:22 them that have not?: Or, them that are poor
- 1 Corinthians 11:24 in remembrance: Or, for a remembrance
- 1 Corinthians 11:26 ye do show: Or, shew ye
- 1 Corinthians 11:29 damnation: Or, judgment
- 1 Corinthians 11:34 condemnation: Or, judgment
- 1 Corinthians 12:3 accursed: Or, Anathema
- 1 Corinthians 12:5 administrations: Or, ministries
- 1 Corinthians 12:13 Gentiles: Gr. Greeks
- 1 Corinthians 12:23 bestow: Or, put on
- 1 Corinthians 12:25 schism: Or, division
- 1 Corinthians 12:28 diversities: Or, kinds
- 1 Corinthians 12:29 workers: Or, powers
- 1 Corinthians 13:4 vaunteth not: Or, is not rash
- 1 Corinthians 13:6 in the truth: Or, with the truth
- 1 Corinthians 13:11 thought: Or, reasoned
- 1 Corinthians 13:12 darkly: Gr. in a riddle
- 1 Corinthians 14:2 understandeth: Gr. heareth
- 1 Corinthians 14:7 sounds: Or, tunes
- 1 Corinthians 14:9 easy: Gr. Significant
- 1 Corinthians 14:12 of spiritual: Gr. of spirits
- 1 Corinthians 14:20 men: Gr. perfect or of a ripe age
- 1 Corinthians 14:27 two…: by two or three sentences separately
- 1 Corinthians 14:33 confusion: Gr. tumult, or unquietness
- 1 Corinthians 15:2 keep in memory: Or, hold fast
- 1 Corinthians 15:2 what I preached: Gr. by what speech
- 1 Corinthians 15:8 one born: Or, an abortive
- 1 Corinthians 15:31 your: Some read, our
- 1 Corinthians 15:32 after the manner of men: Or, to speak after the manner of men
- 1 Corinthians 15:55 grave: Or, hell
- 1 Corinthians 16:3 liberality: Gr. gift
2 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians 1:6 is effectual: Or, is wrought
- 2 Corinthians 1:9 sentence: Or, answer
- 2 Corinthians 1:15 benefit: Or, grace
- 2 Corinthians 1:18 word: Or, preaching
- 2 Corinthians 2:6 punishment: Or, censure
- 2 Corinthians 2:10 the person: Or, in the sight
- 2 Corinthians 2:17 corrupt: Or, deal deceitfully with
- 2 Corinthians 3:6 giveth life: Or, quickeneth
- 2 Corinthians 3:12 plainness: Or, boldness
- 2 Corinthians 3:18 by the spirit of the Lord: O, of the Lord the spirit
- 2 Corinthians 4:2 dishonesty: Gr. shame
- 2 Corinthians 4:8 in despair: Or, altogether without help or means
- 2 Corinthians 5:9 labour: Or, endeavour
- 2 Corinthians 5:12 in appearance: Gr. in the face
- 2 Corinthians 5:17 he is: Or, let him be
- 2 Corinthians 5:19 committed unto us: Gr. put in us
- 2 Corinthians 6:4 approving: Gr. commending
- 2 Corinthians 6:5 in tumults: Or, in tossings to and fro
- 2 Corinthians 7:9 after a godly manner: Or, according to God
- 2 Corinthians 7:15 inward: Gr. bowels
- 2 Corinthians 8:10 forward: Gr. willing
- 2 Corinthians 8:19 grace: Or, gift
- 2 Corinthians 8:22 I have: Or, he hath
- 2 Corinthians 9:5 bounty: Gr. blessing
- 2 Corinthians 9:5 whereof ye had notice before: Or, which hath been so much spoken of before
- 2 Corinthians 10:1 in presence: Or, in outward appearance
- 2 Corinthians 10:2 think: Or, reckon
- 2 Corinthians 10:4 through God: Or, to God
- 2 Corinthians 10:5 imaginations: Or, reasonings
- 2 Corinthians 10:12 are not wise: Or, understand it not
- 2 Corinthians 10:13 rule: Or, line
- 2 Corinthians 10:15 enlarged by you: Or, magnified in you
- 2 Corinthians 10:16 line: Or, rule
- 2 Corinthians 11:1 bear with me: Or, you do bear with me
- 2 Corinthians 11:10 no man shall stop me in this boasting: Gr. this boasting shall not be stopped in me
- 2 Corinthians 11:16 receive: Or, suffer
- 2 Corinthians 12:4 lawful: Or, possible
- 2 Corinthians 12:15 you: Gr. your souls
- 2 Corinthians 13:4 in him: Or, with him
- Galatians 1:14 equals: Gr. equals in years
- Galatians 1:18 went up: Or, returned
- Galatians 2:2 privately: Or, severally
- Galatians 3:4 so many: Or, so great
- Galatians 3:6 accounted: Or, imputed
- Galatians 3:15 covenant: Or, testament
- Galatians 4:3 Elements: Or, rudiments
- Galatians 4:9 again: Or, back
- Galatians 4:9 Elements: Or, rudiments
- Galatians 4:15 Where is then: Or, What was then?
- Galatians 4:17 you: Or, us
- Galatians 4:20 stand in doubt of you: Or, I am perplexed for you
- Galatians 4:24 Covenants: Or, testaments
- Galatians 4:24 answereth…which now is: Or, is in the same rank with
- Galatians 5:7 who did hinder you: Or, who did drive you back?
- Galatians 5:16 ye shall not fulfill: Or, fulfill not
- Galatians 5:24 affections: Or, passions
- Galatians 6:1 if: Or, although
- Galatians 6:14 by whom: Or, whereby
- Ephesians 1:3 places: Or, things
- Ephesians 1:10 heaven: Gr. the heavens
- Ephesians 1:12 trusted: Or, hoped
- Ephesians 1:17 in the knowledge: Or, for the acknowledgement
- Ephesians 1:19 of his might power: Gr. of the might of his power
- Ephesians 2:3 the desires: Gr. the wills
- Ephesians 2:10 ordained: Or, prepared
- Ephesians 2:16 thereby: Or, in himself
- Ephesians 3:3 afore: Or, a little before
- Ephesians 4:1 of the Lord: Or, in the Lord
- Ephesians 4:8 captivity captive: Or, a multitude of captives
- Ephesians 4:10 fill: Or, fulfill
- Ephesians 4:13 in the unity: Or, into the unity
- Ephesians 4:13 stature: Or, age
- Ephesians 4:15 speaking: Or, being sincere
- Ephesians 4:18 blindness: Or, hardness
- Ephesians 4:24 true holiness: Or, holiness of truth
- Ephesians 4:28 to give: Or, to distribute
- Ephesians 4:29 to use of the edifying: Or, to edify profitably
- Ephesians 5:6 disobedience: Or, unbelief
- Ephesians 5:13 reproved: Or, discovered
- Ephesians 6:9 forbearing: Or, moderating
- Ephesians 6:9 your master also: Some read, both your, and their master
- Ephesians 6:12 spiritual wickedness: Gr. wicked spirits
- Ephesians 6:12 high places: Or, heavenly
- Ephesians 6:13 having done all: Or, having overcome all
- Ephesians 6:20 in bonds: Or, in a chain
- Ephesians 6:20 therein: Or, thereof
- Ephesians 6:24 in sincerity: Or, with incorruption
- Philippians 1:3 remembrance: Or, mention
- Philippians 1:6 will perform it: Or, will finish it
- Philippians 1:7 I have you in my heart: Or, you have me in your heart
- Philippians 1:7 partakers of my grace: Or, partakers with me of grace
- Philippians 1:9 judgment: Or, sense
- Philippians 1:10 approve: Or, try
- Philippians 1:10 are excellent: Or, differ
- Philippians 1:13 in Christ: Or, for Christ
- Philippians 1:13 palace: Or, Ceasars Court
- Philippians 1:13 all other places: Or, to all others
- Philippians 2:7 likeness: Or, habit
- Philippians 2:15 harmless: Or, sincere
- Philippians 2:15 ye shine: Or, shine ye
- Philippians 2:17 offered: Gr. poured forth
- Philippians 2:19 But: Or, moreover
- Philippians 2:20 likeminded: Or, so dear unto me
- Philippians 2:29 hold such: Or, honour such
- Philippians 4:8 honest: Or, venerable
- Philippians 4:10 hath flourished: Or, is revived
- Philippians 4:18 I have all: Or, I have received all
- Colossians 1:13 his dear Son: Gr. the Son of his love
- Colossians 1:18 in all things: Or, among all
- Colossians 1:20 having made peace: Or, making peace
- Colossians 1:21 in your mind by wicked works: Or, by your mind in wicked works
- Colossians 1:25 to fulfill the word of God: Or, fully to preach the word of God, Rom. 1.19
- Colossians 1:27 in you: Or, amongst you
- Colossians 2:1 conflict: Or, fear or care
- Colossians 2:3 In whom: Or, wherein
- Colossians 2:8 rudiments: Or, elements
- Colossians 2:15 in it: Or, in himself
- Colossians 2:16 in meat, or in drink: Or, for eating and drinking
- Colossians 2:16 respect: Or, in part
- Colossians 2:18 beguile you: Or, judge against you
- Colossians 2:18 in a voluntary humility: Gr. being a voluntary in humility
- Colossians 2:20 rudiments: Or, elements
- Colossians 2:23 neglecting: Or, punishing, or not sparing
- Colossians 3:2 affection: Or, mind
- Colossians 3:13 quarrel: Or, complaint
- Colossians 4:12 laboring: Or, striving
- Colossians 4:12 complete: Or, filled
1 Thessalonians
- 1 Thessalonians 1:4 beloved, your election of God: Or, beloved of God, your election
- 1 Thessalonians 2:6 burdensome: Or, used authority
- 1 Thessalonians 2:15 persecuted us: Or, chased us out
- 1 Thessalonians 2:19 rejoicing?: Or, glorying
- 1 Thessalonians 3:11 direct: Or, guide
- 1 Thessalonians 4:1 beseech: Or, request
- 1 Thessalonians 4:1 exhort: Or, beseech
- 1 Thessalonians 4:6 defraud: Or, oppress, or, overreach
- 1 Thessalonians 4:6 in any matter: Or, in the matter
- 1 Thessalonians 4:8 despiseth: Or, rejecteth
- 1 Thessalonians 4:12 nothing: Or, of no man
- 1 Thessalonians 4:18 comfort: Or, exhort
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11 comfort: Or, exhort
- 1 Thessalonians 5:14 exhort: Or, beseech
- 1 Thessalonians 5:14 unruly: Or, disorderly
- 1 Thessalonians 5:27 charge: Or, adjure
2 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians 1:7 his mighty angels: Gr. the angels of his power
- 2 Thessalonians 1:8 taking: Or, yielding
- 2 Thessalonians 1:11 count: Or, vouchsafe
- 2 Thessalonians 2:6 withholdeth: Or, holdeth
- 2 Thessalonians 3:1 may have free: Gr. may run
- 2 Thessalonians 3:2 unreasonable: Gr. absurd
- 2 Thessalonians 3:5 the patient waiting for Christ: Or, the patience of Christ
- 2 Thessalonians 3:13 be not weary: Or, faint not
- 2 Thessalonians 3:14 by this Epistle note that man: Or, signify that man by an Epistle
1 Timothy
- 1 Timothy 1:6 having swarved: Or, not aiming at
- 1 Timothy 2:1 Exhort: Or, desire
- 1 Timothy 2:2 authority: Or, eminent place
- 1 Timothy 2:6 to be testified: Or, a testimony
- 1 Timothy 2:9 broided: Or, plaited
- 1 Timothy 3:2 of good behavior: Or, modest
- 1 Timothy 3:3 Not given to wine: Or, not ready to quarrel and offer wrong as one in wine
- 1 Timothy 3:6 a novice: Or, one newly come to the faith
- 1 Timothy 3:13 have used: Or, ministered
- 1 Timothy 3:15 ground: Or, stay
- 1 Timothy 4:8 little: Or, for a little time
- 1 Timothy 4:15 to all: Or, in all things
- 1 Timothy 5:4 piety: Or, kindness
- 1 Timothy 5:6 in pleasure: Or, delicately
- 1 Timothy 5:8 house: Or, kindred
- 1 Timothy 5:9 taken: Or, chosen
- 1 Timothy 5:14 to speak reproachfully: Gr. for their railing
- 1 Timothy 5:19 before: Or, under
- 1 Timothy 5:21 without preferring: Or, without prejudice
- 1 Timothy 6:2 faithful: Or, believing
- 1 Timothy 6:4 proud: Or, a fool
- 1 Timothy 6:4 doting: Or, sick
- 1 Timothy 6:5 Perverse disputing: Or, gallings one of another
- 1 Timothy 6:10 erred: Or, been seduced
- 1 Timothy 6:13 Confession: Or, profession
- 1 Timothy 6:17 uncertain riches: Gr. uncertainty of riches
- 1 Timothy 6:18 willing: Or, sociable
2 Timothy
- 2 Timothy 1:12 believed: Or, trusted
- 2 Timothy 2:2 among: Or, by
- 2 Timothy 2:6 The husbandman that laboureth, must be first partaker of the fruits: Or, the husbandman laboring first must be partaker of the fruits
- 2 Timothy 2:17 canker: Or, gangrene
- 2 Timothy 2:19 sure: Or, steady
- 2 Timothy 2:24 patient: Or, forbearing
- 2 Timothy 2:26 recover: Gr. awake
- 2 Timothy 2:26 taken captive: Gr. taken alive
- 2 Timothy 3:3 false accusers: Or, makebates
- 2 Timothy 3:8 reprobate: Or, of no judgment
- 2 Timothy 3:10 Thou hast fully known: Or, thou hast been a diligent follower of
- 2 Timothy 4:5 make full proof: Or, fulfill
- 2 Timothy 4:15 our words: Or, our preachings
- Titus 1:2 In: Or, for
- Titus 1:5 are wanting: Or, left undone
- Titus 1:8 good men: Or, good things
- Titus 1:9 as he hath been taught: Or, in teaching
- Titus 1:16 reprobate: Or, void of judgment
- Titus 2:2 sober: Or, vigilant
- Titus 2:3 holiness: Or, holy women
- Titus 2:3 false accusers: Or, makebates
- Titus 2:4 sober: Or, wise
- Titus 2:6 sober minded: Or, discreet
- Titus 2:9 answering again: Or, gain saying
- Titus 2:11 that bringeth salvation hat appeared to all men: Or, that bringeth salvation to all men, hath appeared
- Titus 3:4 love: Or, pity
- Titus 3:6 abundantly: Gr. richly
- Titus 3:14 maintain good works: Or, profess honest trades
- Hebrews 1:8 righteousness: Gr. rightness, or straightness
- Hebrews 2:1 let them slip: Gr. run out as leaking vessels
- Hebrews 2:4 gifts: Or, distributions
- Hebrews 2:7 little lower then: Or, a little while inferior to
- Hebrews 2:9 for: Or, by
- Hebrews 2:16 took not on him the nature of Angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham: Gr. he taketh not hold of Angels, but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold
- Hebrews 3:2 appointed: Gr. made, 1 Sam. 12.6
- Hebrews 3:11 they shall not enter: Gr. if they shall enter
- Hebrews 4:2 the word preached: Gr. the word of hearing
- Hebrews 4:2 not being mixed with faith in them: Or, because they were not united by faith to
- Hebrews 4:6 it was first preached: Or, the Gospel was first preached
- Hebrews 4:8 Jesus: that is, Joshua
- Hebrews 4:9 rest: Or, keeping of a Sabbath
- Hebrews 4:11 unbelief: Or, disobedience
- Hebrews 5:2 can have compassion: Or, can reasonably bear with
- Hebrews 5:7 in that he feared: Or, for his piety
- Hebrews 5:13 unskillful: Gr. hath no experience
- Hebrews 5:14 of full age: Or, perfect
- Hebrews 5:14 of use: Or, of an habit, or perfection
- Hebrews 6:1 principles of the doctrine of Christ: Or, the word of the beginning of Christ
- Hebrews 6:7 by: Or, for
- Hebrews 6:17 confirmed it by an oath: Gr. interposed himself by an oath
- Hebrews 7:3 without descent: Gr. without pedigree
- Hebrews 7:6 descent: Or, pedigree
- Hebrews 7:19 but the bringing in: Or, but it was the bringing in
- Hebrews 7:21 without an oath: Or, without swearing of an oath
- Hebrews 7:24 unchangeable: Or, which passeth not from one to another
- Hebrews 7:25 to the uttermost: Or, evermore
- Hebrews 7:28 consecrated: Gr. perfected
- Hebrews 8:2 of the Sanctuary: Or, of holy things
- Hebrews 8:4 there are Priests: Or, they are Priests
- Hebrews 8:6 Covenant: Or, Testament
- Hebrews 8:10 put: Gr. give
- Hebrews 8:10 in: Or, upon
- Hebrews 9:1 ordinances: Or, ceremonies
- Hebrews 9:2 the Sanctuary: Or, holy
- Hebrews 9:10 ordinances: Or, rites, or ceremonies
- Hebrews 9:14 spot: Or, fault
- Hebrews 9:16 be: Or, be brought in
- Hebrews 9:18 dedicated: Or, purified
- Hebrews 9:19 scarlet: Or, purple
- Hebrews 10:5 prepared me: Or, thou hast fitted me
- Hebrews 10:19 boldness: Or, liberty
- Hebrews 10:20 consecrated: Or, new made
- Hebrews 11:1 substance: Or, ground, or confidence
- Hebrews 11:4 yet speaketh: Or, is yet spoken of
- Hebrews 11:7 moved: Or, being weary
- Hebrews 11:13 in faith: Gr. according to faith
- Hebrews 11:18 Of: Or, To
- Hebrews 11:22 made mention: Or, remembered
- Hebrews 11:26 of Christ: Or, for Christ
- Hebrews 11:31 that believeth not: Or, that were disobedient
- Hebrews 11:40 provided: Or, foreseen
- Hebrews 12:2 Author: Or, beginner
- Hebrews 12:13 straight: Or, even
- Hebrews 12:15 fail: Or, fall from
- Hebrews 12:17 place of repentance: Or, way to change his mind
- Hebrews 12:23 written: Or, enrolled
- Hebrews 12:24 Covenant: Or, Testament
- Hebrews 12:27 are shaken: Or, may be shaken
- Hebrews 12:28 let us have: Or, let us hold fast
- Hebrews 13:7 have the rule: Or, are the guides
- Hebrews 13:15 giving thanks: Gr. confessing to
- Hebrews 13:17 have the rule: Or, guide
- Hebrews 13:20 Covenant: Or, Testament
- Hebrews 13:21 working: Or, doing
- James 1:9 rejoice: Or, glory
- James 1:13 evil: Or, evils
- James 1:25 deed: Or, doing
- James 2:2 assembly: Gr. synagogue
- James 2:3 in a good place: Or, well, or seemly
- James 2:5 the: Or, that
- James 2:11 that said: Or, that Law which said
- James 2:17 alone: Gr. by itself
- James 2:18 without: Some copies read, by thy works
- James 2:22 seest thou: Or, thou seest
- James 2:26 spirit: Or, breath
- James 3:1 condemnation: Or, judgment
- James 3:5 a matter: Or, wood
- James 3:6 course: Gr. wheel
- James 3:7 kind: Gr. nature
- James 3:7 mankind: Gr. nature of man
- James 3:11 place: Or, hole
- James 3:15 sensual: Or, natural
- James 3:16 confusion: Gr. tumult or unquietness
- James 3:17 without partiality: Or, without wrangling
- James 4:1 fightings: Or, brawling
- James 4:1 lusts: Or, pleasures
- James 4:3 lusts: Or, pleasures
- James 4:5 to envy?: Or, enviously
- James 4:14 It is even: Or, for it is
- James 5:7 Be patient: Or, be long patient, or suffer with long patience
- James 5:9 Grudge not: Or, groan, or grieve not
- James 5:17 earnestly: Or, in his prayer
1 Peter
- 1 Peter 1:3 abundant: Gr. much
- 1 Peter 1:4 for you: Or, for us
- 1 Peter 1:13 to the end: Gr. perfectly
- 1 Peter 1:24 For: Or, for that
- 1 Peter 2:5 are built up: Or, be ye built
- 1 Peter 2:7 he is precious: Or, he is an honour
- 1 Peter 2:9 peculiar people: Or, a purchased people
- 1 Peter 2:9 praises: Or, virtues
- 1 Peter 2:12 whereas: Or, wherein
- 1 Peter 2:16 using: Gr. having
- 1 Peter 2:17 Honour: Or, esteem
- 1 Peter 2:20 acceptable: Or, thank
- 1 Peter 2:21 for us: Some read, for you
- 1 Peter 2:23 committed himself: Or, committed his cause
- 1 Peter 2:24 on: Or, to
- 1 Peter 3:6 daughters: Gr. children
- 1 Peter 3:8 love as brethren: Or, loving to the brethren
- 1 Peter 3:12 against: Gr. upon
- 1 Peter 3:15 fear: Or, reverence
- 1 Peter 4:8 shall: Or, will
- 1 Peter 5:2 which is among you: Or, as much as in you is
- 1 Peter 5:3 being lords over: Or, overruling
2 Peter
- 2 Peter 1:3 to: Or, by
- 2 Peter 1:21 in old time: Or, at any time
- 2 Peter 2:2 pernicious ways: Or, lascivious ways, as some copies read
- 2 Peter 2:10 government: Or, dominion
- 2 Peter 2:11 against them: some read against themselves
- 2 Peter 2:14 adultery: Gr. an adulteress
- 2 Peter 2:18 clean: Or, for a little, or a while as some read
- 2 Peter 3:5 standing: Gr. consisting
- 2 Peter 3:12 hasting unto the coming: Or, hasting the coming
1 John
- 1 John 2:10 stumbling: Gr. scandal
- 1 John 2:27 him: Or, it
- 1 John 2:29 ye know: Or, know ye
- 1 John 3:11 message: Or, commandment
- 1 John 3:19 assure: Gr. persuade
- 1 John 4:17 our love: Gr. love with us
- 1 John 5:14 in him: Or, concerning him
2 John
- 2 John 1:8 wrought: Or, gained. Some copies read, which ye have gained, but that ye receive, etc.
- 2 John 1:12 face to face: Gr. mouth to mouth
3 John
- 3 John 1:1 in the truth: Or, truly
- 3 John 1:2 wish: Or, pray
- 3 John 1:14 face to face: Gr. mouth to mouth
- Revelation 3:14 of the Laodiceans: Or, in Laodicea
- Revelation 4:8 rest not: Gr. they have no rest
- Revelation 5:8 odours: Or, incense
- Revelation 6:6 A measure: The word choenix, signifieth a measure containing one wine quart, and the twelfth part of a quart
- Revelation 6:8 unto them: Or, to him
- Revelation 6:13 untimely figs: Or, green figs
- Revelation 8:3 offer it with the prayers: Or, add it to the prayers
- Revelation 9:11 Apollyon: that is to say, A destroyer
- Revelation 9:15 for: Or, at
- Revelation 11:2 leave out: Gr. cast out
- Revelation 11:3 I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy: Or, I will give unto my two witnesses that they may prophesy
- Revelation 11:13 of men: Gr. names of men
- Revelation 11:18 destroy: Or, corrupt
- Revelation 12:1 wonder: Or, sign
- Revelation 12:3 wonder: Or, sign
- Revelation 13:1 name: Or, names
- Revelation 13:3 wounded: Gr. slain
- Revelation 13:5 to continue: Or, to make war
- Revelation 13:15 life: Gr. breath
- Revelation 13:16 to receive: Gr. to give
- Revelation 14:4 were redeemed: Gr. were bought
- Revelation 14:13 from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit: Or, from henceforth saith the Spirit, yea
- Revelation 14:15 ripe: Or, dried
- Revelation 16:9 scorched: Or, burned
- Revelation 17:4 decked: Gr. gilded
- Revelation 17:5 HARLOTS: Or, fornications
- Revelation 18:3 abundance: Or, power
- Revelation 18:12 Thine: Or, sweet
- Revelation 18:13 slaves: Or, bodies
- Revelation 20:13 hell: Or, hell [a typo in 1611]
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List of New Testament minuscules
1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 44 · 45 · 46 · 47 · 48 · 49 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63 · 64 · 65 · 66 · 67 · 68 · 69 · 70 · 71 · 72 · 73 · 74 · 75 · 76 · 77 · 78 · 79 · 80 · 81 · 82 · 83 · 84 · 85 · 86 · 87 · 88 · 89 · 90 · 91 · 92 · 93 · 94 · 95 · 96 · 97 · 98 · 99 · 100 · 101 · 102 · 103 · 104 · 105 · 106 · 107 · 108 · 109 · 110 · 111 · 112 · 113 · 114 · 115 · 116 · 117 · 118 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 126 · 127 · 128 · 129 · 130 · 131 · 132 · 133 · 134 · 135 · 136 · 137 · 138 · 139 · 140 · 141 · 142 · 143 · 144 · 145 · 146 · 147 · 148 · 149 · 150 · 151 · 152 · 153 · 154 · 155 · 156 · 157 · 158 · 159 · 160 · 161 · 162 · 163 · 164 · 165 · 166 · 167 · 168 · 169 · 170 · 171 · 172 · 173 · 174 · 175 · 176 · 177 · 178 · 179 · 180 · 181 · 182 · 183 · 184 · 185 · 186 · 187 · 188 · 189 · 190 · 191 · 192 · 193 · 194 · 195 · 196 · 197 · 198 · 199 · 200 · 201 · 202 · 203 · 204 · 205 · 206 · 207 · 208 · 209 · 210 · 211 · 212 · 213 · 214 · 215 · 216 · 217 · 218 · 219 · 220 · 221 · 222 · 223 · 224 · 225 · 226 · 227 · 228 · 229 · 230 · 231 · 232 · 233 · 234 · 235 · 236 · 237 · 238 · 239 · 240 · 241 · 242 · 243 · 244 · 245 · 246 · 247 · 248 · 249 · 250 · 251 · 252 · 253 · 254 · 255 · 256 · 257 · 258 · 259 · 260 · 261 · 262 · 263 · 264 · 265 · 266 · 267 · 268 · 269 · 270 · 271 · 272 · 273 · 274 · 275 · 276 · 277 · 278 · 279 · 280 · 281 · 282 · 283 · 284 · 285 · 286 · 287 · 288 · 289 · 290 · 291 · 292 · 293 · 294 · 295 · 296 · 297 · 298 · 299 · 300 · 301 · 302 · 303 · 304 · 305 · 306 · 307 · 308 · 309 · 310 · 311 · 312 · 313 · 314 · 315 · 316 · 317 · 318 · 319 · 320 · 321 · 322 · 323 · 324 · 325 · 326 · 327 · 328 · 329 · 330 · 331 · 332 · 333 · 334 · 335 · 336 · 337 · 338 · 339 · 340 · 341 · 342 · 343 · 344 · 345 · 346 · 347 · 348 · 349 · 350 · 351 · 352 · 353 · 354 · 355 · 356 · 357 · 358 · 359 · 360 · 361 · 362 · 363 · 364 · 365 · 366 · 367 · 368 · 369 · 370 · 371 · 372 · 373 · 374 · 375 · 376 · 377 · 378 · 379 · 380 · 381 · 382 · 383 · 384 · 385 · 386 · 387 · 388 · 389 · 390 · 391 · 392 · 393 · 394 · 395 · 396 · 397 · 398 · 399 · 400 · 401 · 402 · 403 · 404 · 405 · 406 · 407 · 408 · 409 · 410 · 411 · 412 · 413 · 414 · 415 · 416 · 417 · 418 · 419 · 420 · 421 · 422 · 423 · 424 · 425 · 426 · 427 · 428 · 429 · 430 · 431 · 432 · 433 · 434 · 435 · 436 · 437 · 438 · 439 · 440 · 441 · 442 · 443 · 444 · 445 · 446 · 447 · 448 · 449 · 450 · 451 · 452 · 453 · 454 · 455 · 456 · 457 · 458 · 459 · 460 · 461 · 462 · 463 · 464 · 465 · 466 · 467 · 468 · 469 · 470 · 471 · 472 · 473 · 474 · 475 · 476 · 477 · 478 · 479 · 480 · 481 · 482 · 483 · 484 · 485 · 486 · 487 · 488 · 489 · 490 · 491 · 492 · 493 · 494 · 495 · 496 · 497 · 498 · 499 · 500 · 501 · 502 · 503 · 504 · 505 · 506 · 507 · 543 · 544 · 565 · 566 · 579 · 585 · 614 · 639 · 653 · 654 · 655 · 656 · 657 · 658 · 659 · 660 · 661 · 669 · 676 · 685 · 700 · 798 · 823 · 824 · 825 · 826 · 827 · 828 · 829 · 830 · 831 · 876 · 891 · 892 · 893 · 1071 · 1143 · 1152 · 1241 · 1253 · 1423 · 1424 · 1432 · 1582 · 1739 · 1780 · 1813 · 1834 · 2050 · 2053 · 2059 · 2060 · 2061 · 2062 · 2174 · 2268 · 2344 · 2423 · 2427 · 2437 · 2444 · 2445 · 2446 · 2460 · 2464 · 2491 · 2495 · 2612 · 2613 · 2614 · 2615 · 2616 · 2641 · 2754 · 2755 · 2756 · 2757 · 2766 · 2767 · 2768 · 2793 · 2802 · 2803 · 2804 · 2805 · 2806 · 2807 · 2808 · 2809 · 2810 · 2811 · 2812 · 2813 · 2814 · 2815 · 2816 · 2817 · 2818 · 2819 · 2820 · 2821 · 2855 · 2856 · 2857 · 2858 · 2859 · 2860 · 2861 · 2862 · 2863 · 2881 · 2882 · 2907 · 2965 ·
01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 010 · 011 · 012 · 013 · 014 · 015 · 016 · 017 · 018 · 019 · 020 · 021 · 022 · 023 · 024 · 025 · 026 · 027 · 028 · 029 · 030 · 031 · 032 · 033 · 034 · 035 · 036 · 037 · 038 · 039 · 040 · 041 · 042 · 043 · 044 · 045 · 046 · 047 · 048 · 049 · 050 · 051 · 052 · 053 · 054 · 055 · 056 · 057 · 058 · 059 · 060 · 061 · 062 · 063 · 064 · 065 · 066 · 067 · 068 · 069 · 070 · 071 · 072 · 073 · 074 · 075 · 076 · 077 · 078 · 079 · 080 · 081 · 082 · 083 · 084 · 085 · 086 · 087 · 088 · 089 · 090 · 091 · 092 · 093 · 094 · 095 · 096 · 097 · 098 · 099 · 0100 · 0101 · 0102 · 0103 · 0104 · 0105 · 0106 · 0107 · 0108 · 0109 · 0110 · 0111 · 0112 · 0113 · 0114 · 0115 · 0116 · 0117 · 0118 · 0119 · 0120 · 0121 · 0122 · 0123 · 0124 · 0125 · 0126 · 0127 · 0128 · 0129 · 0130 · 0131 · 0132 · 0134 · 0135 · 0136 · 0137 · 0138 · 0139 · 0140 · 0141 · 0142 · 0143 · 0144 · 0145 · 0146 · 0147 · 0148 · 0149 · 0150 · 0151 · 0152 · 0153 · 0154 · 0155 · 0156 · 0157 · 0158 · 0159 · 0160 · 0161 · 0162 · 0163 · 0164 · 0165 · 0166 · 0167 · 0168 · 0169 · 0170 · 0171 · 0172 · 0173 · 0174 · 0175 · 0176 · 0177 · 0178 · 0179 · 0180 · 0181 · 0182 · 0183 · 0184 · 0185 · 0186 · 0187 · 0188 · 0189 · 0190 · 0191 · 0192 · 0193 · 0194 · 0195 · 0196 · 0197 · 0198 · 0199 · 0200 · 0201 · 0202 · 0203 · 0204 · 0205 · 0206 · 0207 · 0208 · 0209 · 0210 · 0211 · 0212 · 0213 · 0214 · 0215 · 0216 · 0217 · 0218 · 0219 · 0220 · 0221 · 0222 · 0223 · 0224 · 0225 · 0226 · 0227 · 0228 · 0229 · 0230 · 0231 · 0232 · 0234 · 0235 · 0236 · 0237 · 0238 · 0239 · 0240 · 0241 · 0242 · 0243 · 0244 · 0245 · 0246 · 0247 · 0248 · 0249 · 0250 · 0251 · 0252 · 0253 · 0254 · 0255 · 0256 · 0257 · 0258 · 0259 · 0260 · 0261 · 0262 · 0263 · 0264 · 0265 · 0266 · 0267 · 0268 · 0269 · 0270 · 0271 · 0272 · 0273 · 0274 · 0275 · 0276 · 0277 · 0278 · 0279 · 0280 · 0281 · 0282 · 0283 · 0284 · 0285 · 0286 · 0287 · 0288 · 0289 · 0290 · 0291 · 0292 · 0293 · 0294 · 0295 · 0296 · 0297 · 0298 · 0299 · 0300 · 0301 · 0302 · 0303 · 0304 · 0305 · 0306 · 0307 · 0308 · 0309 · 0310 · 0311 · 0312 · 0313 · 0314 · 0315 · 0316 · 0317 · 0318 · 0319 · 0320 · 0321 · 0322 · 0323 ·
List of New Testament lectionaries
1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 25b · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 44 · 45 · 46 · 47 · 48 · 49 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63 · 64 · 65 · 66 · 67 · 68 · 69 · 70 · 71 · 72 · 73 · 74 · 75 · 76 · 77 · 78 · 79 · 80 · 81 · 82 · 83 · 84 · 85 · 86 · 87 · 88 · 89 · 90 · 91 · 92 · 93 · 94 · 95 · 96 · 97 · 98 · 99 · 100 · 101 · 102 · 103 · 104 · 105 · 106 · 107 · 108 · 109 · 110 · 111 · 112 · 113 · 114 · 115 · 116 · 117 · 118 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 126 · 127 · 128 · 129 · 130 · 131 · 132 · 133 · 134 · 135 · 136 · 137 · 138 · 139 · 140 · 141 · 142 · 143 · 144 · 145 · 146 · 147 · 148 · 149 · 150 · 151 · 152 · 153 · 154 · 155 · 156 · 157 · 158 · 159 · 160 · 161 · 162 · 163 · 164 · 165 · 166 · 167 · 168 · 169 · 170 · 171 · 172 · 173 · 174 · 175 · 176 · 177 · 178 · 179 · 180 · 181 · 182 · 183 · 184 · 185 · 186 · 187 · 188 · 189 · 190 · 191 · 192 · 193 · 194 · 195 · 196 · 197 · 198 · 199 · 200 · 201 · 202 · 203 · 204 · 205 · 206a · 206b · 207 · 208 · 209 · 210 · 211 · 212 · 213 · 214 · 215 · 216 · 217 · 218 · 219 · 220 · 221 · 222 · 223 · 224 · 225 · 226 · 227 · 228 · 229 · 230 · 231 · 232 · 233 · 234 · 235 · 236 · 237 · 238 · 239 · 240 · 241 · 242 · 243 · 244 · 245 · 246 · 247 · 248 · 249 · 250 · 251 · 252 · 253 · 254 · 255 · 256 · 257 · 258 · 259 · 260 · 261 · 262 · 263 · 264 · 265 · 266 · 267 · 268 · 269 · 270 · 271 · 272 · 273 · 274 · 275 · 276 · 277 · 278 · 279 · 280 · 281 · 282 · 283 · 284 · 285 · 286 · 287 · 288 · 289 · 290 · 291 · 292 · 293 · 294 · 295 · 296 · 297 · 298 · 299 · 300 · 301 · 302 · 303 · 304 · 305 · 306 · 307 · 308 · 309 · 310 · 311 · 312 · 313 · 314 · 315 · 316 · 317 · 318 · 319 · 320 · 321 · 322 · 323 · 324 · 325 · 326 · 327 · 328 · 329 · 330 · 331 · 332 · 368 · 449 · 451 · 501 · 502 · 542 · 560 · 561 · 562 · 563 · 564 · 648 · 649 · 809 · 965 · 1033 · 1358 · 1386 · 1491 · 1423 · 1561 · 1575 · 1598 · 1599 · 1602 · 1604 · 1614 · 1619 · 1623 · 1637 · 1681 · 1682 · 1683 · 1684 · 1685 · 1686 · 1691 · 1813 · 1839 · 1965 · 1966 · 1967 · 2005 · 2137 · 2138 · 2139 · 2140 · 2141 · 2142 · 2143 · 2144 · 2145 · 2164 · 2208 · 2210 · 2211 · 2260 · 2261 · 2263 · 2264 · 2265 · 2266 · 2267 · 2276 · 2307 · 2321 · 2352 · 2404 · 2405 · 2406 · 2411 · 2412 ·